Polls They say the stats never lie! Place your polls here and discover whether your behaviour and opinions are mainstream or on the fringes of extreme perversion.
View Poll Results: Are you assman or titsman
Assman, I love ass more.
aldof.hilter ,
angelous ,
babaloma ,
Chubbyhungteen ,
giobien ,
Hotspotxxxxx ,
huhu246 ,
Isongkia ,
jdi813 ,
jonlovemiao ,
leeman ,
luv2lick ,
mahen57100 ,
markck ,
monsi ,
secret177 ,
ski7 ,
spermspray ,
Tee kong kia ,
thegameh8h8h8 ,
ViceisNice ,
Titsman, I love tits more
Anel King ,
BoobloverGuy ,
defcon2004 ,
DreamMaster1985 ,
french_curve ,
gaygayboi ,
Heinous ,
hermit1313 ,
hornyshit ,
hosaylah ,
icebear123 ,
iloveu1987 ,
jaikun199O ,
jimijamison ,
johnpond ,
joycelim ,
jsty ,
junkie2807 ,
justhunter ,
lerikol ,
Lindblum ,
Madaz ,
magentis ,
mark3434 ,
MatthewC ,
molely ,
NewLife4Me ,
nexen ,
pakalolo ,
passi0n ,
poomani ,
Rookies ,
shortpants ,
slapyou123 ,
talismanicme ,
tomben79 ,
xiaolong ,
xoxo ,
Yasuoka Domoto ,
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