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ndnd 22-09-2013 10:53 PM

Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by BTM R&R Club (Post 9749509)
Before I proceed, please note that I am speaking as an individual and not on behalf of BTM R&N Club.

Ya, again your invisible "Club and Business man"
Nowdays batam got more and more businessman, sell bakso and sell ayam penyet getting more and more, they also business man..

Ndnd, I am a club member but I am not a businessman. I did not say anything about your group of friends. So why should you be so rude and cocky to drag our club’s businessman into this thread. When we cheong batam, I think you are still sucking your mother milk. Don’t appreciate our good advice never mind. But no need to talk as though you are a bastard trying to act like a gangster. You are a good contributor but now you turn out to be an idiot with no sense and talking rot.

i cheong batam for 17 years old only, maybe not as OLD as you lah
Since you are so OLD, should cheong batam more, not much time left

Why should I be upset? You are paying Rp 1.8 juta, not me. You are showing all the bros here that you are a Stupid Robert-Head paying for 1.8 juta for a below standard cewek. Only Stupid Robert-Head like you pay this type of price in batam. Do you read bro hedri2 remarks : “walau!!! 1.2 juta to 1.8 juta for a cewe in batam...some even ST...this must must be the most expensive fucking in Asean countries………” You have really spoiled the market rate. Still want to talk big, KNN!!!. Are you hoping that all the bros here to thank you for jerking up the price?

i replied to your post becoz you quote my post right.
And im sure you didnt read my posts properly.
im saying, i (myself) find her worth it (1.8juta) becoz by paying one time 1.8juta, i can get a new gf. And by paying 1 time 1.8juta, i can have countless sessions with her. That is for myself, is not encourage others to do that.
And i know, by paying 1.8juta, i can have have at least 20 session foc... so what is 1.8juta?? 90k per session :D
90k per session is spoil market ???
Overall i did not encourage others to do that, go and read my post properly. I stated i (myself) find she worth it.
I macam talking to a kebo..
You really so OLD that i have explained until so clearly to make you understand

magixskin 22-09-2013 11:11 PM

Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by BTM R&R Club (Post 9749509)

It's so cute when you try to talk about things you don't understant... if you have a problem with ndnd... write it on a piece of paper..... fold it and stick it up your ass........ :p :)

Signed : Lin Lau Peh ( NTUC member )

maddog_mlvn 22-09-2013 11:41 PM

Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by ndnd (Post 9749673)
i replied to your post becoz you quote my post right.
And im sure you didnt read my posts properly.
im saying, i (myself) find her worth it (1.8juta) becoz by paying one time 1.8juta, i can get a new gf. And by paying 1 time 1.8juta, i can have countless sessions with her. That is for myself, is not encourage others to do that.
And i know, by paying 1.8juta, i can have have at least 20 session foc... so what is 1.8juta?? 90k per session :D
90k per session is spoil market ???
Overall i did not encourage others to do that, go and read my post properly. I stated i (myself) find she worth it.
I macam talking to a kebo..
You really so OLD that i have explained until so clearly to make you understand


Originally Posted by magixskin (Post 9749737)
It's so cute when you try to talk about things you don't understant... if you have a problem with ndnd... write it on a piece of paper..... fold it and stick it up your ass........ :p :)

Bro Ndnd, Bro Magixskin , cool down , let other express what ever they want to say or name calling. This is a forum every samster hv their right to type and post. As far as they r not on site at that moment, what shits do they know really happen within the 4 walls. Who paid or didn't paid and how much was actually been paid, only that few guys really know the truth. Why start a war over something a guy posting that he know nuts about. Pls save ur breath and sing for this horny old man more nice songs this coming weekend. And u Bro Magix, U didn't even touch the mic that night.

ndnd 23-09-2013 12:13 AM

Re: Batam Info Thread
Since now a topic on 1.8juta cewek and i have the mood to type
let me talk about this gal. 1.8juta gal. After this post i believed few bros from this forum will cheong to Club HH despite is 1.8juta.

