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Psam 15-11-2014 09:35 AM

Re: Batam FL or Agent needed
There are plenty of pick up joints in Batam, no need agent. Just ask the taxi driver if you don't know where to find, the drivers will take a commission from the joint.

check out the batam info thread.

Psam 15-11-2014 09:37 AM

Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by counchpotato (Post 12131911)
At night went to harbour bay eat seafood pay about 500 for 2 crabs,steam fish kangkong and onion eggs.

500 means?? 500k or SGD$500?

counchpotato 15-11-2014 11:42 AM

Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by Psam (Post 12132225)
500 means?? 500k or SGD$500?


500k rupiah


Psam 15-11-2014 12:53 PM

Re: Batam Info Thread
tried 3 seafood place in Batam.

From Formosa.

1. Rezeki - good quality and price / long travel 30 -45min.
2. Golden Prawn 933 - good quality / long travel - 15-20 min
3. Harbor bay wei wei - decent quality, convenient / more expensive than other places.

IIRC - ate at golden prawn - 2 crabs, 1 fish, mantis prawn, sotong and gong gong + beer abt SGD $90+ <SGD $100 for 4 person. good deal to me..

nono1973 15-11-2014 05:04 PM

Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by SEAJ (Post 12115466)
I had to think twice before posting the following reply to you as I’ve had a lot of grief in the past for “exposing” the practices of the scammers and undeclared agents etc. I was also quite reluctant to write this as it IS quite a task to do so…. but, seeing as you have more than done your part in keeping this thread so informative by writing up such detailed reports, I guess you’ve ”guilted” me into doing my part!

Thank you for sharing,bro. I have been reading your no.1 to no.5 again and again and again. I am digesting your words and gonna put them in my next itinerary for my Dec 2014 trip. Batam is a place that anyone and everyone can travelled solo to. Apparently,thats also one main reason why i have the beginner's Guide to Batam on my siggy for my reference as well as for newbies travelling there. There is no need to hold hands to go Batam with people that i dont even know.


Originally Posted by SEAJ (Post 12115471)

** First thing to be wary of are those friends of friends – as too many times we let our guard down when a friend makes the introduction and you find out too late that your friend actually do not know the guy that well himself!

Yep,and that is my main worry when i choose the people to travel with me. Friends of friend are something that are really unpredictable. So now,of a dozen who PMed,i chose who goes,they can fly my aeroplane but end of the day,i am the one who do not need them.

** Conversely, do make it clear to others if the person you introduce is not that close to you/make it quite clear that you will not vouch for him.

No one SHOULD BE vouching for one another. I obviously cant guarantee that bro SEAJ is going to be a nice person. I know him only online,and online he is a nice guy,and i do not know that guy when he's offline. I am also not who i am when offline too.

** Second thing to watch out for are those guys on the internet as well as IRL that just seem to be too eager, too accommodating and too friendly for someone you just met. Don’t let your guard down when someone treats/pays the whole bill, usually for initial smallish amounts for coffee or snacks etc… and invariably then expects you to pick up the subsequent larger bills. Also, do double check each bill as incurred if someone volunteers to be the one who pays – and worse if he suggests he keep a running tab for everybody else; a nasty surprise usually awaits you!

Yea,you will often see someone from somewhere who has never shared a single good information in this thread ,but they will suddenly pop up wanting to bring EVERYONE to Batam becos "he says" he is very good with almost everything regarding Batam. I believe this applies to every threads too.

** Third, if you are planning on hosting others, do keep it to a smallish group – anything over 5 guys is too many as it’s too easy to lose control and/or the group splits up into sub-groups. Also, IMHO it just is not fun to have too large a group.

To each his own,3 is already a crowd to me. :p

** Black spot for being taken advantage of are KTV’s, Nightclubs, Bangkok Gentlemen Clubs etc. where the total bill can be substantial and comes at the end of the evening, but you can also be scammed in saunas, OKT services, BBS’s, even for hotel rooms!

I have one more to add,Eating Places. In Batam,i believe one can be scammed even at eating places,eg. Wey Wey at Harbour Bay and Golden Prawn which are very famous tourist trap. I have never benchmark my bills with Sillypore,cos if i do,everything else will always be cheaper.

i'll often benchmarking against Malaysia or maybe China major cities. Must compare apple to apple ma...cannot compare 1st world pricing against 3rd world. I bought a plate of fried rice 20 years ago in England during my travel that cost me 8 pounds,more expensive than in Sillypore 20 years ago too. Make sense,right?


Originally Posted by SEAJ (Post 12115473)
This is the most common occurrence and quite easy to avoid either by first outlining what all is expected in terms of sharing/cost/none of that I only drink soft drink nonsense OR by just collecting money BEFORE you venture forth.

You reminded me of the same thing happening during my NS time,my buddy (army partner) enlisted into NS with me,never bring toothpaste,never bring tooth brush,never bring soap,shampoo etc ,everything also take from me brand new ones and say will return me,but until ORD time still never return Learned those things during those times.


