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cupid xpress 15-03-2014 10:28 AM

Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by Hopeter (Post 10662059)
Hi might i know the place that you go open at what time. Thanks

Are you talking to me...?
Or you're talking to the whole thread...?
Since this is a Saturday morning and I have nothing better to do, I will try my best to put in a little info for you.

1. Farm/Den/Fuck house
Mostly open at 11am (Indon time) and close when all the gals are fully booked.
Won't close if the Fuck house come with karaoke/pool/beering facilities.
Damage for overnight booking: 600K to 1.5mil
You can talk to the OKT what you're looking for....
For me is very straight forward. Once I go in, first thing is see the face, then the neh neh... Then the golden question to the OKT, can the gal perform shoot sperm in her mouth... a.k.a CIM
For you, maybe you will ask can eat her pussy or not? Or which gal can AJ...
But of cos lah, ask in a very soft and tactical way, don't later kanna chase out...!
If ok, take! If not, ask driver to go somewhere else.... (Some drivers can share info with you, their other customer might have tried & comment on some gals before...!)
PS: approx 20 or more such den around in Batam ba...
IF you go on a weekday, say Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday. Heng heng you will be greeted full house in the Fuck Shop.

2. Massage
Mostly open 10 or 11am (Indon time) and close around mid night.
Most of these massage palour comes with both hot and cold pool. As well as sona/spa, and some gym equipment.
Unlike in Msia & SG, food and drinks are not free flow. No money no talk
Damage: Approx 400K onwards and with a complimentary HJ
If you want further more service, nego at your own risk
PS: I heard from Lau Jiao say, now got different package;
Package 1: massage with HJ (Price around as I mentioned above)
Package 2: massage with FJ (Should be 30 to 50% more ba)
Some say these gals stay in a guarded house and must return home when the massage palour closed for the day.
But if your face like Andy Lau or KC skill dame power, perhaps you can sian the gals to go out with you on their off day... Who knows!
PS: I look like Carrot Lau

3. KTV
Mostly open around 7pm (Indon time).
There are a few KTV in Batam, therefore damage is very different
I only went to 2 so far, Alisan & M1, (Not all gals can booked for overnight) I share a bit with you.
Alisan at lvl 4 of Formosa Hotel, approx 20 - 30 gals.
There are both rooms and hall here, think before you decide room or hall.
If your idea is to book a gal there, then don't waste money on the room.
If you only wanna see see look look do hand excercise, then go for room.
Rates for sitting: 200K, (as many gals as you like) the gal will sit with you the whole night, won't butterfly away. They will drink and sing with you.
If you can't talk like me, use hand sign... Eg: pointing at her tits, gesture something big... observe her express, if she smile, you go ahead to pluck papaya. If she say Eeee, also go ahead to pluck her dame papaya.... Swee boh!
Rates for overnight: 1.1mil, sit with you first, relac relac, action action a bit and sing some songs, play some pool, drink a little beer... Then proceed to your hotel lor...!
PS: While she is sitting with you and suddenly you change your mind and decided to book someone else... Can! Just tell the mummy, don't Paisei.
For M1 at Harbour Bay, the same thing applies, only damage is higher, sitting will be 300K, booking is 1.5mil...
You may think why M1 more X leh? Well, because M1 is nicer and got many gals... Around 60 ba...!

I hoped the above info helps you understand the operating timing a little.
(Infomation given are subjected to changes without my notice)
Please reply with *Thanks* upon reading this...


nono1973 15-03-2014 01:31 PM

Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by Av_lover (Post 10659090)
Can't speak Malay no problem, just hop into a taxi and told him u want to look for Girls, he will bring you go look around until u see one u like. Most probably before u choose your girl, u tell the papi/mami, if they have any perferences, example: Surabaya or Jakarta girls, cos their English is better. With a girl that can help u speak Malay is a plus. Somemore u can converse with them in English with no barrier gap and thus increase in any GFe u looking for.

For point no.2, these girls usually allow 3 shots per booking, so if u want them to stay with you until the next morning, don't finish your 3 shots so soon, most probably once u fired your 3rd shot, they will ask for money for cab to leave the hotel. Unless u can find one who's willing to stay with you even though u finish your deed.

For point no.3, usually these girls are not picky one, u eat what, they eat what, just no pork. :) I would suggest not to take order from hotel, best u go out eat, much cheaper.

Thank you for yr advise,looks like i may have to go alone since no one here can coordinate my days on going from 18th Mar 2014,next Tue or/and onward. I just upped u by 1 point. (sorry,it's only this much i can up)

Hopefully my trip will be a good one (no confident to have good expectation) ... :(

I shall read this thread all over again for knowledge purposes.

Thank you all.

krone 15-03-2014 02:06 PM

Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by cupid xpress (Post 10663390)

1. Farm/Den/Fuck house
Mostly open at 11am (Indon time) and close when all the gals are fully booked.
Won't close if the Fuck house come with karaoke/pool/beering facilities.
Damage for overnight booking: 600K to 1.5mil
You can talk to the OKT what you're looking for....

