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_AXL_ 16-03-2007 02:27 PM

Re: Liverpool Fc @ Anfield - Reds Supporters Gatherings

Originally Posted by KingEros (Post 1906292)
Talk in Anfield is Rafa won't be going nowhere in the short to middle term ... 'coz he's just bought the most expensive house in Wirral (to settle donw with his family).
I also think he's the man to bring the first EPL title (league win #19) to Liverpool ... & more.

I dunno where you got this piece of news ... or speculation. Maybe it's even just blind spite for how the Scums got conned by the Glazers.
As far as I know, David Moore gave the fans the assurance that these 2 American billionaires have proven that they have the wealth to take over without taking bank loans etc - the very reason why the initial bid by one of them was turned down, before he went to rope in the other chap to have their bid favoured over DIC's. The bad attitude that DIC displayed is another but smaller factor of course.

bro, rafa buy house u also know... faint liao lah!!! really hardcore fans out here.

by the way, i didnt get the whole story about the DIC bid. i was under the impression it was liverpool who backed out of the timeline both DIC and pool set bcos of new interest from the americans. maybe i got it wrong but liverpool was the guilty party here, wasnt it? if liverpool wants the takeover party to be cash rich and not take bank loans, then DIC would be the perfect takeover party. the Dubaians believe that the banks have only 2 functions, safekeep their money and earn interest. the rich dubaians never ever borrow $. guess it is their culture and pride. would love some clarification from the well-informed bros here on this matter, if possible?:D

americans, on the other hand, have a habit of using bank loans for funding project, regardless of how filthily rich they r.:confused: guess they value liquidity a lot.

qbdp 16-03-2007 03:24 PM

Re: Liverpool Fc @ Anfield - Reds Supporters Gatherings

Originally Posted by _AXL_ (Post 1907180)
by the way, i didnt get the whole story about the DIC bid. i was under the impression it was liverpool who backed out of the timeline both DIC and pool set bcos of new interest from the americans. maybe i got it wrong but liverpool was the guilty party here, wasnt it? if liverpool wants the takeover party to be cash rich and not take bank loans, then DIC would be the perfect takeover party. the Dubaians believe that the banks have only 2 functions, safekeep their money and earn interest. the rich dubaians never ever borrow $. guess it is their culture and pride. would love some clarification from the well-informed bros here on this matter, if possible?

americans, on the other hand, have a habit of using bank loans for funding project, regardless of how filthily rich they r.:confused: guess they value liquidity a lot.

I read and remember something like Parry courted the DIC for 18mths and was confident they will safeguard your club's traditions blah blah after agreeing at the sale price in Dec 2006.

Feb 2007 Parry asked for more than the 12hrs given by DIC to consider over the deal. So DIC pulled out and Liverpool stated DIC are bullish.

Liverpool were sold to Gillett, a former bankrupt, and Hicks in a sale that will make Moores about £70m richer.

During 3 yrs of trying to sell Liverpool, 2 supporters were denied the chance to buy over the club - Steve Morgan and the Sheik from DIC. Can anyone confirm there was a third one in former Thailand PM Thaksin? :D

_AXL_ 16-03-2007 04:22 PM

Re: Liverpool Fc @ Anfield - Reds Supporters Gatherings

Originally Posted by qbdp (Post 1907317)
I read and remember something like Parry courted the DIC for 18mths and was confident they will safeguard your club's traditions blah blah after agreeing at the sale price in Dec 2006.

Feb 2007 Parry asked for more than the 12hrs given by DIC to consider over the deal. So DIC pulled out and Liverpool stated DIC are bullish.

Liverpool were sold to Gillett, a former bankrupt, and Hicks in a sale that will make Moores about £70m richer.

