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Intltuk 02-07-2015 12:30 AM

Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by nono1973 (Post 13245322)
If you havent yet notice,i have been summing up a lot of information on Batam food recently,hehehe...and yes,they have already been bookmarked for the future Batam Food List. While everyone is doing the tcss,question answering and asking stuffs about Batam. i am quietly working behind the scene in this thread "collecting" information aka "stealing" (really depends on how one look at it)... :p

Bro, kudos to u for compiling all the info. What u're doing is a great help to both newbies and veterans :D.

MiG27 02-07-2015 12:34 AM

Re: Batam Info Thread
I was too excited and eager to post my Keyzha 2nd experience.....I forgot to mention I change the room after the King massage lady left.
It was after 12pm and it appears many ppl left, leaving many empty rooms.
I was given a room at 3rd level. It was so much cleaner and it has a single bed (makes not much diff to me though)
Looks like this room was given a makeover sometime back. However the wifi is still weak, but not as bad as I have to lean against the door.
So, I move my stuffs over and return the recep my 1st room keycard.
This is something for Bros who want to stay at Formosa...I believe most rooms the wifi quite weak. So should be better off getting a data sim.
Some of the cheaper hotels only have wifi at lobby. I plan to get a data sim card next time....pop it into my spare phone....use as a wifi hotspot.
I need my whatsapp to work.

ok, moving on.....

I was thinking whether the chap will bring back Li Li or the MILF....nope he brought a diff one...a petite SYT. Maybe only 1.5m.
I ask a stupid question to the chap...."this one give good massage??" ....of course his answer is yes. lol.
Ask for her smile n face wooden...sian liao. Straight away ask me to lie down for massage...told her I will hv a quick shower first since I sweated abit.
Procedure exactly the same as the previous Li Li. But can see she got no skills nor strength...I was thinking I should have gotten Li Li again.
Kiki pour quite an amount of oil on my back....then is merely rub rub the oil massage.
Then it is pakai kimono time again....vanish for 10+ minutes. Came back...she open water to fill tub.
I was expecting boobs massage....but was taken aback when she ask me to roll over to face up.....then she proceed with vitalis....alamak she try to skip step???!!
Her vitialis is big fat zero...merely pour oil n push my birdy here n there....she keeps on looking at me with a stern to get hard like that??? Added she was still wearing the robe.
5-6 mins.....then I see her removing the robe...ho say liao....she ordered me to turn around....pour many oil....and start the boobs massage on my back..
Sadly, it was a pale comparison to the shiokness I get from Li Li....Kiki's melons are about half the size of Li Li's.
So, cant really feel much.....and she is doing very fast n mechanical.....worst still she is trying to flood me in a pool of oil!
Do the front very soon.....can see she almost used the full bottle of oil. Scary.....
Im not saying she no boobs like what many SG chicks are, she still Xiao Long Bao. But I think boobs massage are better done by bigger endowed ladies.
Soon, it was over....and look at me with dead pan face....turn around n start to pour milk powder into the water filled bath tub.
She was wearing this lacy undies and I cheekily pull the edge....she give a stern shout. Oops.
Then same as the previous case, I went in alone into the bath. A sense of deja vu. She watch TV while I bathe.
What's weird she at times will look at me. Not I handsome...but appears she was expecting me to ask something.
Finally she broke the silence first....HJ 200k?? I push to 100k...NO....she say.....then she move towards the bath tub n open the water spray....she say something n I thought she ask me to get out...end of I try to get up n wanted to step out...she say No no....
I must say the next 5-6 mins was totally charade...she dunno what I have in mind and I dunno what she one time she even want to get someone outside to act as interpreter.....I was thinking most likely will be the faster stop here....i dunno how we settle finally...but we agree on 150k for HJ and with her removing the robe minus the bra. Her attitude suddenly change....and this is what I missed out the last session. She squeeze the liquid foam on the loofah n give me a wash down.
And she use up almost half the bottle of liquid joke ok. And she was getting chatty n chirpy mood.
Finally wipe down....she was attentive all of a sudden. Get me to lie down and she remove her robe....she was accomodating and sat beside me so my hands can grab her xiao long bao from behind easily. I tried to reach my finger into her panties....nearly starting to touch her pussy lips...but she stop me....
So no chance for fingering....her HJ quite mechinical n was getting rough n fast. Finally I boomz. She went on to wash hands.....and I proceed to wash myself.
We had a small chat after wards and she keeps calling me Kor Kor...hehehe.....she offer to ear candle...but i declined since I tried before.and the idea of putting a fire stick into my ears doesnt sound fascinating.
She told me she is 20 and from Medan....start work 'empat bulan'...4 months. She does look the age but she got a slight tummy...which I think she might have given birth before ba. Give her 150k and she keeps on thanking me. We parted way with hum sup me hugging her. I stole a peck on her cheek.
Went up 308k....yes....exactly 1.5 this is where the 0.5 hr should be. hahaha.

