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tiuminator 26-01-2015 09:08 AM

Re: Batam Info Thread
Alamak! Rain bagus. Cewek cant go out here and there. Just stay in hotel and bonk and bonk.:p

nono1973 26-01-2015 11:04 AM

Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by Naka_Timo (Post 12509731)
Bro, nice reading up your story on your lastest trip. Too bad,cant join you

I think, batam is developing more. If a few months never go, think may not know how to move around liao :p

Thank you bro. Its our lost that you couldnt join us. The "story" would have been different and for the better if you have come. No worries bro,there is always March and April 2015,hope to be able to see you then.

Just to share a small joke with you.When i return from my Jan 2015 trip,i met up with a school principal working in the same office building as me. When he saw me when i return back to office after the Jan Batam trip,his 1st word to me was, "Hey! Go Batam never jio arh?!" ,and i was like totally surprise that a school principal will also go cheong at So on March or April (or even May)Trip,most likely a school principal will be joining me,hehehe...not going to share anything of the school for privacy reason,as its a relative popular one in Sillypore.

Actually,when talk about changes in Batam,it is mostly on the Building of its Harbours that change,the joints moving off from one area to another,new massage shop coming up and the finishing of the new building Tua Pek Kong temple after more than a year of building it. Not forgetting there is also a new Night Club called Titanium just around Harbour Bay whose building appearance looks like the Sillypore's Las Vegas KTV Night Club. Titanium Night Club was 1st mentioned by a bro name Asterix 10 pages away from this thread : But i dont frequent Batam Night Spot,so am still awaiting for more information on this new place.

As for moving around,other than what's mentioned on the above paragraph,the roads,the street,the regular malls,the hotels still very much remain the same. :p


Originally Posted by BoBMamba (Post 12510165)

i remembered my in house massage experience at Utama Hotel i think in Oct last year. Sent me a rather chubby milf. Not much in the looks dept but provides good massage. Quoted me 800k for fj and 600k for hj :eek:
Managed to bring down the fj only to 500k.

You stayed in Utama Hotel before? If thats the case,heading for massage should not be a problem to you. We all learn from mistakes,and we all grow up a little after making them,and the whole idea of making them is knowing we make them before and we dont make it again. The worst that could happen will be when one didnt realise it is a "mistake".


Originally Posted by BoBMamba (Post 12510165)
I made a mistake of telling her that I've not been to Batam for a long time when she asked when was the last time I've been there. Learnt that and did not repeat the same error during my latest visit, hehe

Erm..erm...,hehehe...actually when i go massage or booking joint,most of the time i would tell the girls i am 1st timer in Batam,hehehe...when she quote exorbitant prices,i will tell her yesterday i go to xxx massage parlour and i only pay 100k/ Then she will tell me,their shops is different la,they work in Hotel-base type la,she will strip la...etc etc...and i will tell her 100k/.hj or no go,so maximum i pay for is 150k for hj and if she is good and are obliging to my requests (eg,BM,bbbj,full roaming etc),i tip her a little more for the effort.

hawkeye007 26-01-2015 11:16 AM

Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by nono1973 (Post 12504476)
Day 2


Since it is still very early in the morning afte our breakfast and all joints arent open at those hours,one bro wish to go Massage,the other wants normal shopping at the mall. So this time round,I get the driver to drive the bro to Nagoya Hill Mall to shop and me and the other bro will go for Massage. I am also in search of massage shop which has photo book to choose girl and will go to Hotel to massage for my future trips.

We manage to go to one shop,but...but...but...its FULL HOUSE!! The photo album got about a dozen girls to choose from....massage at 130k/1.5hr...or was it 140k/1.5 hr excluding VIP room which will cost another 10k or something,sorry...i didnt get to ask them properly. But seeing the girls walk in walk out there REALLY makes me drool....i didnt see a single milf...ALL SYT!!

Hmm...realise most massage shop dont have a price list and i am lucky to grab a name card of the massage shop I havent tried,but i will definitely be back in my future trips.

Then we move on and try this one below (which has no name card) :

This one above Pepy Massage also about the same as previous massage joint we visited. Lots of SYT,also has photo album...also about same price,also can go Hotel for room massage. But business not so good,hehehe....i picked a semi -syt while the Muslim bro pick a syt and off we went for our 1.5 hr massage.

