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acid_rxz 26-02-2009 09:33 PM

Re: Batam Info Thread
hi bros i going batam tmr morning come back sat morning anyone interested can join i have been there a few times so no worries for first timers (will be logging in to cx again at 3am)any pm interested pls pm me ur contact number also we will be meeting at 930am at habour front

Ah_Hia 27-02-2009 07:32 AM

Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by Xdecepticon (Post 3513561)
Me still green. So can xd join u 1 day? Feel safer with PR bros like u and batamMan whos tere 24/7. :D

U green ? Lan jiao green ah !
Dun bluff ppl here lor Balai King !

Anyway....bro NY will not cheong with anyone here. That's his policy.


Originally Posted by taxi69 (Post 3514380)
Maybe lah...:o

Bro,like tat suan me good meh:(?
But my main pt is tat the condom tere is not up 2 standard like in sillypore.
Bro,maybe u wan 2 recommend me the place 2 buy better quality condom in batam?Tks in advance.

Joke joke only mah. Dun angry lah.
U dunno my pattern here meh. :p

The durex in Batam is same as those found in singapore and even malaysia or thailand cuz all come from the same thai factory lah.
I dunno about the local brand Sutra or Frenzy (got banana flavoured ones u know).

For me any condom better than no condom.
Scared dun cheong, wanna cheong dun scared. My theory.

Cheers !

Xdecepticon 27-02-2009 08:00 AM

Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by Ah_Hia (Post 3516516)
Anyway....bro NY will not cheong with anyone here. That's his policy.

Since when r u his spokeman! :rolleyes:

BiRd13 27-02-2009 10:30 AM

Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by bahman (Post 3513545)
bro, you try the one intro by bro taxi69 and let us know which got better lobang.

we get the best out of them. haha.

LoL.... I think bro taxi de lobang still better... A chinese is still better than a Malay driver, even though he can communicate abit in english...


Originally Posted by Xdecepticon (Post 3513561)
Me still green. So can xd join u 1 day? Feel safer with PR bros like u and batamMan whos tere 24/7. :D

Agreed with bro.. I also hope can join some bros here if cheong-ing Batam...


Originally Posted by taxi69 (Post 3514380)
Bro,like tat suan me good meh:(?
But my main pt is tat the condom tere is not up 2 standard like in sillypore.
Bro,maybe u wan 2 recommend me the place 2 buy better quality condom in batam?Tks in advance.

Bro... Ever thought of getting some condom from Singapore before going over? Sometimes the 'feeling' is just more 'safe' even though both countries condom are of same brand, same kind...


Originally Posted by Ah_Hia (Post 3516516)
U green ? Lan jiao green ah !
Dun bluff ppl here lor Balai King !

Anyway....bro NY will not cheong with anyone here. That's his policy.

The durex in Batam is same as those found in singapore and even malaysia or thailand cuz all come from the same thai factory lah.
I dunno about the local brand Sutra or Frenzy (got banana flavoured ones u know).

For me any condom better than no condom.
Scared dun cheong, wanna cheong dun scared. My theory.

Cheers !

Bro... Y u noe his lj is green? :D
Kidding bro...

But yup.. Heard/tried those banana flavored de... My ex like it quite much... as the taste/smell is not as weird as strawberry... =P

I agreed with you... Want cheong, dun scare... If scare, dun cheong...
BUT still, safety comes first... =P

newyorker88 27-02-2009 10:40 AM

Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by Xdecepticon (Post 3516539)
Since when r u his spokeman!

THanks! Hahaha, personally, I dont cheong with others in Batam due to personal and identity issue. Thanks for understanding.

However, I am more than willing to provide info if necessary, and write up if there are things that are interesting.

Once again, thanks for reading! :)

newyorker88 27-02-2009 10:44 AM

Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by Ah_Hia (Post 3516516)
U green ? Lan jiao green ah !
Dun bluff ppl here lor Balai King !

For me any condom better than no condom.
Scared dun cheong, wanna cheong dun scared. My theory.