Weather good.....feeling good....time a bit early....4.30pm Sg time...walk to DC mall jalan abit...most are selling electronic stuffs.
Walk down Utama way n further towards Jodoh area....I managed to walk all the way to Ramayana and Top 100.
I must say the stuff at Top 100 is slightly cheaper than hypermart for the same products....have my dinner nearby and proceed the journey back towards Formosa.
Not much action for the night and spent the time walking around Nagoya Hill Mall and Formosa area.
Had a good night rest afterwards.

micmac888 02-07-2015 02:02 AM

Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by newuser88 (Post 13245110)
Hi bros...was wondering if you guys can advise me on how to get a indo chinese girl for company

In batam is very difficult . perish the thought . Batam indo chinese girl, to a great extent, always have better social-status opportunities to generate income or do biz ( Either thru family, relatives, friends, or kampung-of-origin cliques (living/working in batam)) than to resorting to the oldest profession. And if die die want indo chinese.... Have fat wallet, speak teochew, bahasa, and dress/behave a gentleman. Quite counter intuitive to the reason of going batam in the first place.

Trivia : female local indo-chinese friends (single and young divorcees alike) and old parents (who have single daughters) incessantly asked me to recommend chinese guys to them. Social dating scene. Kns. (and thats how I know the above)

nono1973 02-07-2015 08:26 AM

Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by fishingman (Post 13221750)
Wowowow! the 2 singers is kind of cewek is yr vege right? hahaha...

may u have better trip next mth.

Yea,girls with big enough boobies at below 35 of age (even average look),nobody will say no My type of girl? Then it should be tight pussy and love to So my choice are mainly MILF with tight pussy but MILF sometime pussy not as tight as younger girls. Good thing is MILF cum more easily. I still hope and try to have the best of both world tho. Look-wise doesnt really matter so long its 5/10 and above will do for I am not there to look for GFE,love or wife.

I have smaller hands,so boob-size wise i can be easily satisfied so long one hand can hold one boob,hehehe...


Originally Posted by pay99 (Post 13234365)
if time allow hope to meet up with you in batam..will not be in your group.but if can will meet up for good food.n coffer

Yep,if time/fate allows,why not. Coffee/tea or a smoke no problem. That would be linking up and not tagging along with me.Anyone are welcome.


Originally Posted by Sadness873 (Post 13235414)
Hi bro nono , i noticed you wrote "earn back money" in your posts , what do you mean ? Casino ?

Why do you go pay Horizon Ferry S$48 or Sindo ferry S$38 to go to Batam to cheong when Sillypore already have so many places to go to? In order to earn back those S$38/S$48,i can ask my friends or colleagues if they need me help them buy anything from Batam,i buy for them and then resell it to them when i returned at a bit higher price but lesser than what they can get in Sillypore. So i am earning back the money of the S$38/S$48 ferry ticket.

Spend S$500 for a 3D2N in Batam,i will probably need to triple that amount to have similar enjoyment in Sillypore.But i prefer to compare the spending with Malaysia and Batam which i find still cheaper. It is also another way of me saying i am earning back my money too. In other word,in any country i go to,i try to earn back the amount i spend from the trip,hehehe... :D

I love to spend nothing and get

gab23 02-07-2015 09:55 AM

Re: Batam Info Thread
My room at fomosa wifi very strong, even in bed or sitting at the chair near window I can get full on bed n 2 to 3 at the window side.

