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nono1973 20-05-2015 11:53 AM

Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by MiG27 (Post 13052972)
When reach the place.....driver wanted 50k.
Not happy but since reach liao n got ferry to catch...give 50k to him.

That extra 10k is only slightly more than SGD1...but kind of left sour feeling coz he just on the spot increase like that.

I learned to alight from the taxi 1st before making payment. I have not been entangle with such a situation as yet,thanks to the senior's guidance,but after reading your situation,the 10k i will still pay but i will mark down the vehicle number for future reference.

Who knows once i mark it down,i may post it in the public forum for all to avoid.


Originally Posted by MiG27 (Post 13053586)
perfect place to bring mistress or lover go....:p

Yea,but it is an expensive place to stay...inclusive of tax all in is ...


Originally Posted by fidodido21 (Post 13053909)
Tempat Senang is one of the MUST GO resort in Batam. I like their Tree house theme... It's quite fun especially when bonking on the swinging bed... =D

You not scare that one of the ropes that holds the King size bed snap ah??! :D


KohOnly21 20-05-2015 03:08 PM

Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by whambamtksmaam (Post 13062203)
Just came back from batam. was supposed to be a day trip but due to the last ferry for the operator leaving at 5pm batam time (we arrived at 2.30pm) we decided to stay a night at hotel famosa.

You went to sekupang ferry terminal?

Kent_do 20-05-2015 04:00 PM

Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by Naka_Timo (Post 13061346)
Oops i see, not the standard one la :p

So bro Naka Timo,
The casino is NOT fruit machines, what are the games then? Roulette or others?
Long time back, Btm used to have those Boyle ball number games, 0 to 8 or 9. Quite fun and exciting ones.

The cewek oso loves to gamble on those exciting games too...hehehe

Looking forward to those games if they are really able to make a comeback.

hottip 20-05-2015 05:19 PM

Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by nono1973 (Post 13058340)
Back to room .....

...and there is this Indo Rasa in-house Massage pricing too (i only realize they changed their pricing a little now) :

..... .It is also my 1st time seeing an milf cum so much water from fingering (i must have scoop her water at least a few times)..aka "ponding",hehehe...she says she cannot take it anymore liao,she ask for FJ but i told her i dont want,she say nevermind,all-in same price... :D


Hahaha .... Now you have it !! Sometime ago a brother was talking about "flooding". The Indon Bahasa has a word called "banjir". Banjir literally means "flooding". The girls also use the word "banjir" when they squirt. So here it is, you just experienced "flooding" . Congratulations !! Hahaha....

Most Indon girls periodically take "jamur", a liquid drink that keeps them from producing excessive vaginal fluids. I could never understand that, but it seems that they believe it gives more pleasure due to the increased friction (lack of lubrication). I personally find that rather uncomfortable. In any case, my last girl did not take her jamur, and we had to place an extra towel in the bed to avoid getting into a "banjir" on the bed.

Just a bit of Indon culture !!

Cheers ! (with banjir water) ...hahaha !!

zacky 20-05-2015 08:40 PM

Re: Batam Info Thread
Any old birds going batam this coming sat ?

nitecrawllerr 20-05-2015 09:29 PM

Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by nono1973 (Post 13044454) are beginning to sound like some Sillypore They always use words like,"its a challenge" when what they mean is very tough. They used the words like "still affordable" when things are getting expensive.

Ayah. Those overpaid ministers will never admit their shortcoming lah.

I see,i see...i try to test out this massage place in my recent trip few days ago,i realise now that MILF can really "pond",hehehe...end up I have my one hand "scooping of water" wonder they keep asking for a FJ when i am half-way

Should i thank you for your info? Yes...and i thank you,hehehe...

Ooo. Dont mention it. :)

But its true. If we keep digging their love holes and when it turn moist and eventually to ponding, i can assure u they will beg for FJ. If u turn them down, they will not "forgive" u. :D

nono1973 20-05-2015 09:43 PM

Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by nitecrawllerr (Post 13055007)
You are learning fast and you are right.:)

Now got a small problem. I had a hard time learning to pronounce the word Cewek the last time. Now i have to go learn how to pronounce the word


Originally Posted by Kaboon (Post 13057278)
There is always smthg new to me in yr trip summary to see.

Its done,here's the summary:


Originally Posted by johnkhb (Post 13058315)
Eg Nagoya Hill to Sport Massage at 50k is ridiculous. Even cabs in Singapore don't cost $5.20 for a one-kilometer ride, and petrol is so cheap in Indo at abt 85 cents per liter...

How true...i still think it boils down to bargaining. The taxi driver will usually quote a higher price for one to bargain down,just like special service in MP.

Sawadecup 21-05-2015 12:06 AM

Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by Juliensg (Post 13058796)
Thanks for the field report bro! guess u wont be going this weekend then... ur info is really helpful though... hope to be able to chiong batam in the future with you!

This Japanese food each only $10. very reasonable. cant wait to go.

tiger181 21-05-2015 12:52 AM

Re: Batam Info Thread
Hi Bros,
do u all any good driver ard in batam.
i with my 2 friend s going down on the 27th this month.
can u all recomm.

S.B.Y.1 21-05-2015 01:07 AM

Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by flinflam (Post 13060179)
The joint was closed due to operation, the OKT all Kenna up the lorry...