Cheers !

Well said. However, batam is a transist place for sex workers as well. Number 1 thing is to protect oneself. You never know whom she slept with and what disease she has. Dont bring trouble to yourself and your family. Have fun, but do it with safety.

A condom is better than none.

miya_v 27-02-2009 11:40 AM

Re: Batam Info Thread
i'll be going to batam on the 27th of march for a 3d2n stay with some friends. all of us are first timers. will it be better to get a driver?

newyorker88 27-02-2009 03:30 PM

Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by miya_v (Post 3517038)
i'll be going to batam on the 27th of march for a 3d2n stay with some friends. all of us are first timers. will it be better to get a driver?

Your friend can drive? Also note. If you are staying in house of friends, and not in a hotel, it is advised to LAPOR POLISI( report to police), cost about 15K rupiah. They will give you a permit, and last for 30 days. If you go by Batu Ampar( harbour bay), there is a police station about 300 metres away, turn left when exit from harbour bay, at the junction of the cargo terminal and Baloi road. If not, if they want trouble with you, they can say anything, if you are caught not staying in hotel.

If you stay in a hotel, then it is ok, no need. they will do it on your behalf.
Some stupid law here.

Other than tat, have fun.

Rates for drivers can always nego. For more info, read up the FRs given.

sex crusader 27-02-2009 03:40 PM

Re: Batam Info Thread
That's the beauty of this forum. I always learn new things from the sifus here. Kudos to you guys.As i always stay in hote in Btm, didn't know Indon got such stupid law or it's just Batam.:)

newyorker88 27-02-2009 04:39 PM

Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by sex crusader (Post 3517753)
That's the beauty of this forum. I always learn new things from the sifus here. Kudos to you guys.As i always stay in hote in Btm, didn't know Indon got such stupid law or it's just Batam.:)

Yes, now you know:D. My guess it is just batam/Pinang. Jakarta dont have such ruling, not that I heard of.

by the way, if you are here for business, be sure you have a permit. And you make sure you dont TOUCH ANY WORK AT ALL. FYI, you need to have work permit to work here.

These mother fuckers are out to con money. Some businessmen who are in need of money will sell out NEW CLIENTS to police when they come over to view or buy materials. Ever heard businessman who were made to pay money to get out? You know who set you up next time.

I know which police does that. Wont give exact location, but that fucker kena checkmate by the chief few years ago, when the new chief comes to hunt down corruption.

By the way, Tanjong Pinang, Balai, Batam are now Special Economic Zones. No tax for importing items.

Xdecepticon 27-02-2009 06:52 PM

Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by newyorker88 (Post 3517940)
By the way, Tanjong Pinang, Balai, Batam are now Special Economic Zones. No tax for importing items.

So if I hand carry couple of dozen of electronic goods to TBK or Batam, I need not pay any tax?

Wat if I export such goods to TBK/Batam? Would the importer be taxed? In spore, importer are tax 7% gst.


Originally Posted by newyorker88 (Post 3516860)
THanks! Hahaha, personally, I dont cheong with others in Batam due to personal and identity issue. Thanks for understanding.

Fret not lah bro. I was juz kiddin. I ustand ur situation. No flamming here. But not all samster$ here can be trusted either cos I kenna play out b4. Tru$t me. Lets move on....

taxi69 28-02-2009 02:53 AM

Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by Ah_Hia (Post 3516516)
Joke joke only mah. Dun angry lah.
U dunno my pattern here meh.

No problem,i can take jokes:D


Originally Posted by BiRd13 (Post 3516839)
LoL.... I think bro taxi de lobang still better...

Bro,my lobang still virgin leh!


Originally Posted by BiRd13 (Post 3516839)
Bro... Ever thought of getting some condom from Singapore before going over? Sometimes the 'feeling' is just more 'safe' even though both countries condom are of same brand, same kind...
I agreed with you... Want cheong, dun scare... If scare, dun cheong...
BUT still, safety comes first... =P

My Jan trip i did bought frm sillypore be4 going over.For tis time round,thought of trying the condom over tere, in the end,disappointed :(.


