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InNeedOfSex 11-05-2015 06:15 PM

Re: Batam Info Thread
Thx bro nono for the detail analysis. Ya now seems not that worth liao. Heng I post and share here so can hear more opinions. Btw not sure if they ban sbf there but I can't log into sbf in hotel or outside cafes/restaurants. Hope others can help verify too.

Bigbird00 11-05-2015 06:24 PM

Re: Batam Info Thread
Hey Bro Nono
Thank you for the detailed list and Batam Guide. Your effort and attitude in sharing is commendable!!!

I last visited Batam almost 20yrs ago and what u wrote is very helpful and easy for anyone to try it out. Since Batam, i have managed to visit 30+ countries and i am thinking of going to Batam for some "maintenance" Urut ; ) visit. Has been going JB and am looking for other affordable alternatives.

If you or anyone can share which shop does the traditional Urut shops or those Sport Massage (not "sexy" sports, lol).

From what is hear from who comes from those rural areas, most villages ceweks (incl maids) who live with their grand-parents will know basic massage, as they will learn how to massage from their grand parents. How good or interested are these ceweks to offer u a good massage is another question. Most pretty ones will want easy money.

Hope to join you some day. Have fun and be Safe! Cheers!!

KohOnly21 11-05-2015 08:26 PM

Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by Bigbird00 (Post 13024092)
If you or anyone can share which shop does the traditional Urut shops or those Sport Massage (not "sexy" sports, lol).

Sport Massage opposite Harmoni Hotel (Kampung Bule), beside kaha travel agency.

Flingster86 11-05-2015 08:38 PM

Re: Batam Info Thread
Hi bro Nono1973,

May I know the reason why Moreno joints such as Moreno29 are blacklisted?

Cos I went to Batam yesterday and almost went ahead with their girl but I cancelled well before the agreed time to have her sent to my room. I only realised you had it blacklisted when I checked your list again after visiting the joint and decided to cancel early just in case they take off with my money.. Lol. The joint was exactly like how the bro visited it yesterday described it.

Bigbird00 11-05-2015 08:39 PM

Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by KohOnly21 (Post 13024601)
Sport Massage opposite Harmoni Hotel (Kampung Bule), beside kaha travel agency.

Thanks for the info.

I enjoy good strong deep tissue massage and i look out for this when i travel around Asia (euro, US & even SGp are too ex liao). I maybe able to give a good review, so keep any good recommendation coming.

Another question, do u guys book the hotel rooms prior to going or arrive & book from agent?


P.s. i have read Nono's excellent compilation list of almost everything. Just like to know which ones to start with. Maybe able to do 2-3 outlets per day if i can find the location.

nono1973 11-05-2015 10:14 PM

Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by Yupo (Post 13019769)
I've Now graduated and have a job already (basically after my final year project compeleted found a job within 2 weeks lol lucky me). Now i have my fund from my 1st pay haha decided to go ahead with my 2nd batam trip.

Congratulation on graduating and congratulation again on getting a job fast thereafter. More importantly to me, welcome back to the Batam thread....again,hehehe...


Originally Posted by Yupo (Post 13019769)
Just got back from my trip to batam which is a 2 day 2 nights trip with a friend having the same interest as me.
8-10th May.

If i dont remember wrong,the last i hear, your last trip's partner isnt straight,so happy to see you found someone who shares the "same direction" as yourself now...hehehe...

8th to 10th of May was your trip but so far only the 8th to 9th's trip has been shared,am camping here for the aftermath between 9th to 10th,hehehe...


Originally Posted by Yupo (Post 13019769)
7PM FERRY TIME - Depart from Singapore
2PM FERRY TIME - Depart from Batam
Hotel booked Formosa Hotel. (1st time stay at formosa)

Taking ferry to Batam at 7pm to Batam,what do you plan to achieve? There is a choice,to be a "shopper" or a "hunter"? Hunter hunts at the jungle full of girls (discotheque,pubs,Bars etc),shopper shops from fishbowl to fishbowl,hehehe... and being late,fishbowl may not be all possible and especially so for weekends. Mainly few rejects and cmi remains.