Look : 7/10 - there are quite a number of 8/10 (8.5/.10) type that i didnt pick from the album,and didnt see any 7/10 and below ones.

Massage : Real solid good massage
Room : VIP room with attached bath area and LCD TV.
Ambience : Hmm...not so good,the whole place has a strange smell,i think i prefer in-hotel-room massage
BBBJ : Super good ,for a long long time.
HJ : Not bad,at least better than i expected.
FJ : I didnt opt for it.
BM : For a min or so only on my back
Auto Roam : Full roaming
Overall Rating : 8/10
RTF : Yes,definitely but for in-hotel-room massage

Damage : Entrance 140k with VIP room + 200k special + 2 can of Red Bull at 10k each.

The bro who joined me for massage gets a 250k FJ excluding entrance of 1.5 hr massage. Girl much prettier than mine,hehehe…he is also happy with the service.

Bro Nono, where exactly in Nagoya Hill are these 2 massage joints located? Opposite A&W or opposite J.Co...? 140k for 1.5hr massage and 250k SYT FJ is really dirt cheap..!!

nono1973 26-01-2015 12:55 PM

Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by lurpsexx (Post 12513157)
Please allow me to add on someting abt Blue Moon... as bro Miu Miu said, this joint has ST in-house and Glass Tank viewing of the booking ceweks (many SYT)... massage is also avail here and heard from one of the ladies here the massage girls dun do FJ & they only HJ or BJ i think.. usual damage of 150k-200k applies for Hj.. Bj dunno.. I not hamsom so pay higher price and no bj .. :( If wan FJ, then need to ask for the ST girls to "massage" and FJ in the room (which has latchable doors)..damage for ST is 700K (before bargain) i think.. there seems to be a SG chinese uncle there, and if u bahasa indo tidak boleh also can speak chinese to this uncle.. he can intro the char bos.. think he is one of the boss there... dunno la... overall this place can try try.. but please dun take the VIP room as i think not practical use bathtub if the time is short.. we didn't take.. oh, the rates for normal massage is 150k, and up and if u take the "vitality" package it goes up to 350-400K.. the high price means something also included la..haha... up down up down... :D..sorry if u read till :confused: here as my england not goot... hope to add more next time... hehhehehehe

1st of all,i apologize 1st that i need to quote this whole post.

Thank you bro Lurpsexx for sharing this quality information of Blue Moon. It is going to be very useful on my March/April 2015 trip as i am unlikely to be visiting any joints on the coming Feb one. I plan to try Clean Massage in my coming CNY trip with hope to turn them "dirty",hehehe....

Very interesting information you just shared and i am bookmarking them down as i type. I am guessing this new joint,Blue Moon works like Fortune Massage which is beside Happy 8 Massage then.

Sincerely thank you.


Originally Posted by Kaboon (Post 12517234)
Fantastic FR/Summary as always,bro.

U must have enjoy thoroughly in yr Jan '15 trip since u use up to 7 posts to share yr summary. I think it's the highest no. of posts so far since u started all yr summaries. Must've taken u quite a bit of time to write,big effort there.

I'll be going batam during either Mar/Apr,hopefully our timing can click.

Yes,bro. I do enjoy myself in my last trip. My last trip's main objective was to get a room,get a ferry,get a girl for my next trip during CNY. And yes,7 posts i used,reason is becos my trails goes a long way and i learned something from it,some of it has not been mentioned before,and that i have extracted much from this thread and wherever i took it from,i should return back. Yes,it usually takes me a week or more to write up the summary of my trip and in my way of writing it,it surely takes some effort. If you like it,rate this thread but dont up my

I have update my signature a little,so if it blurred you to look at all 7 posts,you may wish to go to my signature to read them from just one single link.(last link on my signature)


Originally Posted by Kaboon (Post 12517234)
I'm just curious on 1 thing,i notice u keep calling yr driver "unreliable" in most of yr summary. I see yr driver very good aldy as he drives u everywhere far & near & no black face or complain.I'm sure most other drivers will surely not do that. He at least drive u all to more than 20 pts & back in yr 3d2n trip.My last driver aldy shw me black face after visiting 3 places without getting girl. Sorry,can't help being curious & envious. :p

Thx for yr summary,bro nono. Hope can join yr Mar trip.

Wah! This is going to another long Think i shall just cut it short.

