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nono1973 18-12-2014 03:52 PM

Re: Batam Info Thread

The next day,my girl left at about 830am and after washing up,went down to meet the gang and the "other bro" for breakfast. This time,we went to Indo Rasa food court for breakfast,and some bro already had theirs at the hotel restaurant,so they were there to just to catch a drink. After breakfast,everyone decide to have their own time to run free and easy and we all decide to meet up at 1pm to check out of hotel. Some wishes to go for massage,while some wishes to go shopping and whatever they do,i dont know.Since there are more than 3 hours time before checking out,i visit lucky plaza,bought some stuffs there to help covers my 308k bill of my return ticket to Sillypore which the custom officer has "stole". After which, I went to Bridge Massage for an hour massage,then head to Linda's to ask for another 1 hour massage except this time,they come to my room. The Linda massage masseur didnt turn up becos she got the wrong room number,really waste my time to wait for her.

1pm,the unreliable driver arrived to pick us all up,and after checking out,off we head to Harbour Bay to return to Sillypore. Shown everyone where's the location of Horizon Ferry Counter,the harbour Bay departure entrance and how they can book a return ticket thru phone,thru the hotel receptionist and how they can even walk over during their arrival to batam to make the booking. All should not have a problem coming solo in future on their own if they really listen up and better still,none should need any unreliable driver at all,unless they comes in group of course.

Reached Sillypore and bad luck comes along with me too. The custom officers checked my bags and belongings. Its the 1st time my bag and belonging got checked in all my 11 trips back from Batam. Hehehe...i am a smoker,or at least thats what the custom officer asked me,told him i was and he dig into my bag further. Lucky me,i dont usually do anything illegal,hehehe....guess not doing anything dishonest pays off on that day.

In conclusion,this trip is just an average trip.I rate it 5.5/10 in overall. Not as good as my 9th and 10th trip,but just enough for everyone to learn what they need to if they take it as a learning trip and not good enough if they are expecting to have a good experience with their girls they have chosen.

As constantly mentioned in all my posts from the past to present,it is suppose to be a learning trip and satisfaction is NOT guaranteed.(i believe even the most senior of seniors cant guarantee satisfaction too) A lot about picking the right girl depends on luck,some experience on girl's behaviour and also having a cultural understanding of the place and people, so if it is not-so-good the 1st time,try again and perhaps even again...and if it is still not good enough,heaven may be telling you,Batam is not a suitable place for you. And from my experience,it took me 4 to 5 tries before i can...err...know how to get the right girl and have a fairly good time,hehehe...its a mind game for me,i learned to walk before i start to fly and in the process of learning to walk i did fell down too. But the least i am doing today is to warn people there's a hole "on the floor",dont fall where i fall. (if only they'd humble down,stop for a few sec just to listen/read) So,what i am saying here is tagging along with me in my Batam trip DO NOT GUARANTEE YOU A GOOD TIME as i only take baby step a time in everything i do. Hehehe...exact words from my current Boss who is almost becoming a Billionaire after 30+ years of slogging, "...slowly,but can reach the finishing line if you work hard consistently...." words he always tell my

My overall expenses for 9th to 11th Dec 2014 :

Hotel Room : 480k x 2 nights = 960k
Girls for 2 nights : 800k + 600k = 1400k
Tips for 2 girls : 150k x 2 = 300k
Dinner for 2 girls 2 nights : 100k x 2 = 200k - 75k they return back = 125k

My Lunch for 2 days : 25k + 28k = 53k
My Dinner for 2 days : 125k + 120k = 245k*
My Breakfast : FOC from Hotel + 35k = 35k
My Supper : FOC from a bro.
My Misc/others (tips,groceries,CDs,phone charges etc) : 250k
Shopping : Cannot count in cos i am mostly helping frens to buy things
Total spending : 3368k (exclude S$48 ferry ticket)

Ferry Ticket : S$48.00

Note : I did not add in the stolen ticket damage of 308k.

