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newyorker88 07-01-2015 10:47 AM

Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by jimfairy (Post 12420279)
Well, peniun n famosa is quite a distance.. if he take a taxi there.. he still must pay for taxi fares unless he say he want to walk there

There is another branch at Nagoya hills.

newyorker88 07-01-2015 10:49 AM

Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by banana81sg (Post 12417800)
there ends my massage journey. will go back batam in feb n try utama area. so many. if any bros got any info on it, do share so s to save my time. really too many that stretch lol , example good/ bad, this a f house etc. some pic below. got 1 even looks gay lol, think u know which 1 looking at pic.


Gay or not, just walk in to ask. Nothing wrong with that :D

Utama area, whole row a lot of massage. Take your pick. Other than those written salon, all massage w specials.

nono1973 07-01-2015 12:21 PM

Re: Batam Info Thread
Hi Moderator Hurricane, I dont usually reply to post that may likely instigate a futher argument (whether its now/future) and it does took me a while to finally decide to make a reply on your post addressed to me in the open forum,in hope for a peaceful and civilise closure to this subject (which is also out of topic).


Originally Posted by Hurricane88 (Post 12415863)
Bro nono1973...can you dun post repetitive info each time...

Do you mean the List or the multi-quoting during my reply?


Originally Posted by Hurricane88 (Post 12415863)
...can you do a link as your signature...:)

Yes,I can do that if you mean the List. But your complainants will still complain if i take your suggestions here. I can already foresee what their next complains will be if i follow word to word base on your given instruction. The List is only updated once a month (over the last few months) with information in conjunction with the thread title and it shall be updated on my signature during its next available updates as suggested by you.


Originally Posted by Hurricane88 (Post 12415863)
you had provided much info...just let it be searched or click...:)

Yes,it is exactly what i am doing when i use multi-quotes to reply in each post. I squeeze all replies inside one single post so that searching can be made easier to locate the necessary informations by me. As for "clicks",it will be as above said regarding the List and it will be in my signature.


Originally Posted by Hurricane88 (Post 12415863)
worst is newbies quoted your whole posts...:)

Newbies cannot quote my whole post,they can only quote partially.

Reason as in most of my informative List,posts and summaries uses up very close to 10k words which is the maximum limit for what each post in this forum can take. They will need to remove part of my post in order to quote. And this is one prevention measure to prevent others from quoting my whole post. Now i came out with one extra step to prevent accidental quoting. i just locked my List using the quote code,so no one can accidentally quote the whole post,like the one below for example :

...which you cannot quote my whole post now unless you do a copy and paste and then quote,you will still need to bypass 10000 word limits in each post. Double prevention now for the current list.

Finally,what i just wish to say here is, i am posting and extracting information in the Batam info thread,i will gladly comply with what the moderator/s order and even sort out solutions for what you believe i did wrong,but i hope i wont be blame for something that i have no control on.Which what i am reading here is another member's postings that i have no power to edit or remove. You may also imagine someone registering a new acct in SBF and start quoting all my posts...and then launch a complain against me for one? And i hope you will be impartial when dealing with complains too,take a few mins to think if they are targeting me or are they targeting a situation in the thread where people are quoting the whole post.

Here's one example of a most recent user who is quoting a whole post and have been in SBF for a much longer time (no offence to the bro quoting it,as its solely meant to be an example) :

Here's another example that at least one person are complaining about but is a much newer user who isnt quoting the whole post becos he couldnt do that due to my 10k word limits (no offence again to the bro quoting it as its again meant solely as an example) :

Above are my personal opinion,and my only hope now is you can see a clearer picture of the situation after my explaination. Right now, i can only hope to have further correspond on a PM rather than in the open public. Better still,correct me if i am in any way doing wrong. As of my humble opinion again,further discussion in public may result in deterioration of the thread.

Sincerely thank you for reading.