In the beginning of my trips to Batam,i dont trust drivers cos from reading this thread,driver seems like a bad azz in And from my 1st interaction with driver in my 1st trip,the drivers has left a deep scar in me from his "chopping board". So my impression of drivers is not very good to begin with. After getting to know some of them better at a later time,i find that they arent really that bad after all,but due to the scars left behind during my 1st trip,they are still not getting much of my trust,hence i usually called most of the drivers i use "unreliable",even when they have provide me superb service during my"childhood" phobia,i

Do come by this Batam Info Thread to check during March for the opening of the March 2015 trip,bro. March 2015 is still very far away.I havent even decide what kind of trip it will be.But if i plan a newbie learn-together trip,you wont be able to join cos you are more or less "no longer" newbie. But if its a get-together trip,then feel free to come in. We can still link up as how i have linked up with the other bros during my previous newbie trip. As for dates,do keep a look out in this thread.

Have a good day,bro.

nono1973 26-01-2015 01:33 PM

Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by johnkhb (Post 12520583)
Bro Nono, where exactly in Nagoya Hill are these 2 massage joints located? Opposite A&W or opposite J.Co...? 140k for 1.5hr massage and 250k SYT FJ is really dirt cheap..!!

Sorry bro,i didnt put it clearly in my summary on its location,resulting a misunderstanding.

Both shops are behind Utama Hotel,bro. Quite a distance away from Nagoya Hill Mall. To be exact ,the location if i dont remember wrong should be 7 o'clock behind Utama Hotel. Just behind Utama,every about 15 steps,you see a Massage shop.

Its definitely a SYT,less than 22,more than 18 of age. Sweet,pretty,slim. Honest opinion here,i dont think its "dirt cheap",its more towards "normal" for me.


Originally Posted by xbao (Post 12518545)
FR: one day trip on foot to OCTOPUSS (my very first FR)

Nice FR filled with good quality information for those who hasnt been to Octopus Spa in Batam before.Can see you are definitely not a 1st timer to Batam. There arent much Batam day-tripper FR in this thread,its good to see one now.

In case you didnt know,the below 2 quotes practically covers all the information of Octopus Spa. Its one of the better informative post,so i am bookmarking it down. Thank you for sharing it,bro.


Originally Posted by xbao (Post 12518545)
Just after the ferry terminal at the food court across the road is Harbour Bay Mall. I walk in the mall from one end the the other exit, exit the mall walk all the way to the main road, at the T junction i turn right and walk toward Pacific Palace that junction i can see a ship look alike building at about 400m away and that is the hotel

Reach at the hotel, i did not entry by the front door, i walk toward the left side of the hotel there another entry at the side of the hotel in the mid section.
Go in take a lift to 8 floor and reach OCTOPUSS, collect a locker key at the counter and a Petty PR will escort you in to discuss what package i would like.
first choose room types:
Suite at 360,000 or
President 363,000 (she say promo now)

Next she will also ask all the available gals line up for me to choose,
there are silver 400,000 and 500,000 for gold


Originally Posted by xbao (Post 12518551)
Reach Batam Ferry terminal 1200hrs cost S$48+S$8 ferry + 20,000 fish lunch
OCTOPUSS 1230 to 1500 cost 500,000 gal + 363,000 Rm + 22,500 Beer
Mazu Massage 1530 to 1830hrs cost 170,000 body + 80,000 foot
Seafood 1845 to 2000hrs cost 110,000 fish + 110,000 crab
Ferry boarding at 2015hrs and leave at 2045hrs

hope the above info is helpful

Naka_Timo 26-01-2015 01:34 PM

Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by nono1973 (Post 12520492)
Thank you bro. Its our lost that you couldnt join us. The "story" would have been different and for the better if you have come. No worries bro,there is always March and April 2015,hope to be able to see you then.

Just to share a small joke with you.When i return from my Jan 2015 trip,i met up with a school principal working in the same office building as me. When he saw me when i return back to office after the Jan Batam trip,his 1st word to me was, "Hey! Go Batam never jio arh?!" ,and i was like totally surprise that a school principal will also go cheong at So on March or April (or even May)Trip,most likely a school principal will be joining me,hehehe...not going to share anything of the school for privacy reason,as its a relative popular one in Sillypore.

