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nono1973 04-06-2015 01:08 PM

Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by ypplac (Post 13115360)
Is there any massage open past midnight? Can't seem to find any. All close at 11pm++.

A picture (with 2 massage shops in Batam below) is better than a thousand words written specially to reply you,hehehe...the rest you will need to read to find out on your own as it is all written on my signature link :

Enjoy Batam!

* very late night massage was never good from my personal perspective.


Originally Posted by hottip (Post 13116145)
Nono, we want to know where the Conveyor Resto (1st pic) is .. Can organize trip or not ? hee !!

So far i see them only in Japan,but who may soon be coming to :p

If Batam Tua Peh Kong allows me (let me touch 4D big big) ,i may organize a similar Private party,private bonks...only in Batam Montigo Hotel Resort....:D


Originally Posted by nescafeGold (Post 13116831)
On the other side of note, if you have any regular therapist, you can ask for hot stone during the session. they do get commission when you order inside instead of outside with GRO.. use that as bargain tool to get better service from the therapist.. just my tips.

Now you got my attention,hehehe....thank you for this valuable information. I will keep this bookmarked for my other game play in Batam. Are you thinking what i am thinking? Time to bargain to my hearts contend,hehehe....

Thank you very much!


Originally Posted by Intltuk (Post 13117178)
...As in any enjoyable activities, moderation is key; too much of a good thing can be detrimental to `health'.

Yep, are afterall men. Most men will not like to be dependent on something or others and prefer to be self-reliant.But not all are discipline enough to do so.

While i enjoy myself in Batam and Batam is after all a paradise NEAR my home,i prefer to retain this place as a paradise itself in my mind rather than allowing it to become over-homely. If a paradise is at home,and when one is so used to living in Paradise,then ultimately paradise can no longer be called a Paradise anymore.

The same theory applies to many who can ONLY appreciate Heaven only when they have been thru Hell. In my perspective, Sillypore is almost like Hell and Batam is almost like heaven. I live in a place called "nearly" Hell,so i appreciate my kind of Heaven,name Batam. I live in "nearly" Hell 30 days a month but 2 to 3 days of this 30 days,i go to my definition of Heaven. I appreciate this Heaven of mine very much and plan to keep this mindset till i pass on.

Who knows,over time when my physical body (and mind) can no longer stand the fiery fury of this "near" Hell,i may squeeze myself to buy a tiny corner in this almost Heaven to live out the rest of my life. Well,again as said...who knows,hehehe....:D


Originally Posted by newyorker88 (Post 13116900)
There are some who go there just to have fun n dump them afterwards( low class fuckers).

Yep,plenty of those i cheat you and you cheat me stuffs. It can happen everywhere in any places/countries worldwide. This is only one side of the coin base on an Indonesia Batam woman's point of view on Sillyporean men cheating Indo girl.


Originally Posted by newyorker88 (Post 13116900)
And vice versa. There are woman looking for money from Singaporeans. Ask them to buy property n later disappear. So it is who you get. Not all the same.

...but from the other side of the coin is Indonesia women from Batam married to Sillypore made away with the money from her man. Yes,its vice versa like you say and i agree not all pairing up between Sillyporean and Indos ends the same. It seriously depends on what one is looking for and if what they found is what they REALLY want. When it comes to any relationship matters (be it good or bad),the stories will never

newyorker88 04-06-2015 02:07 PM

Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by nono1973 (Post 13126158)
While i enjoy myself in Batam and Batam is after all a paradise NEAR my home,i prefer to retain this place as a paradise itself in my mind rather than allowing it to become over-homely. If a paradise is at home,and when one is so used to living in Paradise,then ultimately paradise can no longer be called a Paradise anymore.

The same theory applies to many who can ONLY appreciate Heaven only when they have been thru Hell. In my perspective, Sillypore is almost like Hell and Batam is almost like heaven. I live in a place called "nearly" Hell,so i appreciate my kind of Heaven,name Batam. I live in "nearly" Hell 30 days a month but 2 to 3 days of this 30 days,i go to my definition of Heaven. I appreciate this Heaven of mine very much and plan to keep this mindset till i pass on.

Who knows,over time when my physical body (and mind) can no longer stand the fiery fury of this "near" Hell,i may squeeze myself to buy a tiny corner in this almost Heaven to live out the rest of my life. Well,again as said...who knows,hehehe...


I have a home here, very much like you, I love this place too. Work n fun should not mix, but when you have fun n work place together, it is a different thing.