During 3 yrs of trying to sell Liverpool, 2 supporters were denied the chance to buy over the club - Steve Morgan and the Sheik from DIC. Can anyone confirm there was a third one in former Thailand PM Thaksin?

that was what i was thinking as well when i heard DIC pulled out. in my humble opinion, u cant get more honourable than the dubaians. whenever my company strikes a deal with these people, we dont rush to get it down on paper and can still safely assure that the deal will 100% definitely go through on signing day. damn steady people, i have to say, and very generous as well.

but now that i know that moores made £70m more by selling out to the americans, cant say anything cos i would do that if i were me. but that's just me cos my integrity can be bought for less.:D but personally, i think liverpool would have been better off sold to DIC than gillett and hicks cos dubaians r also known to be very hands-off.

thaksin tried to buy liverpool a few years back. he damn worldclass, tried to finance it by floating it to the thai public.:confused:

KingEros 16-03-2007 06:16 PM

Re: Liverpool Fc @ Anfield - Reds Supporters Gatherings
What I read primarily consist of 2 things ...
1) Gillette returned to the fold when he put on the table a better bid, not only becoz of the extra 70m Moore gets to pocket but a partnership with Hicks, who has better credentials than himself (a billionaire who was a former bankrupt)
2) This happened when the DIC deal almost to be signed ... out of spite or just hard-hand business tactics, DIC called bluff & set LFC an ultimatum of 12 hours to sign or the original deal would be retracted

Moore defended his change of mind, based on the following:
a) LFC is big enough not to be set any ultimatum, much less a 12-hour one
b) In comparison, Gillette (& later on, with Hicks) went about negotiations personally with Moore & Parry ... but with DIC, it was always just with a representative delegate - the Sheikhs behind the scene were never even introduced
c) Also, Gillette & Hicks are in the sports franchising business in the US (both NFL & NHL) while the Dubaians dabble in every other business
In conclusion, Moore didn't want LFC to end up as just one of the many 6-star hotels around the world owned & run 100% by Dubai. :rolleyes:

As for Thaksin, I personally thought it was more a ploy to gain political points ... imagine PAP saying the people of SIngapore is gonna own a stake in LFC, won't all of us here vote for them in the next few GE?? For info, Thailand has the biggest portion of their population supporting LFC.

Where Morgan is concerned, Moore couldn't agree with how he would have LFC run under his leadership ... BTW, Morgan already owns a small share of LFC, so Moore must know what he is talking about. As for the extra 70m, if he was really just after that money, he could have bailed out long time ago by allowing Morgan to take over ... lastly, dun forget Moore is still one of the richest family in UK, while holding onto LFC ownership.

canthaveenuf 17-03-2007 08:01 AM

Re: Liverpool Fc @ Anfield - Reds Supporters Gatherings

Originally Posted by KingEros (Post 1907736)
imagine PAP saying the people of SIngapore is gonna own a stake in LFC, won't all of us here vote for them in the next few GE??

Eeeeeeeeks !!!!! And then we have the "Referee kayu", "We want goals" and the Kallang Wave (not that I am against any of these) replace the "You Will Never Walk Alone"? :eek:


jootjoot 17-03-2007 02:48 PM

Re: Liverpool Fc @ Anfield - Reds Supporters Gatherings
DIC was more interested in making money if they had taken over LFC. whereas, Hicks and Gillet are more on the passion for liverpool, though making money was a considering factor for them. watever it is, the primary move now is to fly LFC flag high high:D

Dirk Kuyt 17-03-2007 03:09 PM

Re: Liverpool Fc @ Anfield - Reds Supporters Gatherings

Originally Posted by jootjoot (Post 1909226)
..... whereas, Hicks and Gillet are more on the passion for liverpool, though making money was a considering factor for them....

They r businessmen... buying Liverpool is making $$$ opportunity.
Already they are changing the plans of the new stadium to increase capacity from 60,000 to 80,000..... meaning more income from the extra 20,000 fans.

KLKOOL 17-03-2007 07:00 PM

Re: Liverpool Fc @ Anfield - Reds Supporters Gatherings
At the end of of the day, no point speculating. All i want is a new stadium (to give us more revenue), a substantial war chest to improve the players that we have, and the premiership title. :D

_AXL_ 17-03-2007 08:29 PM

Re: Liverpool Fc @ Anfield - Reds Supporters Gatherings

Originally Posted by Dirk Kuyt (Post 1909253)
They r businessmen... buying Liverpool is making $$$ opportunity.
Already they are changing the plans of the new stadium to increase capacity from 60,000 to 80,000..... meaning more income from the extra 20,000 fans.

agreed. if it is for dignity and endless stream of $, i would go for the dubaians. have a soft spot for them due to their integrity. has anyone seen them buy over something and totally screw it up??? even if they lose $, they will still stubbornly pump in $ to keep it looking damn good.