Hurricane88 07-01-2015 01:03 PM

Re: Batam Info Thread
Bro nono1973...thank you very much...deleted those posts quoted whole posts...:)

I will moderate fairly...:)

mic ong 07-01-2015 02:57 PM

Re: Batam Info Thread
Hi afternoon all sbf bro , I need some help can any one tell mo when to find Indo chinese in batam and. the price or number thank a lot I stay at batam harmony one hotel

nebakanezzar 07-01-2015 02:59 PM

Re: Batam Info Thread

Nice pics of wechat girl, how was her service? Can your share her wechat contact :D

lurpsexx 08-01-2015 12:08 AM

Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by nono1973 (Post 12411683)
i rarely surf net on my phone,old liao...eyes no longer work as good on small screen plus page loading takes time Thats the reason why i will draw a map (or use other bro's map),convert them to jpeg,save it and put them on my phone to view the area. And before i head to batam,i will plan 1st where i wish to go,get its location via landmarking the prominent hotels or shopping mall around the area and then head there. Sim card are mainly for use on communication between the hotel reception,taxi drivers,okts or friends in batam.

yup, i think comms is still indespensible for me whenever i am in a foreign land..

i often take prima ferries aka horizon ferries as their name has changed recently. Below their schedule for the ferry ride :

few trips ago,one of my friends were just talking about shopping in batam and he related that guys,most guys in sillypore rarely shops in their own country,but when they reach batam,they shop even longer hours and distance than their female

yup, you couldn't be further from the truth.. :d i am one of those male shopaholic whenever i am in foreign place.. Curious ma.. And some of the things there are new and not so pricey to me, so i buy to test test lo... Haha.. Incl condoms too.. Haha... :d .. Will be looking forward to your new frs bro.. Cheers! :)


nono1973 08-01-2015 10:38 AM

Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by faszcom (Post 12417186)
How is the situation of King Massage now?
I will be in Batam next week, most likely stay in Famosa.

Kings Massage price from 90k/hr onward.

FJ asking price : 500k to 700k
HJ asking price : 300k to 500k

Bargained Price for FJ : 300k to 400k
Bargained Price for HJ : 150k to 200k

There will be an album to choose girl at the counter for massage service.

There wont be an album to choose girl at the counter for Foot Reflexology service.

If choose massage room for foot reflexology,also will be offered special,prices as above. If choose Massage Chair for foot reflexology,no special service will be offered. If staying in Formosa Hotel,Kings masseur do in-your-room massage at 100k/hr if i dont remember wrong.

Out of 10 girls there,there will be 6 SYT.

Hope that helps.

Enjoy your upcoming Batam trip,bro.

newyorker88 08-01-2015 10:46 AM

Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by nono1973 (Post 12425614)
Kings Massage price from 90k/hr onward.

FJ asking price : 500k to 700k
HJ asking price : 300k to 500k

Bargained Price for FJ : 300k to 400k
Bargained Price for HJ : 150k to 200k

There will be an album to choose girl at the counter for massage service.


Kings caters to mostly outside people. that's why the rates are more ex. :D

nono1973 08-01-2015 10:51 AM

Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by DDAMn (Post 12417230)
well bro nono its actually easy as long as u know where madura massage is actually new berry is in the next be specific if u know where restoran istimewa(shop tat specialise in fish soup quite famous) then its in the alley in front of it.

Erm..i havent been to Madura massage yet,just pass by only. After i gather all the info from you and bro Banana81sg,i have manage to reduce the size of the search area where the "new" New Berry is suppose to be as on below map :

My guess is,it shouldnt be too far from Formosa base on the mapping if i compare to walking to Goodway. Hehehe...likely to be able pin point that place soon unless i map out

newyorker88 08-01-2015 11:18 AM

Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by nono1973 (Post 12425675)
Erm..i havent been to Madura massage yet,just pass by only. After i gather all the info from you and bro Banana81sg,i have manage to reduce the size of the search area where the "new" New Berry is suppose to be as on below map :

My guess is,it shouldnt be too far from Formosa base on the mapping if i compare to walking to Goodway. Hehehe...likely to be able pin point that place soon unless i map out

Infront of Hotel furmara is Medurani massage. beside Javana massage.

tiuminator 08-01-2015 11:18 AM

Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by nono1973 (Post 12425675)
My guess is,it shouldnt be too far from Formosa base on the mapping if i compare to walking to Goodway. Hehehe...likely to be able pin point that place soon unless i map out

If its near Rest Istimewa then it should be near hotel Gloris too

nono1973 08-01-2015 11:34 AM

Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by banana81sg (Post 12417732)
my very very late FR, not sure consider FR lol and sorry if not well written

Was waiting for your FR,and you are more than a month late,hehehe...and when you write,you give half baked FR which scattered if you dont mind,allow me to ask some questions and to rearrange your post format on your trip if you dont mind.


Originally Posted by banana81sg (Post 12417732)
purpose of trip, try massage see if got special.

