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miumiu6464 30-06-2014 11:28 PM


Originally Posted by iicycold (Post 11341224)
My colleagues in my office return from Batam on Sunday. He and another went to Batam on Sat,come back and tell me totally no girl for booking at all...even the regular MP he often visit are closed. But due to him already book hotel,he decide to stay for a night and come back on Sunday morning empty handed.

Luckily I'll have my regular cewek to hug to sleep when I go there in the next 2 weeks.

magixskin 01-07-2014 12:02 AM

Re: I was a newbie
More info... you might like it... :)


Originally Posted by KohOnly21 (Post 11332438)
Indeed there are news that authority are adamant in closing this place permanently. However, currently the authority are only barring the okts operating the Dolly for intaking new girls as well as giving an amount (i think is 3juta) to those girls who took up their offer to leave Dolly. FYI ST in Dolly cheapest i found is 80k, maximum 200k with our local geylang house alike facilities.

Personally, i find that the ceweks in the malls, factories & offices are more :D:D

Prostitution complexes are preparing for a possible influx of sex workers after Surabaya’s infamous Dolly red-light district was officially closed on Wednesday.

The Surabaya administration has warned its Batam counterpart that sex workers formerly operating at Dolly may be headed their way, Batam municipal council Commission IV chairman Riki Solihin on Thursday said.

“We have been told to anticipate the arrival of Dolly’s former sex workers to Batam. The administration should have already responded to this by monitoring the red-light districts here,” said Riki.

According to Riki, Batam is the main-alternative destination for Dolly’s former sex workers because there are numerous clandestine and formal brothels.

“In an effort to control prostitution, sex workers are provided counseling. But, if there are too many it will burden the municipality,” said Riki.

Batam municipal chief spokesman Ardiwinata said the Social Services Agency and the Public Order Agency (Satpol PP) would launch operations focusing on a number of other night spots in Batam.

“The Social Services Agency will conduct raids to anticipate the arrival of sex workers from Surabaya to Batam by monitoring the Sintai area and warning bar operators,” said Ardi.

Meanwhile, in Semarang, Central Java, occupants of Argorejo red-light district, also known as Sunan Kuning brothel, are anxious that Dolly’s closure will have an impact on Argorejo, the biggest red-light district in Central Java.

Argorejo community leader Suwandi said sex workers and brothel owners were against Dolly’s former sex workers seeking work in the area as the community was concerned about the spread of HIV/AIDS. The area has various programs to prevent the spread of the disease.

Earlier, the Jambi and Gorontalo administrations expressed similar concerns over the possible migration of the former sex workers to their areas.

Separately on Wednesday, prostitutes and pimps operating at the brothels in Dolly and nearby Jarak, in Surabaya, began to collect compensation at the Sawahan Military Command before returning to their respective villages.

“I will open a stall in my village and live there peacefully,” said Erna, 34, a Dolly sex worker from Jember.

Hundreds of other sex workers operating at the Barbara brothel, which used to house more than 300 sex workers, in Dolly also began to collect their government compensation.

However, only those included in the Surabaya Social Services Agency’s recipient list were eligible for the compensation.

The government, through the Social Services Ministry, allocated Rp 8 billion (US$676,859) for 1,187 verified sex workers. They will each get severance of just over Rp 5 million as startup capital, while pimps receive Rp 5 million.

Surabaya Mayor Tri Rismaharini, or Risma, said she would take action against brothel owners, pimps and sex workers in Dolly and Jarak who continued after the area’s closure.

Risma said the municipality planned to buy all the brothels in Dolly and convert them into a shopping center.

Ainur Rohmah contributed to the story

SEAJ 01-07-2014 12:27 AM

Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by Hurricane88 (Post 11340088)
haha good idea with the neighbour thingy...but still dun stop her from going out to cheat...s..........^

Would like to add my 2 cents on this discussion about keeping girls.

First thing is of course that I think it never a good idea to "keep" a girl - but the emotional animals that us mongers usually are, well.....!!

Having said that, I also think that unless one can "fully" trust the girl, then such "Keeping" would only bring all sorts of heart and head aches; I mean, how much checking can one actually do and if its gonna be such a chore, then the whole exercise is IMHO just not worth it. You gotta be fully satisfied that she is a girl that can be trusted and if you really cannot, then its obvious that you do NOT have any business even thinking about doing so - right?

And if you do feel that you can really trust her - then you must say to yourself "The hell with checking up on her - I'm just gonna enjoy my relationship with her to its max during the time that I can so enjoy; if she does cheat on me, wellllll.... I think that I'll be smart enough to sooner or later find out and at that point in time, well, I've enjoyed myself, thank you, good bye, time to move on"

Just my 2 cents.


Naresh85 01-07-2014 03:30 AM

Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by iicycold (Post 11341224)
My colleagues in my office return from Batam on Sunday. He and another went to Batam on Sat,come back and tell me totally no girl for booking at all...even the regular MP he often visit are closed. But due to him already book hotel,he decide to stay for a night and come back on Sunday morning empty handed.