2 years back, i have a facebook account, inside is all KTV gals, joint ceweks, FLs of batam. Normally the account is locked. others try to search also cant find and friend inside my account also cant see my friend list.
Some bros here requested me to unlock it for them to add, and i did.
There is one special attractive gal with name start with "Nxxxx"
Few bros after add her will daily comment on her fb posting, comment on her photo she upload. Becoz she is so attractive.
She used to work in batam and later shift to surabayar, work in massage. i still remember a bro from this forum everyday will encourage her in the her fb.
sweet and nice guy.. :p

There is one time she fly back to batam for holiday, im suppose meet her, but due to meet up with other cewek, i missed that appointment.. nabei regret now :(
After sometime later, due to my 3rd OC, i closed that FB account and didnt keep in touch with her anymore. last heard is she is coming back to work in batam.

Until that nite in Club HH, when the PRs came in a row for "contest", komagian asked me which is better, i one scan, straight tio hook on her look. i told komagian, the one in black. Komagian really took her also for charge duduk 400k. i find her damn familiar but cant remember where i saw her, but OC around, so didnt talk to her and didnt bother much. Until next day, then i remember why she look so familiar.. She is that "Nxxxx" :p
someone that been very close to me in FB and lost contact.
For those bros ever add her through my FB friend list, will understand why i mentioned i (myself) find she worth that price tag.. now you "guys" should know which gal i'm talking about :D

ndnd 23-09-2013 12:21 AM

Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by maddog_mlvn (Post 9749878)
Pls save ur breath and sing for this horny old man more nice songs this coming weekend. And u Bro Magix, U didn't even touch the mic that night.

Bro Magix that nite busy KC ing one cai mah :D

ubikayu 23-09-2013 04:01 AM

Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by sanqua (Post 9090680)
I know a driver who work as a company driver in one industrial park. He is free on saturday and sunday and willing to get some extra to drive tourist. He understand english but not really able to speak, honest guy. It will be better if one of you can speak little melayu/indonesian. Let me know if you are interested.

Bro, don't mind give me the contact? I PM you liao

baby 23-09-2013 10:44 AM

Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by ndnd (Post 9750041)
Since now a topic on 1.8juta cewek and i have the mood to type
let me talk about this gal. 1.8juta gal. After this post i believed few bros from this forum will cheong to Club HH despite is 1.8juta.

2 years back, i have a facebook account, inside is all KTV gals, joint ceweks, FLs of batam. Normally the account is locked. others try to search also cant find and friend inside my account also cant see my friend list.
Some bros here requested me to unlock it for them to add, and i did.
There is one special attractive gal with name start with "Nxxxx"
Few bros after add her will daily comment on her fb posting, comment on her photo she upload. Becoz she is so attractive.
She used to work in batam and later shift to surabayar, work in massage. i still remember a bro from this forum everyday will encourage her in the her fb.
sweet and nice guy.. :p

There is one time she fly back to batam for holiday, im suppose meet her, but due to meet up with other cewek, i missed that appointment.. nabei regret now :(
After sometime later, due to my 3rd OC, i closed that FB account and didnt keep in touch with her anymore. last heard is she is coming back to work in batam.

Until that nite in Club HH, when the PRs came in a row for "contest", komagian asked me which is better, i one scan, straight tio hook on her look. i told komagian, the one in black. Komagian really took her also for charge duduk 400k. i find her damn familiar but cant remember where i saw her, but OC around, so didnt talk to her and didnt bother much. Until next day, then i remember why she look so familiar.. She is that "Nxxxx" :p
someone that been very close to me in FB and lost contact.
For those bros ever add her through my FB friend list, will understand why i mentioned i (myself) find she worth that price tag.. now you "guys" should know which gal i'm talking about :D

Just curios bro since u say she so pretty on Nxxxx could u post a pic so we able to know wht kind standard is 1.8 juta looks like?

ndnd 23-09-2013 01:07 PM

Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by baby (Post 9751839)
Just curios bro since u say she so pretty on Nxxxx could u post a pic so we able to know wht kind standard is 1.8 juta looks like?

Used to collect alot of her foto, but all clear off long ago liao
baby also interested? :p
my meat may be your posion hor :D

Normally i dont book cewek one, those know me will know, i prefer kc.
some more this one is 1.8juta, just that this chick some how quite special for me, thats why i add the remark on the FR, some how certain ppl became so excited and became a topic.

cheong2009 23-09-2013 01:11 PM

Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by ndnd (Post 9748404)
oh yes, i remember cheong2009 did organize one trip and one of your club member did advice us before and warned us about that trip. Very nice for that, but actually we are very much hopping something will happened on that trip, which will help me feel more excited, but your club member bei zhun leh, nothing happened and we are so disappointed with your club member's words.. please remind him dont talk so big and disappoint me, if want to warn, make sure it happen :mad: dont talk song.


