psykhy |
03-09-2012 09:20 PM |
Re: Batam Info Thread
Hey bro, i just came back from batam for 3D2N short trip with my grp of chiongsters. Stayed in Pacific Palace Hotel & had lots of fun at their discotheque. They offered striptease dance & Pl (girls companion) in the room. So i got myself for both and it costs 400k for strip & 400k for girl companion. Overall, the stripdance was quite a waste of money as all of us were just being teased by the dancer and it is very costly to arrange for further involvement with the dancer. As for the Pl, the girls my friend picked were working under Pacific and they were well trained to entertain & pamper you as such. However, if want to arrange for happy ending or booking, i heard the price higher than getting china chicks from geylang. Kinda fucked up, wasting so much money for no real deal we were looking for. Though i heard from people that we could get chickies at the disco dancefloor, i tried but to no avail. The dancefloor was unlit, very dark, couldnt see a thing except torchlight shine on our faces wherever we go. So not to mention on checking out the chickies faces, what if pick 1 auntie lucy back hotel room? sibeh jialat! Music was too loud to communicate with the chicks, we couldnt hear our own shouting. In the end, out of desperation, we openly asked one of the waitress who was very open-minded and helpful. She helped us to arrange girls working from outside pimp (illegal? idk) at rate of 800k for 3 hrs, 1m for overnite.
Very impressed with the waitress for her help, so i tips her so much until i can see that she wanted to kiss me, if not for her co-worker beside her... ;( Got me and my friends girls for a fast game and most of us were disappointed with the chicks. One gal kinda force us to buy 'pills' for her, the other looked as if she got stepped on the face by a baby elephant while mine as still quite alright. Overall we had our share of fun, thou its abit disappointing.
After sharing my experiences, there are still some queries which i need help.
-firstly, how to speak to them when all of them speak indo malay?
-secondly, whether to buy pills for the chickies? legal & safety issues, since i got some friends who got into a hallucination after taking it.
-thirdly, can briefly name the rates of booking a chick for a whole day? fast game? (2-3 hrs) Massage specials?
Thanks in advance~ looking forward to visit this wonderful island very soon!