My challenge this year 2015 is to visit "clean" massage joint and get special from them. I think i just might got the hang of it


Originally Posted by banana81sg (Post 12417732)
1st day, check in batam centre hotel, abt 50sgd per night, nice hotel, but tv channel limited. wanted to try massage 69 near bcs mall to see if can bring grl bacck to hotel after massage, but overslept, will try when back batam, refer my previous fr on 69 tks

Your FR on 69 massage as below for the sake of others reading your FR now :

So,you day 1 no cum? :confused:


Originally Posted by banana81sg (Post 12417732)
2nd day, move to nagoya, check in new hotel at business centre blk 1 300k per night. just outside my hotel got q and family hotel, no try, seem family kind.

As the name says it,its a NEW


Originally Posted by banana81sg (Post 12417732)
massage 1, moonlight ( tried both), price starts 70k-120k depend on which moonlight as got 2 , refer to list from nono. both got offer special. payed 50k for hj and 100k respectively for both location. Note price more expensive nearer to harmony. both time syt

Base on your words,you came twice on both different shops by the same name Moonlight massage? The more expensive one is closer to Harmony Hotel,right?

Refer to Nono List means the post below,i guess... :


Originally Posted by banana81sg (Post 12417732)
massage 2, bliss massage , blk 2 business centre. no special offered. wear shorts, start at 70k. pretty milf. btw what it says? tks

Ok,so Bliss Massage has no special and massage price is 70k/hr. Nobody translating the words on the picture you just shown,so please allow me to just rotate the picture nicely and resize the photo so that any good bros here who could understand Bahasa Indo can choose whether they wish to help translate it for the benefit of everyone who couldnt understand.


Originally Posted by banana81sg (Post 12417732)
massage 3, time massage blk 4, got special, but didnt try. massage 70k starts, pretty milf

I guess thats the end of your day 2 trip where you visit 4 massage shops,Moonlight x 2 branches,Bliss Massage and Time massage and released yourself twice.

Correct me if i am wrong,bro.


nono1973 08-01-2015 12:20 PM

Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by banana81sg (Post 12417752)
day 3

massage 4, flower maSSage, forgot price start , sorry. place run down n even saw roach. was not offered special but did touch groin area as if hinting, but didnt ask s milf not chio lol

Hmm...Flower Massage got signal for special service but you didnt take up cos the one who do the massage isnt chio enough. If you can still remember,how much is it for per hour of massage in Flower Massage? Thanks in advance.


Originally Posted by banana81sg (Post 12417752)
massage 5, blue moon, no more beauty moon. syt but no take up offer (150k hj). start 120k massage

Beauty Moon massage changed name to Blue Moon Massage? There are SYT offering HJ at 150k HJ before or after bargain? And 120k massage is for an hour? Sorry for the many questions,there is no obligation to reply tho.

Thanks again,bro.


Originally Posted by banana81sg (Post 12417752)
massage 6, went in utama area, tried chinatown massage, starts 60k, offered special for 100k hj, no take up offer. given milf.

Thank you for this info, now i know Chinatown Massage near Utama Hotel has massage at 60k/hr and they offered 100k/hj.


Originally Posted by banana81sg (Post 12417752)
massage 7, went back moonlight, given milf, same 70k. no take special.

This Moonlight massage you visit is the one further away from Harmoni Hotel,the less expensive one since its at 70k/hr and not the 120k/hr one which is closer to Harmoni Hotel,right?


Originally Posted by banana81sg (Post 12417752)
night wechat grl s no shoot whole day n horny. came 800k overnight. name aliya, boob b+.

Nice photos you shared,how is the service of that wechat girl over a scale of 1 to 10? How many shots? Looks rating and age? Anyway,this questions i just ask for fun,since i dont have wechat/whatapp/ obligation to reply tho.

And that ends your day 3 trip,i suppose.


Originally Posted by banana81sg (Post 12417752)
day 4

massage 8 madurani massage, offered special , no take s old milf. price refer to pic

Finally,i found a very useful info from your FR,the price list of Madurani Massage with a 25% tax surcharge as shown below (i guess) :

I would like to seek your permission to use the photo above for future guides and summaries,if you dont mind.

You were there for 4D3N? Hmm...i think you might have miss out one day (i may be wrong)... :D

One most important question i sincerely wish to ask,which massage parlour you went to ,offers a photo album so that you can choose a girl to massage you?

And thank you for sharing your FR,its really very useful. :p

SEAJ 08-01-2015 12:53 PM

Re: Batam Info Thread
25% tax? Actual government imposed tax or just bad English translation?

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