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_AXL_ 19-04-2007 10:35 AM

Re: Liverpool Fc @ Anfield - Reds Supporters Gatherings

Originally Posted by canthaveenuf (Post 1974427)
Ha ha, bro Rahl, gotta agree with you on this. See, we do agree sometimes.

haha... kiss and make up liao huh??? just kidding, no offence.:D


Originally Posted by KingEros (Post 1974436)
So, now there's a possibility that there's gonna be an ex-Red becoming a Red Devil ... & just who might it be??

anyone did that before??? racking my brains but cant seem to know of anyone who did that in the past 30 years...


Originally Posted by canthaveenuf (Post 1974438)
I have always felt that Owen isn't such a great player and speedy players like him can't really last too long but Ferggie must have seen something in him to have even considered him when there are so many choices out there.

i m worried. s.ferguson plays a swift counter attack game and owen (haizzz...) will fit in just nice. one more thing is that even a blind man can play a through pass for him to run to...:(

_AXL_ 19-04-2007 01:12 PM

Re: Liverpool 2 Boro 0

Originally Posted by Cum_Luver (Post 1974479)
bro, agree with you.
the most important is the 3 pts, impressive display is a bonus for us who are watching the match.

agree with u too, bro cum_lover. i wished pool were doing that early in the season. then we would be able to challenge for more honours. let's all hope that they will have a brighter start to the next season.


Originally Posted by KnightBronze (Post 1974483)
ya i agree but a word on pennant.

in these type of games i have no worries

its the big games that he lacks quality in..

the big games he dont play well??? not all lah, bro. he scored a goal in the game against chelsea and he was inspirational against arsenal mah. which big games did he not play well?

but i agree that he is erratic, regardless what teams he plays against...:D but let's not take anything away from him cos he is delivering recently.

just my personal views. YNWA...;)

canthaveenuf 19-04-2007 01:22 PM

Re: Liverpool Fc @ Anfield - Reds Supporters Gatherings

Originally Posted by KingEros (Post 1974437)
I really dun see Mascherano as THE purist holding player.
I just feel that Rafa is using the Mascherano-Sissoko combination more these days (but still only against the lesser teams) for 2 reasons:
1) spur Alonso to play better & regain his form
2) allow Sissoko to gain in confidence "playing" the ball

Never thought of it that way. Kinda interesting if that is really what Rafa wanted to do. Well, if it is, point 1) hasn't been working well (Alonso hasn't relaly been his usual self lately. I think his services was quite sorely missed against Boro though.) For point 2) I think certainly not working. Sisoko still as clumsy leh. Most of the time his first touch always let him down. I think he needs to get back to basics on the training ground.


Originally Posted by KingEros (Post 1974437)
Uncle, I've no doubt been to Anfield (albeit a long long time ago) but I dun do that week in, week out ... or even month in, month out. So, I really dunno ... see, there're things I dunno too.

Wah lao eh, you make me sound like damn old leh.

Thanks anyway, good to know that at least you got something we both dun know. :D Hianz ....... another unsolved mysteryfor me. Hopefully some kind soul here can enlighten us.


Originally Posted by ah_gogo (Post 1974472)
Carragher was sort of a bummer. These mistakes that he keeps making every 300 games are just inexcusable and he really needs to pull his socks up

Wah that mistake he made was quite uncharacteristic of him. But for all his contribution and hard work all season round, must give the poor guy a break.

Luckily the Boro guy who snatched the ball wasn't Viduka or Yakubu. If not sure a Boro goal. Think he slipped and lost the ball. Or maybe just lost concentration. Maybe played too many games liao. Too tired.


Originally Posted by Cummon (Post 1974475)
I believe he will join the scums if there is truth in the rumour ,of course he is well aware that he will be hated.

I think "hate" may be an understatement. He may have to buy extra insurance coverage for himself, his family and his properties.


Originally Posted by ah_gogo (Post 1974490)
Haha yeah we could really have done with some extra flair today going forward but 3 points are 3 points

With the formation we played there are two players that I really missed. Kewell and Garcia. Either could have played on the left and kept Zenden on the bench or either are more than capable of playing behind Crouch allow Gerrard to sit Momo on the bench.


