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Re: Batam Info Thread
Re: Batam Info Thread
Very likely Aug wont be a group trip.It would be more of a personal trip. I still need to find out more on "Places,Girls and Hotels" in Batam. I am very very clear of what i plan on doing,i am preparing for my CNY 2016 in Batam,hehehe...and i learned my last CNY lesson too. My 18th Batam trip was good,now i worry for my 19th... Quote:
Everyone has a different level of enjoyment,some spend $$$ to enjoy and some would like to enjoy the girls,some goes for the atmosphere,the music,the thrill etc.Believe me,i have seen with my own eyes friends in Sillypore spending S$40k just to hang flower in one night for one PRC singer w/o getting a bonk,hehehe...and you can ask,where's his fun? His fun is,he "beats" every customers in the night club for that night. ;) Remember the Green Bean Soup Story? Then you should know why to some, MOST Sillyporean are branded stupid? Its like a cycle...whatever goes around will one day comes back to haunt or bless,hehehe...and who can really say what i say i am doing now is the correct way? I walk my own path and I am only right in my own way. Quote:
(he doesnt want to be named here,sorry...) |
Re: Batam Info Thread
Awaiting Summary .... Drooling
Re: Batam Info Thread
Summary for my 18th Batam Trip on 26th July 2015 for 4D3N This is the BEST 4D3N Batam Trip i have so far (hehehe...all my 4d3n were not-so-good,if you havent notice),so i guess i will be writing a long story. My 17th Batam trip is only fairly good,but my 18th is better,much better. See,i told you before,about the one trip good,the next wont be too good,but next next will be better...lol. Now i am starting to worry for my 19th Batam trip on Aug,hehehe... Trip is always the usual,met up all 4 bros in Harbour Front. This group all have some level of experience before they joined me,those who joined me are bro MM,bro JF,bro K,bro M...bro S joined me at the later part,those linked up with me are bro i,bro MM2 (and partner),bro N and bro LA. As usual,after meeting bro MM,bro JF,bro K,bro M,we took Horizon Ferry to Harbour Bay...ferry was about 50% at that time. Before we reach Batam,weather was sunny,but by the time we reach Harbour Bay,there was heavy downpour. Good thing we manage to grab a cab to hit Kaha 1st before we head to Formosa Hotel. By the time we reach Formosa,the rain almost stopped. Notice how the weather changes in Batam. So unpredictable. At the Batam Custom where the custom officers were suppose to chop our passport,something happened when we were still queue. All of us,including those in queue that we didn’t know,all kena scolding from the custom officers for talking too loudly…lol. These custom officers basically just shouted to everyone to STFU,hehehe…well,not Sillyporean fault hor,most people who were making lots of noise were from Indonesia passport holders queue. I already made arrangement to linked up bro MM2 (and his friend) and bro N at the hotel lobby,we tried to check in to the hotel,but there was no room available,so we just leave our bags with the specky Bell Boy while we all head to Momo for brunch 1st. So at this point of time,we have 3 vehicles on the road,one following another to eat the Momo Wan Tan Mee. Something that i have been longing to try. http://www.picturevip.com/x/clean/im...7/30/1avEI.jpg Photo from bro Micmac888's post Its at Batam center area,so the drive took quite a while,around 15mins. Long distance in Sillypore term. So now we have a total of 5 in the group plus 3 more who are linking with us,a total of 8 person,all heading to Momo for this bowl of their Mee : http://www.picturevip.com/x/clean/im...7/30/8H4YE.jpg Photo is from bro Mimac888's post Total bill for just the mee alone turns out to be less than 150k for 8 pax,hehehe...food was on me,bro MM pays for the drinks (around 60k) which is from a food court look-a-like place call Mitra Kopitiam. We were actually using the food court premises to eat our Mee from Momo becos Momo store sitting area was full. Again,i notice a strange phenomenon in this food court. Food court is so big with at least 10 food stores but the only food store outside the food court itself that has the most business is Momo noodle shop,hehehe...this place is not anywhere near the Nagoya Entertainment District (NED),so it is a good experience to be there just to experience a different environment. At that point of time,i am thinking tho the food is good,but i am highly unlikely that i will come here again unless i have vehicle to bring me. But i said that too early...wait till you see the last part of my summary,hehehe.... So much for lunch and everyone seems happy with their 1st meal of the day in Batam. |
Re: Batam Info Thread
Before our brunch at Momo,i brought them to get their SGD changed to IDR opposite Formosa,the rate was 9790/SGD. A small incident occurred that i find worth sharing in my summary before the change tho.Bro M didnt believe what i got was the BEST rate in town,so following most seniors in this thread who advised newbies,he went over to 2 to 3 other money changers nearby just to double check on the rates. He got their best rate...at 9750/SGD. I still have the best rate and i shared with them my techniques to always get the BEST too. I also checked Harbour Bay rate in their presence too (which is 9650/SGD).