Originally Posted by BTM R&R Club (Post 9748256)
I am speaking for myself and not for BTM RNR Club as I signed off as Old member of BTM R&R Club. So ndnd, it is not nice and rude to pull the businessman in as a whole. There are many Robert-Head everywhere, not only you. I am speaking in general and not at you. I am using your quote is just as a reference.

I don’t know how the other businessman cheong. But I know they only entertain their business partner at MI Club Harbour Bay or Gravity Club at Planet Holiday where I heard they paid Rp10 juta just for the drinks and siting with the gals. To them, what is Rp1.8 k juta?

I think Ah pek Hendri2 speak more sensible and sometimes humorous. But you are just talking like a kid. Batam Lorong 12 for businessman??? It is good for you to bring and share the enjoyment with all the bros here. But stay low and don’t show-off loudly, you might get into trouble. Who know the Batam polisi is looking at you as one of our BTM R&R Club’s member has advised you before. Good luck.

I have been cheonging batam for more than 10 years and enjoy the good old times. As I have said that there are still other places to have good and cheap sex. The gal standard is much, much better then in Batam and I am enjoying it now……. Batam will just leave it to this generation of young and inexperience cheongster.

In general view. No offence is intended to any bros here. Enjoy all you can.

Signed : Lin Lau Kong (Old member of BTM R&R Club)


Originally Posted by BTM R&R Club (Post 9749509)
Before I proceed, please note that I am speaking as an individual and not on behalf of BTM R&N Club.

Ndnd, I am a club member but I am not a businessman. I did not say anything about your group of friends. So why should you be so rude and cocky to drag our club’s businessman into this thread. When we cheong batam, I think you are still sucking your mother milk. Don’t appreciate our good advice never mind. But no need to talk as though you are a bastard trying to act like a gangster. You are a good contributor but now you turn out to be an idiot with no sense and talking rot.

Why should I be upset? You are paying Rp 1.8 juta, not me. You are showing all the bros here that you are a Stupid Robert-Head paying for 1.8 juta for a below standard cewek. Only Stupid Robert-Head like you pay this type of price in batam. Do you read bro hedri2 remarks : “walau!!! 1.2 juta to 1.8 juta for a cewe in batam...some even ST...this must must be the most expensive fucking in Asean countries………” You have really spoiled the market rate. Still want to talk big, KNN!!!. Are you hoping that all the bros here to thank you for jerking up the price?

For your info, 1 of my member’s friend have joined cheong2009 group. When they went to Sedona/Dynasty99, they don’t seem to know you or cheong (not sure who). But OKT keep asking my member’s friend for my name and where I am. So, indirectly I am among you and know who you are or where you are. So it is not the matter whether something will happen or not. Now it is not bei zhun or talk song. It is just that we are not that type to get you into trouble or sabotage. Look carefully………………

Signed : Lin Lau Kong (Old member of BTM R&R Club)


Originally Posted by maddog_mlvn (Post 9749878)
Bro Ndnd, Bro Magixskin , cool down , let other express what ever they want to say or name calling. This is a forum every samster hv their right to type and post. As far as they r not on site at that moment, what shits do they know really happen within the 4 walls. Who paid or didn't paid and how much was actually been paid, only that few guys really know the truth. Why start a war over something a guy posting that he know nuts about. Pls save ur breath and sing for this horny old man more nice songs this coming weekend. And u Bro Magix, U didn't even touch the mic that night.


Originally Posted by BTM R&R Club (Post 9745876)
18-09-2013, 03:01 PM

Samster Join Date: Mar 2003
Location: Stranded overseas..
Posts: 4,739
My Reputation:Points: 1607 / Power: 11

Re: Batam Info Thread
Originally Posted by ndnd
I find her worth that price tag,

I will be very willing to take the risk,
Two results will happened;

1) 1.8juta for 1, 2 shots

2) 1.8juta for many countless shots until i get bored

__________________________________________________ ____________________________

KNN, really spoil market. Even rupiah goes down now, does not mean you pay so much for a bonk.

