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skyfree 21-09-2008 05:46 PM

Re: Batam Info Thread
Just came back from three days trip to batam...

with two malaysian friends, went over there on friday morning. with malay speaking friends, manage to get a taxi and drive us to grand mutiara hotel.

Price quite cheap, but got cockroaches...somemore big one too...

went for massage...and cheap food by the road side...
by the way, the taxi driver cannot make it, agreed on the inital price and yet want us to pay for the petrol......

evening, went to find ceweks, but hiam this and that loh...somemore got one boss says we all not guys, so many gers the cock also would not stand, and insult us by asking we want ah guas anot....

then we sack the taxi driver and got the bell boy to find us a new driver...this driver very good and patient....we find more than 8 outlets also cannot find one to our liking...too hiam liao....then the driver recommend one freelance called wewe....i see her not bad...but i nvm pass to my friend....he do three times...

on sat, same as usual....we went for seafood at harbour bay....then went to find ceweks..this time no hiam liao...i take two service good one cannot makie it like dead wood......

overall a nice trip////planning to go back in oct again....

by the way, having malay speaking friends with u is a good thing

JOGK 23-09-2008 04:02 PM

Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by BtmMan (Post 3040132)
Don't know about you guys, but I don't like the idea of having a 40 yrs old ibu playing with my manhood... :o

maybe after will want more...
and the advantage is its CHEAPER! :D

newyorker88 24-09-2008 12:12 PM

Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by skyfree (Post 3082064)
Just came back from three days trip to batam...

with two malaysian friends, went over there on friday morning. with malay speaking friends, manage to get a taxi and drive us to grand mutiara hotel.

Price quite cheap, but got cockroaches...somemore big one too...

overall a nice trip////planning to go back in oct again....

by the way, having malay speaking friends with u is a good thing

You should try some other hotels that are newer and better, not so ex also.

Hotel Utama is new, and near Harbour bay. There is also Amin hotel at Harbour bay.

Food at Harbour Bay? Damm Ex and not so good. Try the one at Batu Besar.

As for gals, come back in Late October. So many places close now.... Hari Raya lah.

With a guide, you can get to many places in Batam. If you want better qualities, ones, try Altalanta Spa. All gals are selected. But now standard drop liao, still it is the best as far as I know.

ePoet 24-09-2008 04:01 PM

Re: Batam Info Thread
3D2N FR on Batam Trip – enjoyment with SGD400 all in...

Like bro Skyfree, I went to Batam with one other friend from Sunday to Tuesday. The following is my FR... a long one, so bros who want to skip to other message entries, please feel free to do so.

Day 1

I had an event on Sunday, so my friend and I only took the 6pm ferry to Sekupang on Sunday evening. We had already decided it was going to be a real budget trip, so we decided on SGD400 per person all in. Checked into a budget but reasonably comfortable hotel (Hotel Grand Palace) just opposite Hotel Panorama. Price was 140k a night. Good a/c and clean rooms (no xiao qiangs that we saw of). After checking in, went to change money. Exchange rates now are around 1SGD to 6,500RP. Had a good dinner at the road side stall and then hit the Nagoya pubs.

We went to Lucy Oarhouse, Red Cock, The Last Pub and finally to B Bar. No cewek. So rule no.1, difficult to find cewek during Ramadan. Walked around, even Queens, Dynasty and Permai Indah were all closed. No choice, sat in B Bar and watched Chelsea play Man U to a draw before heading down to Pacific Disco. Empty like ghost town and very little head shaking. Had to do with Ramadan again. A cewek told us polisi were checking very stringently, so everyone there was playing safe. Despite everything, we still managed to get ceweks, and headed back to our hotel by 1am. Stopped along the way, and bought a dozen cans of beer and stout to mix with the bottle of Martini we brought. Supper and drinks ensued, and that’s when I started to get pissed off... My cewek was whining and complaining, saying that she needed to get back home at Batu Ampar by 4am, when our initial negotiations clearly stated overnight long-time. I guess was too soft-hearted... My kawan was hinting that I ought to have just ejected her, but she was all touchy-feely so I thought I might as well just do it once and see how it goes. Big mistake... I’d probably have more fun screwing a dead fish...

Cewek Saya:
Picked from: Pacific Disco
Asked for: 300k
Paid up: 200k
Looks: 5/10
Service: 0/10

Cewek Kawan:
Picked from : Pacific Disco
Asked for: 500k
Negotiated to: 300k
Looks: 6.5
Service: According to my kawan, damn wild. He kept her with him for the 3D2N, and they had 7 rounds plus a lot of petting. Nice devoted little girl...

Day 2

I was feeling damn horny cos I didn’t even release the previous night. Woke up early, and my friend was still fast asleep after a sextifying night. I walked around, and came to Indo Rasa MP near to Nagoya Centre Point. The massage girl assigned to me was surprisingly cute, and gave a pretty adequate massage. I asked her for special, and she told me that specials were prohibited in that MP. Then she shyly hinted that she would be more than willing to meet me that night after she finished work. Onz ar... exchanged telephone numbers and told her I would call her that night.

