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S.B.Y.1 16-05-2012 12:41 AM

Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by ChiongBalai (Post 7221965)
what I'm going to say next but in terms of supirs there are good ones, just rare.

I was lucky enough to be introduced to a really good supir by my friend.
Somewhat of an elderly man, when you go buy stuff or book cewek he will ask the price for you first, then he will fight for bargain for you. Will give you honest opinions on ceweks and goods that are overpriced or good bargains. Need any kind of ubat also he got lobang. He doesn't ask for anything and doesn't even ask to be paid when you go back.

Of course he earns commission from the joints he brings you to, he's got to make a living also.

Normally when I go home I will give him a really good tip cause he takes good care of me and my traveling companions.

Like a needle in a hay stack to find a genuirne good driver

This is called Profiling bRuR ChoingBalai

There we go feeeling empthathtic towards the supirs. Taxi supirs gets around 1/3 of your booking fee by just bring you to the joint wherelse the cewe has to spend many hours with their tamus to pleasure the tamus sexual needs which may resort to many bonking sextions and YET equalling the same kommision of the supirs

Big hefty tips should go to the booking cewe who has done a good servids to you instaed of the supirs

tomcat007 16-05-2012 12:44 AM


Originally Posted by S.B.Y.1
Generalise view of taxi supirs (drivers) in Batam are that when first few times when engaging their servis they will so called "stand up'' for their tamus (customers)

Looking out for your interest as if to safe guard your $$$ by bargaining for you here and there to garner your trust

But at the meantime profiling your expenditure & spending power ( $ spend on your cewe , type of joints you go , eatery places , hotels you book and etc)

Being Sinagporeans unlike the Malaysians who can speak and understand Bahasa Indonesia, the SIngaporean customer tends to feel a sense of security from the supir

Somehow like "hmmm I'm in a foreign land with minimal understanding of the language and here is a Good Samaritan aka taxi supirs " looking out for my interest"

Once your trust is locked then you''ll face the consequences of being betrayed

Batam taxi supirs are the worst in Indonesia saying out from experinces in moving around various parts in Indonesia

The are VULTURES awating to pounce on your $$$ at the slightest chance they get

Bonding will taxi supirs is A BIG NO NO

Don't say Pak didn't warn you :D

ps When taxi supirs tells you that they never take komission from joints and that they don't want ubat in Discotheques is just utter Big Time BuLLsHit

Precisely.... False sense of security. Especially when you don't understand a bit if Bahasa Indonesia at all.

I've seen a friend of mine who used this driver each and everytime he's in batam. End up, this driver is bold until automatically driving into petrol kiosk to pump petrol and expect my friend to pay lah, pressure him into buying alcohol everytime he go batam lah, borrow money lah. The last straw is there's this once I took my cewek to hospital for some checkup and this nincompoop actually kept the change that I gave him to help foot the bill.

My friend is already overpaying him in terms of taxi fare to the tune of 500k for 3D2N trip and mostly are just driving to meals as we all have our regular ceweks, hence not much hunting. And he actually has the guts to do this? It's just 200,000 rupiah, but since then, I've stopped using him. For 200k, just calculate how much has he lost.

I'm not saying there are no good supirs. But, why the chance to bond with a crook when there are so many on the roadside eager to serve you?

tomcat007 16-05-2012 12:46 AM


Originally Posted by ndnd

Berry or Goldbird :D

My regular cewek is from PI Massage. Indramayu girl. Why?

ChiongBalai 16-05-2012 12:47 AM

Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by S.B.Y.1 (Post 7222051)
Generalise view of taxi supirs (drivers) in Batam are that when first few times when engaging their servis they will so called "stand up'' for their tamus (customers)

Looking out for your interest as if to safe guard your $$$ by bargaining for you here and there to garner your trust

But at the meantime profiling your expenditure & spending power ( $ spend on your cewe , type of joints you go , eatery places , hotels you book and etc)

Being Sinagporeans unlike the Malaysians who can speak and understand Bahasa Indonesia, the SIngaporean customer tends to feel a sense of security from the supir

Somehow like "hmmm I'm in a foreign land with minimal understanding of the language and here is a Good Samaritan aka taxi supirs " looking out for my interest"

Once your trust is locked then you''ll face the consequences of being betrayed

Batam taxi supirs are the worst in Indonesia saying out from experinces in moving around various parts in Indonesia