Originally Posted by SEAJ (Post 12115475)

No KTVs,Pubs and Discos for me in Batam. I have told frens who came along with me before,i dont need to foot the bills in KTVs Night Clubs,Pubs with GROs in Sillypore...why should i go Batam to do that? Agents are people that i am constantly wary of in this thread. As for the Tai Kor type,i will leave anyone on their own if they behave that way.


Originally Posted by SEAJ (Post 12115478)

They are the most dangerous people during travel. If you visit Taiwan,the 1st thing upon alighting off the tour bus will be tons of "experts" saying that you have the look/signs of a rich man etc etc...and ask you to buy some stuffs that will further enhance me on your wealth etc. My method to avoid these scammers are to avoid the 7 sins as much as i can :

Remember the Vietnam guy at Sim Lim Sq that kneel in front of the shop for a refund? Which of the 7 sins does he falls under for him to get scammed? And then there is one who ask for refund who was then refunded off with all coins? There are always better method to handle such cases.

Even picking up girls at joints,i need to control my "Lust" too,meaning big head must always be over small head in order to have a better bargain. If i were to be "angry",i will try to control it becos i know i am in Foreign land and constantly remind myself,i am only a Newbie in Batam. There is no need to "envy" others who can spend w/o thinking,becos they are rich people and i am a poor man,case closed. I worked hard to get my information too and have physically walk thru the information i found so i am off the "slothy" hook. And lastly,always be humble and courteous,never be predictable as learned in this thread.

Your write out is pretty handy for a newbie like me,may i ask for your permission to have them bookmarked for the reference of other newbies like myself?

My most sincere thanks to you,bro.

Psam 15-11-2014 10:21 PM

Re: Batam Info Thread
Guys, organising an outing for some friends to chill out in batam, mainly shopping, seafood and massage. They suggested staying in Pacific palace. Anyone knows if octopus spa is unisex or men only? Do they offer clean massage? Can book this hotel thru Kaha? TIA.

S.B.Y.1 16-11-2014 12:55 AM

Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by Psam (Post 12135388)
Anyone knows if octopus spa is unisex or men only? Do they offer clean massage?

Octopus spa is a unisex place.
You may enquiry at their front desk for romm servis

fishingman 16-11-2014 08:21 AM

Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by Psam (Post 12135388)
Can book this hotel thru Kaha? TIA.

Yes,yes. Can book from Kaha cheaper price. Walk in i think abt near 70 dollar,Kaha last time can get 50+ dollar. Now i don't know how much.

nono1973 16-11-2014 11:26 AM

Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by superman2006 (Post 12123605)
Last month I went to Batam. Stay at the harbour bay get the taxi driver to bring me to look for the girl. He brought me to permata indah the quality of the girl is very poor. The girls there mostly is old body out of shape and married I booked for overnight it cost me 1000000=$gd 110. She gives me to play 2 times only. The service is very poor and with attitude problem. Any senior can recommend the place will worth every single cent spend. By the way I felt the taxi driver chopped me . Bring me to nasi Padang shop for lunch it cost 150000 for 3 people. The taxi fare is about 100000. Any phone number of honest taxi driver can share?

Sorry to hear of your bad experience,but it wouldnt be this bad if you only read my signature for newbies. All the fails you have in your trip can be rectified after you spend some time to read.

I have visit Permata Indah for both Oct and Nov,i must say they have better quality girls in Nov than in Oct. Oct was 20% SYT,the rest MILF,Nov was 50% SYT and 50% MILF. It also depends on the time and day you go to Permata Indah too,you go late,confirm lesser girls. Example,weekends if you go after 3pm,you wont be seeing much girls.There are no less than 30 girls in Permata indah at those time i was there.

All taxi drivers in Batam from my point of view are unreliable. But the most reliable among the unreliable/s are :

Blue bird Taxi : meter taxi - Phone:+62 778 421234

Hope your next trip to Batam will be a better one.


Originally Posted by ch_chua (Post 12129093)
Bro nono,I like ur field report super detail...after reading machaim I'm the one who go batam....enjoy reading,thanks.Hopefully got chance to go batam with you.

Thank you bro,wait till you see my Dec itinerary,you will think thrice about going Batam with me,hehehe...i almost burst out laughing just thinking about it

Keep a look out in this thread for my Dec 2014 Trip tho.


Originally Posted by seany (Post 12130578)
Bro Nono,
Many thanks for your detailed thread..
I am a freshie for batam, really wish to join an experience and caring bro like you.
Would love to join you in next trip please.... Like Dec...
appreciate in advance...

I am a newbie,bro. I dont even speak Indo/Malay.