Actually I prefer milf to those syt or those 20 plus ladies. My tis trip, the indo rasa overnite lady, sex was so much better than wif the king gal.

But in jb different story. Those young viet gals are so much better. I went massage at one shop only. Hook up 2 from there, but after few session I aready get so much special from them. But one thing I hate, too sticky

newyorker88 02-07-2015 10:12 AM

Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by gab23 (Post 13246490)

But in jb different story. Those young viet gals are so much better. I went massage at one shop only. Hook up 2 from there, but after few session I aready get so much special from them. But one thing I hate, too sticky

THey are here to get men, anyway they can.

gab23 02-07-2015 10:53 AM

Re: Batam Info Thread
actually some are there to get men, while some prefer earn more money and go back vietnam. when i was wif them, never once they ask for money. but i saw one of their friend, know a guy in sg, tat guy really sucker. better not say too much incase he is in sbf

nono1973 02-07-2015 11:35 AM

Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by MiG27 (Post 13235971)
i know that...the MILF thought I first time visit Batam....

I always tell the massage girls in Batam, "i 1st time come friends all tell me HJ-100k,FJ-200k,anything more is cut throat price.i go Hallo Kitty and Princess massage yesterday also this kind of pricing",hehehe... and i show the hand language using my hand to cut my throat, for me for most time. From there,comes all the VAS-value added service with an extra 50k.


Originally Posted by MiG27 (Post 13235322)
Here's the promise summary. It is not all fact no bonk.
I just want to share my experience....something like a field trip report.
I m going into detail and I hope no offence...if you guys dun like the long winded....please skip my post.

Thank you for sharing,and thank you even more for sharing them in details. Reason why i am pitching tent is becos i am zooming in on DETAILS,hehehe...sorry,i think i am a long winded


Originally Posted by MiG27 (Post 13235322)
....straight to Sindo (ok...I have the NTUC might as well make full use.) Realize no longer need the Arrival card....have to double confirm with the Sindo ppl.
Damn....9 am fully book....take the next at 10.20am. It is full ferry....all the seats occupied. Looks like many senior folks. SG50 package??

I have SAFRA card (i showing off now),but i still prefer Horizon Ferry becos of its timing to reach Harbour Bay. I can better plan my trip with more available timing and it takes only about 45 mins to reach Batam too.


Originally Posted by MiG27 (Post 13235322)
I wanted to stay Formosa coz Bro Nono recommend...n I never stay there before. not newbie la,kena trick by my summary huh? I only recommend most newbies to stay Formosa Hotel cos the hotel is in the middle of most entertainment area with shopping and so i know how to help them move around via my newly invented remote-holding (the remote-holding-hand service is just a


Originally Posted by MiG27 (Post 13235322)
.....while having my lunch....when I finish...I just walk away!!
I went and collect my bag....and I was thinking of visitng the Matahari. I got a nagging feeling something is amiss...then I realise I didnt pay...faster rush back to BYZA.
I saw those BYZA ppl already pointing to my previous seat n thinking I ran away. I apologize to them n pay up accordingly. Haha....first time I make such a mistake in batam.

To be honest,i made such mistakes quite a few times liao. Just not used to it when in Sillypore ,we pay for our food before eating. In Batam,the food come 1st,we eat finish then call for them to collect So nowaday when i am in Batam,most time i will pay for the food 1st when it arrive to my table,especially in Food Court places.Of course thats if i am alone since one person wont eat that much. I walk away w/o worries,hehehe...


Originally Posted by MiG27 (Post 13235322)
Went to Matahari and walk around...all selling T-shirts....price quite nice. Decided I will visit the one at Nagoya Hill Mall later.
Walk out and taxi ppl come...quoted 70k to Formosa....reject. Walk further down and settle for 50k.