Yes, life is much more slower here n your you can enjoy yourself, but not limited to entertainment n sex, also sight seeing n quiet piece of mind. When I am stress out, after a good bonk n a beer, over the week end, I go to barelang bridge to chill out. Or visit the seas there, or kelong for a day. Just to relax.

Why I chose to work here is becos of the slower pace of life and close proximity to Singapore too. Just a ferry away n believe me, Batam has one of the greatest mix of people all over Indonesia n a good number of international visitors. Security is not that bad( there are places I don't go), n you get a good mix of food n entertainment as well.

Been here for a good part of my life, and probably stay here until I am old.

Arilus 04-06-2015 02:10 PM

Re: Batam Info Thread
I went to Indorasa massage yesterday...the facilities was sparse but the massage was good.. 100K for only 2 hrs...

Also went to harbourbay seafood stall, not bad, very tasty. spent ard 600k on ard 7 seafood dishes. The last tiem i went there was 5 years ago.

Slept with one law student, made out with one graduating student from bandung, went out with 2 milfs from medan..hahaha

Arilus 04-06-2015 02:13 PM

Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by newyorker88 (Post 13125673)
Total agree with your points. Water is the main culprit. Don't any how drink the water from unknown source. If you have to, make sure it is boiled.

I had it once big time when I was offered well water from friend kampong. Lao Sai for 2 days. It may be sweet, but not strong enough.

One mistake i did was the water. i brushed my teeth with tape water.. and requested for ice when drinking..come back kena diarrhoea..luckily for one day only..

micmac888 04-06-2015 03:19 PM

Re: Batam Info Thread
About water, yes Newyorker advised me long ago - to only drink bottled water. Having moved to rented house since Feb '15, I am using the OSIM uPure filter since then. We (and friends) drink/drinking straight from tap. And all were alright. Hence thought I might put info here for value sharing.

The filter apparatus is free and has adaptors to fit many kinds of *round* kitchen faucets.

There is a window on the side to check the cartridge filter. If it turns *very* dark/red brown, then to change the cartridge , which is easy too. It's been more than 4 months now and the cartridge still looks new. (lucky perhaps that the estate I'm in had laid good pipes ? not sure).

The replacement cartridge itself is made in Japan. It costs S$39.90. (Reading the package now) - (A) The Granular Activated Carbon removes chlorine disinfectant, mould smell and other odours. (B) The Filament Membrane removes bacteria, rust, mould, turbidity, very fine particles. (C) The Filter removes microscopic stains, red rust, coliform bacilli, general bacilli and protozoa.

Has saved me alot of trouble buying/stocking-up bottled water - drinking, making coffee, cooking. And none so far, including myself having a truly sensitive stomach, has any stomach or bodily problems from drinking water straight from my tap (yep I dun even boil the water). 4 months now and still counting.

Just to share. Cheers.

nono1973 04-06-2015 04:33 PM

Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by micmac888 (Post 13126699)
There is a window on the side to check the cartridge filter. If it turns *very* dark/red brown, then to change the cartridge , which is easy too. It's been more than 5 months now and the cartridge still looks new. (lucky perhaps that the estate I'm in had laid good pipes ? not sure).

I cant control my urge to answer to your post 1st cos its part of my line of work and i really think it is a very very good idea to have this uPure filter in Batam homes.

I actually use the exact same thing in Sillypore many years back but change it to another more powerful one with 6 filtration tower. If i dont remember wrong,uPure used to have a battery operated monochrome LCD screen that tells you when you should change the cartridge (and it last me for about 3 months in Sillypore with a household of 3 person living in it). I am in this healthcare field for 4 years+ training people on healthcare stuffs and water filtration system happens to be one of them,hehehe...(i dont sell them tho). One of the thing it doesnt remove is fluoride,which is use to make the water look crystal clear (and many water company are using it today to make the water looks clean).

Side note : The Sillypore New water uses a lot of fluoride to make the water looks clean.

Personal advise here,change the cartridge at least once every 3 to 4 months even if it doesnt look brownish (bacteria still grows in it).The parts they use in this water filtration system may not be build with material that inhibits the growth of bacteria (as its quite expensive). It probably doesnt look brownish or dark cos the household member living in it seldom use it as much or the amount of fluoride contents are preventing the filter from the colour change,hehehe...for the sake of your long term health (and your family) ,boil the water (salesman talk here,hehehe...) from what comes out from the tap before drinking. :D

Another way to tell you when you should the filter cartridge is -

When you 1st buy the uPure Water Filter,water flows from it are usually strong,smooth and much water came out from the tap during its 1st use.After few months when water flow isnt as smooth as it used to be or lesser water is coming out from the uPure tap,it is then time to change the filter cartridge. All known water filtration system from the market should be able to withstand a certain amount of gallon of water going thru the filter before you will need to change its filter ,even if it looks clean from the outside..that part you will need to use your own judgement.