Originally Posted by newyorker88 (Post 3516868)
Number 1 thing is to protect oneself. You never know whom she slept with and what disease she has. Dont bring trouble to yourself and your family. Have fun, but do it with safety.

A condom is better than none.

Agree with both hands up.


Originally Posted by newyorker88 (Post 3517719)
If you stay in a hotel, then it is ok, no need. they will do it on your behalf.
Some stupid law here.

Like tat oso can?!

bahman 28-02-2009 05:40 AM

Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by BiRd13 (Post 3516839)
LoL.... I think bro taxi de lobang still better... A chinese is still better than a Malay driver, even though he can communicate abit in english...

true la bro. no matter what we can talk to him in chinese or dialect and he will understand better.

lextaxy 01-03-2009 04:37 AM

Re: Batam Info Thread
sori for the double post broadband service (speedy)is quite unpredictable.service was down again and hence this late2 response.

Originally Posted by Michael (Post 3492022)
Haha so funny...

Anyway I am working in Batam too...

Wondering what's a good place to catch some higher ends ceweks...

Being to all the spas, ktvs etc, a bit bored of those... :D

bro mic..pls define your 'higher end'...are you refering to "price","service","freshness" etc
Originally Posted by bahman
regarding the disco with bed and shower, where and exactly which is it?
spot on bro ah hia. the pacifik people are actually the last to 'install' this feature.pesona ktv(3flr) and sphinx(3flr,one of the vip room has a dentist about kinky he..he)were the pioneers..

Originally Posted by blackknight168
Looking for chinese batam meimei ???
Don't know where to get

with regards to this particular spices in batam,it's quite impossible unless you have the time and know where to look.
Pure chinese indonesian and mandarin speaking??during the years of Pak Harto's,chinese names were even dis-allow,chinese traditions like our CNY were celerbrated and declare a national holiday only during Mbah Megawati's rule (thats about 7years ago).
kalimantan chinese are mostly khek (hakka)decendants and they do pack some punch when it comes to bedside kungfu thu,dayak's blood are runing in them,sure some of our fellow cheongsters have come across dayaks and madura's proficency in bed.those from Medan are mostly hokkian speaking while closer to batam e.g tg pinang,tg batu etc are teochews, Pakal pinangs are khek...Yawnnn. getting boring yeh..
anyway, for all die-hard cheogsters with the die die also must try altitude,chinese batam meimeis are available.
Bro ah hia,pagoda n romance hotels 100% no kang tau no further recce needed.there were once(about 10months back) a ktv oppoite pagoda but were closed/bannished as under-aged ceweks were found working there.

lextaxy 01-03-2009 05:33 AM

Re: Batam Info Thread
Originally Posted by sex crusader
That's the beauty of this forum. I always learn new things from the sifus here. Kudos to you guys.As i always stay in hotel in Btm, didn't know Indon got such stupid law or it's just Batam.

according to the Indonesian UU (laws),any foreigner who wishes to resides(rest,sleeps,relaxes etc) at any places in Indonesia (except hotels)for more than 24hr must report to the local authority(polisi,rt/rw) so that your well being and safety can be keep track of,so it claims.or just another excuses to squeeze some bucks from us tourist.

as for FTZ situation here,just dont bed on it as Indonesians authorities are well-known for feet dragging;the damn thing was signed btw Mr lee jr and sby some 2.5yrs back,the uu for it has not been finalised the taxation system for batam,tg pinang,b karimun is still a mess...

countless SOP and warning issues appear here,but time and again incidents happens.
bottom line for all cheongsters,be green jiao or lau lau jiao,just be wary,xtra carefull diligent..never hau lain,talk big.+ whatever advise from our moms
never be too competent and let our guards down hence spoiling our fun,wasting our money and wreck our mood for the Great cheong xperience.condoms with or without,..take xtra care please;)

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