PS: approx 20 or more such den around in Batam ba...
IF you go on a weekday, say Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday. Heng heng you will be greeted full house in the Fuck Shop.

Hey bro thanks for the info. Can I further enquire on how we can find such drivers? Last trip we hopped onto a private driver at batam centre who only understood bahasa so he couldn't understand what we want... Where are these fuck shops located near to by the way? What's the standard rate to pay the drivers for driving us ard to look? Thanks again!

benemighty 15-03-2014 10:23 PM

Re: Batam Info Thread
Hi Cheongsters,

Anyone going on the 4th april? 3D2N? I am quite new to batam too, not familiar with melayu. For "fun entertainment" of cos.. u can pm me if u wan to chat in details..:D

black84 16-03-2014 12:09 AM

Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by cupid xpress (Post 10663390)
Are you talking to me...?
Or you're talking to the whole thread...?
Since this is a Saturday morning and I have nothing better to do, I will try my best to put in a little info for you.

1. Farm/Den/Fuck house
Mostly open at 11am (Indon time) and close when all the gals are fully booked.
Won't close if the Fuck house come with karaoke/pool/beering facilities.
Damage for overnight booking: 600K to 1.5mil
You can talk to the OKT what you're looking for....
For me is very straight forward. Once I go in, first thing is see the face, then the neh neh... Then the golden question to the OKT, can the gal perform shoot sperm in her mouth... a.k.a CIM
For you, maybe you will ask can eat her pussy or not? Or which gal can AJ...
But of cos lah, ask in a very soft and tactical way, don't later kanna chase out...!
If ok, take! If not, ask driver to go somewhere else.... (Some drivers can share info with you, their other customer might have tried & comment on some gals before...!)
PS: approx 20 or more such den around in Batam ba...
IF you go on a weekday, say Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday. Heng heng you will be greeted full house in the Fuck Shop.

2. Massage
Mostly open 10 or 11am (Indon time) and close around mid night.
Most of these massage palour comes with both hot and cold pool. As well as sona/spa, and some gym equipment.
Unlike in Msia & SG, food and drinks are not free flow. No money no talk
Damage: Approx 400K onwards and with a complimentary HJ
If you want further more service, nego at your own risk
PS: I heard from Lau Jiao say, now got different package;
Package 1: massage with HJ (Price around as I mentioned above)
Package 2: massage with FJ (Should be 30 to 50% more ba)
Some say these gals stay in a guarded house and must return home when the massage palour closed for the day.
But if your face like Andy Lau or KC skill dame power, perhaps you can sian the gals to go out with you on their off day... Who knows!
PS: I look like Carrot Lau

3. KTV
Mostly open around 7pm (Indon time).
There are a few KTV in Batam, therefore damage is very different
I only went to 2 so far, Alisan & M1, (Not all gals can booked for overnight) I share a bit with you.
Alisan at lvl 4 of Formosa Hotel, approx 20 - 30 gals.
There are both rooms and hall here, think before you decide room or hall.
If your idea is to book a gal there, then don't waste money on the room.
If you only wanna see see look look do hand excercise, then go for room.
Rates for sitting: 200K, (as many gals as you like) the gal will sit with you the whole night, won't butterfly away. They will drink and sing with you.
If you can't talk like me, use hand sign... Eg: pointing at her tits, gesture something big... observe her express, if she smile, you go ahead to pluck papaya. If she say Eeee, also go ahead to pluck her dame papaya.... Swee boh!
Rates for overnight: 1.1mil, sit with you first, relac relac, action action a bit and sing some songs, play some pool, drink a little beer... Then proceed to your hotel lor...!
PS: While she is sitting with you and suddenly you change your mind and decided to book someone else... Can! Just tell the mummy, don't Paisei.
For M1 at Harbour Bay, the same thing applies, only damage is higher, sitting will be 300K, booking is 1.5mil...
You may think why M1 more X leh? Well, because M1 is nicer and got many gals... Around 60 ba...!

I hoped the above info helps you understand the operating timing a little.
(Infomation given are subjected to changes without my notice)
Please reply with *Thanks* upon reading this...


up you, nice detailed info.:D

authenticanie 16-03-2014 12:10 AM

Re: Batam Info Thread

Naka_Timo 16-03-2014 11:02 AM

Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by cupid xpress (Post 10663390)
Are you talking to me...?

