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deca 07-12-2012 11:45 AM

Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by inboxoutbox (Post 8183281)
i was told that going by our own will be another words, without take is that the driver will charge them commission although it was the joint that you have wished to go in the first place..the driver could be lying saying he intro us to the joint n collect his "earned" commission..

and if the joint gave the commission to driver, then our booking charge will be increased because WE ARE THE ONE WHO PAID THE COMMISSION UNKNOWINGLY.!!!!

thanks for reverting to my pm. upz u as a token of appreciation.:)

cheong2009 07-12-2012 05:38 PM

Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by newyorker88 (Post 8185230)
Casino "license" had been given, but they are not the gambling table or jackpot type. You still need to "play games" and take the winnings to change with the guy later.

So far, about 14 license had been issued.

Rumours had it that when SBY goes down, and the next president comes upm they will try to tet water again.

u really up to date. :D

cheong2009 07-12-2012 05:40 PM

Re: Batam Info Thread
will organise a trip on 10 jan 2013 for 4 days 3 nights. any interested can PM me. this trip will stay at Hotel harapan baru. 180K++ per night.

Rub&Buah 07-12-2012 06:16 PM

Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by newyorker88 (Post 8185230)
Casino "license" had been given, but they are not the gambling table or jackpot type. You still need to "play games" and take the winnings to change with the guy later.

So far, about 14 license had been issued.

Rumours had it that when SBY goes down, and the next president comes upm they will try to tet water again.

Thanks u know where's the location to 'play games'in nagoya?try going behind farmosa and nagoya hill there's none.

LoveForTuaNehBu 07-12-2012 07:50 PM

Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by S.B.Y.1 (Post 8158885)
Come by 31st December and find out :D

alamak.. dun later same thing happen with ur OC abang quarrel quarrel.. lol i wont be in indo during countdown .. going other place maybe with my other group of friends :D

but xmas eve maybe? 23-24/12 .. friend say got harborfront casino.. he wan go there :o .. then heard can find cantik cantik cewek at casino..but of cos not cheap la for sure ;))

That time went to eat seafood is where ah abang?

LoveForTuaNehBu 07-12-2012 07:55 PM

Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by werfed (Post 8168665)
Atalanta spa massage is ~300rp for a 90min massage in the deluxe private room. Special is depending on how you negotiate, but they generally ask for 200-300rp for a HJ and 600-800rp for a FJ.

Personal experience is lousy as the manager gave us all huge masseuses with thighs thicker than mine even after we indicated we want pretty and slim syts. You prolly should go with someone who is familiar with the place.

I asked for hj only 100k rupiah..

I think you go there familiar or not familiar they still eat you bah.. because to them overseas ppl are carrot head.

End of the day depends on your negotiating skills.. if u feel that too much to spend then tolerate loh :p for me it's come and go think.. want or dont want. Dont like to force upon ppl :p

yaz86 07-12-2012 09:50 PM

Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by DDAMn (Post 8183557)
Hi any bro know the standard of hotel harapan baru?is it same like hotel Lai lai

It is a clean budget hotel with wi-fi in room, nice shower pressure, fridge for deluxe rooms, simple breakfast, near bcs mall, near a lot of clean massage and near A2 foodcourt famous for its cheap seafood and satay. Bad point is there is no lifts, safety wise i stayed there np so far.

JOGK 07-12-2012 11:34 PM

Re: Batam Info Thread
Hi bros

Just drop but to see what's new

Very busy lately

Wish everyone here a happy Christmas

Or is it too early? haha

cheong2009 07-12-2012 11:40 PM

Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by JOGK (Post 8188372)
Hi bros

Just drop but to see what's new

Very busy lately

Wish everyone here a happy Christmas

Or is it too early? haha

sifu JOGK, still remember me boh? so long silence...

JOGK 07-12-2012 11:45 PM

Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by cheong2009 (Post 8188389)
sifu JOGK, still remember me boh? so long silence...