The are VULTURES awating to pounce on your $$$ at the slightest chance they get

Bonding will taxi supirs

Don't say Pak didn't warn you :D

ps When taxi supirs tells you that they never take komission from joints and that they don't want ubat in Discotheques is just utter Big Time BuLLsHit

Understand what ur saying pak. That would be the general modus operandi for most supirs.. But I feel a tiny bit more assured perhaps due to the fact that my friend has been using this same supir for a few years.. I did ask him if any incidents so far and non so far.. What's more my frien used to hardcore chiong like once a month or once every 2 months.. I've asked this old man about the commission he earns and he's never denied it. But of course out of respect I don't probe further e.g how much he's receiving out of respect. Maybe he Lao Liao that's why relax a bit.
On the notion of a clueless foreigner in ID, I speak fluent Malay and my bahasa is pretty okay.. Im normally the translator for my companions.. Though I could travel without a supir, guess I just like to be greeted by a familiar face and move around hassle free..

tomcat007 16-05-2012 12:52 AM


Originally Posted by S.B.Y.1

Like a needle in a hay stack to find a genuirne good driver

This is called Profiling bRuR ChoingBalai

There we go feeeling empthathtic towards the supirs. Taxi supirs gets around 1/3 of your booking fee by just bring you to the joint wherelse the cewe has to spend many hours with their tamus to pleasure the tamus sexual needs which may resort to many bonking sextions and YET equalling the same kommision of the supirs

Big hefty tips should go to the booking cewe who has done a good servids to you instaed of the supirs


This is what I heard from my babe... Apparently, the driver, who took me to book her, is on some sort of recurring commission. Meaning, after the first booking which he gets 120k out of her 600k booking, every subsequent session that I book her, he is also entitled to the same commission irregardless of whether this same driver bring me to pick her up or not.

I'm shock to hear such thing. My babe who works so hard, enduring my nonsense everytime we jumpa, has to have her booking fee shared with those scums and all he did us just bring me to the joint ONCE!!

S.B.Y.1 16-05-2012 12:58 AM

Re: Batam Info Thread
bRuR Chiong Balai

Pak posts wasn't directed at you - so please dont get it misunderstood

As mentioned its a generalized view

Pak dislikes to see new cheongsters be conned by their cewes as well as the supirs

Pak conscience tends to lean towards the weaker sex

Pak empathise with those cewes for their hardships and anguish having to resort to doing what they have to do in order to support those loved ones back in their kampongs

So much that they have to resort to taking ubat to sort off dis-stress themselves from their shameful self

So spare a gentle gesture of thought to those weaker sex counterparts

S.B.Y.1 16-05-2012 01:00 AM

Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by tomcat007 (Post 7222156)

This is what I heard from my babe... Apparently, the driver, who took me to book her, is on some sort of recurring commission. Meaning, after the first booking which he gets 120k out of her 600k booking, every subsequent session that I book her, he is also entitled to the same commission irregardless of whether this same driver bring me to pick her up or not.

I'm shock to hear such thing. My babe who works so hard, enduring my nonsense everytime we jumpa, has to have her booking fee shared with those scums and all he did us just bring me to the joint ONCE!!

Yes its true . Say you book your cewe for 3 days then 3 days komission your supirs gets

bRuR as you mentioned that she is your regular cewe then you should liase with her to book herself out from the joint and meet you at the hotel and you pay her the $ of days you staying with her so that she gets the full amount of booking fee instead having a supir fetch you there who will then get part of the komission

Once the supir's face is recognised by the joint hence the komission starts

tomcat007 16-05-2012 01:05 AM


Originally Posted by S.B.Y.1
bRuR Chiong Balai

Pak posts wasn't directed at you - so please dont get it misunderstood

As mentioned its a generalized view

Pak dislikes to see new cheongsters be conned by their cewes as well as the supirs

Pak conscience tends to lean towards the weaker sex

Pak empathise with those cewes for their hardships and anguish having to resort to doing what they have to do in order to support those loved ones back in their kampongs

So much that they have to resort to taking ubat to sort off dis-stress themselves from their shameful self

So spare a gentle gesture of thought to those weaker sex counterparts


Nothing breaks my heart more than seeing my ex shivering, breaking cold sweats and having to be taken care of by her fellow ceweks just because she had to take obat because her tamu insist so. And all she took is just half a pill.