At least one step done right,that is staying at Formosa Hotel...but thats w/o the understanding of the reason/s why one should be staying in Formosa. Reason why i often recommend Formosa Hotel for newbie is becos it is close to most major joints,and if one turns up late to Batam,there is always Alishan KTV to look for,and if all else still fail,there can always be massage,which is also in Formosa (or just cross opposite).

Staying there was plan A,for easier exploring of the surrounding as well as for in case plan A fails,plan B can be feasible within reach, right at the door step of the hotel.

Rush from work down to harbor front terminal arrive exactly 6.30pm before the gate closed. Arrived at harbor bay batam around 7.30pm. Checked in at formosa at 8pm. We got room 227 (me) , 219 (friend).


Originally Posted by Yupo (Post 13019769)
Room 227 - the bath tub is dirty, so don't go for bubble foam bath inside. there is a light above the entry door that is spoilt. Refrigerator was locked :mad: Atnight can hear KTV singing NB i even told receptionist not any room above the KTV.

Hmm...a non-smoker,thats why you and your friends are given that room,right under the KTV,hehehe...the bath tub isnt dirty,its the outer layer that are being peeled off that makes it look dirty. Can always ask the room serviceman to come unlock the small bar fridge. As for the light,it can also be fixed.

I am curious,how's the air-con? Is it working alright?


Originally Posted by Yupo (Post 13019769)
Room 219 - LOL this is the best part. Friend went into the room, open the door with his access card. he closed the door. i came over to his room, infront of his door, i think why not i scare him, so i just try to open his room door knowing that it wont open due to the card access security but BAM it opened LOL! both of us was shocked. we tried all ways of locking the door it seems the card acceess reader is spoilt and whoever opens from the outside will override the lock and unlock the door automatically.

Now,if i am you,i will 100% confirm change room,hehehe....thanks for the information on this room,noted with many thanks!

Good habit to always check the room being issued to you.


Originally Posted by Yupo (Post 13019769)
So we went down to the receptionist and complaint, my friend get to change his room to 369, his room is good, no ktv sound, all lights working, refrigerator unlocked.

Haha!! This is a GREAT room,if i play hide and seek in that room with you,i guarantee you will NEVER find me,hehehe....imagine the size of this room,somemore can bonk in many patterns with your girl ALL OVER THE ROOM... the weakness of the room,not-so-good air-con ventilation and during the day,this room becomes a If you dont feel the air-con weakness,it must be raining outside or it must be night time or you dont like cooler air-con,hehehe...

"Good room" must be accompanied with a "good girl" ,like a good horseman riding a good horse. In case you perspire a lot,you should not pick this room,hehehe...


Originally Posted by Yupo (Post 13019769)
After all this hassle we venture out of formosa around 9pm and explored the surrondings walking round and round thru nagoya city walk and we stop at a KFC to get our dinner, after dinner we go out hunt for girls.

Another thumbs up for doing the walking out for dinner. 1st thumbs up is for picking the right hotel. Very brave and courageous but you have no girl and you are not in a hurry to get one when you choose to walk.


Originally Posted by Yupo (Post 13019769)
...till 1 persistant uncle say 30k only i bring u go find girls if no take girls or bring u just pay 30k. we agreed and head on.

I am sure you still have the contact of this taxi driver,can share with me? (via PM)Taxi drivers are like the Batam's directory,being newbie,you should have use the Hotel's taxi especially when you are very very late. Another reason why i suggested newbie to stay Formosa Hotel,...SAFETY (yes,even for taxi).

I know what you gonna ask,such azzie lousy driver how come i still want his contact? To be honest,i am experimenting. I like to learn and Batam is like a game. Like most people,i dont like to lose,hehehe...


Originally Posted by Yupo (Post 13019769)
Morena 1st stop & 6th stop

No.1 banned joint in Batam known all over the web and most taxi driver's customers,hehehe...i took quite a few taxi,the driver were quite shock to hear about Morena when i mention it...they always say.."Morena no good la,so many customers complain...SO many girls give problem..." :D


Originally Posted by Yupo (Post 13019769)
Morena29 2nd stop

Also holding the same No.1 place. There is one more,i think its called Morena 30 which the driver didnt bring you to. They are the Batam Top Joints$$$$$ banned joints,not recommended for newbies. :D


Originally Posted by Yupo (Post 13019769)
New Berlian told the uncle not to go

New Berlian Closed down recently according to a few bros.


