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Ken88999 27-05-2012 07:50 PM

Re: You are the one who are losing gas actually, Mr Hypocrite!
Sucker a88 !!!! U can keep on zap as u like !!! Wat ? U can't stop me for telling the true
Pls stop hide behide keyboard like a cc !!!!! I'll keep support any bro who attack u!!!!
Every day got pp die ! I want to c when is yr turn!!!!!��

unfit 27-05-2012 07:50 PM

Re: ViVi n Apple

Originally Posted by geylangfc (Post 7266001)
Thanks for heads up Bro m600..

I shall tabao some food for her whenever i up her. :)

Cheers :)

Always ask her before you proceed or check with Ah Yap at the counter...

Sometimes they feel bad eating infornt of customers...

Or Tabao for her then make sure she eat it before you fire off!

lickman 27-05-2012 08:51 PM


omnia 27-05-2012 08:58 PM

Ad Hominem...Ad Hominem...Ad Hominem
looks like Alejandro88 aka Royal.Chimp aka Green Lantern needs to go look up the meaning of the phrase "Ad Hominem":rolleyes::D;)

Oh yes also tks again for being so vulgar n uncouth as well...naturally reflects the character of both u n yr clone Royal.Chimp;)

Good night to u


Originally Posted by Alejandro88 (Post 7266457)
...You are not only a HYPOCRITE but also a down right despicable & low level samster! You stood so fucking low just to hit below the belt! I have no fucking respect for you as a samster here!...

lickman 27-05-2012 09:02 PM

Re: Ad Hominem...Ad Hominem...Ad Hominem

Originally Posted by omnia (Post 7266705)
looks like Alejandro88 aka Royal.Chimp aka Green Lantern needs to go look up the meaning of the phrase "Ad Hominem":rolleyes::D;)

Oh yes also tks again for being so vulgar n uncouth as well...naturally reflects the character of both u n yr clone Royal.Chimp;)

Good night to u

ROyal CHimp is short-CHimp but educated-ROyal.

Alejandro88 27-05-2012 11:27 PM

Time to admit you are mounting a baseless allegation campaign!!
You are wasting everybody time and jamming up the 1606 thread by posting all sort of nonsensical posts that cannot prove that I am connected to RC or TGL. You cannot even answer me when I asked you to prove to all of us in what ways all the posts of mine illustrate that RC and TGL are my clones! Maybe I can answer on your behalf - This is bcos you have nothing solid to attack me, and hence, you have no choice but to make use of these two personas, RC and TGL to attack me and hoping that you can influence the rest of the samsters in the SBF community to attack and condemn me! This is only your perception and u have no solid evidence to prove that I am a clone master of RC & TGL! If RC and TGL are really my clones, Sammboyfor will come after me by now.

It is time for you to get loss from this thread unless you want to contribute FR, time to stop mounting this baseless allegation compaign and most importantly, pls do not be a nuisance to others by jamming up in this 1606 thread with your nonsensical posts! Be considerate!:rolleyes:

If you really wanna bring this debate to another level, I urge you to open a new thread!


Originally Posted by omnia (Post 7266705)
looks like Alejandro88 aka Royal.Chimp aka Green Lantern needs to go look up the meaning of the phrase "Ad Hominem"
Oh yes also tks again for being so vulgar n uncouth as well...naturally reflects the character of both u n yr clone Royal.Chimp

Good night to u

smlee 28-05-2012 06:32 AM

Re: Time to admit you are mounting a baseless allegation campaign!!

Originally Posted by Alejandro88 (Post 7267243)
You are wasting everybody time and jamming up the 1606 thread by posting all sort of nonsensical posts that cannot prove that I am connected to RC or TGL. You cannot even answer me when I asked you to prove to all of us in what ways all the posts of mine illustrate that RC and TGL are my clones! Maybe I can answer on your behalf - This is bcos you have nothing solid to attack me, and hence, you have no choice but to make use of these two personas, RC and TGL to attack me and hoping that you can influence the rest of the samsters in the SBF community to attack and condemn me! This is only your perception and u have no solid evidence to prove that I am a clone master of RC & TGL! If RC and TGL are really my clones, Sammboyfor will come after me by now.

