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hendri2 16-11-2014 09:17 PM

Re: Batam Info Thread
Haha!! I was given a few red rubies....the comment is 'ask and u shall be given'...don't be like that lah!! I am lazy to ask....just give me at least 20 rubies a day....I will buy you beer...and promise not to con you...con others lah, ok...

iicycold 16-11-2014 11:26 PM

Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by unicornboy (Post 12128889)
Where where where?

They are everywhere,they start with praising the seniors,then drop a bomb on newbies,telling them how good the seniors are,& that the new kids are spoiling the market if they don't learn from oldbies. :p

They say they have been looking at this thread for a long time yet they never make a single post in it. One fine day,out of nowhere,they finally pop up their GQ, intro themselves to everyone that they have a million years of experience in batam,half of those million years they were in other part of the world & give advice that has been repeated many times in the same thread. They even leave behind a way of contacting them if newbies wishes to go batam. :D

The most recent are just a few pages away. Finding them only require common sense,but that's something not everyone has or else there won't be people going to batam to pay the same amount of money (or more) as they do in Sinkapore to get one fuck from the same category of girl.

Need i still spell out more?


Originally Posted by newyorker88 (Post 12127984)
Hahahaha. That's one reason to cheong alone. Unless the friend is someone you know

Me too,but on & off will still link up with familiar faces in the forum for a smoke or drink. Never into holding hands to cheong together kind of relation. :p


Originally Posted by SEAJ (Post 12138188)
I'm surprised though that you did NOT highlight that part about guys posting up thing like - Wanna meet up, or, newbie here need seniors to guide me, or want to make up a party, or Please give me contacts etc"..........

........Pps edit - LMFAO - look at this new thread which just popped up! Thus my exhortations to be careful and KNOW that there is a lot of hidden agendas lurking around on SBF!! -

Usually if i see this type of postings,i'd just skip it. But that don't mean they are all bad people. There are still genuine bros looking for a buddy to venture together into foreign land.

Saw that new thread when i logged in,i doubt he meant to have any means of having secret agenda. Base on most of his posting,he's just a poor chap wanting to go to batam or some nearby countries with someone as he himself doesn't have big enough balls to do it alone. Not only he didn't have those kind of balls, he is also too lazy to look for other alternatives. 1 thing i must agree with bro nono here,batam is definitely a place a person can cheong alone,with better enjoyment too.

Sarusenin 17-11-2014 12:59 AM

Re: Batam Info Thread
I think for newbies its best to read first the tips and advice before going in a trip to batam... If all else fails just PM more experienced bros around if they happen or are going to to batam. For me im planning a solo trip soon to test water first... Postings wise i only browse through the site for info only unless really cannot find then pm seniors here. Otherwise 99% of the time most tips are in this thread already!

Pickachew 17-11-2014 09:35 AM

Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by nono1973 (Post 12074850)

Meantime,2morow i am heading to Batam. I hope to find :

 77 Massage (In front of UTama hotel area)

Hi bro nono1973,

May i ask what's yr findings on 77 massage under the booking joint series in yr list?



newyorker88 17-11-2014 11:51 AM

Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by Psam (Post 12133111)
tried 3 seafood place in Batam.

From Formosa.

1. Rezeki - good quality and price / long travel 30 -45min.
2. Golden Prawn 933 - good quality / long travel - 15-20 min
3. Harbor bay wei wei - decent quality, convenient / more expensive than other places.

IIRC - ate at golden prawn - 2 crabs, 1 fish, mantis prawn, sotong and gong gong + beer abt SGD $90+ <SGD $100 for 4 person. good deal to me..

Rezeki IMHO is still the best among all places I been to. Place is windy n nice ambience, food is good, and price can always ask for discount( don't quote my name), no one knows. But they know me, I regular there. So they give discount. up to 10%.

Golden prawn is more catered to outsiders.

Harbour Bay is due to convenience. Food is so so, but spare you the time to travel to Rezeki. Food court seafood? Not worth it. Maybe when drinking with kakis, I order some food just to eat and have drinks

newyorker88 17-11-2014 11:52 AM

Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by Pickachew (Post 12142205)
Hi bro nono1973,

May i ask what's yr findings on 77 massage under the booking joint series in yr list?



Massage 77, so so only. been there once.

