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Yupo 28-07-2014 01:18 AM

Re: Batam Info Thread
Sorry i'm a bit new to this forum and if my story message can be seen its been cut sort and i;m still under moderation, i'll slowly post my story up.

Chuwit 28-07-2014 01:54 AM

Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by jimfairy (Post 11512089)
U wan free ferry to batam? I got many lobang, wait me at sembawang shipyard, i arrange a sand trailer boat for u ok but u gonna b patient ok.. its only take 3 hrs to reach there..

Haha damn didn't know have this transport option to Batam! :eek:

Have private yacht sailing to Batam or not?
Dont forget to jio me.
5 hours journey also ok. :p

jimfairy 28-07-2014 02:10 AM

Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by Chuwit (Post 11512323)
Haha damn didn't know have this transport option to Batam! :eek:

Have private yacht sailing to Batam or not?
Dont forget to jio me.
5 hours journey also ok. :p

Yacht dun hv la.. i can arrange sampan too.. but u must row urself la haha...
Sure got sand trailer la.. we buy sand from them ma haha

Chuwit 28-07-2014 02:28 AM

Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by jimfairy (Post 11512370)
Yacht dun hv la.. i can arrange sampan too.. but u must row urself la haha...

Sure got sand trailer la.. we buy sand from them ma haha

Basket row to Batam what time liao? :mad: :D

Ok keeping the sand trailer option open.
Cost S$0. U-Save S$48. :p

Mas Joki 28-07-2014 08:11 AM

Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by localbest (Post 11488514)
Batam although over the years have become costlier due to overtipping and overspending by cheongsters, nevertheless it still remain attractive to sporean. :)

I remember in the 80s and 90s sporean love to travel to hatyai for sex, because during that time the thai prostitute are cheap and good. But over the years till recently the cost has become too expensive and service drop alot and some feel that is not worth going there anymore. :eek:

Some sporean will choose batam over hatyai due to the following reason:

1) Batam booking cewek cost 600k = sing $64 as compared to hatyai 2500baht = sing $100 (comparing the cheapest)

2) Batam is 40 minutes away from harbour front and hatyai is 12 hours from golden mile complex.

3) Ferry to batam cost sing $48 return but bus to and from hatyai cost sing $90-100

4) Cheaper massage starting from 50k=$5.40 (eg chinatown, tropical asia, etc) compare to hatyai pink lady massage 2300 baht = $96.

5) For those on a short vacation can still enjoy batam due to short travel time. On the other hand Hatyai will waste 2 night sleeping in the aircon coach.

Bro newyorker, really admire you to have so much freedom enjoying in Batam.:p

And I am very certain that you will not have a headache as you always have the privilege to see brown sugar pussy everyday. :D

Yes bro, you are absolutely correct. Especially the distance and the time to travel, Sillyporean will choose Batam over Thailand if they don’t minds the gal standard.
Batam is definitely more attractive and cheaper than any other destination.


Originally Posted by newyorker88 (Post 11491462)
Lost GF, lost my kid, lost business, lost a lot of things before I stumbled on this place. Working here for more than 14 years.

Now just an old man, trying to make the most out of life.

Bro newyorker, I also admire you that you can work in Batam and got every opportunity to cheong any time you want. Day time you can use your ‘Big head’ and Night time you can use your ‘Small head’ hahaha…. (Bro, hope you don’t minds a little joke). You really got the best of both world. Whereas I can only cheong 2 weeks one with “Permit for Monkey business” heheheh……

Bro, sad to hear your unfortunate pass. Hope everything is smooth sailing for you now. But don’t worry too much. This Batam Info thread will keep you occupy and believe some sporting bros here are willing to accompany you for a drink or two. And don’t forget my signature : "Life is short. Enjoy while you can" Cheers bro!!!

I like reading about the story and history about Indonesia posted by our bros here. It is very interesting to know about Batam developments, Indonesia politics, the life of some presidents and political figures Sukarno, Suharto, Megawati…... and religion tolerance, restrictions on Chinese races…… especially treatment of the chinese races in the malay/muslim dominated country. It is very interesting. Good information….

Note : I have been trying to post this thread since 24.7.14 but it seems to be blocked. The delay (zapped or censored) may be due to some reasons I do not know. I apologize and sorry if I have offended any bros here. But please PM me to point out my mistake so that I will not made the same mistake again.