Originally Posted by Yupo (Post 13019769)
Bunga Massage 3rd stop

Relatively a new place in 2015,i think i have its name card on my Trip summary on my signature. So far reviews are average. Nothing over the top,also nothing that hit rock bottom yet. A handful of girls moved over from Gold Bird to Bunga Massage.


Originally Posted by Yupo (Post 13019769)
inda rasa?indo message? i forgot the name Massage 4th stop

I think the joint should be Indah2. Quite an old joint has an average of about 30 plus/minus girls during their peak time. Lots of hit and miss in that joint.


Originally Posted by Yupo (Post 13019769)
Permatah Indah KTV the 1 near Windsor i think forgot the name maybe its not permatah indah. 5th stop

This joint is known to have the MOST girls in Batam,but 60% couldnt make it. But it has been known to have quite a few gems during certain period, friends has some of the BEST girls there. But there are also equal number of fails too.

Until i read more,thats about it for now.

fishingman 11-05-2015 11:37 PM

Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by Flingster86 (Post 13024640)
Cos I went to Batam yesterday and almost went ahead with their girl but I cancelled well before the agreed time to have her sent to my room.

May i check wif u hw u cancel yr deal?

U go them..wait in yr room 4 arrival,then call b4 she arrive?

Hw u get money back then? :confused:

something,somewhere not logic :confused:

authenticanie 12-05-2015 12:17 AM

Re: Batam Info Thread

Yupo 12-05-2015 12:22 AM

Re: Batam Info Thread
9th May 2nd Day (Morning)

after my 1st girl left, called up my friend and we decided to go to Kings Massage. I choose 19 a slim girl with her hair style full bangs. 21 was abit of meat but cute looking and very young.

we took room massage 90mins which is and went back to our respective rooms. after 5mins the girl arrived. Turns out to be a hot milf, damn her body is good but her face is like 6.5/10. Her massage was relaxing. Good pressure and really crack my whole body.

after massage the GQ poped up. she quoted 500k both dick massage and FJ, as usual i bargained with her, like 15mins still don't want to drop the price. Can't resist her body. so i went ahead.

Her boobs were A cup.
Slim body can see abs.
tight very tight almost came a few times lucky i asked her to change position.

No kissing. No BJ.

enjoyed the session. total 650k. a good massage + a good fj with a good body.

My friend got it worst.

His girl quoted him 1.2mil he bargained down to 600k and he accepted.

nono1973 12-05-2015 08:44 AM

Re: Batam Info Thread
On my way to Batam now,will try to reply the rest of the queries while i am in Batam or if Indonesia really banned SBF,i will reply them when i get back.

May all bros have a good day.

Wish me luck in the coming trip.



Originally Posted by nono1973 (Post 12990581)

May 2015 itinerary....

If it is going to be 3D2N,i will be having (i always standby for extra night):

( Click to show/hide )
Day1 :

I will be heading to a travel agent shop which i cannot remember the name now at around Penuin (windsor) area upon arrival to Harbour Bay becos like i say in my last summary,i dont like to be dependent on only one source for cheap and best stuffs.The name of the shop is in my office,hehehe...which i cant spell out now as i have very poor memory.I will try to grab a cheap room there and if i fail,i will go back to Kaha again.

After check in,i will go girl-shopping around the joints. No more New Berry,no more Gold After picking the girls from booking joint,i am likely to head to Newton Spa...yes,i would like to take the road less travelled and there is this question i ask myself,do i see Newton Spa FR over the last 5 years in this thread? Answer is obvious.

Breakfast at wherever i am convenient (likely Bai Long at penuin) ,same for lunch.

If time allows,i would like to go to Beautiful Massage beside Keyza,otherwise i will be heading to Nagoya Hill Mall or Lucky Plaza to "earn" back my ferry money,hehehe..$$$$$ up my indo sim card etc etc.

The rest will be back to room to wash up and to wait for my girl to arrive.

