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hawkeye007 09-07-2014 11:01 AM

Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by Gaambirsarawak (Post 11394272)
Cina singkies better wake up now. One fine day when u wake up and realise your ricebowl being taken away by FTs cina from PRC, Msia and Indon. Look around and u start to see alot of cina indon holding green cards working here. Now see whether u still sympatise them. U cina singkie still so ignorant and naive? Only use your small head to think? Havent u seen how arrogant and cocky cina Indon are? Thats why sometime cina sinkies deserved to be screwed by FTs!

I zap you too for being an ignorant prick... mlm

jookowi 09-07-2014 11:03 AM

Re: Batam vs. Jakarta

Originally Posted by Gaambirsarawak (Post 11394290)
Lets bet. If u win tonite u wont see my nick here again. But if u lose go jump into the longkang! Loser. Haha..

Btw will u allow more joints to be opened if u win the election?

You betting against the odds. Either results, i also wont see your nick again. Trust me, trust Jokowi :D :p

Btw i not only will allow more joint to open and i will open joint myself :D
Massage28 still waiting for me to take over :p

newyorker88 09-07-2014 11:11 AM

Re: Batam vs. Jakarta

Originally Posted by Gaambirsarawak (Post 11395260)
Why are u such a hypocrite? U know if Joko win, 1st he will do is to clean up those flesh business. Dolly been done. Next is Batam. So u want to see all your cina friends come here to kpkb when batam joints close for good?

Next u claimed to be a businessman. I ask u how much u paid your poor javanese workers? Peesai right? Since u pity your cina indon, why dont u employ them instead?

The word Cina is not used by Chinese in Singapore, so I presume you are either a malay or some other race that uses this degrading term of Indonesian reference to chinese.

I been here for many years, more than a decade. I have a factory here, employing Chinese, Javanese, Sumatra and flores even aceh people too....But never local malayu, for they are lazy and always absent from work after pay day.

My workers are paid more than the average workers in Java and some of them are with me since day 1. Most of them have their own motor transport, and some of them even bring their family over to Batam to stay.

Batam here is safe, and people like you who goes around stirring up troubles, or like those getting people to go on strikes, creating nuisance are not welcome here.

As for the Gals in Batam, demand and supply issue. Just as Geylang in singpapore had been there before you are born, this trade will never die. I get to enjoy all I want, and as many brothers would during their free time, be it in Batam or else where. All we have is the money to pay for it. Maybe you don't.

For your infor, I have sapams to deal with people like you as well, if you care to come and create trouble. Batam centre area, visit me if you wish. You can write all you want, keyboard warrior, as you get to nowhere in real life and probably a no body.

sexsex 09-07-2014 11:13 AM

Re: Batam vs. Jakarta

Originally Posted by Gaambirsarawak (Post 11394290)
Lets bet. If u win tonite u wont see my nick here again. But if u lose go jump into the longkang! Loser. Haha..

Btw will u allow more joints to be opened if u win the election?:rolleyes:

U really deserved to be zap!

newyorker88 09-07-2014 11:15 AM

Re: Batam vs. Jakarta

Originally Posted by jookowi (Post 11395314)
You betting against the odds. Either results, i also wont see your nick again. Trust me, trust Jokowi

Btw i not only will allow more joint to open and i will open joint myself
Massage28 still waiting for me to take over


Jookowi, you should shut this massage 28 down man!! That OKT is a prick, and many brothers complain his lousy services.

jookowi 09-07-2014 11:21 AM

Re: Batam vs. Jakarta

Originally Posted by newyorker88 (Post 11395390)

Jookowi, you should shut this massage 28 down man!! That OKT is a prick, and many brothers complain his lousy services.

Massage28 already shut down and the boss already went bankrupt.
One of their gal actually reported to polisi after being hit by the M28 staff and thing like advanced "sabu"" to their gals at higher price also being reported.

newyorker88 09-07-2014 11:22 AM

Re: Batam vs. Jakarta

Originally Posted by sexsex (Post 11395381)
U really deserved to be zap!