Originally Posted by S.B.Y.1 (Post 13016309)
Travellers to Batam do take note that there's lots of razia (raids) going on.
Not only nightspots but also hotels and kostan (rental houses)

Narkoba and underage WLs are what there"re searching for. (

And now joints. Take heed & becareful

jc_wtc 21-05-2015 07:53 AM

Re: Batam Info Thread
Yesterday ard 6pm, Arcade change Rupiah @ 9800

nono1973 21-05-2015 10:28 AM

Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by Juliensg (Post 13058257)
First time going for sex trip in batam and not so confident of going alone... Will be great if the laojiaos can guide and we go enjoy tgt

Try reading the Beginner's Walk Through Guide on my signature,i am sure it will help.



Originally Posted by Juliensg (Post 13058796)
Thanks for the field report bro! guess u wont be going this weekend then... ur info is really helpful though... hope to be able to chiong batam in the future with you!

Sorry bro,i rarely go to Batam during weekends as weekends are for family. This weekend should be the best weekend to go Batam as it may not have as many people as compare to other weekends on the month of May.

If you are 1st time visiting Batam,try reading the links on my signature and avoid touting taxi drivers outside Dynasty99 and Queen8933 who wants to bring you to see girls. Avoid all Morena Joints.

Good luck.


Originally Posted by Juliensg (Post 13059164)
Nono... did you stay in formosa this time round again? If i want to go on saturday, do i need to book online or email someone or just head straight to KAHA on sat when i reach to book?

Yes,i stayed in Formosa Hotel in my last trip. If you wish to go on Sat,i would suggest you book online from either or to guarantee yourself a room but do note that pricing do not count in the +10%+11% tax and has all tax covered,the price in is nett price which is your final paying price. : S$82.00 : S$65.00 (exclude +10%+11% taxes)

If you wish to book from Kaha travel,you may need to reach Batam early. But no guarantee you get a room due to weekends. Kaha Travel is opposite Harmoni Hotel,remember it is Harmoni Hotel Hotel and NOT Harmoni One Hotel. If you are taking taxi,just ask the taxi driver to drive you to Kaha Travel opposite Harmoni Hotel,most drivers should know (extra taxi charge may apply). Weekend price should be 525k/night. Weekday is 475k/night.

Alternatively,the final method is booking direct from Formosa Hotel,where you will need to email Formosa Hotel directly.You may email them 1st to check their pricing. The last i knew was 550k for weekdays and 600k for weekends,but sometime they will suddenly increase price due to the exchange rates.

Hope the above information helps.

StarCity 21-05-2015 11:49 AM

Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by Kaboon (Post 13057278)
There is always smthg new to me in yr trip summary to see.

me too,go btm if everyday just eat,fuck,sleep..long time later also will become boring.

at least frm the summaries got smthg new to try out,new place to go to. :cool:

iicycold 21-05-2015 05:41 PM

Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by tiger181 (Post 13064699)
do u all any good driver ard in batam.
i with my 2 friend s going down on the 27th this month.

Most good drivers can only be found within hotel premises (check with hotel reception).

Most no good drivers can be found jus outside hotel's premises (they come to u automatically).

Reach harbour bay grab any taxi to reach yr hotel,then get a "good" driver frm yr hotel.

R'mber,who u gonna call if yr "good" driver suddenly decide to play u out? (drop u somewhere middle of expressway)

Good driver = driving is very good :D

iicycold 21-05-2015 06:48 PM

Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by nono1973 (Post 13058328)
In my observation in ths trip,Bunga and Happy 8 are pricing 30 year old and above girls at 1mil and above (be extra careful about this 2 places,they are priced by girl's looks and not their age nor how many time they have given birth). Those above 35 at 800k to 850k...SYT can be as high as 1.25 mil to 1.5 mil (up to 2 mil). Gold Bird girls was booked out faster than usual and there will be new girls coming in. MM also has 2 crazy priced 1.5 mil to 1.8 mil SSYT girls which was not on displayed (hidden and already pre-booked),hehehe...but remember,according to my girl from long as customer/s finished 3 shots,the girl are free to go as accord by their OKT ,so i am not taking down MM's name from my signature's "to avoid joint" until further future clarification.

I mainly book girls frm 3 places New Berry,Gold Bird & yr secret joint recently. :D

Bunga massage and Happy Massage 8 are definitely over-pricing their girls,somemore this cannot,that cannot. So much rules frm the girls....:(


Originally Posted by nono1973 (Post 13058330)

Main reason why i am unlikely to return,not becos its expensive (it isnt),its becos the massage is only my 15 trips to Batam,i had the legendary piano massage at Princess Massage,but it was still an enjoyable piano massage with some level of strength,but this one really is pure piano. That is still ok to me,but what really tick me off is NO HOT WATER with such a big bath room,not even shower gel to use after the very oily massage. The masseur has to step out for 5 mins to retrieve a small bottle for me. The girl was 23 year with a 7/10 looks.

So,tat is the place u say abt the only 24 hr massage & spa in btm?


Originally Posted by flinflam (Post 13060179)
Once again I thank all the ppl in this forum which provide all the info especially bro NoNo for his detail guide but I tend to sway away from the guide a bit ...heehee

Hope for a better tomorrow...

Bro u just experience something not every tourist in btm has a chance to experience,thx for sharing. Can go buy 4D liao...:p

Looking fwd to yr 2nd part of FR on yr next day btm crusade.

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