Originally Posted by cupid xpress
(Post 10982572)
FR: 30th April to 4th May 2014
30th April
Meet up with a Kakis, Josh, at 7pm in HF and took a 8pm Prima ferry to Batam.
Reach Kelong resturant at 8pm indon time and had our dinner.
We had fish, sotong, 2 beer and some dishes which cost us 300K
Proceed to Lovina Inn to check in & settling down our belongings.
Then we proceed to Alisan KTV to drink our balance from last trip.
As we're sitiing in the hall and only open 2 cans of coke as mixer, the bill only came out to be 74k, very good price.
Josh being Josh will not like to sleep alone hence messaging his contact working in Alisan, hoping to strike a deal after their work at 2am.
He striked 1 of cos. After our drinks, we left Alisan approx 1.40am.
Josh & I was waiting at the Formosa lobby for quite some times before the gal appeared. She gestured to Josh to wait for her.
Waiting & waiting, until Champion league kicks off liao...
Being a football fans, I told Josh I am going to watch the match right outside.
There's this very big projector screen showing live matches outside the beer garden (the name I don't know).
After 30 over mins, Chelsea broke 3 hearts... myself, orang jawa and pak nd. We bought 0 - 0 full time score... hahaha... saki hati...
When the match was 1 - 2, Josh walked to me. The gal had put aeroplane.
Well, this is very usual thing to happen, 10 gals I tried, be it FL, maid, tagged, or any, 8 aeroplane me...I told him...
He was tired and went back to the hotel to rest first.
I was there watching the match. At least I saw JM sour face when D Costa took the PK... Very shoik!
AM revenge for my LFC... (Apologize to Chelsea Support, no hard feeling...the better team win)
1st May
Josh sms Lily from Memori that I also like to book a gal. Wonder if she got any good one to intro.
Lily say yes, face ok but body on the meaty side.
I agreed and they arrived the hotel in motorbike
FR for Lily is not necessary as I had already writen 1 for her previously.
My booking gal FR as follow;
Name: Imas
Look: 6/10 (look a bit Chinese)
Boby: 6/10 Meaty meaty, a bit dark complexion
Neh Neh: B+ with dark neh ji
BBBJ: 8/10 willing to try deep throat even though she can't reach
Lick nipple: 5/10 only nipple, no catbath, no woah point
FJ: Not much water... Like missionary, but I doggie her all the way... hehehe
Damage: 600K
At around 4pm, cheong2009 arrived Batam with his friend S.
4 of us meet at Windsor for dinner. It was my first time with S who is friendly, but not as friendly and action like me... tio boh Josh! :)
We had 6 beers and a few dishes which cost us 800K.
After dinner, we went over to Alisan to carry on our balance (why so many balance? Yup, we've almost 3 bottles there)
It so happen to be S birthday. Cheong bought a surprise cake for S, S happy until lam par also drop...
Josh & I had our gal from Memori already, so we no need to sit gal.
I ask Josh, if he wanna look for the aeroplane gal. He say no need, her lost that she cannot earn his money, not his lost! (hmmp... sounds like me, action action :))
Cheong sit with 2 gals, 1 of them his regular, another one is a special someone. (pardon me, I can't share much)
S sit with a Chinese who don't do booking.
At the end of the KTV we settle the bill at 1mil. S pay 300K, Me & Josh 100K each, the rest Cheong pay and also took care of the cake payment.
Very budget for myself and Josh, 3 - 4 hours only spend 100K.
Cheong go home a happy man with the special gal
S almost die cock stand... but my gal Imas suggest to him why not try her friend from Memori, 1mil...
After showing her photo, S smile....
Waiting at Lovina lobby, within 5 min, the 1mil gal arrive. All of us saw her, we smile.... :D
2nd May
Cheong & S had to work that day and took 2nd ferry back.