No point zapping him. If I am not wrong, he is one who had a quarrel with some other brothers over his gamibir thing which someone claims to be fake or something like that.

Anyway, no point arguing with an idiot, they will bring you down to their level of ignorance and incompetency, and beat you with experience.

By zapping him or having acquaintance with him will only lower ourselves, :D

jookowi 09-07-2014 11:25 AM

Re: Batam vs. Jakarta

Originally Posted by Gaambirsarawak (Post 11395260)
Why are u such a hypocrite? U know if Joko win, 1st he will do is to clean up those flesh business. Dolly been done. Next is Batam. So u want to see all your cina friends come here to kpkb when batam joints close for good?

owhhhh..... why you so fast become -1 :eek:
Laughing at you now leh :D :D :D

newyorker88 09-07-2014 11:25 AM

Re: Batam vs. Jakarta

Originally Posted by jookowi (Post 11395418)
Massage28 already shut down and the boss already went bankrupt.
One of their gal actually reported to polisi after being hit by the M28 staff and thing like advanced "sabu"" to their gals at higher price also being reported.

That's good news. too many joints to visit and those bad ones, never return to see or update. Thanks for the news!

Gaambirsarawak 09-07-2014 11:25 AM

Re: Batam vs. Jakarta
Newyork dont be a hypocrite. I ask u how do u address malay and indian in chinese/dialect?

Gaambirsarawak 09-07-2014 11:27 AM

Re: Batam vs. Jakarta

Originally Posted by jookowi (Post 11395449)
owhhhh..... why you so fast become -1 :eek:
Laughing at you now leh :D :D :D

Tonite see who has the last laugh. Bwahahaha.

jookowi 09-07-2014 11:33 AM

Re: Batam vs. Jakarta

Originally Posted by Gaambirsarawak (Post 11395465)
Tonite see who has the last laugh. Bwahahaha.

Tonite result is not important to me,
what important is seeing your this nick out from here and most most important is finding chance to laugh at you :D
Thats what i doing now :p

nono1973 09-07-2014 11:57 AM

Re: Batam Info Thread
To bros who PM-ed me in regards to which joint is open and which isn't during Ramadan period,i have consolidated all my name cards of joints i have visited over my last 6 trips to Batam and put them into one single photo (becos each post only can have max 4 photos) for your reference.

With my limited knowledge,my advise is during Ramadan,avoid the 1st 3 days of Ramadan,the mid 3 days and ending 3 days,and the beginning of the end 3 days too.(as advised by senior bros here) Give this joints a courtesy call after 5.30pm indo time to see if they are open as their numbers has been stated on the below pic and if no one answering,means closed. If got people answer and tell you close,then i THINK it's open but you need to go by the joint's back door. (some girls tell me they are playing poker card to kill time while waiting for customers from their back door tho)

Plz note i also newbie to Batam and also 1st time in Batam during Ramadan and i cannot guarantee information i shared here is 100% correct,but it is as much as i know and understand base my reading of this thread & a recent visit last week.

Below the photo of joint's namecards (Memories name card added) :

Below is a map you guys might will find useful to locate those joints created by bro qwerty :

And to navigate Batam as a beginner or newbie,read my beginner walk-through guide below 1st :

Sorry that i have to answer some PMs thru posting here,cos quite a handful of you asked me the same question and i will have to repeat same answer. Now i only need to answer one time on this thread. Hoping for your understanding here and hope you all have a good time in Batam.

sghounddog 09-07-2014 12:09 PM

Re: Batam Info Thread
Bro nono, your contribution to this thread seriously deserve an award!

Gaambirsarawak 09-07-2014 12:29 PM

Re: Batam vs. Jakarta

Originally Posted by newyorker88 (Post 11395451)
That's good news. too many joints to visit and those bad ones, never return to see or update. Thanks for the news!

Hey, i am still waiting your reply?

How do u address your malay and indian "friends" in chinese/dialect?

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