At that point, I really hate myself for not able to do anything to help her. :-(

tomcat007 16-05-2012 01:10 AM


Originally Posted by S.B.Y.1

Yes its true . Say you book your cewe for 3 days then 3 days komission your supirs gets

bRuR as you mentioned that she is your regular cewe then you should liase with her to book herself out from the joint and meet you at the hotel and you pay her the fully $ of days you staying with her so that she gets the full amount of booking fee instead of having a supir fetch you there.

Once the supir's face is recognised by the joint hence the komission starts


What I meant was... The first time I booked her, I had this supir with me. Hence he is already entitled to commission for the session.

Subsequently, I've always gone straight to the hotel and she meet me at the hotel directly. For these subsequent sessions, my girl told me the supir is still collecting commission despite me not using him already. Truly I'm shock. I've already tried to be very descreet when going batam. Not even my Cheong kaki know when I'm going.

Anyway, it's past now. I've stop going batam for the moment and may not even step into batam again. That's why I'm doing the blog.

S.B.Y.1 16-05-2012 01:11 AM

Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by tomcat007 (Post 7222177)

Nothing breaks my heart more than seeing my ex shivering, breaking cold sweats and having to be taken care of by her fellow ceweks just because she had to take obat because her tamu insist so. And all she took is just half a pill.

At that point, I really hate myself for not able to do anything to help her. :-(

Some ubat makes the cewe "lust" for sex hence the tamus love it

The withdrawal sypmtoms are very immense

You can always "jamin" her out of the joint but at least prepare her next journey. And ensure that she doesnt come back to Batam agian for the influence is so much greater than in her kamapong

Avoid the very thought of housing her in Batm to make her your part time whnever you go there becos the elementary and emotional influcne will draw her back to the "lifestyle"

S.B.Y.1 16-05-2012 01:15 AM

Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by tomcat007 (Post 7222184)

What I meant was... The first time I booked her, I had this supir with me. Hence he is already entitled to commission for the session.

Subsequently, I've always gone straight to the hotel and she meet me at the hotel directly. For these subsequent sessions, my girl told me the supir is still collecting commission despite me not using him already. Truly I'm shock. I've already tried to be very descreet when going batam. Not even my Cheong kaki know when I'm going.

Anyway, it's past now. I've stop going batam for the moment and may not even step into batam again. That's why I'm doing the blog.

Your blog will come handy to those seeking their 1st time experince in Batam

tomcat007 16-05-2012 01:17 AM


Originally Posted by S.B.Y.1

Some ubat makes the cewe "lust" for sex hence the tamus love it

The withdrawal sypmtoms are very immense

You can always "jamin" her out of the joint but at least prepare her next journey. And ensure that she doesnt come back to Batam agian for the influence is so much greater than in her kamapong

Avoid the very thought of housing her in Batm to make her your part time whnever you go there becos the elementary and emotional influcne will draw her back to the "lifestyle"

I ever thought of settling her down in batam. Not as part time. But because my job means I have to be in Sg, means I cannot settle with her at her kampong.

I know the danger of batam, hence never proceed with it.

S.B.Y.1 16-05-2012 01:19 AM

Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by tomcat007 (Post 7222196)
I ever thought of settling her down in batam. Not as part time. But because my job means I have to be in Sg, means I cannot settle with her at her kampong.

I know the danger of batam, hence never proceed with it.

Your post show that you are indeed a seasoned cheongsters of Riau Island :cool:

tomcat007 16-05-2012 01:24 AM


Originally Posted by S.B.Y.1

Your post show that you are indeed a seasoned cheongsters of Riau Island :cool:

LOL.. More like "serial heart broken"..

And the way you post about how drivers "profile" their tamu is way beyond someone in your real job is able to understand... Hmm

S.B.Y.1 16-05-2012 01:33 AM

Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by tomcat007 (Post 7222214)
LOL.. More like "serial heart broken"..

And the way you post about how drivers "profile" their tamu is way beyond someone in your real job is able to understand... Hmm

Well simply put - Pak's seen them (supirs) all .

Their shrewd tactics of an assasin. patience of a circling shark within deep waters prowling and manifesting thoughts of a serial killer waiting to strike its prey in an insatnce like a Ninja :D

Gotta hand it to them

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