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ilovetogobatam 25-04-2015 10:03 AM

Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by nono1973 (Post 12947359)

With old information,it tells the story of how today's Batam sex scene are being evolved into and shows how Batam has progress over the past years therefore helps to deduce what the future of Batam scene will become in the years to come. At least thats how i read it.

Example,this thread on Batam starts 2007,about 8 years ago. After reading them several time,i understand how Batam over the past 8 years progress in terms of pricing,type/number of places to cheong,amount to tip/pay etc...and not forgetting the amount of problems,issues,complains faced as well,hehehe....8 years later today,did things change for the better or worse? or are we still facing the same problems,issues,complains etc even after 8 years? Hehehe...not very sure about all these,but i know the future is definitely in the hand of Batam cheongsters today.

See how the past,the present and the future works together now? :D

bro, your sentence reminds me abit about MOE, Moulding the future of our nation.

But in this case is " Moulding the future of our playground" :D

nono1973 25-04-2015 12:38 PM

Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by KohOnly21 (Post 12939704)
Tipping system also changed alot..

Just 2 years ago, i was still tipping farm girls 50/100k and 90% of them are contented.

Last year was 100/150k

2 years ago is 50k to 100k tipping? :eek: But i already see people start tipping at an average of around 100k in other Batam/Balai/Tg pinang thread some 7-8 years ago leh and in this thread since nearly 3-4 years ago already can see people tipping 100k to 150k. Thats how i come out with my own personal tipping table to tip my girls in Batam :

50k for no good service
100k for fair or average service
150k for above average to good service
200k is only for the best or beyond expectation service (rare)

If i plan to tip 150k,i throw out 100k 1st becos i know the girl/s are likely to ask for more. Likewise for all other amount,hehehe...

Almost all bros who are new yet who has joined me in my previous group trips tipped according to my above tipping table and it all went very well (and smooth too). Some bros who followed my guide/s ,base on the FRs they wrote to me or in this thread do the same thing too. If it is 250k and above tipping,it is usually those bros who has intention/planning to completely "buy" the girl down from their working joint to keep as mistress or has other ulterior purposes,eg like BDSM,other fetish etc etc..hehehe...:D

I remember seeing a bro here in this thread who tipped 1 juta (1 million rupiah) in this thread,but that was becos he aim to bonk the same girl for the rest of his future Batam trips for free and he did. :eek:


In general,one of the basic rules for me on the Batam cheonging game is to avoid over-paying more than one should (even other countries also same) ,even if it is considered "dirt cheap" in Sillypore term. So many rich tourists from all over the World visited China,but ONLY Sillypore tourists are being branded MOST Stupid by the tourist guide and worse still...Sillyporean are also being called stupid by a foreign prostitute in Sillypore.

What i do was i NEVER compare pricing of Batam in Sillypore term,becos if i do..nearly all of Asia will surely be cheaper than Sillypore.Why not compare with other nearby countries that has lower pricing instead? How about let's be fairer with our comparison and compare 3rd world versus 3rd world country for once? ;)
(unless this is the 1st time an individual steps out of Sillypore where you can compare with ONLY Sillypore)

And lastly,dont end up like this man who married an Indonesia Wife and the wife runaway with all his money later. I have already seen one in real life at my office building who is a cleaner but at least that guy gets to pass away smoothly in Sillypore tho penniless. Its been a year+ already...time really flies...

hyocca 25-04-2015 01:04 PM

Hey guys, was wondering if you all have the price rates for delta spa?

And if there is a better spa you can recommend with good facilities?

Also if I'm there on a Monday. Are the bars as happening with ladies? And is there a strip club around?

hyocca 25-04-2015 01:07 PM

Re: Batam Info Thread
Hi guys was wondering if you guys have the rates for delta spa?

And if you guys have a better spa with good facilities and syt to recommend?

Also if I'm going on a Monday. Would there still be a happening bar with ladies?

Lastly.. Anyone happen to know if strip clubs even exist? Not ktv, but just pure strip clubs.

S.B.Y.1 25-04-2015 01:41 PM

Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by RamboCat (Post 12946835)
Any clubs in batam have strip tease show?


Originally Posted by hyocca (Post 12948113)
Lastly.. Anyone happen to know if strip clubs even exist?.

There are No strip clubs in Batam unlike JKT which Mas Rambocat is very
familiar with. You may go to KTVs and request and it cost around Rp400-500 for less than 30 minits stint.