if it is for the love of liverpool, sell it to morgan, a lifelong liverpool fan.

if it is for $ and entertainment, sell it to the americans. they r famous for making sports franchises work. only thing is that in memory of the edmonton oilers, the dallas cowboys, the green bay packers, the baltimore ravens, these american businessmen have the habit of buying a sports franchise, pump in lots of $ to buy lots of players and win the championships (they called it the world championship although they r the only ones playing among themselves). then they break the team up and sell the good players, players in demand. :eek: that was how they made $, from the sale of players, advertising and gate receipts. who loses? the cities which were conned into building humongous stadiums for these teams, for the exalted and dignified history of these teams and the fans who sweat blood to support these teams. the owners, they sell out.

but the stadium is a masterstroke for the long term. endorsements come and go, teams get into champions league and such r bonuses. gate receipts is what divides manure from what the other big teams in the league make.

_AXL_ 17-03-2007 08:30 PM

Re: Liverpool Fc @ Anfield - Reds Supporters Gatherings
sorry, double post.

boon huat 18-03-2007 12:26 AM

Re: Liverpool Fc @ Anfield - Reds Supporters Gatherings

Originally Posted by canthaveenuf (Post 1908503)
Eeeeeeeeks !!!!! And then we have the "Referee kayu", "We want goals" and the Kallang Wave (not that I am against any of these) replace the "You Will Never Walk Alone"? :eek:


somemore with hawkers walking around in the stadium with basket containing nasi lemak and curry puff...", curry pok...nasi lemak" :p

Dirk Kuyt 18-03-2007 02:21 AM

Re: Liverpool Fc @ Anfield - Reds Supporters Gatherings

Originally Posted by KLKOOL (Post 1909510)
.... All i want is a new stadium (to give us more revenue), a substantial war chest to improve the players that we have....

Going by 2005/2006 number of Anfield home matches and ticket pricing..... the extra 20,000 fans will give the Reds an extra 52 million pounds to spend.

Dirk Kuyt 18-03-2007 02:25 AM

Re: Liverpool Fc @ Anfield - Reds Supporters Gatherings

Originally Posted by _AXL_ (Post 1909616)
....but the stadium is a masterstroke for the long term. gate receipts is what divides manure from what the other big teams in the league make.

If the americans can get their way.... we're gonna have the biggest stadium in the EPL....... bigger than Man Utd 76,000 capacity Old Trafford stadium too.

KingEros 18-03-2007 08:32 AM

Re: Liverpool Fc @ Anfield - Reds Supporters Gatherings

Originally Posted by Dirk Kuyt
If the americans can get their way.... we're gonna have the biggest stadium in the EPL....... bigger than Man Utd 76,000 capacity Old Trafford stadium too.

Just wondering if any of you are interested to make one final pilgrimage to Anfield within the next 2 seasons??
I'm thinking of doing mine next Mar/Apr ... hopefully, LFC would be sewing up the 19th EPL victory then. :rolleyes:

qbdp 18-03-2007 11:36 AM

Re: Liverpool Fc @ Anfield - Reds Supporters Gatherings
There are claims that Hicks and Gillett have taken a loan of almost £300m from the Royal Bank of Scotland to buy Liverpool with a yearly repayment of £20m interest. This loan is guaranteed by them personally.

Another £200m will be borrowed to build the stadium but where they are borrowing from and how to finance it has yet to be confirmed.

Hicks confidently claimed last month that they are going to build the finest team for the finest stadium in the Premier League and that is Liverpool and "The shovel needs to be in the ground in the next 60 days."

The target was to have the £215million stadium completed by 2009. But now there will be delays if they want to increase the capacity to 76,000.

Is the loan the real cause of delay to the stadium?

When the new stadium is in operation they will probably need more than £20-30m to finance the 2 loans. So Benitez will be like Sir Alex and Wenger with not a lot of money to buy big players for a few years.

The easiest way to get more money is to follow Arsenal's way - increase the ticket prices. The season ticket holders will be milked for money.,,2007051542,00.jpg

Liverpool fans in here may have more time to plan your final pilgrimage to the Kop end.

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