Good job!! Batam Center is a bit more expensive on cab fare as compare to Harbour Bay.


Originally Posted by MiG27 (Post 13235322)
Reach is where I remember Bro Nono's tactic.....I exit first, then I dig out my wallet to pay him.

You see,this is one evidence that the idea of stepping out of taxi before making payment do not belongs to me. I copy-cat a friend by the name Black Page in this thread from his old FR. And people are always thinking it was my method,hehehe....its a good tactic which i pick them up while reading this thread.


Originally Posted by MiG27 (Post 13235322)
...then suddenly the driver appear from my side....n remind me to call him.... I was shock as it was invading my privacy and I have to remind Bros here...sometimes it should be a good idea to alight at somewhere nearby n walk to the hotel.
Maybe tell the driver a nearby hotel (from your real hotel) then walk to the hotel. Is this a good idea??

As long as you are in Formosa Hotel,you will be safe,bro.

I have had similar experience too. They are trying to show to the receptionist that this "guy" (which is you),is my customer. Formosa has a policy that only taxi driver with guest/s can enter car park within the hotel's premises. And he was hoping that you have other plans and give him your hp number so he can earn

Its really no harm. For precaution reason, i usually will not let these kind of drivers know which room i am staying in (during checking in) But it actually doesnt really matter as i can always change room.


Originally Posted by MiG27 (Post 13235322)
hmm....the corridor looks impressive....but I was disappointed when I reach the room. It was old....the vinyl tiles were squeaky....carpet abit dusty n musky.
Bed was ok though. The bathtub was....yellowish. Toilet bowl the inner side got a slight faeces stain. Washing basin the tap water flow cannot control at times.

Hehehehe...see,i told you...most notes are for newbies Oldbies usually stay more high class hotel (i am joking). Dont worry about those stains,the tubs are actually clean,and they are gradually renovating room by room as you and me arent the only person complaining about that bath tub,hehehe...thats why i constantly advise bros staying in Formosa (or any hotels) to always check water,toilet flushing,lightings and air con.

I rarely use wifi but i am always online,hehehe...:D


Originally Posted by MiG27 (Post 13235322)
If you ask me....I can get a much much better quality room for S$50 in china.

Yes,this i totally agree. A room in GZ with 2 rooms and 1 hall only cost me about S$65. I like to stay in Batam Formosa Hotel is becos i can be in near complete control of almost everything,from Wifi signal to security issue and to transforming my entire room into a KTV


Originally Posted by MiG27 (Post 13235322)
For those Bros who ask....once you see Lai Lai hotel...turn LEFT....should be able to see Batam Star....GoldBird is just directly behind the hotel. I did saw a New Orchid Massage 99 just before GoldBird, not sure whether it is the Orchid pick up joint.

Thanks for the direction,hehehe...believe me,even i dont know how to spell out how to get to Gold Bird in words properly.


Originally Posted by MiG27 (Post 13235322)
Finally give up....took an ojek....settle deal for 20k (told him I go Utama) was the first time I ride was breezy n relaxing...haha. After all the twist n turn....finally reach Utama.....this is where I was TL...the ojek wanted 30k after passing him 20k....nabei....pass him another 10k.

I have not encounter any ojek like that and its the 1st time i hear one too. Maybe you have those noob look? hehehe... not sure,but most ojek if its not from ferry terminal will usually quote me 15k and very often i give them 20k. I am thinking now,if i am in this situation,what should i do? How can i handle it beside just hand him the extra trip i try to go and find out.

Thank you for sharing this experience...

My reply will gradually continue on your other FR posts in this trip after i finish reading them. There are so much to learn from it.


newyorker88 02-07-2015 12:16 PM

Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by gab23 (Post 13246651)
actually some are there to get men, while some prefer earn more money and go back vietnam. when i was wif them, never once they ask for money. but i saw one of their friend, know a guy in sg, tat guy really sucker. better not say too much incase he is in sbf

He staying in singapore? go in to have fun with them? Or work in malaysia... hahaaha. A big difference.