Dont expect Vegas styled and pretty looking cewes to perform. Some
cewes can perform Xtras in the toilet for an additional fee.

hyocca 25-04-2015 02:07 PM

Re: Batam Info Thread
Thanks for the reply :)

Would you happen to have a syt bar where we can go talk to girls on a Monday? Haha

gilacewek 25-04-2015 04:20 PM

Re: Batam Info Thread
50k for no good service
100k for fair or average service
150k for above average to good service
200k is only for the best or beyond expectation service (rare)

hahaha. You guys really cute lah. Tipping also got SOP and guide.
too rigid. Bro Nono or Bro pussy as your name translates to u have been giving info collating frs. thats a gd job. As for tipping i feel u should just leave to the bros to decide. everyman has a different level of satisfaction. let him be the judge and use his discretion. for your info i am not a newbie to batam but have been goin there since Batu ampar days when we had to cross the shaking bridge.

anyway i always enjoy reading wats shared here. no offence but i was just stating my two rupiah worth on the issue of tipping

ilovetogobatam 25-04-2015 05:33 PM

Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by gilacewek (Post 12948901)
hahaha. You guys really cute lah. Tipping also got SOP and guide.
too rigid. Bro Nono or Bro pussy as your name translates to u have been giving info collating frs. thats a gd job. As for tipping i feel u should just leave to the bros to decide. everyman has a different level of satisfaction. let him be the judge and use his discretion.

bro, I also agree on leaving to bros to decide, but for those whom seldom go,
They wont know what's the norm, as some post mention, we sg men paisei to bargain, I guess mostly will also paisei to give less tips.

Its good he gives us an idea, so most of us wont give too much, in turn cause their cravings for higher tips in long run.

ps, I never went before to chiong, as such, all the seniors FRs are good experience for me to absorb.

hyocca 25-04-2015 05:50 PM

Delta Price rates
Anyone has delta price rates?

Can't find it on website

nono1973 25-04-2015 06:18 PM

Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by johnkhb (Post 12940105)
Now, because of garang cheongsters, must give 200k per meal...

Hehehe...i believe this part quite common sense nowaday,200k really a lot for food even if its from hotel room service.For me ,i will look at the hotel food menu and give according to one meal. To me,it is also how i test the girl's integrity (and how much to tip in the next morning), far out of 10 girls where i left 100k for their meal when i leave them in hotel room alone,6 returned the change to me,3 didnt use the money at all and later returned me the 100k,only 1 make noise say 100k not,thats becos i wasnt staying Formosa


Originally Posted by johnkhb (Post 12940105)
...otherwise they will go back and ask the papi to send the bouncers to your room to teach u a lesson...

Will the papi really do that??? :eek:


Originally Posted by stv555 (Post 12940734)
This thread is really awesome...

I probably spent the last two hours at work reading...

No obligation to write an FR or follow what i advised,but mind if i ask you...on the scale of 1 to do you rate your recent Batam day trip?

Thank you and hope you will have an even better trip next round.



Originally Posted by Intltuk (Post 12941472)
I like ur style.......

Thank you bro.

I like to learn new things,generate positive information to do stuffs that can generate fruitful results.Like i always say,I only have 1 dick..when i am limited by my 1 dick,it is impossible to try ALL the girls in Batam who are also in different joints or places. So i help others positively,they go try and come back to share their results,be it good or bad. If its bad,we all avoid and if its good,we keep situation for the girls,the joints,OKTs and all who read this thread like me,right?

I always remember this,i was once new to Batam. Being a 1st timer/newbie to Batam myself, I also need to ask how much to pay for this,how much to pay for that,just like every newbies or 1st timer going to a new place does in this forum so as not to over do or undermine any cultural rules that a newbie like me have yet to comprehend. And being a newbie still,i am learning and will continue to use this mindset to help others whenever i can positively.

And if in case,you havent already notice,most if not all my replies to this thread are centered solely in my personal opinion or experience and i have NEVER once force or insist this "personal opinion" of mine on another person,hehehe....and that applies to my guides and summaries written on my signature. I rarely even recommend a place or a girl,hehehe...

Internet is a crazy world,i just have to choose my words very very carefully ,otherwise whatever i say will be used against me by those who choose to read between the lines in a negative way. :D

My most sincere thanks to you for sharing your experience of the past bro,do drop by Batam once a while if time allows...just to walk walk see see,tour around w/o the sex part like going to Malaysia JB for shopping,who knows you may one day decide to come out of your retirement? :p


nono1973 25-04-2015 07:36 PM

Re: Delta Price rates

Originally Posted by hyocca (Post 12949227)
Anyone has delta price rates?

Can't find it on website

Extracted information from my signature link for your reference below :


Originally Posted by nono1973 (Post 12869205)

Almost anything you ask for are already on my signature link,bro. Even questions you may not be asking now.


kakarlu 25-04-2015 09:32 PM

Re: Delta Price rates
Bro Nono ,

I will stay planet holidays . So any message can call into this hotel , or this in house already can get extra service massage ..

Another is this hotel got disco . It's is safe to go ?
Usually if I wan to pick gal in this disco just for fun and not overnight we allow full roam of them ?
I don't know ktv and disco batam is like sg or is only sit and hug only .

Sry for bad grammar

nono1973 25-04-2015 09:53 PM

Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by <censored>
Hi Bro Nono,

First of all, thanks bro for your contribution to this thread. I've spent many days reading it and learned many stuff about cheonging in Batam from what you haven written. I plan to go on my first cheonging trip to Batam on xx May to xx May with the knowledge that i've enquire from this thread.