Originally Posted by kb_soo80 (Post 1974616)

Yah, Garcia could have probably made a difference. We are certainly short of players with that little bit of flair to brighten things up a bit. If we had that one moment of magic in the first half, the game would have opened up and we could have scored more goals.

We are beginning to revert to the old habit of leaving things till late in the game. I remember we had a stretch where we do perform well in the first half and improve only in the 2nd after a goal is scored. And what is more worrying is that we are coming back to relying on our Captain Marvel again. How long can we go on relying on this talisman of a player?


Originally Posted by _AXL_ (Post 1974748)
haha... kiss and make up liao huh??? just kidding, no offence.

Wah, bro, dun sabo me like dat lah. :D Anyway, thanks for your points.


_AXL_ 19-04-2007 02:20 PM

Re: Liverpool Fc @ Anfield - Reds Supporters Gatherings

Originally Posted by canthaveenuf (Post 1975084)
Wah, bro, dun sabo me like dat lah. Anyway, thanks for your points.

kept quiet until u all resolved it. then come out to stir it up again!:eek: just kidding. the points, no problem. u deserved it for that longest post i have ever seen.:D


KLKOOL 19-04-2007 04:53 PM

Re: Liverpool Fc @ Anfield - Reds Supporters Gatherings

Originally Posted by ah_gogo (Post 1974142)
Yup bro, changes could be a bonus at times but our current squad is adequate, so hopefully not too many changes.

We need finishers and creative flair. :Defensively, our low number of gals conceded are testament to our defensive capabilities.

KLKOOL 19-04-2007 04:56 PM

Re: Liverpool Fc @ Anfield - Reds Supporters Gatherings

Originally Posted by canthaveenuf (Post 1974427)
Straits Times reported that MU is eyeing him ..... My goodness. Hope he dun come back and haunt us like that.

Hmmm.. I dont think it is realistic. If newcastle sell him... what can they get to recoup the 17 million (and salaraies) ??? I dun think Man U will fork out the same amount for him ... Unless he forced another transfer :rolleyes:

Cummon 19-04-2007 07:06 PM

Found something on this :

Always hear in the background at Anfield the announcer saying "Operation Anfield Exercise" or something like that. What was that all about? :confused:
1)'Operation Anfield' is the code name for clearing the ground in an emergency. When they announce it, all the stewards and officials have to get to certain positions to help an evacuation - open the big gates, whatever.

2)It's a safety drill for the stewards. They all run to their positions to test the evacuation procedures.

rahl 19-04-2007 08:02 PM

Re: Liverpool 2 Boro 0

Originally Posted by _AXL_ (Post 1975054)
the big games he dont play well??? not all lah, bro. he scored a goal in the game against chelsea and he was inspirational against arsenal mah. which big games did he not play well?

but i agree that he is erratic, regardless what teams he plays against... but let's not take anything away from him cos he is delivering recently.

I feel Pennant has improved leaps and bounds. His game is varied and he plays intelligently. He's not a speed demon or just whips crosses in from the byline (his crosses does need improvement). Just need to score a few more goals.

With Finnan behind him, the right flank is beginning to look good. Left flank was also improving till Aurelio got hurt.

LSB_Fan 19-04-2007 11:36 PM

Re: Liverpool 2 Boro 0

Originally Posted by rahl (Post 1975758)
With Finnan behind him, the right flank is beginning to look good. Left flank was also improving till Aurelio got hurt.

Which still leaves the Left Winger issue that continues to plague us... :(

rahl 20-04-2007 12:15 AM

Re: Liverpool 2 Boro 0

Originally Posted by LSB_Fan (Post 1976018)
Which still leaves the Left Winger issue that continues to plague us... :(

I actually like the option that Riise gives us where he bursts into the box and chests the ball. Garcia did that well too. But neither of them are wingers.

Speedy provides that option but he hasn't adapted his game to the team yet. One thing Rafa can do is learn from Fergie and play Speedy to help him find his confidence and link up with the team. I remember Ronaldo was god awful as a crosser of the ball when he first came to Man U.

But stakes so high these days Rafa has got to be a brave man to put Speedy in as a confirmed starter.