Saturday is the first day of fasting. Obviously cant fish cewek. Should go few days after that. Im going on 11th july.
Last year i went to Balai during fasting month. Most of Mp is closed. Fortunately, after we check in, the hotel staff remind us the danger we could face during ramadan, and recommended us to do what we wanted to do inside hotel, which is much safer. He offered us he could bring us gals, we denied. After rounds and rounds in balai town, end up with hotel staff again.

The gal came, not bad looking, nice figure,
massage +fj was 300000 idr. End up book another gal at night again.
Overall, experiance was ok, but always remember to be very carefull.

Cheers! :D

miumiu6464 01-07-2014 08:01 AM

Anyone know if Delta will be open today? Thinking of making a day trip..

miumiu6464 01-07-2014 10:50 AM

Re: Batam Info Thread
Just had reply from a regular cewek working in Delta that they are open, but she's currently on leave back in kampong, so maybe won't be making the day trip. Anyone has good cewek in Delta to recommend? Looking for good massage..

nono1973 01-07-2014 12:21 PM

Re: I was a newbie

Originally Posted by newyorker88 (Post 11338695)
Most of these gals moon light for extra cash, even if they have kids for you. You never know. I have friends who have a wife there, and goes back there every weekend, n holidays to see his family.

Maintenance is cheap, and when you have kids, it is easier for you to control Kids don't lie. Talk to them, and you will have a lot of stories what they did.

As for those who wants to have GF there and keep her there only.. Chances are she will FL n have many other BF coming over at different times. Believe me. Seen a lot.

Thank you for the warning. I can still remember during my 2nd trip,one of the booking joint girl told me before that someone from Malaysia actually pay her a monthly allowance of S$500 so that she doesn't have to take booking as they are planning marriage. Well...i booked her during that trip and it goes to show that the Malaysian Man who pays the allowance actually pays for nothing. On my 3rd trip a month plus later,i still see her in Gold Bird taking booking but not from


Originally Posted by Hurricane88 (Post 11340088)
haha good idea with the neighbour thingy...but still dun stop her from going out to cheat...she still can go out to play without you that is another story...:)

story goes - my friend took a local ktv gal (bia om) in hcm...this gal has a bf who pays her maintenance was from Taiwan...the bf was chat wechat and video when she was in my friend's hotel room...her bf wechat her...she kept replying and lying...and bf wanted to video call...she said 3G network no good cannot video call...hahah..but reality is she is earning extra cash by going with clients to hotels when bf no in hcm...:)

in Vn - local ktv or bia om are serving locals and usually gals dun speak foreign language...only converse vietnamese...some can speak little bit mandarin after bf paid for lesson or taught the gal...:)

bia = beer
om = hug

so go bia om to drink beer hug gals..^^

Seriously,if a girl wants to cheat,there is no way that any man can do anything except to break the tie. The best thing is refrain from getting overly serious with an oversea relationship,tho i must admit that some level of trust is needed.

I will never be more familiar than the girl in her own homeland for sure.


Originally Posted by iicycold (Post 11341224)
My colleagues in my office return from Batam on Sunday. He and another went to Batam on Sat,come back and tell me totally no girl for booking at all...even the regular MP he often visit are closed. But due to him already book hotel,he decide to stay for a night and come back on Sunday morning empty handed.

Hehehe...he should have read this thread or you should at least bring him to this thread when he tells you he is heading to Batam.


Originally Posted by KohOnly21 (Post 11341389)
Many P websites has been banned in Indonesia, even stricted than SG.

I got sleep alone experience :X

Hope my upcoming trip wont have to sleep alone....*praying now*

Pardon me for my ignorant,what's the meaning of P website har?


Originally Posted by magixskin (Post 11341672)
More info... you might like it... :)

Hehehe....hope most of the girls from Surabaya comes to Batam,that will give Batam over supply and lesser demand,and hopefully price will drop.

newyorker88 01-07-2014 02:18 PM

Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by lbee (Post 11340144)
any bro here know how to apply for Indonesia citizen?

For what? Most indos want to get out, while you want to go in. TO become something like PR? Yes, there is. Cant remember the procedure.

If you are rich here, it is nice, but just for your info that a lot of Rich indo keep their money outside Indo

newyorker88 01-07-2014 02:21 PM

Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by Kent_do (Post 11341355)
Many bros oredi say, this period don't go but yr friend ignored and go try his luck.

So end up waste money and no fish to catch...hahaha.

Can at least pcc in hotel room den go home....hehehe

Actually, if you go by back door, or ask the taxi drivers whom you know. They have lobangs for back doors. But usually, First day is off limits. Subsequent days, sometimes they may close front door, but they will have back doors.

gianfranco 01-07-2014 03:42 PM

Re: Batam Info Thread
Any bros going this sat? I wan to go but looking for fren last min tell me not free..