NEVER ask for money? Hahahaha, putting the line long long to hook big fish

newyorker88 02-07-2015 12:30 PM

Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by nono1973 (Post 13246835)

I have not encounter any ojek like that and its the 1st time i hear one too. Maybe you have those noob look? hehehe... not sure,but most ojek if its not from ferry terminal will usually quote me 15k and very often i give them 20k. I am thinking now,if i am in this situation,what should i do? How can i handle it beside just hand him the extra trip i try to go and find out.


ALWAYS ASK THEM 20K RUPIAH? Not just 20 only, later tell you 20 SING, u faint.

usually, tell them, " tadi kamu bilang 20K RUPAIH aja, kenapa sekarang 10K lerbi?" and walk direct into the hotel. They would not dare to do anything. A lot of security there.

KohOnly21 02-07-2015 01:07 PM

Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by newyorker88 (Post 13247014)
" tadi kamu bilang 20K RUPAIH aja, kenapa sekarang 10K lerbi?"

Translate before bro NoNo ask :D

"Just now you say 20k rupiah only, why now 10k more?"

Anyway, i do encounter this behavior from the taxi/ojek before, i did what bro newyorker suggested and said the same but they would then reply, "anak saya di rumah tidak ada uang makan.. sob sob" :D

Then i will reply, "Tapi saya juga ada satu anak cewok di batam, dua anak cewek di singapore" hahahaha

"But i also have 1 son in Batam, 2 daughters in SG"

1stClass 02-07-2015 01:15 PM

Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by nono1973 (Post 13246835)
I have SAFRA card (i showing off now),but i still prefer Horizon Ferry becos of its timing to reach Harbour Bay. I can better plan my trip with more available timing and it takes only about 45 mins to reach Batam too.


I chanced upon a Groupon deal ferry to batam via Pacific Ferry to Batam Centre for $35nett.

Is it cheaper than the current Safra card promo rate?

nono1973 02-07-2015 03:12 PM

Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by MiG27 (Post 13236513)
It is simply pure stupidity on my part.
I totally lost all common sense!

I see it as a slip of mind,definitely not an act of stupidity.

There is a difference between knowing how much to pay and yet be paying more and didnt know how much to pay and be paying more.


Originally Posted by MiG27 (Post 13236570)
but my feeling is those mp facing the Nagoya Hill Mall are mostly family orientated and are clean.

Yes,they are "mostly clean" other than Delta Spa. But i like to go for clean massage and get special service from there,hehehe...feel a bit more Then again,this kind of thing are very inconsistent,so i shant talk too much about it.


Originally Posted by MiG27 (Post 13236706)
After like about 10 mins....she excused herself....mentioning "pakai kimono"...think she will change.

What is pakai Kimono? Another kind of service?


Originally Posted by MiG27 (Post 13236706)
Then she pop the 300k HJ again....I say NO NO....150k?? She die die wan 300k.

I think business must have been good for that masseur. For me if its 300k,i can go next door,Hallo Kitty Massage to get a 130k with VIP room for 1.5 hr massage + 100k HJ.(but i have to endure those mosquitoes,hehehe...) Save me 70k,hehehe...i like the idea that Hallo Kitty massage is open next door to Keyza,more competitors,better bargaining

To the Keyzha girls : "i 1st time come Batam,my friend tells me Batam HJ-100k,FJ-200...blah blah blah"..."Hallo Kitty and Princess massage next door also this price...blah blah blah..." In that area where Keyza is,i believe there are no less than 20 massage shops within 5 min walking radius,hehehe...and competition are stiff.

I wont take the "O" package anymore if i were to RTM at Keyza,find it not worth. 1st time still ok to try for novelty sake. Vitalitas,i go to Indo Rasa,so i will only take the package with BM,hehehe...and pass the extra saved amount of money to the girl if she does a good job.


Originally Posted by sohbuckkong (Post 13237645)
Damn! Im also pitching tent for his fr. Looks like i got to go batam this sat.

Enjoy yourself on Sat,while i am still at planning stage to go Batam....;)



Originally Posted by fishingman (Post 13238256)
waiting yr analysis of yr learning.