But I do have a question as this topic is seldom mentioned in the thread.

For example, if the cewek that I've booked overnight decides to leave at 10pm. Is the overnight joint that i booked her from still be opened for me to choose another cewek? or will other overnight joint be opened? If not, where would be the best place to look for another girl who is willing to stay overnight with you?

Sorry for the long question Bro. Still trying to learn here. haha. Thanks in advance!


You asked a very good question via PM,so i am replying to you as detail as possible to the best of my knowledge.

1st of all,if you were to book an overnight girl,PLEASE remember upon payment or before that, TAKE the joint's namecard with their OKT's name and hp on it. And ask him to promise that the girl you book will not runaway,that is my personal 1st criteria everytime i book an overnight girl. The OKT will sometime make me promise i wont "over-use" the girl or play BDSM etc etc and have to be fair to the girls when it comes to tipping etc.I think OKT have a point too,if customer/s has ridiculous request/s or torture the girls,if i am the girl i will also RUN (make sense?). Better still if you can take the name card from the OKT in the presence of the girl you book so your girl will psychologically know YOU know how to "complain" and can do so anytime,hehehe...i think i was the 1st person in this thread to use the "collect name card" trick. (epic,right? lol)

All girls you book from fuck joint on the Batam cheonging list will stay overnight,but avoid the Banned joint on my signature/list where OKTs will give empty promises and has been testified unreliable.

In the event if the girl choose to leave anytime before 7am the next morning for unreasonable reason/s,call the OKT of the joint you book from. A totally refund would be near impossible becos you most likely already have at least 1 bonk but a top up of MORE money from your pocket to get a replacement is,but that is subject to availability too. You may end up with a baby dino or at times girls that are not to your liking and if its weekends,sometime they will not have any replacement at all and ask you to go back to joint the next morning to get a 50% refund (different rate for different joints,sometime they dont refund at all). But for public holiday or peak season and if it all falls together on weekends,some joint dont accept any complains at all (eg.CNY time),and thats the time you get to "eat yourself",hehehe...not even any refund.

There is a reason why i always advise newbies or 1st timer to stay at Formosa Hotel. If your girl from booking joint ran away and you choose not to complain to OKT or OKT dont heck care you,you can always get another girl from Formosa Hotel 4th Floor,Alishan KTV. They close late. The cost will be higher,about 1.3 million rupiah for an overnight girl. If all else fail,try Dynasty KTV beside Formosa Hotel and/or Queen8933 opposite Dynasty KTV,and if that fail too,you are destined to sleep alone.

Please note i DO NOT recommend newbies or 1st timer to get Freelancers from wechat,BBM,watsapp or even disco/pub/bar etc as if you are unlucky enough,you might get scam ,drugged or worse framed with drugs or other law related offence in Indonesia you never commit.Even if these chance is 1%,i still do not recommend as we are going to Batam enjoy,not to seek trouble.

Hope i answered your questions.

PS : My apologies for replying your PM in public. I have censored off your real name,nick and your exact date to go Batam to protect your privacy and the reason why i openly posted your questions out is becos you asked a VERY GOOD question and this question took me quite a while to find a COMPLETE answer last year when i am about as new as you. Most importantly, your question and my reply to your question can be a learning experience for other newbies. I believe they (newbies) may want to know the answers too.


tiuminator 25-04-2015 10:00 PM

Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by Intltuk (Post 12939208)
In Tanjung Pinang, there were 2 places to visit, if my memory serves me right, it's called 14mile and 21mile. One village hve 200 girls and the other, approx 500 girls. These are prostitute village...sent there from all over Indo. At that time, only locals frequent the place.....thus, S'pore men is only a handful. For 1hr for 1 shot, it costs SGD 6. If bring out from village, need to register with the police there and it cost approx SGD 20 for overnight.

All these are now stories that no longer apply to today's world; thus, appreciate that u and fellow bros are providing FRs for today's world :D

Oh yes. Tg Pinang. AliBaBa Discotek. Those fond memories

Though Tg Pinang have appx 700 ceweks, Balai still beats Tg Pinang hands down. After Puakang (a brothel complex comprises of 50 shop houses or ruko at the central market) were forced to close down, some of the ceweks ran to Villa Garden and Paya Labu aka Batu 13. It was reported year 2006 that there were appx total of 1500 ceweks, combination of Villa Garden and Paya Labu.:D Now Paya Labu is dead:o and Villa may be next.....:o

KohOnly21 25-04-2015 10:54 PM

Re: Batam Info Thread
Anybody tried The Meat Factory Restaurant? How's the pricing and taste like?

They are located at level 2, while they are selling Frozen Meats (Wagyu, unknown grade at 999k/kg) at level 1..

The exact location is right opposite M2 KTV & Pub.

Unknown grade - reason being forgotten to ask.

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