Dinner will likely be at Zhen Bao since i misses it on my last trip.

Day 2 :

After girl left,i am more likely to head to Indo Rasa for massage and then breakfast. Back to room to wash up,if time allows will go walk around before heading to girl-shopping again.

After picking my girl,i am likely to head to Altalanta Spa or Pas Massage. The road less travelled include Altalanta whereby no one really write a proper FR before in this thread.Practically not much info about it. At the least i should go recce a bit to know about the pricing. Either way,i might do both places before heading back to room to wash up if time allows.

Back up massage place to go in case anything cropped up will be Madurani Massage,K8 and Trinity Spa.

Lunch is easy,Newstar Hotel coffee shop.

Dinner gonna be simple. i might head to :

...or go to the restaurant at Harbour Bay that serves exotic food (crocodile meat) or if there is something exciting in between and am too busy,i will just eat in Hotel or order Mcdonald,hehehe...

After dinner i will decide if i want to stay another night or home sweet home the next day.

Day 3 :

Free breakfast in Hotel, as by now i should be broke,hehehe...

Of course before heading back,Indo Rasa Massage is a MUST visit....hehehe....i think i am addicted to the vitalitas,hehehe...cant leave home w/o

Home sweet Home


Those who wish to tag along,kindly read the Terms and Conditions 1st before PM-ing me your intro. Alternatively,you may wish to travel solo using my Batam Basic Guide which has proven to help a handful of newbies and yes,not forgetting there is this May 2015 latest issue of the Batam Cheong List is also up,hehehe....1 or maybe 2 slots are available as i type this.

hottip 12-05-2015 12:29 PM

Re: Batam Info Thread
Originally Posted by InNeedOfSex View Post
Weather there for the past 3 days are wet. Keep raining mostly in the afternoon. Oh and one more thing to mention: can't connect to sbf over there. Seems like indo had ban it?
Oh...raining!Thats no good,thank you for sharing this info on the weather,as i am heading there soon,this is very important to me. Indonesia network banned SBF? I will find out 2morow and update here to confirm,hehehe...

Raining now. But should clear in 1 hr for the rest of the day. :)
Sending this from Htl F Wifi. :)
Cheers !

newyorker88 12-05-2015 02:38 PM

Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by Yupo (Post 13020815)

My friends girl, was banging on my door to ask my girl for the keys of her motorcycle or something. and my girl told me that something happen to her and my friend and told her to go back. he complained to me next morning that the service sucks from her, cannot touch her, cannot kiss, always use her phone but he manage to ask her to bath him. and bonk her twice.


Your friend gal sucks. Too bad. Usually, these gals will tend to run back after 2 or 3 shots... Either to find more lobang or to get some rest.

KohOnly21 12-05-2015 02:51 PM

Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by nono1973 (Post 13026528)
On my way to Batam now,will try to reply the rest of the queries while i am in Batam or if Indonesia really banned SBF,i will reply them when i get back.

May all bros have a good day.

Wish me luck in the coming trip.


Looking forward to your FR on newton spa !

newyorker88 12-05-2015 02:57 PM

Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by Yupo (Post 13025649)
9th May 2nd Day (Morning)

enjoyed the session. total 650k. a good massage + a good fj with a good body.

My friend got it worst.

His girl quoted him 1.2mil he bargained down to 600k and he accepted.

Kings Massage is a well known place to chop Robert. Due to too many international guest who don't bargain too much. :D

Always bargain down. 300K for FJ is the norm for MILF there.

I don't go there to massage, although it is an easy place for many who don't want to go else where. But in fact, there are many more massage places w better prices near there. Just need to travel abit only

nono1973 12-05-2015 03:39 PM

Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by KohOnly21 (Post 13027904)
Looking forward to your FR on newton spa !

Apparently,SBF isnt banned in Batam,hehehe...:D

Exchange rate at 11am was 9830/SGD...

Damn it,should change later (but we need to pay Kaha for our room) just hit 9850/SGD 30mins ago...:mad:

Kaha price didnt increase, is becos 14th May is a Indo Public Holiday,thats why room on 13th is at 525k (weekend pricing) instead of the usual 475k.

Cheers! ;)

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