Total amount collect from 4 bros in this trip :

Day 1 : 400k
Day 2 : 300k
Total : 700k

Payment to unreliable driver for 3D2N : 600k
Balance : 100k

Tips to reception 1st day :30k
Tips to reception last day : 30k
Tips to bellboy last day : 30k
Driver lunch/dinner/Cig 1 : 70k
Driver lunch/dinner/Cig 2 : 35k

Total profit i made in this trip : 0* (its negative if i add dinner for myself x 2 days)

And my carelessness on losing the return ferry ticket : 308k

Trip Rating : 5.5/10

My Girl Rating : 7.5/10

Misc highlights/notes :

1. Everyone seems to be afraid to stay in room

2. Bro F stays in a room w/o hot water in bath room and even when i ask him to change to a better room,he insist on not changing as according to him is used to having cold bath.

3. The girls and the food,everyone has different taste buds,so not everything is suitable for everybody.

4. Special Thanks to bro Metalboy who 1st mention about this new joint Paradise Night. It looks like a promising place to venture into for future trips too.

5. Special thanks to all who joined in this trip,and special thanks to those who linked up with me too. There was a total of 4 who joined,4 others who linked up. Thank you for coming to Batam and thank you for allowing me to learn from you,hehehe....may you guys have a better future trips to Batam.

My next trip,Jan not fix but as always,it will be on weekdays and likely to be running solo + maybe some link up. Reason is i was preparing for Feb 2015 since i begin my 1st trip this year and i want Feb 2015 trip to be the perfect one. So you can say that the entire of my 2014 trip 1 to 11 is like a training session JUST to allow me to be prepared for my Feb 2015 trip. And Jan 2015 trip will be like a "cooker",with all "ingredients" i learned regarding Batam from previous trips. Likely no itinerary in my coming trip,and it will be in a short notice,eg. I will be heading to Batam 2morow etc.

Only one mission left for Jan 2015,the “new” New Berry's exact location,hehehe....wait,I hear there is a new Tua Pek Kong temple between KTM resort and the old Tua Pek Kong temple too. Not forgetting there are some restaurants that sells, snake meat,crocodile meat, rabbit meat, monkey meat, porcupine meat , giant lizard meat etc etc….hehehe…Batam is always different and it never fail to amaze me in every trip.

If you like this summary,do me a small favour...dont up my points,but Rate This Thread...rate this Batam Info Thread a 5 star!!

Thank you all for reading.

-------------The End--------------

ianlim 18-12-2014 05:11 PM

Re: Batam Info Thread
bro nono,

as always thank you for the trip details it is better than reading XXX novel, can't do much on my side but to rate 5 stars for the post.

TrollKing101 18-12-2014 06:02 PM

Re: Batam Info Thread
Just curious. Would therereally be sweet young things in batam?

authenticanie 18-12-2014 07:22 PM

Re: Batam Info Thread

marineboy99 19-12-2014 10:06 AM

Re: Batam Info Thread
Hi bring nono1973 I been enjoying reading your long post seem like you are having a good time and $$$ well spent :D

StarCity 19-12-2014 10:30 AM

Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by nono1973 (Post 12318734)
Dinner for 2 girls 2 nights : 100k x 2 = 200k - 75k they return back = 125k

My Lunch for 2 days : 25k + 28k = 53k
My Dinner for 2 days : 125k + 120k = 245k*
My Breakfast : FOC from Hotel + 35k = 35k
My Supper : FOC from a bro.

Nice sum up,bro nono.

Perhaps it's jus me,i notice yr dinner seems expensive if i compare with both lunch & breakfast. U added dinner for 2 girls @ 125k,which means yr girl didn't join u for dinner on both days of booking,am i right? In other word,u alone heap up a hefty dinner bill of 245k. :p

My 2 cts.

Kaboon 19-12-2014 12:51 PM

Re: Batam Info Thread
Finally ,the long awaited summary. :p

So many good info to pick up,thx.

Lovestripclub 19-12-2014 01:46 PM

Re: Batam Info Thread
Nono korkor How old are the girls u slept with in ur recent trip?

KohOnly21 19-12-2014 03:00 PM

Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by miumiu6464 (Post 12317496)

I'll try to search my cloud drives for photos I took at Harmoni.. just to tempt you a bit. Yup, expensive rate. I usually book through a driver and got $70. The bath tub is similar to those Taiwan spring water hotel where the height is about our chest level and you actually need to walk up a step or 2 just to.climb into it.

Very spacious. I suspect can even fit 1 + 2 cewek though I've never try.

Bro which Harmoni you talking about? The one at kampung bule or batam center?