Even bro DNAT so long ago also can remember

Makashi 08-12-2012 12:18 AM

Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by JOGK (Post 8188372)
Hi bros

Just drop but to see what's new

Very busy lately

Wish everyone here a happy Christmas

Or is it too early? haha

If you are giving away presents. Then its never too early. :)

meatlover 08-12-2012 12:30 AM

Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by DNAT (Post 8164380)
If the cewek happy, u will not give more. Correct ?

Like u first gave 100K to the 1st, then gave double to the 2nd

Give tips, go by your instinct and your budget .... 10-20% of booking fee is suffice.

You go to Batam is to be happy, not to make cewek TOO happy.

Trust me, if you really wanna make cewek.happy ... end up YOU will become NOT HAPPY

Put in simple ..... you cannot please everyone

Lau uncle, when wanna silent mob. I think I saw your favourite cindy angriani. :D

batamguard88 08-12-2012 02:13 PM

be careful
ome / nasional
Tiga Wanita di Bawah Umur Digerebek di Panti Pijat Flamingo
Sabtu, 1 Desember 2012 17:30 WIB, BATAM - Berbekal informasi dari masyarakat, tim gabungan yang terdiri dari Tim Buser Polresta Barelang, Polres Cianjur, LSM Gerakan Anti Trafficking (GAT) Kepri dan Komisi Pengawasan dan Perlindungan Anak Daerah (KPPAD) Kepri melakukan penggerebekan terhadap sebuah panti pijat di kawasan Nagoya, Batam, Kepulauan Riau (Kepri).

Panti pijat tersebut ditenggarai dan diduga sebagai tempat terjadi tindak pidana perdagangan manusia (trafficking) di bawah umur.

Informasi yang dihimpun Tribun, tim gabungan tersebut langsung menggerebek panti pijat yang diketahui bernama Flamingo, Sabtu (1/12/2012) sekitar pukul 10.00 WIB.

Dalam penggerebekan itu, tim berhasil mengamankan tiga wanita yang hingga saat ini belum diketahui pasti status mereka, apakah tersangka atau korban.

Ketiganya diduga masih di bawah umur dan dipekerjakan pada panti pijat Flamingo. Ketiga wanita tersebut diketahui berinisial DR, C dan S.

Editor : Muhammad Tazli
Source : Tribunnews

batamguard88 08-12-2012 02:19 PM

flamingo massage
Empat Wanita Dijual ke Panti Pijat Flamingo Rp7-10 Juta
Sabtu, 01 Desember 2012 13:29 Redaksi

BATAM, - Panti pijat Flamingo, di kawasan Nagoya Newton, digerebek tim gabungan Polresta Barelang, Polres Cianjur, dan Komisi Pengawasan dan Perlindungan Anak Daerah (KPPAD), Sabtu (1/12/2012) sekitar 10.00 WIB.

Panti pijat ini terbukti mempekerjakan tiga wanita asal Cianjur, yang merupakan korban para sindikat trafficking atau penjualan orang. Para korban inipun langsung diamankan untuk diperiksa di Satreskrim Polresta Barelang.

Ketiga korban, Dian Suci Rahayu (19), Santi (33), Cici (18) kini dibawa ke Mapolresta Barelang untuk dimintai keterangan. Sementara itu, satu korban lainnya Dita (17) kini masih diburu petugas.

Penangkapan ini berawal dari laporan yang masuk di Polres Cianjur tentang ada satu korban trafficking di Batam. Dari pengembangan kasusnya, petugas berhasil mengamankan dua tersangka sindikat traficking ini.

Informasi yang berhasil dihimpun di lapangan, para korban ini tak bisa berbuat apa-apa setiba di Batam, sebab segala akomodosi dan biaya hidup telah ditanggung pemilik panti pijat. Untuk bisa keluar mereka harus membayar semua hutang itu yang berkisar antara Rp7 hingga Rp10 juta.(ary)

hendri2 08-12-2012 02:57 PM

Re: Batam Info Thread
thanks...hope bro can just summarise the above so that we, theinnocent cheongers, can be careful about what...
anything that get us out of trouble is good for us..

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