Cheong msg me that he is very happy with his new gal. Likely to keep her as OC (that's why I can't share much here)
Imas was a service oriented gal. As she did her part well, I decided to extend my booking with her.
Same goes to Josh as Lily served him well too, I supposed as usual.
At evening, another 2 bro arrived, CP and J (i recently know his indentity also)...
As we are tired, we told CP & J, we will not wet that night and just had a relac cheer out at Panjang Panjang.
Anyway, I think J need to settle something and went somewhere else.
So myself, Josh and our 2 gals went to Panjang after dinner at Kelong. Dinner for 2 beer, few juice, few dishes and crab cost us 460K.
We had our balance at Panjang during our last trip. But due to a new cute GRO (Chika) we open another bottle to support.
New GRO very sweet, only her teeth a bit out. If not should be power...
C cupper my guess from outside judgement.
Again Josh being Josh go all out attack at Chika. They were sitiing next to each other and talking the whole night...
Panjang is a nice place to relac and play pool. Not only the Liquor can keep, KNN mixer also can keep....
When go back to hotel, Lily show some attitude becuase Josh was giving cold shoulder to Lily as he talked to Chika all the way...
That nigt, Josh didn't get to fuck Lily. But Josh being Josh, morning sure he want, and indeed he got it.... LOL
3rd May
I bought a new friend JB (Pak orang Jawa colleague) to a place to dig ear shit and wash hair.
The saloon was located just behid relax massage.
We went in to the first saloon and I saw someone familiar. It was Mr Maddog Melv gal...
So i went in behind the curtain area and saw Mr Maddog Melv washing face there... So I disturb him say I take over the saloon gal and service him...He smile and action action grumble something... hehehe
As the saloon is quite packed, I suggest to JB we go next one. I intro her the cute chinese gal and he told her service.
Josh and I waitied for quite some time, so I go check them out. JB took up the facial package and had 1 hour to go.
According to JB, dig ear & facial cost him 130K
So Josh and I went to relax massage to had our arm and kakis reflex, which cost us 110K for 2 hours. Dame shoik!
At the massage, i was a bit too tired and dose off... suddenly i felt someone touching my nose... KNN, it was Maddog Melv revenaging... hehehe
That day, Tiger arrived Batam.
So myself, Josh, CP & Tiger when to Kelong for dinner with Chika (Josh KC)coming along too.
Chika bought her friends from Panjang as well, Aisha and the other one I cannot remember her name.
We had 6 binta beer, some drinks, some dishes and flower crab, which cost us 530K
After dinner, we went to Panjang to drink up our yesterday balance.
I told CP, Panjang can keep balance mixer, he was puzzle... Then went the mixer and bottle came, he laugh.... hehehe
CP was sitting with Aisha while Josh with Chika, me and Tiger alone...
We're waiting for J to come meet us at Panjang.
Before we left Panjang, we open another bottle to support Aisha. Both CP & Josh invited the gals to join them after work in BC. The gal reply, text you later...
We reach BC KTV at 9 plus.
Open 1 bottle of Chievas and about 10 mixer.
I sit with a Chinese gal, C cupper, can sing well but cannot go booking...
CP thought of booking a gal, but too bad she already hang bra go ashore...
So CP waited patiencely for Aishan message, mean while KCing my Chinese gal (I cannot remember her name)
Josh being Josh, even though Chika might turn up, he also sit with another gal, trying to pluck some papaya.
Tiger took a FL which Josh & I knew from last trip, Michelle.
Her details can be found in my previous FR.
J & Maddog with their sayang respectively.
We left BC approx 1am, which cost us 2.7 plus mil
I pay 360K + 300K for my sitting gal, tips her 100K
Same for Josh
CP pay 360K and also tip my gal 100K (steady CP)
Tiger, J & Maddog all pay 360K each.
Very budget also...
Anyway, Aisha & Chika didn't turn out, reason unknow
There ends my 4D4N trip in Batam...
It may not concern you but yet you read so long... lol... Thank you