My workers worked a month to get this amount. Not sex worker hor, factory workers

================================================== ================================================== ==

Yesterday, 11:16 PM

Samster (M) Join Date: Dec 2009
Posts: 765
My Reputation:Points: -56 / Power: 0

Re: Batam Info Thread

walau!!! 1.2 juta to 1.8 juta for a cewe in batam...some even ST...this must must be the most expensive fucking in Asean countries………

================================================== ================================================== =============

Paying cewek 1.8 juta in Batam!!! Crazy….. the market is really spoil. I think those bros looking for cheap sex is really frustrated like hell. Rich people their “Money speak louder than your voice”. What can you do?

Those pretty FL ceweks would rather hunt for this type of Robert-Head in disco than to works in joints or KTVs. Joints/KTVs cewek take less than half the booking fee (Rp600 to 800K) whereas the FL cewek take the full booking fee of Rp1.8K. So bros, do you think you can get pretty ceweks (Look 9/10 and above) in joints and KTVs? Tan-Ku-Ku (Wait long-long)……

In Batam, pretty ceweks definitely will not work in factory. They would rather be fucked 1 night for Rp1.8K than to work Rp1.8K for a month. So, you can see how attractive the money is, just to works 1 night a month than to works 30 days a month. They are sure that Robert-Head are around looking for them.

Don’t think that you pay Rp800K in joint/KTV, she will give you a good service. Try giving her Rp50K or Rp100K tip and look at her face to see her reaction. Unless you are booking old hen or look that is below 5/10 if not Tan-Ku-Ku (Wait long-long)…… Nowadays, cewek expect the tip to be at least Rp200K. If you still think that the market is not spoil, then you must be the Robert-Head.

This is the fact of life. No point to be frustrated. There are still other places to have good and cheap sex. The gal standard is much, much better then in Batam. Just that you have to explore. Believe me that I am enjoying it now…….

Signed : Lin Lau Kong (Old member of BTM R&R Club)

oiii handsome old man. u saying u cheong more than 10 years, and ur friends join me before? which one? say his or her nick here. we all should know. and who u talking to u know? u are businessman? if yes, u should just accept what others ppl saying.. u want win? i give u win.. what u give me? pls la.. this thread is for sharing useful information and not talk song nia... if not later newbie say i read more than 1K page nothing get.

ndnd 23-09-2013 02:35 PM

Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by cheong2009 (Post 9752642)
oiii handsome old man. u saying u cheong more than 10 years, and ur friends join me before? which one? say his or her nick

Invisible one, should be his friend join us on last year 7th months, that's why we cant see.
His invisible R&R club and members really scary, cant find in batam, cant see, not visible. Try to find some info also cant get.
Knn i even got one asking me back is it agogo club, if yes go thailand find :o
Totally cant get any info, maybe 50's or 60's one :rolleyes: (Retro Club)

baby 23-09-2013 04:34 PM

Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by ndnd (Post 9752607)
Used to collect alot of her foto, but all clear off long ago liao
baby also interested? :p
my meat may be your posion hor :D

Normally i dont book cewek one, those know me will know, i prefer kc.
some more this one is 1.8juta, just that this chick some how quite special for me, thats why i add the remark on the FR, some how certain ppl became so excited and became a topic.

Well u make it like she so SYT but end of the day after without a makeup like ghost lol. Well I guess u r the kind really cheat their heart while they r trying to make a living to support their family. After 10 try to sick of her n dump her one side.

Black Page 23-09-2013 05:26 PM

Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by Black Page (Post 9726402)
That day I remember small chair was a problem. Also the table too small to stay all 3. We had to move to bed (comfy enough for 3).

Only 3 months later the photo in my earlier post, same small chair, same girl at left, same problem with small chair. Just wider legs and body. Food in Batam is good for all, cheongsters and cewek.

nitecrawllerr 23-09-2013 11:29 PM

Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by baby (Post 9753848)
Well u make it like she so SYT but end of the day after without a makeup like ghost lol. Well I guess u r the kind really cheat their heart while they r trying to make a living to support their family. After 10 try to sick of her n dump her one side.

Baby, ndnd is a very experienced casanova. He may also have certain thing in him that cewek cannot resist. :cool:

I for one, also have no heart to cheat them. No empty promises for them. Just pay, fcuk and go.

Mahalapa 24-09-2013 01:40 PM

Re: Batam Info Thread
prices all rises same as crime rate too :(

jus be more careful dont flaunt ur valuables!

newyorker88 24-09-2013 04:10 PM

Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by Mahalapa (Post 9759058)
prices all rises same as crime rate too :(

jus be more careful dont flaunt ur valuables!

THat is the advice given from the past, even up to now.

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