Clue to my next itinerary : Next trip you are not going to join me in my trip,but i will join you instead. You and the others who wishes to join me will be my guide,hehehe...;)

So, please do think twice if you'd allow me to join you in my next Batam trip after my itinerary is out next month. :D


Originally Posted by LimitSk (Post 12131185)
From what I know there are only 4 timings per day for the VIPs and Business class? 9.40am, 1.30pm, 5.45pm and 8.40pm, meaning for the new fleet of ferries, 30 minutes to reach Batam? That's fast

Physically taking Horizon ferries from Harbour Front to Harbour Bay at 1215pm in my last trip,they do have Business class seats,and from Harbour Bay to Harbour Front at indo time 2pm,there is also Business class seats too. Totally time taken for them to reach from point to point is about 45mins. The waiting time took 15mins tho,so total time still 1 hour.

Next month i may try out their Business class,hehehe... and start timing them.


Originally Posted by mopyboy (Post 12131453)
any bros here have OKT contact in batam can pm me? in batam now and will be coming back within next 2 weeks.

Precise information will cost both hard work and money,bro. I will send you a map as below on how to get to most booking joints in Batam. It will be easier for you to navigate than having contact. I have personally show a taxi driver Gold Bird's namecard when i visit Batam for the 3rd time,but the taxi didnt know how to get

You need to read my guide,if you are new to Batam. (i do that from time to time too,reading my own guide)
(Click on the picture to enlarge the map)

Good luck at Batam,bro.

SEAJ 16-11-2014 01:59 PM

Re: Batam Info Thread
Hey nono - of course you can bookmark my posts - hopefully it can steer others from problems.

I'm surprised though that you did NOT highlight that part about guys posting up thing like - Wanna meet up, or, newbie here need seniors to guide me, or want to make up a party, or Please give me contacts etc"

TWO things:
1. Genuine guys posting up such plaintive messages are ripe targets for scammers/con-men to befriend and victimize
2. Con-men regularly put these postings up themselves (usually using a new clone to give the further impression that they are newbies) to lure the unsuspecting into their web. Even Seniors, ESPECIALLY if they are genuine good guys who wants to help OR in many cases, to monger with like minded guys, falls prey to these con-men acting all naive and trusting.

This IMHO is a more serious problem, especially on this board as there's so many clones etc being used here.


Ps. Ooops, I now realize that I had NOT edited my list to include this point, even though I had written another post to highlight.
I have just now edited my list.
Pps edit - LMFAO - look at this new thread which just popped up! Thus my exhortations to be careful and KNOW that there is a lot of hidden agendas lurking around on SBF!! -

hendri2 16-11-2014 02:48 PM

Re: Batam Info Thread
Hahaha!!!! Clones con conmen.....conmen con clones....this makes the world go round...sifu cons newbie...newbie cons sifu....hehe...

SEAJ 16-11-2014 03:13 PM

Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by nono1973 (Post 12134221)
I have one more to add,Eating Places. In Batam,i believe one can be scammed even at eating places,eg. Wey Wey at Harbour Bay and Golden Prawn which are very famous tourist trap..

Sorry, I need to also discuss this statement.

Whilst yes, there are MANY places/service where a con-men can take advantage of you, I'd opine that at restaurants, low-end Massage parlours, BBS's, taxs, hotels etc, the total bill/expenditure is too low for them to make much for themselves.

The most skilful con-men are those who will steer you to Clubs, KTV's (whether just regular ones or rogue ones as exists in many places), G-Clubs (Common in Thailand) etc. where the total bill is large and where he can easily make a lot of money. In fact, a con-man lot of times would actually take you first to great, cheap places - even offer to pay for you - just to convince you that he IS a great, regular mongering buddy.

And mention restaurants notorious for unjustified high-prices? Many of these con-men would actually take you to them, regaling you with stories about how others are so easily conned there, but that he is so in-the-know for you not to be worried. He'd order up a spread and will be billed cheap - with the establishment complicit in his con and being cut a piece of the eventual monies that he will extract from you.

And oh, watch out for copious amounts of Liquor being ordered when eating - as they know that alcohol encourages reckless behaviour and even usually sensible guys go Rah-Rah-Rah and will follow blindly going to establishments they would not normally go to when sober. Yup, that's how sinister some of these con-men are.


SEAJ 16-11-2014 03:16 PM

Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by hendri2 (Post 12138462)
Hahaha!!!! Clones con conmen.....conmen con clones....this makes the world go round...sifu cons newbie...newbie cons sifu....hehe...

LOL - and you ARE....???!!!


hendri2 16-11-2014 03:51 PM

Re: Batam Info Thread
Haha!!!! I am the mother of all careful .... Don't get near to will be conned of thousands of dolla....not headquarter is batam lorong 12......hehe...did I recommend any other places except lorong 12 ??? Seriously, just give me some red rubies..I would be veri happy..

hendri2 16-11-2014 05:16 PM

Re: Batam Info Thread
Just forgot...I am also the king of all clones....SEAJ and moron 1973 are just two of them....say something...stupid...make my day!!

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