1. Farm/Den/Fuck house
Mostly open at 11am (Indon time) and close when all the gals are fully booked.
Won't close if the Fuck house come with karaoke/pool/beering facilities.
Damage for overnight booking: 600K to 1.5mil
You can talk to the OKT what you're looking for....
For me is very straight forward. Once I go in, first thing is see the face, then the neh neh... Then the golden question to the OKT, can the gal perform shoot sperm in her mouth... a.k.a CIM
For you, maybe you will ask can eat her pussy or not? Or which gal can AJ...
But of cos lah, ask in a very soft and tactical way, don't later kanna chase out...!
If ok, take! If not, ask driver to go somewhere else.... (Some drivers can share info with you, their other customer might have tried & comment on some gals before...!)
PS: approx 20 or more such den around in Batam ba...
IF you go on a weekday, say Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday. Heng heng you will be greeted full house in the Fuck Shop.

2. Massage
Mostly open 10 or 11am (Indon time) and close around mid night.
Most of these massage palour comes with both hot and cold pool. As well as sona/spa, and some gym equipment.
Unlike in Msia & SG, food and drinks are not free flow. No money no talk
Damage: Approx 400K onwards and with a complimentary HJ
If you want further more service, nego at your own risk
PS: I heard from Lau Jiao say, now got different package;
Package 1: massage with HJ (Price around as I mentioned above)
Package 2: massage with FJ (Should be 30 to 50% more ba)
Some say these gals stay in a guarded house and must return home when the massage palour closed for the day.
But if your face like Andy Lau or KC skill dame power, perhaps you can sian the gals to go out with you on their off day... Who knows!
PS: I look like Carrot Lau

3. KTV
Mostly open around 7pm (Indon time).
There are a few KTV in Batam, therefore damage is very different
I only went to 2 so far, Alisan & M1, (Not all gals can booked for overnight) I share a bit with you.
Alisan at lvl 4 of Formosa Hotel, approx 20 - 30 gals.
There are both rooms and hall here, think before you decide room or hall.
If your idea is to book a gal there, then don't waste money on the room.
If you only wanna see see look look do hand excercise, then go for room.
Rates for sitting: 200K, (as many gals as you like) the gal will sit with you the whole night, won't butterfly away. They will drink and sing with you.
If you can't talk like me, use hand sign... Eg: pointing at her tits, gesture something big... observe her express, if she smile, you go ahead to pluck papaya. If she say Eeee, also go ahead to pluck her dame papaya.... Swee boh!
Rates for overnight: 1.1mil, sit with you first, relac relac, action action a bit and sing some songs, play some pool, drink a little beer... Then proceed to your hotel lor...!
PS: While she is sitting with you and suddenly you change your mind and decided to book someone else... Can! Just tell the mummy, don't Paisei.
For M1 at Harbour Bay, the same thing applies, only damage is higher, sitting will be 300K, booking is 1.5mil...
You may think why M1 more X leh? Well, because M1 is nicer and got many gals... Around 60 ba...!

I hoped the above info helps you understand the operating timing a little.
(Infomation given are subjected to changes without my notice)
Please reply with *Thanks* upon reading this...


Bro, u give a detail guide....

vcmcsl 16-03-2014 12:48 PM

Re: Batam Info Thread
Any good recommedations at Delta Spa? Anyone know of cewek who give good BBBJ with CIM there?

Intel Ops 16-03-2014 01:04 PM

Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by krone (Post 10664598)
Hey bro thanks for the info.

although we never met before but dont mind me saying this...
as CP is "down", you "zoom" to Batam liao. :D
ka jiao ka jiao only. :p

Orkfu 16-03-2014 01:14 PM

Re: Batam Info Thread
Hi guys,

Went delta yesterday.

Got hj but almost nothing else.

Fully clothed. No kiss, no nothing....

How to get playful ones?

krone 16-03-2014 03:53 PM

Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by Intel Ops (Post 10669794)
although we never met before but dont mind me saying this...
as CP is "down", you "zoom" to Batam liao. :D
ka jiao ka jiao only. :p

Haha no la my friends asking me to find out mah... It's been almost a year since I was last in cp anyways haha

nono1973 16-03-2014 04:52 PM

Re: Batam Info Thread
Hi..anyone has contacts of any Taxi Driver who is familiar with joint?

Will be heading to Batam alone this coming Tue..

And any bros here who wish to go together,do PM me too.

Thank you.

hayhay1 16-03-2014 10:14 PM

Re: Batam Info Thread
Just back from day trip to batam, exchange 8900

KohOnly21 17-03-2014 11:36 AM

Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by Orkfu (Post 10669837)
Hi guys,

Went delta yesterday.

Got hj but almost nothing else.

Fully clothed. No kiss, no nothing....

How to get playful ones?

Either you go for plastic to look more yangdao or you give big big tips :D

cupid xpress 17-03-2014 04:33 PM

Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by krone (Post 10664598)
Hey bro thanks for the info. Can I further enquire on how we can find such drivers? Last trip we hopped onto a private driver at batam centre who only understood bahasa so he couldn't understand what we want... Where are these fuck shops located near to by the way? What's the standard rate to pay the drivers for driving us ard to look? Thanks again!

Bro, i'll send you a PM...

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