Damage: 70k for 1.5 jam, plus 20k for frenching and allowing me to do covered auto-roam

Met my friend and his cewek for a late lunch, and I still had 2 balls full of bullets to shoot. So asked my friend’s cewek to recommend an MP which could provide specials. She brought us to another MP called Daesy’s MP, near to the Nagoya Matahari. So, 2nd massage that afternoon, and I had a reasonable looking cewek to massage me. Upfront my friend’s cewek had already whispered that I needed a HJ, so that was already arranged. What I liked was that my massage girl also threw in a free 5 min worth of BBBJ before HJ-ing me to the end.

Damage: 75k entrance, 80k for HJ and BBBJ

Went back to my room to crash before heading out for a late dinner. Note that by that time I was still cewek-less, and my kawan was already sitting there grinning at me all the time after having racked up 4-5 rounds with his. Damn... haha... anyway, during dinner, noticed a new KTV just opposite Lucy’s Oarhouse. It is at the stretch between Lucy’s and Hotel Panorama itself. Name is New Dynasty. Spoke to the captain, who can speak Hokkien, and he told us the place was just opened, barely 2 months ago. Currently still having promosi, one bottle Chivas with free mixers is 636K (just slightly below SGD100). We roamed around and have to say the ceweks there are quite pretty. Asked him for cewek takeaway price and the captain told us it was up to our negotiations. Apparently the girls there are true freelancers. As long as they work there, they are free to negotiate for take-home prices with any customer they want. Captain even told us if the cewek likes us, ON for 200k is very possible.

Time came for me to call my masseuse from Indo Rasa MP, and that’s when I got my second round of bad luck. She told me she couldn’t meet me because her baby was sick. WTF?!?!? She looks too young to even be married man! Haiz... the situation was getting desperate, and my kawan actually stopped laughing at me long enough to be truly sympathetic about my bad luck... No choice, I went back to Pacific Disco around midnight.

<to be con’t>

ePoet 24-09-2008 04:03 PM

Re: Batam Info Thread
<from first entry>

Pacific was event emptier than the previous night, and I was just about to leave for Planet instead when 2 ceweks walked in. My goodness... one of them was so fair, for a while I thought I finally found a PRC in a Batam disco. Even more happy for me was that the moment she walked in, she seemed to zoom in on my table (which was quite far from the entrance actually). She actually shooed her friend away and came to talk to me herself. I was very wary after the previous night’s experience though, so I was very guarded when I negotiated the price with her. She had a really nice smile though, and she looked much younger than the 28-yo which she said she was. She was asking for 400k, and I negotiated down to 350k. Asked her why I didn’t see her there last night, and she told me she really is just a true freelancer... she’s working as a receptionist at Sekupang. Mai Tu Liao, went to pick up supper and another dozen cans of beer and headed back to the hotel with her hanging very tightly onto me.

My new-found cewek has a very sharp sense of humour, and while she was very devoted, she wasn’t childishly clingy like some younger ceweks. What ensued was 2 rounds just before sleep and another round when we woke up. Dark nips, but beautiful oyster (no fat labia, just a cute slit which opens to reveal wet shocking pink). Her BBBJ was out of this world and she had a knack of cuddling and wrapping herself around me that was really KC-high.

Cewek Saya (2nd night)
Asked for: 400k
Negotiated: 350k
Paid: 400k (i wanted to tip her anyway. But she didn’t even check the amount... until about 10 min after she left, she called me on my HP and thanked me profusely for the additional 50k)
Face: 7.5
Body: 7 (flesh in all the right areas)
Boobs: A+ or B- nia
French: yes
BBBJ: bloody enthusiastic
Pussy: no smell, clean taste, and shockingly fresh pink even in dim light
Painting: she loves it
FJ: she’s damn tight for me, and she can contract her vaginal walls
Overall: 8
KC-factor: 9.5 (she initially took a little time to warm up, but once she likes a person, she KCs all the way)

Day 3
After paying off our respective ceweks, we checked out and had a good lunch. My friend then suggested we head down to Atalanta Spa (walking distance from Pacific Disco). They were having a promosi: 1.5jam massage and full facilities for 165k. Facilities were nice and service was good. Even my masseuse seemed to be a horny little chick. The moment she stepped in, she knelt right in front of my head (she was wearing a short skirt) and awarded me a full view of her panties (light blue in colour). During the massage which was ok lah (she used strength but not that much technique), she would also drop major hints like clamping my hands high between her thighs when massaging my arms, or leaning across my face so that her boobs rubbed my face. Wasn’t too long when she popped the GQ. And that’s when I totally turned off... Know what was her asking price for a simple handjob? 2 juta! I told her straight in the face that I came to Batam for 3D2N also never spend that much... want me to spend 2 juta on one lousy HJ? She can go fly kite...