Actually,when talk about changes in Batam,it is mostly on the Building of its Harbours that change,the joints moving off from one area to another,new massage shop coming up and the finishing of the new building Tua Pek Kong temple after more than a year of building it. Not forgetting there is also a new Night Club called Titanium just around Harbour Bay whose building appearance looks like the Sillypore's Las Vegas KTV Night Club. Titanium Night Club was 1st mentioned by a bro name Asterix 10 pages away from this thread : But i dont frequent Batam Night Spot,so am still awaiting for more information on this new place.

As for moving around,other than what's mentioned on the above paragraph,the roads,the street,the regular malls,the hotels still very much remain the same. :p

LOL!! the singapore is so small.

It seems like alot of changes going on in BTM. Hopefully, next time, next visit will have change to stay the new nagoya hotel which is inside ngaoya mall. Opposite The Hills.

newyorker88 26-01-2015 03:18 PM

Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by pitykia (Post 12518516)
hi guys, i remember there is this one shopping centre near Ace Hotel Batam.
When i went in to the arcade i saw people playing those machines like coin dozer and it really drops coins.
so i was wondering...can those coins be use to turn back to rupiah or just for game credits to redeem toys::

Can change for coins lah. It is gambling in disguise. Use to have jackpot machines, but now kena stop by police.

KohOnly21 26-01-2015 03:55 PM

Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by pitykia (Post 12518516)
hi guys, i remember there is this one shopping centre near Ace Hotel Batam.
When i went in to the arcade i saw people playing those machines like coin dozer and it really drops coins.:eek:
so i was wondering...can those coins be use to turn back to rupiah or just for game credits to redeem toys:confused:

If you say shopping center should be Nagoya shopping center, just few mins walk away. If the arcade you mean is the 1 at cinema level, then i guess the coin dozer you referring to are those that are played using game token, you can use those token for normal games too. I'm not sure if they are allowed to be changed back to rupiah though.

Anyway, anyone know the name of the pub next to Formosa or any new information on the new Titanium Club.

Regulars of bros using Horizon Ferry please advise:

Recently, had a chance to take the new horizon ferry as i missed my ferry in another terminal, i noticed that it's a non smoking ferry :eek: or there's a place for smoking?

fishingman 26-01-2015 04:16 PM

Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by KohOnly21 (Post 12521964)
Regulars of bros using Horizon Ferry please advise:

Recently, had a chance to take the new horizon ferry as i missed my ferry in another terminal, i noticed that it's a non smoking ferry :eek: or there's a place for smoking?

Horizon ferry is no smoke ferry.

But many people queue up to smoke inside toilet on VIP up there. Toilet inside have no smoking sign.

Pickachew 26-01-2015 04:57 PM

Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by KohOnly21 (Post 12521964)
Regulars of bros using Horizon Ferry please advise:

Recently, had a chance to take the new horizon ferry as i missed my ferry in another terminal, i noticed that it's a non smoking ferry :eek: or there's a place for smoking?

Last time i booking back from Horizon Ferries back singapore,the horizon company did not use a Horizon ferry to bring me back singapore. It use a batam fast ferry to bring me back & the ferry is small & old but got smoking outside cabin for smokers.

hawkeye007 26-01-2015 05:00 PM

Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by KohOnly21 (Post 12521964)
If you say shopping center should be Nagoya shopping center, just few mins walk away. If the arcade you mean is the 1 at cinema level, then i guess the coin dozer you referring to are those that are played using game token, you can use those token for normal games too. I'm not sure if they are allowed to be changed back to rupiah though.

Anyway, anyone know the name of the pub next to Formosa or any new information on the new Titanium Club.

Regulars of bros using Horizon Ferry please advise:

Recently, had a chance to take the new horizon ferry as i missed my ferry in another terminal, i noticed that it's a non smoking ferry :eek: or there's a place for smoking?

Horizon 6, 7, 8 and 9 are non-smoking ferries... You'll only be able to smoke if u kena the older ferries like Asian Raider etc, which Horizon is still using on occasional basis...

hawkeye007 26-01-2015 05:08 PM

Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by nono1973 (Post 12521231)
Sorry bro,i didnt put it clearly in my summary on its location,resulting a misunderstanding.

Both shops are behind Utama Hotel,bro. Quite a distance away from Nagoya Hill Mall. To be exact ,the location if i dont remember wrong should be 7 o'clock behind Utama Hotel. Just behind Utama,every about 15 steps,you see a Massage shop.