S.B.Y.1 17-11-2014 12:37 PM

Re: Batam Info Thread
6 SarongS added to Mas Psam reputation points :cool:

nono1973 17-11-2014 04:38 PM

Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by SEAJ (Post 12138188)
Hey nono - of course you can bookmark my posts - hopefully it can steer others from problems.

Thank you,bro. Now to save up all the info you posted from 1 to 5 1st.


Originally Posted by SEAJ (Post 12138188)
I'm surprised though that you did NOT highlight that part about guys posting up thing like - Wanna meet up, or, newbie here need seniors to guide me, or want to make up a party, or Please give me contacts etc"

Usually for a new user of the forum to ask for meeting up,needing guide etc,i will still give them some benefit of doubt and direct them to my signature for guidance so i wont have to repeat myself all over again.

As for those who wish to party together or ask for contact information ,and after i have been under suspicion of being an advertiser when i indiscreetly shared crucial information with others openly in this thread(my bad),i learned one important fact. Information requires HARDWORK,lots of it and also cost money.

If anyone wishes to get information which i know from me,they need to do either one of the 3 things :

1. READ thru all postings,bookmarks written by me...or...

2. Follow some of the senior's recommendation before nono1973 appears in this thread and READ from this link below onward :


3. Pay this forum to make me an advertiser.

Fair? But still,i will share information i learned,except this time i need to be more discreet about it to avoid breaching the forum's advertising rules. If one is unwilling to search for the info they need even after i have already make it easy for them by putting it on a platter,then the next better way is to pay for it.


Originally Posted by SEAJ (Post 12138188)

TWO things:
1. Genuine guys posting up such plaintive messages are ripe targets for scammers/con-men to befriend and victimize
2. Con-men regularly put these postings up themselves (usually using a new clone to give the further impression that they are newbies) to lure the unsuspecting into their web. Even Seniors, ESPECIALLY if they are genuine good guys who wants to help OR in many cases, to monger with like minded guys, falls prey to these con-men acting all naive and trusting.

1. Some newbies (not all) are like babies...when babies see something RED,they tht it looks nice,took it and put them into their mouth and then realise it is actually a piece of hot chili they just put in their mouth. After getting their mouth burned from the hot chili,they will know that all nice looking RED/things are not all good. Most babies need to hurt themselves to grow up.

2. This falls back to my rule of 7 sins. Which of the 7 sins the vietnam guy in Sim Lim Sq commit that makes him having to kneel for a refund? Everyone's a sinner,and not everyone can control their 7 sins all the time.


Originally Posted by SEAJ (Post 12138188)
This IMHO is a more serious problem, especially on this board as there's so many clones etc being used here.

Everyone online should KNOW,this is the internet world,there is no forum without clones.


Originally Posted by SEAJ (Post 12138188)
Ps. Ooops, I now realize that I had NOT edited my list to include this point, even though I had written another post to highlight.

Thank you,bro...note taken.


Originally Posted by SEAJ (Post 12138188)
Pps edit - LMFAO - look at this new thread which just popped up! Thus my exhortations to be careful and KNOW that there is a lot of hidden agendas lurking around on SBF!! -

Seriously,why be bother by such trivial issue? I believe the more you are being bothered by such post or threads,the happier the person will become. Worse still,the moment you participate in it,you are likely to be falling into a "fight",you didnt want to. And the thread/post gets fuel up by one the worst 7 sins, PRIDE. Constant reminder to myself,adding fuel to fire only makes the fire bigger and more uncontrollable.

What i would do is,i will take your number 1 to 5,bookmark them,then start my regular posting as a basic member of SBF and if anyone has been hit by the so call hidden agenda,then you can just smile,becos they have been your no.1 to no.5.

Like in this Batam Info thread,before i was here,many put the blame on newbies that they spoil the Batam market thru over-paying due to lack of understanding/knowledge,over-tipping etc...but when newbie ask for the market price (which is one of the most FAQ)or some other basic questions,they were told to read the 1700 pages of the thread.Otherwise they are branded as being lazy. So,being a newbie myself,i wrote a newbie guide as i walk thru Batam with the help of some senior's guidance together with my reading of the 1700 pages (multiply by 4 times reading),with all pricing lay out and listed out nearly all cheonging joints uncompleted with Map, in this thread,you rarely see newbie asking the FAQ before i was here. And i find that it is another effective way in controlling the Batam market price too. Prices will always go up everywhere in the world,but i did my part as a newbie to at least try to slow it down. And this is definitely not one mans effort...hence credit/s goes to everyone whom i have source information from.