After that visit, it was back to Singapore for us... Even now the cewek I met on the 2nd night is calling me... haha... think I will RTF her very soon lah

Total trip damage:
Ferry – SGD 52 (plus return tax)
Hotel – 280k (about 43 SGD) for 2 nights
Cewek 1 – 200 k (about 31 SGD)
Cewek 2 – 400 k (about 62 SGD)
Massage 1 – 90 k (inclusive tips, about 14 SGD)
Massage 2 – 75 + 80 = 155 k (about 24 SGD)
Atalanta Spa – 165 k (about 26 SGD)
Miscellenous includes at least 20 cans of beer/stout, entrance fee to Pacific for 2 nights, meals, transport, ciggies etc about SGD 70
DFS – SGD 70 worth of alcohol...

Grand total just short of 400 SGD for 3D2N of very interesting fun...

Thanks for reading to the end. If you like my travelogue, do up me and I’ll return you with the favour...

Prince7 24-09-2008 06:00 PM

Re: Batam Info Thread
Bro ePoet,

Thanks for sharing your FRs ;)
Upz you :D

ePoet 24-09-2008 06:09 PM

Re: Batam Info Thread
Thank you humbly bro Prince7... have returned the favour! ;)

blufaiz 25-09-2008 03:01 PM

Re: Batam Info Thread
Hi to all Senior Bro here. Just to share my experience.As for tipping, I personnally gave 100K, my ride plus guide with a 8 seater van is 600K but i will always give S$100. I favourite joint is Club Jenggal with a cewek named Yenyen cost me 500K. I didnt know the drivers got a cut of comm. Its ok though he also act as a bouncer to us and was recommended by a senior bro at work place so safety is there. I think on my next trip will try all the recommendations esp the Urut Batin, Batu Besar instead of Harbour Bay and the MP like Indo Rasa and Daesy. I have only started to cast my sperm nets overseas in March 08 been there once a month on so that makes it 6 times. maybe the KC is there but would love to try other cewek w/o being dissappointed by F&*#ing a dead fish. Coz of age, I need to pump 4 to 6 times minimum to make a 2D1N fruitful trip....IMHO thanks. I will FR on this thread after my trip end Oct/early Nov after Ramadhan and Raya

Rub&Buah 28-09-2008 04:49 AM

Re: Batam Info Thread
Batam residents & experts.Hows the situation like in batam rite after hari raya?thought of going next thursday/fri or the week after.Me go there quite often but avoid the fasting month till fews weeks after raya so not sure of the situation.

Is joint like permaintah,bougein villa or even pp banana open?another worry is no cewek as most of them balik kampong only back end of oct of early nov so i guess i have to try my luck if going.

sohbuckkong 28-09-2008 08:22 AM

Re: Batam Info Thread
I am going to Batam and batu on the 6th Oct (mon). This is my first time to batam and batu. Anyone care to join me.

mebirdie 28-09-2008 08:39 AM

Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by sohbuckkong (Post 3100766)
I am going to Batam and batu on the 6th Oct (mon). This is my first time to batam and batu. Anyone care to join me.

Batam and batu different place. So you going where first :confused:

sohbuckkong 28-09-2008 09:40 AM

Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by mebirdie (Post 3100788)
Batam and batu different place. So you going where first :confused:

Hi mebirdie,
I am going to Batam first (on the 6th oct) then on the next day go batu. I am going there with another indian friend. I just wonder on the 6th oct onwards, are these ladies working. I've read that most will only come back around november.

TD.king 28-09-2008 06:58 PM

Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by sohbuckkong (Post 3100880)
Hi mebirdie,
I am going to Batam first (on the 6th oct) then on the next day go batu. I am going there with another indian friend. I just wonder on the 6th oct onwards, are these ladies working. I've read that most will only come back around november.

They will definately come back asap after puasa. They r dam hungry liao. 1 mth no income already but they still got many abang sent them $$$$ to survive. :D:D

Xdecepticon 28-09-2008 07:40 PM

Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by sohbuckkong (Post 3100880)
I am going to Batam first (on the 6th oct) then on the next day go batu.

If u happen to go Batu via Sekupang (domestic jetty), do be extra careful. May have touts/holligans tere. Even the officials tere cant be tru$ted. :rolleyes:


Originally Posted by sohbuckkong (Post 3100766)
I am going to Batam and batu on the 6th Oct (mon). This is my first time to batam and batu. Anyone care to join me.

Hmm...if u r in no hurry, it would be better to go the 3rd week or tereafter. By then most of the ceweks would be back for bu$ine$$.

sohbuckkong 28-09-2008 09:13 PM

Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by Xdecepticon (Post 3102183)
If u happen to go Batu via Sekupang (domestic jetty), do be extra careful. May have touts/holligans tere. Even the officials tere cant be tru$ted. :rolleyes:

Hmm...if u r in no hurry, it would be better to go the 3rd week or tereafter. By then most of the ceweks would be back for bu$ine$$.

Thanks for the info.

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