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Tony Stark 09-07-2009 12:41 AM

Re: Advise please

Originally Posted by Charmaine (Post 3901865)
My point is simply this:

Why would anyone be bothered about an ex-bf not talking to her anymore if she didn't still have feelings?

I'm too tired to think anymore.

Don't bother about the bo liao mind games by girls lah.

Since you've made the decision to move on. No point thinking about what those out of the blue sms may mean. If it still bothers you then maybe you're not ready to move on.

indianmagicoil 09-07-2009 03:09 AM

Re: Advise please

Originally Posted by Charmaine (Post 3903072)
She texted me again out the blue.

But I won't reply her anymore. Bitch. She's wiring my mind up really badly, and I simply cannot afford to fall a second time.

If u have made up your mind and dun wan get burned 2nd time then dun reply her... seriously. Snr Bro Tony already said it very clearly... unless u can't forget her... then call and speak to her, find out wat she wants... but u muz C-H-I-L-L when u speak 2 her bro. Kow chai mai...

Charmaine 09-07-2009 10:12 AM

Re: Advise please

Originally Posted by indianmagicoil (Post 3903455)
If u have made up your mind and dun wan get burned 2nd time then dun reply her... seriously. Snr Bro Tony already said it very clearly... unless u can't forget her... then call and speak to her, find out wat she wants... but u muz C-H-I-L-L when u speak 2 her bro. Kow chai mai...

Kao jai.. kao jai leow my friend. :(

I didn't reply her. I suppose I should. Should I? I want to see her hair, but if we start to web-cam again it's inevitably going to flood memories and buckets of creepy-crawlers spilling out from the top of the pile.

Anyone in Bangkok willing to play PI for a couple of hours and take a stealth picture of my ex-girlfriend's hair? :(

yinyang 09-07-2009 10:23 AM

Re: Advise please

Originally Posted by Charmaine (Post 3903843)
Anyone in Bangkok willing to play PI for a couple of hours and take a stealth picture of my ex-girlfriend's hair?

Don't tempt fate:p Bet my last satang there's more of her KC texts to come. So brace your emotions for any onslaught:D

thailuck 09-07-2009 10:42 AM

Re: Advise please

Originally Posted by Charmaine (Post 3903072)
She texted me again out the blue.

"You should see my new hair. :)"

What the fuck is wrong with this woman?
Women, oh women.

I think! she want to find out whether u still interested in her or not.

Charmaine 09-07-2009 12:06 PM

Re: Advise please
My question is - would a woman bother at all, if they didn't have feelings left for the person?

A lady friend I checked with said something to the effect of "She doesn't love you anymore, but just wants to find out if you still do. Sometimes, women just can't let go, regardless of residual feelings or not", which roughly translates, in man term's, to "It's just the huge fucking ego thing going on."

I'm satisfied, though, because I'm currently holding all the aces (maybe just an ace, but after all that I've been through I deserve it). Relationships are such strange creatures - someone here said once "Whoever loves the other person more, will always lose more." How true.

etct88 09-07-2009 12:19 PM

Re: Advise please

Originally Posted by Charmaine (Post 3903843)
Kao jai.. kao jai leow my friend. :(

I didn't reply her. I suppose I should. Should I? I want to see her hair, but if we start to web-cam again it's inevitably going to flood memories and buckets of creepy-crawlers spilling out from the top of the pile.

Anyone in Bangkok willing to play PI for a couple of hours and take a stealth picture of my ex-girlfriend's hair? :(

She also kao jai for sure.

Maybe she like you, cannot let go.

In times of boredom, she recollect....

Test you, to feel/fill her ego

She is human after all, just like you

She have not let go fully,

from the PI thingy

you have not let go at all.......

Go and see her, if that could provide some satisfaction/comfort/ego...

Try this

Go on a 'no notice' visit..... then you may find what you need....

choke dee.

mekongcatfish 09-07-2009 05:59 PM

Re: Advise please
Bro Charmaine, do u still love her or still have a bit of feeling for her?. If both answer is YES. IMHO go and meet up with her and listen to whatever she have to say or offer. If the story line is not music to your ears, then u can make an ultimate decision to walk away for good. NO LOOKING BACK. START A FRESH.

indianmagicoil 10-07-2009 03:15 AM

Re: Advise please
Bro Charmaine, all bros here have said the same thing. U still have feelings for her so to satisfy your heart, curiosity and ego... call and speak to her. No use guessing it will only give you insomnia.