Black Page 01-07-2014 04:29 PM

Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by newyorker88 (Post 11344793)
Actually, if you go by back door, or ask the taxi drivers whom you know. They have lobangs for back doors. But usually, First day is off limits. Subsequent days, sometimes they may close front door, but they will have back doors.

(This is not for you, my friend NY88, I know you know it well ;))

During all Ramadan, most pick-up joints (massage and KTV sites) are closed day time, to allow girls to respect puasa, but they open at night around 7 or 8 or 9pm (I don't remember the exact time).

This seems an obstacle, but actually it opens a possibility which is totally precluded outside Ramadan: going to a KTV and find best girls still available at 9pm!
In other months, at 9pm all decent girls have been already booked, since early customers come to choose starting at noon.

Last year, I found an incredible couple of sister SYTs at Permata at 9pm. No way they could be free at that time if not during Ramadan.

About back doors: yes, some massage will allow booking also day time via the back door, but it is not possible to see the girls and choose. The OKT sits outside with friends, like just chatting, and presents a photo-book to customers who ask. Berry Indah / New Berry in its previous location was doing that.
Since all photos look virtually the same, with even old ladies looking teens, picking company from a photo-book is not advisable (my opinion).

I think it may be useful to repeat my post of some days ago, to the benefit of all non-Muslim readers who don't know what days of Ramadan should be avoided in planning a visit to Batam.
In Batam the police enforces (Batam is unpredictable, but this is the norm) total closure of all entertainment, including KTV, pubs, discos, on the first 3, middle 3, final 3 days of Ramadan. Those are definitely don't-go days, unless you have some friend there to meet without needing music, dance, etc.

Ramadan 2014 in Indonesia is expected to begin on Saturday 28 June and end on 28 July. I write "is expected " because the actual date depend on when the moon is seen by some religious authority. Thus, +/- 1 day could apply.
If I count well on my calendar, that days would be 27-28-29-30 June (one day added for the uncertainty), then 14-15-16-17 July, then 27-28-29-30 July. Consider that the whole week around the end of Ramadan is the week where everyone leaves the work place to go back to original home to meet family.

If in doubt, calling directly the pub or the Newton/Pacific hotels to ask "will you be open tonight?" or even "are you open NOW?" may be useless. Beware of that.

Black Page 01-07-2014 04:36 PM

Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by Naresh85 (Post 11342353)
Fortunately, after we check in, the hotel staff remind us the danger we could face during ramadan, and recommended us to do what we wanted to do inside hotel, which is much safer. He offered us he could bring us gals,

Ahaha! Good this one!
The advice from the hotel staff seems totally impartial and disinterested. Isnt'it?? :D:D

Oasic87 01-07-2014 06:57 PM

Re: Batam Info Thread
Hey bros..

Saw someone posting regarding a pub at newton? Any idea wheres the place located? Im trying to find a place where alot sg kakis go for drinks

iicycold 01-07-2014 07:19 PM

Re: I was a newbie

Originally Posted by magixskin (Post 11341672)
Prostitution complexes are preparing for a possible influx of sex workers after Surabaya’s infamous Dolly red-light district was officially closed on Wednesday.

The Surabaya administration has warned its Batam counterpart that sex workers formerly operating at Dolly may be headed their way, Batam municipal council Commission IV chairman Riki Solihin on Thursday said.

“We have been told to anticipate the arrival of Dolly’s former sex workers to Batam. The administration should have already responded to this by monitoring the red-light districts here,” said Riki.

According to Riki, Batam is the main-alternative destination for Dolly’s former sex workers because there are numerous clandestine and formal brothels.

“In an effort to control prostitution, sex workers are provided counseling. But, if there are too many it will burden the municipality,” said Riki.

Batam municipal chief spokesman Ardiwinata said the Social Services Agency and the Public Order Agency (Satpol PP) would launch operations focusing on a number of other night spots in Batam.

“The Social Services Agency will conduct raids to anticipate the arrival of sex workers from Surabaya to Batam by monitoring the Sintai area and warning bar operators,” said Ardi.

Meanwhile, in Semarang, Central Java, occupants of Argorejo red-light district, also known as Sunan Kuning brothel, are anxious that Dolly’s closure will have an impact on Argorejo, the biggest red-light district in Central Java.

Argorejo community leader Suwandi said sex workers and brothel owners were against Dolly’s former sex workers seeking work in the area as the community was concerned about the spread of HIV/AIDS. The area has various programs to prevent the spread of the disease.

Interesting read up and i recognize a familiar name in the article....hmm....

Thks for sharing.

S.B.Y.1 01-07-2014 08:22 PM

Re: I was a newbie

Originally Posted by KohOnly21 (Post 11341389)
Many P websites has been banned in Indonesia, even stricted than SG.


Originally Posted by nono1973 (Post 11344124)
Pardon me for my ignorant,what's the meaning of P website har?

P is Porn :D even some places you can't surf SBF


Originally Posted by miumiu6464 (Post 11343597)
but she's currently on leave back in kampong,.

It's called Mudik meaning pulang kampung for Ramadan and Idul Fitri

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