I am just an information collector,therefore your no.1 to 5 is very important to me,hehehe...:p

nono1973 17-11-2014 05:05 PM

Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by SEAJ (Post 12138560)
Sorry, I need to also discuss this statement.

I guess after what i post above,there wont be a need to further discuss this. My point of view may differ from yours as i know everyone needs to eat,but not everyone needs to go to KTVs,Night clubs etc. A lot of things need common sense,"babies" need to hurt themselves to grow up. You have a good heart by trying to prevent "babies" from getting hurt thru advance precaution-ed words ,but that also prevent them from growing up.


Originally Posted by Pickachew (Post 12142205)

May i ask what's yr findings on 77 massage under the booking joint series in yr list?

Sorry bro,on my last trip to Batam,i have circled Utama Hotel at least thrice during my 4D3N,but i have fail to locate this joint. I assumed it has been closed down. I will update the listing next month.

There are also many new MP behind Utama Hotel too,next trip may need to make trip down again to have a massage I guess MP upate will be on 2015... :D

lbee 17-11-2014 05:57 PM

Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by newyorker88 (Post 12142818)
Rezeki IMHO is still the best among all places I been to. Place is windy n nice ambience, food is good, and price can always ask for discount( don't quote my name), no one knows. But they know me, I regular there. So they give discount. up to 10%.

Golden prawn is more catered to outsiders.

Harbour Bay is due to convenience. Food is so so, but spare you the time to travel to Rezeki. Food court seafood? Not worth it. Maybe when drinking with kakis, I order some food just to eat and have drinks

Bro newyorker,

can know where Rezeki located at batam? wanna go there to try the food.

Psam 17-11-2014 06:03 PM

Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by lbee (Post 12144758)
Bro newyorker,

can know where Rezeki located at batam? wanna go there to try the food.

answer for NewYorker bro.

it is at Batu Besar. 30min to 45min from city. worth the ride IMHO.

try to go earlier during weekends.. enjoy..

Psam 17-11-2014 06:10 PM

Re: Batam Info Thread
I am lost in all this advertising, agent etc. post.

I benefited and enjoyed reading the post from this thread, even though I been to batam only twice.

I would like to say thanks to all the contributors over the years and bro nono1973 for his effort to consolidate and make a guide.

hope that everyone will have a good time in batam.

Psam 17-11-2014 06:24 PM

Re: Batam Info Thread
On my next trip to Batam, I would like to try Alishan KTV, not to pick up but have a drink and enjoy myself with the company of some ladies and bring her back with me if we can "click'.

from what I gather from the thread here, if it is still valid, there is .

1. room charge. - 70K
2. ladies charge (to sit with you) - 200K
3. drinks charge. - depends on what you drink.
4. LT charge. - 1.1m to 1.5m
5. ST charge - ??
5. tips. ??

What is the tipping rate of the ladies, if they spend the session with you till you leave and you do not tabao them for LT?

What are the ST rate?

Thanks in advance.

SEAJ 17-11-2014 06:30 PM

Re: Batam Info Thread
Hey nono – kudos to you for being able to simplify and distill your action/motivation through your “7 sins” test. Great to be able to keep everything nice and simple.

Unfortunately though, NOT everything can be so simple as most human beings/each of our own individual lives are just too complex. Without delving deeply into your 7 Sins, I already see that altruism is excluded from things (although of course it’s NOT a sin) that can get you into trouble.

And this is what is so sinister, as these conmen prey on the good-nature of most people; good nature that somehow or other comes all too easy when mongering is involved.



SEAJ 17-11-2014 06:41 PM

Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by nono1973 (Post 12144397)
Seriously,why be bother by such trivial issue? I believe the more you are being bothered by such post or threads,the happier the person will become. Worse still,the moment you participate in it,you are likely to be falling into a "fight",you didnt want to. And the thread/post gets fuel up by one the worst 7 sins,

Errr..... no, it don't bother me, not in the least bit actually.

The reason I brought it up is just to highlight the prevalence of such posts and thinking on SBF.
- Newbies innocently put up posts asking for company, guide, info etc - and conmen preying on them.
- Conmen put up these posts - hoping to attract other newbies AND also even seniors who are only trying to help; either totally altruistically or those who wants company out mongering.


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