At this point of my summary,i would like to compliment bro M for his action. Remember this is a LEARNING TRIP,bro M took the initiative to double check a few money changers before settling down for the BEST given rate. This is something all newbies should learn. No one in Batam is exactly reliable,yes...that includes me. Use your initiative and some common sense. After lunch,we head back with our taxi,while bro N and bro MM2 (and friend) heads off. We head back hotel to get our room where we all checked in. Only one of the room wasnt ready. Hmmm...come to think of it,i think i have exposed my "special room" where there are ONLY 5 in Batam to too many....nearly everyone in my previously group trips has been eyeing on it and exposing it to non-related person who are not-in-the-group. So much for sharing all the good stuffs. About time for my plan B. What can i say...but...haiz.... So the next time when any senior bro/s choose not to share any quality information,i will know why so. Quality information should be a privilege,not a an entitlement. I learned that only basic information are for sharing. After checking into our respective room ,we gathered again and head for our "shopping" trip which all of us are anticipating. Like the money changing lesson above,we 1st head one round to 7 to 8 booking joints bookmarking 1 or 2 girls in each joint before heading back to pick the girls we desired,hehehe...everyone has read my guides on how to pick the "right" girl,so everyone has no problem picking their MOST desired ones,hehehe...:D Another thing worth sharing here. Remember the things i share about bargaining and taxi driver drawing commission from booking joints? This group has the some of the fastest learners i seen so far. People who usually dont bargain for 10k or 20k taxi fare will NEVER bargain even if the amount is 10 times more,eg with OKT during girl booking and special service in MPs. But people who would bargain for 10k or 20k will bargain regardless the amount is big or small. We all took a taxi to booking joints. Yes,taxi drivers do draw commissions from our bookings,but we bargained down our prices from OKT. So we are then even. The reason why i say this is one of the BEST group is becos NONE OF US PAYS the initial amount quoted by OKTs. And we booked all our girls from different booking joints. Becos we bargained. So whether taxi driver draws commission or not doesnt really matters to us. Taxi driver gets his commission,we still get the BEST price,hehehe... We all ask for our girls delivered to us at around 6pm,since most wish to have some relaxing clean massage before they start action. The unreliable taxi driver suggested Indo Thai,hehehe...i took Pas Massage instead and off we head there. Why Pas Massage? Becos i know by taking the curtained cubicle,they will be highly unlikely to take up any special service (since they dont want special service). Why not those MPs behind Utama Hotel? Becos those 100% offers special service,they will feel obliged to take it under KC-ed pressure and the room may not be what they desired...dirty,rundown etc. Why not spa-like massage like Octopus,Delta or Altalanta? I know they will be tempted for special even if its in a curtain cubicle,hehehe...and more expensive. Why not take the reliable taxi driver's suggestion and go to Indo Thai instead? Since Pas massage is cheaper,why should i bring them to a tourist trap place which are priced nearly double to be chop. Why not Sports massage since its best clean massage around? Becos i have never been there before and its well-known to be "too clean",hehehe... We all took the 90 mins for 120k massage package. Special service massage was reserved for the next day tho,hehehe.... After massage,head back to our Hotel and then to my room while our unreliable driver went to pick up our girls. Its own time own target until dinner time. |
Re: Batam Info Thread
After the OTOT,hehehe...we met up at lobby for dinner. At that point we, were still rather indecisive on where to for dinner as it was nearly 8pm. Will Warung Sunda Bu Joko still be open at that hour? Will there be food left for all 6 hungry men? We decide to give it a try and i was right,it is still open and lots of food for everyone.