I'm not sure what kinda of "ace" u have but from your replies I think she is the one holding the "ace" not u.

So think rationally (if thats possible with matters of the heart) should you decide to contact her again but b4 that please stop listening to soppy Thai love songs. Those songs really can screw your mind!

BTW I dun mind being PI for yah nxt week :) 555... choke dee na!

yinyang 10-07-2009 09:00 AM

Re: Advise please

Originally Posted by indianmagicoil (Post 3906373)
..all bros here have said the same thing. U still have feelings for her so to satisfy your heart, curiosity and ego... call and speak to her. No use guessing it will only give you insomnia.
I'm not sure what kinda of "ace" u have but from your replies I think she is the one holding the "ace" not u.
So think rationally (if thats possible with matters of the heart) should you decide to contact her again but b4 that please stop listening to soppy Thai love songs. Those songs really can screw your mind!

Right... and sensible piece of advice for our bro, whose emotions still raw (oops, no funnies now). Hope this is no roller coaster ride;)

indianmagicoil 10-07-2009 04:18 PM

Re: Advise please

Originally Posted by yinyang (Post 3906697)
Right... and sensible piece of advice for our bro, whose emotions still raw (oops, no funnies now). Hope this is no roller coaster ride;)

Just speaking from personal experience... dun wan another bro go thru what I had to and from the sounds of it he's on an emotional roller coaster so have to thread and think carefully. But if it works out then we all shld b happy for him.

Charmaine 10-07-2009 05:41 PM

Re: Advise please

Originally Posted by indianmagicoil (Post 3907818)
Just speaking from personal experience... dun wan another bro go thru what I had to and from the sounds of it he's on an emotional roller coaster so have to thread and think carefully. But if it works out then we all shld b happy for him.

Thanks for your care and concern. :) I love coming in here, because everyone is a like a real "brother" - we may not know each other in person, but boy can we exchange ideas and discuss the sexual politics side of the game in detail.

I'm almost done with her. Yes I do still have feelings, and I would like to believe she still does, too. You just don't stop loving someone overnight. But these feelings can and will go away with time. I could choose to develop them further, cling onto them like my life depended on it, or I can acknowledge that it's just going to die off if I give it a chance. I will choose the latter.

She's hot, yes, we had great sex, yes, she treated me nice and good when we were together, yes, and she's the best thing that ever happened in my life, yes. But what's over is over, isn't it? Both of us wanted it to be over. She probably couldn't let go for some time, and neither could I. But you know, time heals everything.

Chok dee in love, everyone. :)

Si Geena 13-07-2009 05:42 PM

Re: Advise please
In the end, you're the one closest to the ground. You know the best. Plans change, people don't change.

yinyang 13-07-2009 09:45 PM

Re: Advise please

Originally Posted by Si Geena (Post 3916339)
..Plans change, people don't change.

That's a good 1, how true (maybe with rare exceptions). Relate to both personal r/s and life in general. Easier to move furniture than people:p:D

L_M_P 19-07-2009 02:34 AM

Re: Advise please

Originally Posted by Charmaine (Post 3903843)
Kao jai.. kao jai leow my friend. :(

I didn't reply her. I suppose I should. Should I? I want to see her hair, but if we start to web-cam again it's inevitably going to flood memories and buckets of creepy-crawlers spilling out from the top of the pile.

Anyone in Bangkok willing to play PI for a couple of hours and take a stealth picture of my ex-girlfriend's hair? :(

Bro...I can be ur PI...but is it gonna help??

Only u know.....

At the end of the day...all of us can say something.....but its not our life....its urs...basic rule.....we face the consequences of our decisions.....

U know her not us.....but if u think the reason for ur break up still is VALID...then...why look back at all? Becoz its still gonna be valid and the cycle starts again.

Just a newbie's 2 cents worth...

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