It is time for you to get loss from this thread unless you want to contribute FR, time to stop mounting this baseless allegation compaign and most importantly, pls do not be a nuisance to others by jamming up in this 1606 thread with your nonsensical posts! Be considerate!:rolleyes:

If you really wanna bring this debate to another level, I urge you to open a new thread!

who can beat Alejandra ? The king of baseless allegation:D

Kalv 28-05-2012 07:38 AM

Reputation Points

Originally Posted by Ken88999 (Post 7266515)
Sucker ... U can keep on zap...can't stop me ..telling the tru(th) .. .

Sammyboyfor will most probably increase pts for new account to 25 pts in July '12, with minimum for power 1 = 45pts. Recommends all < 45 pts try to get more pts with contributions. (Boss, correct me if I am wrong.)

Suggest U get new nick after July '12 - no hurry - Sammyboyfor will not object. PM me you new/old nick and I will Upz U. Wishing all a nice weekend. :) Cheers.

Ken88999 28-05-2012 08:39 AM

Re: Reputation Points
Thk!!!!!!!! Bro kalv for yr advice.... But I'm not gg change my nick name...
Today I'm free to go dwn l16h6 lookin for an ni ....let every samster know how
Bullshit sucker a88 was....!!!!

Anyway same to u bro kalv hv a nice day to u cheer!!!!!��

bonkning 28-05-2012 08:58 AM

Re: Time to wake up!

Originally Posted by Alejandro88 (Post 7237460)
So you want me to spell it clearly izzit?? My pals and a few samsters here fucked her raw!!

Well, one can still cheong in GL if one adopt certain practise to "minimise" the exposure!

waaa, lidat then ur pals all kenna liao lor. (but except ula, u din la, heng ah you!)

since u r so concern n worry about samsters health, can tell us where else ur pals go after dat? :p surly they cannot only up wo ai ni raw nia.

so many weeks liao, if really std, with ur pals, and several other samsters, and other samsters, and the bbbj! waaa:eek: whole gl tioh lol...hehe:D....wu yia bo! bbbj ma! if herpes all sur kenna!

ok la, mia ka ler k kong liao, u slow slow write hor, i got some fucking business to attend to...:D

Ken88999 28-05-2012 09:19 AM

Re: Time to wake up!
Haha!!!! After read your fr feel si bei song!!!!!
Thk for your fr bro bonkning!!!!!!

bonkning 28-05-2012 09:28 AM

no nid ...

Originally Posted by Ken88999 (Post 7267943)
Today I'm free to go dwn l16h6 lookin for an ni ....let every samster know how Bullshit sucker a88 was..��

no nid la, bro, thankcute thankcute...everyone got eyes, can see one...hehe..:D

aiya, wa k kong, sori sori, paiseh...:D

lickman 28-05-2012 11:33 AM

Re: L16h6-The Green Lantern
The Green Lantern-claim that his bruddars or hearsay have eaten her raw.So this person envy and turned green,tried but cannot have her raw.So ended up jamming up in this 1606 thread just to take revenge on her.All samsters can view all the written post,when someone post about him,he tried to defend himself like mad.How about AnNi,cannot defend herself at all.The Green Lantern,is it fair to her?Please face her one to one if you dare,by the way she is just a woman.Bro Ken88990,I admire your courage.:)

Ken88999 28-05-2012 12:02 PM

Re: L16h6-The Green Lantern
No lar!!! I'm just doing apart of a human wif blood n meat lor Paiseh....
Thk bro lickman!! Cheer!!!!

lickman 28-05-2012 12:08 PM

Re: L16h6-The Green Lantern

Originally Posted by Ken88999 (Post 7268727)
No lar!!! I'm just doing apart of a human wif blood n meat lor Paiseh....
Thk bro lickman!! Cheer!!!!

If you visit her,let her know about all these accussations make by a shorty.Please ask beware of this person,thanks.

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