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Polls FastgoalThey say the stats never lie! Place your polls here and discover whether your behaviour and opinions are mainstream or on the fringes of extreme perversion.

View Poll Results: How many times you pay for sex in a month?
None - people pay me for sex instead. 17 3.53%
Rarely - I have 'retired' or have regular free supply. 59 12.27%
Once a month - especially during pay day.
123jbl, 1491mohteh, 175569, aaaaaaaaaa, abba1234, aizo, angrybigpenis, asdfg, asswipe, Avamoric, Axo_vampire, baraia, basketball, BBird, behemoth, bene_leong84, bill4ever, Blowjob_lover, bobie, boredz, Boyle, BtgPjg, Chivas Regal, chua, Coffeepot12, coolair, coolboy, damn7878, darkwarrior, daveeng88, davidboy1985, derek07262001, dexing, dsds68, duck2000, exo18, fame8888, fattyboy, fivehundred, fleabag, footprints, geylang88, givemeanick, gladiator, goondusamy, grandfisher, greenyfrog, handycam, harmony, HeadOn, Heart Break Kid, hee01, High till Dry, Highjoys, HippingHippo, hornyboiz, HOWITZER 155MM, hunk150, Iceman58, imangry, insanity08, isle1818, jacky, jonlovemiao, jym_ng, karisense, kd_9099, keeweenz, kentonix, kfc0011, kiki111, kikiboy, koolmann, llcn, macisfree, mashdash79, McLovin@@, me|zuo, microskirt2002, mnmn, moderno, moletan2003, moneyplantplant, Mr.Panties, mrpig85, msn_of _RTG, mystique, nakedtruth, naughtyben22, nicholassoong81, odevil, oldghost, oneknightstand, oolong, paikia, pleasureland, postman1984, pual, pussycat426, putra77, quark, qwe0987612345, RamBro, raptor, Ribery, Richard75, ricky, rocky2004, rolexking, Rookies, s(Aint, saintpapa, scoppy, secret12345678, seekingfun, shaggyfuck, shippO, short, siakebaya, siberian, slayer147, slyer, smssmssms, sohbuckkong, Spanky, ssboy123, sun814, sunny boy, supaman, taadaa, Tai_zi21, takumi_peck, tango2000, taycs, tecky03, teoteo, Titanium Cruise, tommyboy290906, toohorny, toyotarush, treason, truesole, ttw_62, twin, vetdick, viperpit90, virginboy, wackymarky, wfred, woof, xtom, xxyz
153 31.81%
Twice a month - not so regular but still neccessary 134 27.86%
Once a week - my appetite quite big. 72 14.97%
Every other day - my appetite very big. 32 6.65%
Everytime there is a HOT new FL - die die must bonk! 25 5.20%
Everytime there is a good promotion - value for money. 30 6.24%
Multiple Choice Poll. Voters: 481.

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