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zorrotan 15-05-2014 09:34 PM

Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by nono1973 (Post 11035148)
Ok,so your S$200 didn't include the Hotel Booking charges which is 550k & the S$48.00 ferry price,if that is the case,it makes sense now.

Yes,it is cheaper to book online than walk-in. Then again it also depends on individual case to case basis cos my friend (also solo-ing) booked the below room at S$55.00 when he walk-in on my 4th trip & i didn't get a room i wanted from Kaha at S$55.00 (same day,almost same time) :

So again,i believe it's the relationship between the hotel and their guest.

There are 2 Kaha often mentioned in this thread. 1 of them inside Batam Centre Ferry terminal,quite a distance away from Formosa Hotel,the other which i frequent is opposite Harmoni Hotel which is near Formosa & even nearer to Goodway hotel.

To reach Kaha,1st find Harmoni Hotel. To reach Gold Bird,1st find Batam Star Hotel. The map below will be helpful :

There is one simpler method to reach Kaha,take a taxi from Habour Bay...tell the driver you want to go Kaha opposite Harmoni Hotel. They will know the place. I pay 40k to reach Kaha,ask driver to wait for me while i book the room and then board the same taxi to reach Formosa Hotel to check in. All in 40k. I avoid the 1st 2 to 3 taxi drivers who approach me during arrival to Batam,walk to Prima Ferries to book my return Ferry upon arriving Batam,then walk little further before approach by taxi drivers again which i will usually be quoted 40k and i tell them 40k to Kaha,then to Formosa,ok? 90% time,they will be ok. (keep in mind here,it's weekdays when i visit Batam)

There is one small little detail to take note,don't leave your luggage inside the taxi when you reach Kaha to book your hotel room and always take down the taxi number when you board the cab.

For Gold Bird joint,it cannot be on the map. The easiest method is get there is 1st find Batam Star Hotel or Lai Lai Hotel which is also 2 min walk away from Goodway Hotel :

I was 1st told Gold Bird is Opposite Batam Star...wrong. It is actually the next block opposite Batam Star Hotel. You will need to circle around the block opposite Batam Star,locate the block next to it and then circle around it to find Goldbird. So you will need to circle around 2 blocks,and each block will take you 2 to 5 mins to circle round. You will eventually find a NEON-looking signboard without lights that says Gold Bird on it hidden in one small corner of the block. When you find it,you will know why it cannot be pinpointed on the map,hehehe...

Location of Kaha Travel & Gold Bird (aka Sedona) has already been bookmarked on my signature.

Disadvantages in booking in Kaha,you are not guaranteed a Hotel room of your desire. Something i learned in my 4th trip to Batam. The only reason why i am booking from Kaha is that the room i need is not available to be booked online.

Since i can add 1 more photo in this post,here is the Kaha namecard for your planning refernce if you need it. In it has the address of the 3 Kaha branches in Batam,..the Airport,the Batam Centre and the one opp Harmoni Hotel.(with Tel numbers too)

Hope your next upcoming trip will be better than the 1st,bro.


Thank you for this information,very useful to cheong Batam.

authenticanie 16-05-2014 12:15 AM

Re: Batam Info Thread

roadpeople 16-05-2014 02:26 AM

Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by nono1973 (Post 11035323)
Now i know these buses do starts from Harbour Bay end reach Nagoya Hill Mall,thank you for you input......

These red vans do not end at the Harbour bay round about, if u get on it from Nagoya Hill on the other side of the road, they drive towards Goodway hotel, upon Harbour Bay round about, they do not turn right towards Harbour Bay, but turn left destinate at DC mall. Behind DC mall is another massage and pick up join. Hotel Bali and Newton Hotel is within walking distance.

DC mall is large though cannot compare with the up market Nagoya Hill, nor BCS mall. The loving Garden open air food court have lot of seafood restaurants too.:p

This trip will cost you only Rp 3K.:rolleyes::cool:;)

Tespest 16-05-2014 10:40 AM

Re: Batam Info Thread
Hi all,

Just wondering if anyone has intention to go to batam next weekend?

Had already booked tix to hcmc but in view of the recent situation, I'm needing to divert somewhere else instead.