"Life is short. Enjoy while you can"
Remember the saying : "One man meat is another man poison".

cloisteredmingl 28-07-2014 11:19 AM

Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by nono1973 (Post 11503399)
Now comes the part of Spoiling the playground. The whole world is babbling about newbie spoiling the playground,but no one's been doing anything about it except keep penalizing them.And that's not going to prevent them from killing the playground. I am being honest here,if i go to Batam without reading or equipped with knowledge provided from this thread by senior bros here,i would have paid 60k for a taxi every trip and another 200k-300k for booking a taxi whole day to bring me around joints to find girls which will cost another 10-20% more than normal for the girls i booked. And i will also be booking hotel rooms at S$67.00 - S$70.00 instead of a flat S$51.60.(same hotel,same room comparison) Food will cost 10% more if my taxi driver brings me along,massage special service will cost 30-50% more. Who knows,my arrogance (if i choose to be) may lead to even worse tour disaster if i were to bring in,eg. Dried Sea Horses from Batam to Sillypore if no one tells me it's not legal and a permit is required. The funny part will be after getting chopped,i will still come here to this thread to show off that i pay 50% extras or even double for everything in Batam thinking it's a premium service i am getting and had a brainwashed "good" time, hoping to see other's following my steps or to pity

My solution,as i move along in Batam,i noted down my trails with guides for an easier navigation thru clicking and reading my signature info instead of having to read 1700 pages of this thread. Better i one person read 1700 pages than every newbies also read 1700 pages,right? Consolidated the most basic infos and some important ones where newbies like myself tends to ask MOST and than put them in a Guide Format like below :

It becomes a win-win situation for all now as this thread have lesser newbies asking repeated questions today,and you start seeing newbies will ask "more sophisticated questions" where the seniors feel more obliged to answer them. Newbies are also sharing more of what they found new in Batam (example Kost in Batam),and the MOST important of it all is,with the increase number of newbies becoming more intelligent when cheonging Batam,the likelihood of them getting Chop Carrot Head becomes less ,hence it also lessen the chance of newbie spoiling the playground. Not forgetting we will in turn have lesser pizzed off seniors who has to keep "spoon-feeding" the new. Win-win,right?

These words make logic sense to me,who would want to pay extras when they can pay normal or less? Thk u,bro Nono for putting up the basic of the basics. At the very least for new bird like me heading to Batam,i know what i will be paying for and what i should not be paying or at times should pay lesser instead.

I will be heading to Batam the week after next base on ur guide,hopefully when i return,i will be in time to come here to post an FR so as to contribute back to this thread.

Thks all for making my trip plan possible.

qwerty2009 28-07-2014 01:08 PM

Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by Yupo (Post 11512183)
Hello, I am a young guy who is in his mid twenties that wants to try everything out and after browsing for quite sometime, this will be my first post,and i decided to share this trip to batam 25th-27th july 2014. (2N2D)

Thank you to nono1973 for his wonderful guide to batam which really helped me alot!!!

The Language i know : Chinese (survival level), Malay (survival level), English, hokkien (NONE), canto (NONE)

As i know this period now is pusar and today 27th july will be the last day of the pusar and 28th is hari raya pusa, While doing my research i found out that most of the people say to avoid this period if you want to travel to batam as most of the fuck joints,shops in shopping mall are closed.

I decided to go ahead and try batam since this week was the only week i am free due to exams and assignments, yes i'm still studying ^_^. I convinced a friend of mine (he is not straight) to accompany me to batam, both of us are 1st timers. And also for security reasons and safety, better to go with a friend since the place we are visiting is an unknown to us. (NS Buddy System)

Not to worry, just feel free to share your experience here. I'm sure many incoming newbies like me would like to avoid mistake made from others :)

S.B.Y.1 28-07-2014 01:09 PM

Re: Batam Info Thread
Selamat Idul Eid 1431 to one and all

ianlim 28-07-2014 02:06 PM

Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by nitecrawllerr (Post 11503786)
Hes indirectly telling that bro this weekend ghost town. Most charbo all balik kampoing. Just bring soap (actually hotels got also) to DIY.

I learnt from cewek that it is ramai not quiet this weekend

orang_jawa 28-07-2014 02:10 PM

Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by S.B.Y.1 (Post 11514432)
Selamat Idul Eid 1431 to one and all


'السَّلاَمُ عَلَيْكُمْ وَرَحْمَةُ اللهِ وَبَرَكَاتُ
تَقَبَّلَ اللّهُ مِنَّا وَمنٌِكُمٌ صِيَامَنَا وَصِيَامَكُمٌ كُلُّ عَامٍ وَ أَنْتُمْ بِخَيْرٍ اَللّهُمَّ اجٌعَلٌنَا مِنَ الٌعَاءِدِيٌنَ وَالٌفَاءِزِيٌنَ Minal Aidin Walfaidzin, Mohon Maaf Lahir dan Bathin, utk semua Khilaf dan Salah, baik disengaja maupun tdk, Selamat Hari Raya Idul Fitri. 1435H...