You mean the normal bathtub is around our chest level ? :eek:

I think the pool suites in Harmoni one is the best room you can find in batam from the description. Can't find any pictures of this room online. Room damage 4.5 million :D!ho-rooms/c25y

miumiu6464 19-12-2014 04:30 PM

Batam Centre one. I mentioned Harmoni One...

nono1973 19-12-2014 04:42 PM

Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by aris (Post 12314833)
travelling - 7
the ferry was easy, but I dislike bargaining with taxi

Agree that ferry part should be easy. I like bargaining,so almost everything i also bargain (except in shopping mall),hehehe...even enter i also like to win in bargaining.

Try blue bird taxi service the next time,if you dont like bargaining,also about 30k plus minus in most trips from point A to point B around Nagoya.


Originally Posted by aris (Post 12314833)
food - 6
not cheap (compared to expectation) and taste also not ... aligned. Even if still to fastfood (expensive) they also modify menu until KFC comes with rice.

This one i also agree. But for me i am not into sea food or luxury food,so i am fine with most the street offers. Taste-wise,better than sillypore from my point of view but lose to Malaysia in some. I constantly benchmark Batam food in term of price and quality with Malaysia,benchmark as in fast food versus fast food,street food versus street food and lastly food court/house versus food court/house. I like their A & W tho,hehehe...


Originally Posted by aris (Post 12314833)
accomodation - 7
fomosa easy to book. near enough to most thungs that no need to take taxi. just need legs. if i ever get those single wheel segway thingies... ho say liao.

Yes,Formosa Hotel is my beginner start off point. I am waiting for Centre Point to turn into a hotel,hehehe...i heard they are going to do that from the tenants there.


Originally Posted by aris (Post 12314833)
girls - 7?
the one I got was an 8 easily. but the girls I VIEWED....5.5 bah. of course, this is based on a rather small sample size of only 2 fuckhouses

probably won't be going back anytime soon, until I want the experience of fucking on waking up again.

Wow! Its not easy getting an 8 and above type. The girls in most joints are usually classified base on if they have given birth or not,how many times they gave birth and their age,so sometime can get good looking girls at low price,hehehe...

My 1st experience of morning wake-up-bj is in Batam during my 9th trip. She is like an alarm clock,ringgggg.....! BBBJ time!! And all these were done when i am still asleep,when the sun had just rise...and i woke up thereafter and well...hehehe.... lol...(no need to elaborate further,i guess )


Originally Posted by fishingman (Post 12315489)
No say uncle bull shit u. Now if u at batam got many time can come over to formosa opposite hav 24 hr money changer,uncle gallantee u minimum 9600 in 1 hr time sure no changing,got more no less surely 100%.

I know where you change your money liao,opp formosa i think only one money changer operating 24 hour. But after 11pm,the rate was much lower than in during day time,so not so worth to change there.


Originally Posted by miumiu6464 (Post 12317496)
I'll try to search my cloud drives for photos I took at Harmoni.. just to tempt you a bit. Yup, expensive rate. I usually book through a driver and got $70. The bath tub is similar to those Taiwan spring water hotel where the height is about our chest level and you actually need to walk up a step or 2 just to.climb into it.

Wow! Got this type of bath tub surely very expensive type of room. If too expensive,i would rather stay inside the Formosa bath tub,which is also enough for 2 person,one at each side,hehehe....minus the rubber I am also eyeing Montigo resort at Nongsa area too...but that one need to ask my boss to come with me,,as its ultra expensive!


Originally Posted by miumiu6464 (Post 12317496)
Like you, now my hotel stay is more or less free or heavily subsidized. Last trip, or.just missed the offer for Swiss Bel at Habourbay. Free stay. But didn't book in time. LOL...

Cool,bro...swissbel,panorama,planet all quite expensive. Pacific Palace still quite affordable,but i still need to top up a few dollars after getting from Kaha. Havent check the rest yet tho.


Originally Posted by miumiu6464 (Post 12317496)
Will be another 2-3 months at least before I cheong there cos recently got hook up with a regular girl here and there's opportunity to progress longer..

Your teh botol... hutang first ya...

Np,bro...progression in a relationship anywhere is definitely a good thing,hope to drink the teh botol on your wedding dinner next


Originally Posted by ianlim (Post 12319117)
as always thank you for the trip details it is better than reading XXX novel, can't do much on my side but to rate 5 stars for the post.

Hey bro,there was no XXX in my summaries leh...hehehe...and thank you for rating the thread 5 star!! Thank you,bro!