Just sharing a thought here,hope it helps.

micmac888 04-06-2015 04:49 PM

Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by nono1973 (Post 13127011)
Just sharing a thought here,hope it helps.

Thanks brother. Really appreciate your advice.My home in Taiwan is also using the 6 filtration system, heck even in SG I use the 3 filtration system to remove that nasty fluorine and chemicals - we r drinking slow poison in SG.

But I never used that non-electrical single apparatus one like uPure before (this uPure is not electrically operated at all). Really appreciate your advice and will duly note the replacement period and observational tips on replacement.

Dunno why this business has yet to take off or no one noticed that Batam has a strong need for it ? More new houses are ever being built here. Had a fleeting thought to discuss with Taiwan OEM factory to bring products here to sell - prices affordable even to Bangladesh market.

Thanks again , Nono.

"Water that we drink is the single biggest factor to health, next is Air that we breathe - but to a lesser extent bcs our noses are very good at telling the brain to move away from poor quality air. Our tongues are the most easily fooled."

PS : John, gonna make call to Denny today and go Marine Live Seafood.

Sarusenin 04-06-2015 05:34 PM

Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by nono1973 (Post 13125539)
Great! Upcoming movie in Cinema 21 at Batam Nagoya Hill Mall.

The date when you arrive,the movie should have start can watch them in 3D at BCS mall if i dont remember wrong. Starting 12th June 2015 as accordance to the below trailer but Sillypore says it starts at 11th June (may be a different time zone). Enjoy!

How much does it cost to watch movie over there?

CIMlover88 04-06-2015 05:42 PM

Re: Batam Info Thread
Totally agree with the positive FR on Delta Spa by the bro which bro Nono helped to post here.. Had an awesome HJ there, one of the best I've had.. So good that I asked for her name, Ira, and I asked if I could ask for her during my next visit.. She said can, but ask for her code no: 42,hehehe.. But there's also Atlanta Spa, Tropical Asia and the others which I have not tried... IndoRasa is not bad too, nice sensual HJ. But downside is their facilities are akin to Rowell Rd Might RTM Delta Spa..see how,hehehe..

Btw, newbie to Batam scene here. Million thanks to bro Nono for his detailed guide as well as inputs from all senior bros. And I agree that it is almost like heaven here, away from Hell (Sillypore),hehehe =)

CIMlover88 04-06-2015 06:00 PM

Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by Sarusenin (Post 13127305)
How much does it cost to watch movie over there?

I believe it's diff prices for diff days..

» Rp. 25.000,- (Mon-Thurs)
» Rp. 30.000,- (Fri)
» Rp. 35.000,- (Sat/Sun/PH)


Sarusenin 04-06-2015 06:11 PM

Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by CIMlover88 (Post 13127453)
I believe it's diff prices for diff days..

» Rp. 25.000,- (Mon-Thurs)
» Rp. 30.000,- (Fri)
» Rp. 35.000,- (Sat/Sun/PH)


Wow that is cheap!!! Good good

Black Page 04-06-2015 07:33 PM

Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by nono1973 (Post 13122641)
But i can help others "with dicks" to bonk as many girls in as many joints in Batam as possible

Ok, I will call you next time from room if in need. Not sure anyway about the help or support you can provide...? :eek:
(OMG how I'd wish to see you walking around at Nagoya Hill with t-shirt "BONKING HELPER" :D)

miumiu6464 04-06-2015 07:49 PM


Originally Posted by Sarusenin (Post 13127305)

How much does it cost to watch movie over there?

Movie ticket there very cheap. While I can't remember the exact pricing, it is less than S$5.

micmac888 04-06-2015 08:54 PM

Re: Batam Info Thread
At marine live seafood now. The food is delicious!! Will FR later . Still eating. Thanks John!

DDAMn 04-06-2015 09:38 PM

Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by micmac888 (Post 13128100)
At marine live seafood now. The food is delicious!! Will FR later . Still eating. Thanks John!

Bro micmac where 's marine live seafood exact location?Be going there before puasa start on the 17/6/15...

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