Then of course there is Kewell.... :(

Prime Time 20-04-2007 12:42 AM

Re: Liverpool 2 Boro 0

Originally Posted by rahl (Post 1975758)

Then of course there is Kewell.... :(

Yeah... or rather, the lack of his playing. Hurts us badly. We really need a signing here VERY badly. and I think Speedy will need to shine in the RESERVE LEAGUE first before he can be given a chance to build his confidence in the First 11

TGIS 20-04-2007 01:42 AM

Re: Liverpool Fc @ Anfield - Reds Supporters Gatherings

Originally Posted by KLKOOL (Post 1975408)
We need finishers and creative flair. :Defensively, our low number of gals conceded are testament to our defensive capabilities.

and one reliable playmaker ;)

_AXL_ 20-04-2007 02:36 AM

Re: Liverpool 2 Boro 0

Originally Posted by rahl (Post 1975758)
I feel Pennant has improved leaps and bounds. His game is varied and he plays intelligently. He's not a speed demon or just whips crosses in from the byline (his crosses does need improvement). Just need to score a few more goals.

With Finnan behind him, the right flank is beginning to look good. Left flank was also improving till Aurelio got hurt.

pennant is not a speed demon??? his 1st step is exceedingly fast... such skills r god-given, cannot be learned. comparable to a certain luis figo, old man but still beating younger players on the flanks due to his extraordinary quick 1st step. his crosses r getting better though, but the most comforting thing is that he is beginning to pose a threat to the opposing defences, terrorising them, making them panic. n he is combining well with finnan and arbeloa when he plays on the right, so all in all, he is one for the future in my books. have to agree that he needs to burst into the box to a more central position to make himself more of a scoring threat, instead of hugging the right flank most of the time...:D

KingEros 20-04-2007 03:27 AM

Re: Liverpool Fc @ Anfield - Reds Supporters Gatherings

Originally Posted by _AXL_
anyone did that before??? racking my brains but cant seem to know of anyone who did that in the past 30 years...

To the best of my knowledge, none has ever left Liverpool to join Manure ... the only one who joined us from the other direction (albeit via Inter Milan) is Paul Ince.

KingEros 20-04-2007 03:55 AM

Re: Liverpool 2 Boro 0

Originally Posted by rahl
I feel Pennant has improved leaps and bounds. His game is varied and he plays intelligently. He's not a speed demon or just whips crosses in from the byline (his crosses does need improvement). Just need to score a few more goals.

IMHO, it's about confidence ... to the extent of even being arrogant on the pitch. Until recently, I was doubtful about Pennant not in terms of his skills ... but more of his ability to overcome the baggages he has as fodders for the press. All he needs is one lousy game & the press would be the first to keep reiterating for the next 2 weeks: "we told you so - what else can you expect from an irresponsible drunk-driver etc".


Originally Posted by rahl
I actually like the option that Riise gives us where he bursts into the box and chests the ball. Garcia did that well too. But neither of them are wingers.

You mentioned Aurelio earlier ... may I humbly remind you that he's no natural winger too.


Originally Posted by rahl
But stakes so high these days Rafa has got to be a brave man to put Speedy in as a confirmed starter.

Looking at the way Rafa has insisted on using a half-fit Kewell in the "grand finale pinnacle games" for the last 2 seasons, I'm actually of the opinion that he's got iron balls.
More so, when there's been speculation recently of Rafa contemplating using Kewell as the element of surprise in the remaining Champions League games.

Before I digress further, I think Rafa has plentiful options for the left flank:
1) his first option is between using Kewell or Speedy on a more regular basis ... unfortunately, the former is still on the road to recovery while the latter needs time to overcome the English football culture shock
2) his second option is between using Garcia or Zenden as back-up left wingers ... unfortunately, the former is also out long-term while the latter is really a mess - cannot decide if it's becoz he lacks speed or becoz he was born with two left feet
3) his next option is to push up his attacking-minded full-backs like Riise or Aurelio ... which has been the most convincing this season so far
To further back up these options, he has also brought in Arbeloa ... who's the most defensive-minded left-back in the squad, besides providing competition to Finnan as well.

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