222nge 29-07-2014 08:37 AM

Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by S.B.Y.1 (Post 11514432)
Selamat Idul Eid 1431 to one and all

return up +7 to 2952. Cheers.......

Madara 29-07-2014 10:06 AM

Re: Batam Info Thread
Hey bros,

Its been more than 8 yrs since i visit batam...
Im planning to go next week ard 5/8/14...
I wonder if anyone here goin there at the same date, so can venture together...


newyorker88 29-07-2014 11:44 AM

Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by Mas Joki (Post 11513047)
Bro newyorker, I also admire you that you can work in Batam and got every opportunity to cheong any time you want. Day time you can use your ‘Big head’ and Night time you can use your ‘Small head’ hahaha…. (Bro, hope you don’t minds a little joke). You really got the best of both world. Whereas I can only cheong 2 weeks one with “Permit for Monkey business” heheheh……

Bro, sad to hear your unfortunate pass. Hope everything is smooth sailing for you now. But don’t worry too much. This Batam Info thread will keep you occupy and believe some sporting bros here are willing to accompany you for a drink or two. And don’t forget my signature : "Life is short. Enjoy while you can" Cheers bro!!!

I like reading about the story and history about Indonesia posted by our bros here. It is very interesting to know about Batam developments, Indonesia politics, the life of some presidents and political figures Sukarno, Suharto, Megawati…... and religion tolerance, restrictions on Chinese races…… especially treatment of the chinese races in the malay/muslim dominated country. It is very interesting. Good information….

Life goes on. relationships come and go. A family is never the same once it is broken. That's why those who considering family should think twice before getting married and those who have a family should always think 2 x before hurting all the members.

Having a lover? Not considering, fuck and go. Those who really care about you? They don't mind you go fucking around, as long as when you are not in the house.

THe door is always open. When you get to a certain age, sometimes, you just wish to have someone to understand you, and be by your side only. Birds are free to go, if they come back after you let them go, they are yours to keep.

As for history of Indonesia, it has come a long way, from Sukarno times to now Widodo, which is a new chapter.

The Chinese were blamed in KPI ( Kommunist Party Indonesia) cracked down due to close proximity to China, and many of their families were killed or driven out. But not many Chinese want to talk about is more of their own locals were killed. It was a upheaval for all at that time.

China did sent ships to pick up Chinese to return to china, a lot of them flocked to Medan. Where the ship would pick them up to go back china... However, China ship came only once? or 3 times? Many of the Chinese waited and waited. Eventually, they settled down there.

Medan with the Chinese around prospered, and the former airport was actually a military aiport, with partial flights for domestic and international flights.. Eventually it became very crowded. The new airport was planned a long time ago, but only recently opened.

Yupo 29-07-2014 05:19 PM

Re: Batam Info Thread
Continued from the last post.

Both me and my friend debated to which hotel to stay, we choose Novotel over Formosa which my friend insisted due to Formosa looks so run down and low class (My friend abit high class kind of person). Booked 2 rooms through 66SGD each for 2 Nights, Executive Queen bed room.
Booked Prima Ferries as nono1973 recommended. (the link to $$$$$$$$$$$$ forums) 2 way 48 dollars for each person. Booked the 8:40pm Ferry 25th july just in case my friend who is working cant make it for the 8pm Ferry.

Yupo 29-07-2014 05:21 PM

Re: Batam Info Thread
Day 1:
(Me and my friend 1st time travel via ferry @ harbour front center)
I reached Vivo city at around 6:45pm walked to Harbour front center, i walked around level 2 in circles for like 10 mins trying to find where is primaferrie counter and i realised that there are other companies like Batam Fast, then fustrated and time is running out took out my phone and realized its at the 3rd floor and i though the 3rd floor is some fitness centre. i whatsapp my friend and ask him can he make it by 7.30pm, he said maybe so i went to primaferries couter and request a change to my departure ferry from 8:40pm to 8pm. The counter guy say ok and changed it. Reason why i want to change is because while researching this thread notice that people book cewek as early as 1pm batam time or even earlier. So abit kan cheong i ask my friend hurry up and change the batam ferry timing :).

Boarded the 8pm ferry, To my surprise the ferry is half full and so many seats to choose. I brief my friend about batam how the taxi uncles/motorbike uncles approach us etc during the whole 1hr on the boat. Since he didn't research and was relying on me the guy who is so damn horny and interested in finding cewek (Remember he is not straight). basically i took picture of nono1973's map of batam where all the joints and wrote down information on how much taxi cost , girl cost range etc etc...

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