Thanks all

newyorker88 16-05-2014 10:56 AM

Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by nono1973 (Post 11035323)
Thank you bro for your valuable info. I have not taken the mini bus before and was advise against it due to it being dirty,crowded and running the risk of being pickpocket-ed.

The fact is,a couple of times the Van aka Mini Bus did stop by for me to board,just that i didn't get up. I guess at the point of time,i still prefer walking as i can learn more and be able to recognize land mark point of Hotel location better and feel more at ease while doing so.


Yes, take a taxi, or ojek if you are more familiar with the language or area. Never take the "bus", even it may be cheap. A lot of robberies and pickpockets. Sometimes, all the passengers on the bus are pickpockets gang up to prey on unsuspecting passengers.

I personally don't take them as well, despite being here for years.

nono1973 16-05-2014 12:09 PM

Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by roadpeople (Post 11039981)
These red vans do not end at the Harbour bay round about, if u get on it from Nagoya Hill on the other side of the road, they drive towards Goodway hotel, upon Harbour Bay round about, they do not turn right towards Harbour Bay, but turn left destinate at DC mall. Behind DC mall is another massage and pick up join. Hotel Bali and Newton Hotel is within walking distance.

DC mall is large though cannot compare with the up market Nagoya Hill, nor BCS mall. The loving Garden open air food court have lot of seafood restaurants too.

This trip will cost you only Rp 3K.)

Once again,thank you for the info provided for the point to point of the mini-bus/Van drop off point. I am writing them down as i type this.

Who knows,one day i might decide to write a basic guide on the bus/van drop off point base on your review,but meantime...i would still choose to take my baby step on overnight joint place 1st,then to Massage places in area 1,then proceed to the same overnight joints and Massage Places in area 2...and so on towards area 3,area 4,area 5....then maybe to Makan places or places of interest,like Temples,amusement park,Golf,Resort etc.

i am collecting information of the past,try to test them out as much as possible personally and then do a simple guide each time so anyone or everyone can benefit from it.


Originally Posted by Tespest (Post 11041243)
Hi all,

Just wondering if anyone has intention to go to batam next weekend?

Had already booked tix to hcmc but in view of the recent situation, I'm needing to divert somewhere else instead.

Thanks all

HCMC is a very nice place,been there when my friends work there some time ago but looks like the situation isn't good there base on recent news i read. i do read a few informative postings from bro Hurricane in one of the HCMC thread and find them relatively cool. After i complete my Batam "mission",i may be considering my "next area to explore" to be at HCMC,hehehe...

Wanna cheong Batam,as a newbie to Batam i have collected quite a handful of basic info that should be sufficient for a beginner to move around solo in Batam on my signature. Then again,do read them with an open mind,cos the info collected consist of personal experience,key info provide by bros in this thread and info collect from other websites....not forgetting i am still new to this place.

Hope you will have a good trip,bro.


Originally Posted by newyorker88 (Post 11041326)
Yes, take a taxi, or ojek if you are more familiar with the language or area. Never take the "bus", even it may be cheap. A lot of robberies and pickpockets. Sometimes, all the passengers on the bus are pickpockets gang up to prey on unsuspecting passengers.

I personally don't take them as well, despite being here for years.

Good advise,bro. Base on what i have seen in those buses/vans in Batam,it is always crowded and they are 99% of the time crowded with MEN to the extend they have to stand and squeeze with each other.(back to back squeezing)

I guess i will only board the mini-bus/van under this condition BELOW if it is crowded,hehehe....

Better still if the mini-bus/van is in this condition BELOW,even if i know i will kena rob...i am also happy and willing to get on

Genocide5 16-05-2014 06:41 PM

Re: Batam Info Thread
Any bros will be heading into batam tomorrow?solo traveler...need to destress so thought night tag along...thanks

iicycold 16-05-2014 06:59 PM

Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by newyorker88 (Post 11029382)
Can stay in other hotels for cheaper rates. HJ? Can always nego down. 150K will do. Hotel Check out? you use the items in fridge? Buy at circle K... etc...

Just to check,where is this circle K? Is it a mart or a place where there are supermarkets?