On my

The 1st part of the FR,i learned that Kaha in Batam Center may have a different pricing as other Kaha in Batam. I will need to find out more in my next trip cos i lazy to call Kaha (waste money too).

i think bro MiG27 enjoyed his time in Batam very much base on the FR he wrote. He knows what he is after,and got what he wants. And from his enthusiasm in writing his FR and pictures posted here,he should be quite happy with his last trip which is his driving force to share more and in details. Unlike me me on my last trip...i practically dragged myself to write my summary,hehehe...and feel relieved after i complete it. So i can feel how bro MiG27 feel in this summary (aka FR).

Thats it for now,the rest will have to wait for his other posts.


Originally Posted by fishingman (Post 13238256)
At least u hav very good time with tat perfume girl. :D

Money well spent than money wasted.

Definitely money well-spent. But the word Free Fuck is over-rated. Free bonking always comes with a price higher than pay-per-bonk. I believe this rule applies everywhere in the world.


Originally Posted by Bigbird00 (Post 13239054)
But sometimes, these "friends" would rather be BFF with my money!

BFF = Batam Fanatic Fans :D


Originally Posted by Bigbird00 (Post 13239154)
Bro Nono, can u teach me how u spot/identify a "tight pussy" girl from the line-up? I think i want to sign-up to your on-site training program?

How to identify tight pussy? I think 7.5/10 to 8/10 of Batam girls (even MILF) has tight pussy or should i just say most if not all Indonesia girls has very tight pussy. You wont miss it if you are fan (of tight pussy) and you can even try it today as they arent Long ago there used to an indo escort in this forum at the International FL dome section,i think the price quite good at 90min 2 shots for S$100 since ages ago. i think that indo escort in this forum close shop liao but you can still go to that dome section of this forum to find some other indo girls which are base in Sillypore. Give it a try before you hit Batam and then make comparison thereafter.

If out of 3 tries on Indo girls (whether Sillypore or Batam) and you still cannot find tight pussy,it only mean one thing to me,hehehe....and no,no...the reason is not becos i have a bigger dick than you,so dont think so far yet. I will let you know after you try and if you still cannot find it,hehehe....

That, was my starting point before i hit Batam,hehehe...;)


Originally Posted by Bigbird00 (Post 13239154)
BTW, what's "Saloon" griis? Is it those working in hair saloons?

Sorry for the typo,i actually mean to say Saloon girls. Yes,saloon girls work in Saloon,but most dont really know how to cut my hair to my liking. But they can really "wash" and use their boobs to press on my body,hehehe...and some are bookable if chemistry is right. There are actually joints made out from saloon with all the hair cutting chairs and equipments showing in the front line of the shop. But i find girls there not cheap. Usually at 1 million rupiah and up with not very good service. Plus OKT (aka person-in-charge) usually cannot really speak understandable English.

Also becos its not a proper licensed entertainment joint,i was told to be extra careful on my in-room belongings if i were to book girls for overnight from saloons. There are a handful of runaway girls reported too. But they are not all bad as i also hear few with good experience with saloon girls as well.

micmac888 02-07-2015 05:35 PM

Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by nono1973 (Post 13247648)
How to identify tight pussy? I think 7.5/10 to 8/10 of Batam girls (even MILF) has tight pussy or should i just say most if not all Indonesia girls has very tight pussy.

ermmm.... though u already mentioned it is not ur size, but first thing comes to my mind is you got a BIG DICK. LOL! Otherwise, it's either they do Kegels often and are pros at flexing their muscles (grip) or/and using Jamu. LOLOL! But yah... ermmm.. . as u mentioned out of 20 girls , 15 to 16 are tight pussied. I have to presume you got a BIG TOOL for most if not all indonesian girls !

7 more days before I come back from TW/DXB

Yoshirux 02-07-2015 08:21 PM

Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by sohbuckkong (Post 13237645)
Damn! Im also pitching tent for his fr. Looks like i got to go batam this sat.

Sohbuckkong bro. U also heading in this weekend? Perhaps we can arrange a meet up! :)

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