Originally Posted by TrollKing101 (Post 12319423)
Just curious. Would therereally be sweet young things in batam?

SYT? I believe every country will also have.


Originally Posted by marineboy99 (Post 12322863)
Hi bring nono1973 I been enjoying reading your long post seem like you are having a good time and $$$ well spent

Thank you bro. I am always sourcing for things to do in Batam to make sure my trip isnt always the "usual",and at the same time learning new stuffs. I may be visiting an orphanage in Batam too,perhaps in the coming Feb or March trip,maybe even April in case i got caught up somehow. It is not going to be official trip that i would write up here then.

Good time? In bed,yes...hehehe...and as for money well-spent,well...i lost 308k due to carelessness at the custom....*sob* Mistake made,lesson learned and i move on...hopefully next trip will be better and will also need to be more careful and alert. Avoid making same mistakes.

Dont forget to rate the thread.



Originally Posted by StarCity (Post 12322961)
Nice sum up,bro nono.

Perhaps it's jus me,i notice yr dinner seems expensive if i compare with both lunch & breakfast. U added dinner for 2 girls @ 125k,which means yr girl didn't join u for dinner on both days of booking,am i right? In other word,u alone heap up a hefty dinner bill of 245k. :p

Thank you bro. And yes,my girl didnt join me for dinner and i left some money for them to eat while i go out for dinner with the group,so my dinner expense doubled during the group trip. Both girls are honest enough to return me the change,so thumbs up to them. Its a group dinner,so in a way the bills are bigger. If i am alone,or with just a good fren or 2 in a trip,i need spend only a fraction of the stated figure.

Read the regulations i state before i make my group trip in my previous post,and you will know going Dutch were part of the rules. ;)


Originally Posted by Kaboon (Post 12323678)
Finally ,the long awaited summary. :p

So many good info to pick up,thx.

You are welcome,but please rate this thread 5 star if you found what you need,hehehe...



Originally Posted by Lovestripclub (Post 12323955)
Nono korkor How old are the girls u slept with in ur recent trip?

Korkor? Thats what most girls in Batam called a

1st night girl is 24,2nd night one is about 28 (if i didnt remember wrong).

Both look about 3/10 from the perspective of one who is looking for a SSYT, 6.5/10 from one who is looking for a good time,and 7.5/10 for someone like me who is looking to having a good time as well as good service. 8/10 if one is into ISO9000,hehehe...:D

nitecrawllerr 19-12-2014 07:46 PM

Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by nono1973 (Post 12315533)
Thank you for your reply. Thank you even more for your knowledge sharing. It has helped me to better understand the papi/mami/supir's behavior and that i wasnt hitting the wrong direction during my communication with them.


Just my personal opinion.

At their joint, never threaten the papi that u will do this and that if money not returned. Especially for newbies. U are a foreigner in foreign soil. This is no ordinary joint. Papi have contacts with polisi and underground too. Treat the money lost as giving charity. We learn from mistakes. Doesnt augers well to argue or threaten papi. U may not come home in one good piece. Be it soft or hard approach.

Gem08 19-12-2014 08:02 PM

Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by nono1973 (Post 12324799)

1st night girl is 24,2nd night one is about 28 (if i didnt remember wrong).

Both look about 3/10 from the perspective of one who is looking for a SSYT, 6.5/10 from one who is looking for a good time,and 7.5/10 for someone like me who is looking to having a good time as well as good service. 8/10 if one is into ISO9000,hehehe...:D

Like your honesty and frankness... sorry cant ups you any further :(

HelloWAH 19-12-2014 10:20 PM

Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by nitecrawllerr (Post 12325646)
Just my personal opinion.

At their joint, NEVER threaten the papi that u will do this and that if money not returned. .

My friend. I share the same opinion with you.Thank you very much for helping me to point this out to him. You got my respect.

What i write in my last post, is simple english. Right or wrong is very easily understood. But still got people like to anyhow clap hand for other when in fact he actually knew that was the wrong way. Really jialat. I try to do the right way, but he promote the wrong way.

But what to do? Just show the right way and all is right,

HotRod82 19-12-2014 10:33 PM

Re: Batam Info Thread
Hi guys,

Newbie here, planning to go Batam next week for R&R and gals. Any experienced guys or fellow newbie keen to join? Quite bored to go alone.

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