Its definitely a SYT,less than 22,more than 18 of age. Sweet,pretty,slim. Honest opinion here,i dont think its "dirt cheap",its more towards "normal" for me.

Then u must have been very lucky to strike paydirt on most of your outings. 70-80% of the SYTs working in hanky panky massage joints charge an average of 500k for FJ (of cos the MILFs charge lower, as low as 250K). So to score 250K for a syt FJ is a damn good deal...

This is coming from someone who goes to Batam almost every single weekend... Or maybe I'm just a carrot head... Hahahaha....:D:p

Cwpmami 26-01-2015 05:51 PM

Re: Batam Info Thread
Dear All,
Here is my humble FR for the trip (24/1 ~ 25/1):

When me and my friend touched down to batam, both of us were every excited after reading a lot of FR here.

Once checked in, we went to Nagoya Hill mall for A&W. After that, adventure started!

First, we went to New Berry (difficult to find because we lost our way.... when we located City View hotel, we were 'OMFG FINALLY FOUND IT !!!!')
Once went in, Papi ring the bell and all the girls sit there...2 of us shock because the standard...................for me is only 5/10. LHS is totally Dinasour, Elephant...and on RHS is slightly better (at leasy younger). No choice, we have to proceed to the rest of the 2 joints.

Next Joints: New Berlian
Once entered, those mummy inside wanna lock us inside. The girl quality even worse then New Berry, and dont even bother to look at you when you are choice, proceed to next.

Last Joints: New Permata Indah
Loud music, a lot of smoke, cant even see girl clearly...and...found dinasour level again........................

We came out, discussed.

Finally, we back to New Berry. The quality is better and since good review from there, we gave a try.

I booked my girl and same for him. We proceed to SPA before action, ask the girl come at 4.30pm and we went to enjoy spa at EKSA SPA.
i feel very dirty after massage T.T (but the section is good and relaxing)

okay, back to hotel room. wait for our girls arrived.

Soon, they arrived. My friends took his back to his room, and i stay with my girl. as a gentleman, i should start talk to her and comfort her, my bahasa is normal type so there is no communication problems between us.

my girls:
Age: 20YO
looks: 7/10
Body: 34F / 24 /34 (best body...really..maybe still very young...solid big boobs)
Damge: 1.1Juta + tips
during that days, we fucked 3 times...
next morning another 1...

okay..summary of my trips:
After this, i realise that batam is a place for 初戀 (first love) feeling instead of skilled gals. I do not know all this after i tried. Skilled gals you can get at JB BLUEWAVE HOTEL (super powerful) but in batam, dont expect that. but the GFE i get is 120%, it really remind me on my 初戀..LOL

my girl like my first lover, offer me to play backside =.= which i didnt do it because i think is very pain for her (aikss...a bit regret) and she offered me to fuck without CD as well. Of course i didnt go for it because i respect her and respect myself (is just too dangerous for this)..

i believe, i will go batam find my 初戀 again soon...
is a nice trip and i will rate it 8.5/10

thanks for reading my FR..if you find it good, can help me make my point become green again? i do not know why it turn red....

daviddavid 26-01-2015 11:50 PM

Re: Batam Info Thread
Anyone going this Sat? If yes, possible for me to tag along?:D

KohOnly21 27-01-2015 12:27 AM

Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by johnkhb (Post 12522256)
Horizon 6, 7, 8 and 9 are non-smoking ferries... You'll only be able to smoke if u kena the older ferries like Asian Raider etc, which Horizon is still using on occasional basis...

I see.. Asian Raider i know can, i also frequent harbourbay leh before Horizon took over :p


Originally Posted by Pickachew (Post 12522239)
Last time i booking back from Horizon Ferries back singapore,the horizon company did not use a Horizon ferry to bring me back singapore. It use a batam fast ferry to bring me back & the ferry is small & old but got smoking outside cabin for smokers.

Probably that's the old ferry Pak John mentioned.


Originally Posted by fishingman (Post 12522072)
many people queue up to smoke inside toilet on VIP up there. Toilet inside have no smoking sign.

Only the VIP toilet can smoke? It seems that the below one also frequents by many people. However, took a look inside have no smoking sign with a sensor-like thing on top, i scare water don't dare try hehe :D

Nevertheless, Horizon ferries are indeed fast and time saving, i would say the ride was worth the price. Especially if you are rushing for time.

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