Blacklizt 16-05-2014 07:20 PM

Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by iicycold (Post 11044314)
Just to check,where is this circle K? Is it a mart or a place where there are supermarkets?


circle K is 24/7 mini markets that spread all over nagoya - jodoh
its same as singapore 7/11

woah, there is a lot of samster coming to batam

nono1973 17-05-2014 03:51 PM

Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by Blacklizt (Post 11044447)
woah, there is a lot of samster coming to batam

Base on the number of PMs i received & replied recently,i believe another lot will soon be heading to Batam. :D

Hopefully they will come back here to share their info & how they feel about their trip. From there,i can then learn more.

Base on bro authenticanie's exchange rate,if i were to head to Batam,i will settle for no less than 9050/SGD on that day of his post. For today,i believe the rate should be around 9000/SGD.

Tespest 17-05-2014 08:11 PM

Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by nono1973 (Post 11050154)
Base on the number of PMs i received & replied recently,i believe another lot will soon be heading to Batam. :D

Hopefully they will come back here to share their info & how they feel about their trip. From there,i can then learn more.

Base on bro authenticanie's exchange rate,if i were to head to Batam,i will settle for no less than 9050/SGD on that day of his post. For today,i believe the rate should be around 9000/SGD.

Thanks to your guide, I may try to go solo. But would welcome anyone else to join me. I love partying but I dun see how I can club

Blacklizt 17-05-2014 09:00 PM

Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by nono1973 (Post 11050154)
Base on the number of PMs i received & replied recently,i believe another lot will soon be heading to Batam. :D

Hopefully they will come back here to share their info & how they feel about their trip. From there,i can then learn more.

Base on bro authenticanie's exchange rate,if i were to head to Batam,i will settle for no less than 9050/SGD on that day of his post. For today,i believe the rate should be around 9000/SGD.

are you live in batam bro?


Originally Posted by Tespest (Post 11051662)
Thanks to your guide, I may try to go solo. But would welcome anyone else to join me. I love partying but I dun see how I can club

welcome to batam bro, i can provide you information if you like

krone 18-05-2014 04:29 AM

Re: Batam Info Thread
In batam right now, BC all rooms full... Hotel swisbell harbour bay also full... Bros coming during wkend best to book first... Advertised rates online for swissbel is $85 but from Kaha is only 700k... Novotel only 545k... Martell at BC only 118 thru mummy discount.... But prc girls price is high compared to local... Friend gt a girl that's damn cute... I nv call coz was there for business... Fun night though tonight... Need mummy contact pm me...


tiuminator 18-05-2014 11:33 AM

Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by krone (Post 11053686)
In batam right now, BC all rooms full... Hotel swisbell harbour bay also full... Bros coming during wkend best to book first... Advertised rates online for swissbel is $85 but from Kaha is only 700k...

Their bloody walk-in rate above RP1 juta!

Look like nowadays alot of bros book thru KAHA. No wonder that lazy fcuk type women kaha staff, Yuli, sucks big time! Tiu her!:mad:

papai 18-05-2014 01:02 PM

Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by nono1973 (Post 11029019)
Hi bro,don't mind if i help you break down your spending base on your 2 FRs...

Formosa Hotel : 550k
Taxi to Formosa : 50k
2 Box of CDs : 44k
Lunch (Food court) : 30k
Overnight Girl :800k + tip 200k
Dinner : ??? (you skipped dinner,your girl too?)

Breakfast : FOC
Massage : 150k
Special : HJ-300k
Hotel check out : 250k
Lunch : i guess no lunch in Batam
Transport to Harbor: ??? (you walk to Harbour bay from Formosa?)
Ferry : S$48.00

Total Known spending : 2374k + S$48.00

Base on my last trip exchange rate of 9100/SGD,you spend a total of S$261.00 + S$48.00 = S$309.00

I also spend about that same amount in my 1st trip to Batam. I am sure your 2nd trip will cost you lesser when you know what you need and don't need to spend on.

Just carious, for this sort of money, $$300, it's better to cheong local Viet KTV? $10 -$30 for each girls you touch; $100 for more action.

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