Our meal? It cost 40k/pax with drinks and thats we have all shared the driver's food cost too. After the meal,we head to a provision shop,bought whats necessary and end our day in our own room. Next morning,we had some free breakfast at the hotel,well...which is part 1 of our breakfast,our part 2 breakfast destination...Meximo Pub Wan Tan mee. I picked that place for breakfast or brunch becos its not an easy place to come if one is inexperience. http://www.picturevip.com/x/clean/im...08/02/EJQI.jpg Photo from bro Micmac's post The total bill turns out to be 120k for 5 pax,hehehe...but taste wise,all preferred Momo's noodles. Thats not a fair comparison (i thought),cos the noodles cooked in Meximo wasnt done by their main chef,it was done by a lady whom i presume is the wife of the chef. Noodle taste was different as compare to the last time i was there. Anyway,i was determined to find which taste better w/o being biased,hehehe...which i finally got a clearer result the day after. We still have some time after brunch,so decide we should head to have some massage. Now,they all want a massage place with special,so i brought them to Keyza. All of us took package H (228k for 1.5 hour as above) after a strenuous night yesterday,hehehe...some took up special,some didnt,all bargained. Good job,guys! After all the massages,we head back to hotel and bro M and bro K were suppose to pack up and check out of room. And another bro is suppose to arrive anytime soon....upon meeting up with the bro M and bro K at lobby to send them off,bro LA arrived. i decide to send off bro M and bro K off at Harbour Bay before coming back to see to bro LA's "needs" since i definitely cannot house 6 person inside a vehicle,hehehe... Send the 2 bros off and back to Hotel,met up with bro LA intending to help him change his Sin $ to IDR but he already did it himself,but at a rate of 9700/SGD which shocked me. I went over the money changer intending to change some monet myself too and at thesame time to query the fat lady...the lady's explanation was,she didnt know he (bro LA) was my friend. I changed 9800/SGD which is just less than 15 min apart from bro LA.(i change S$150,he changed S$300) It was only then i realize that not all walk-in customers will get the same rate as me,hehehe...sorry. Bro MM and myself has extended our girls,now we are only left bro JF and bro LA. Bro JF choose to remain single after our joint visit and bro LA took a girl by accident at Gold Bird which turns out exceptionally well,hehehe... Here's the story,bro LA has joined me in my other "group trip" few trips ago,he wants back the same girl he got from Gold Bird the last time. When we visited Gold Bird,he communicate with the Papi and ask for the same girl which was during then was "not-on-display",so he made his payment before even seeing the girl and request for her to be delivered to his room around 330pm (the rest of us at around 5.30pm) ,and when delivery finally arrived...it turns out to be not what bro LA wants,anyway since looks and figure all looks "yummy",he just take and thru the night,it turns out better than the girl he previously asked for. After picking the girls,we all head for lunch at A2 Food Court. They all had Bak Kut Teh there,except me...the Bei Long Noodles,hehehe...told you guys,i can have noodles on a everyday basis. Anyway,as bro JF remains single,and bro MM wishes to have his own kind of massage,me and bro JF heads to Altalanta Spa to have our 2nd massage of that day. We went there late,so our meet up timing for dinner was late,resulting in bro LA unable to join us for dinner and later went for a movie with his girl at BCS and the rest goes to Nagoya Hill Mall. They were all watching the same movie,but at 2 different mall…lol. |
Re: Batam Info Thread
Dinner was at the tent place beside Goodway Hotel. Nice food…but I still prefer Ibu Joko beside Lai Lai Hotel,hehehe...
The next morning,after breakfast at the hotel,i had to go pick up bro S at Harbour Bay. Bro JF choose to come along and bro LA and Bro MM choose to have their OTOT around. Settled bro S at City Central Hotel,a new hotel that starts business less than 3 weeks. And is very very very near Formosa,hehehe.... When sharing information,i prefer to share complete information...and well,tho this is still not my ideal hotel yet,i still share w/o worries. Got map ,got picture,got clue tho plus address and telephone not-so-clear. My definition of a complete information. Here's the other half of the information as below : Everything is good (and new too) about this hotel,except one thing. No fridge and bath tub,hehehe...and do note that i didnt stay in it but my friend did. Pricing also reasonable. They even ask for a 400k deposit or your can choose to have your passport to be kept in the reception as "deposit". I took the chance to see almost all their showrooms too. After helping bro S checked in,we head to Kaha for myself to extend another in Formosa Hotel. So bro S stays in City Central Hotel while i stayed in Formosa Hotel which is about 2-3 mins walk away. After all the room check in and extension,we all met up with bro MM and bro LA again,i helped bro S to change at my favourite money changer at 9820/SGD. I have to be honest here I made a small mistake here during the money chaging. Another bro changed in the earlier morning again at 9700/SGD but my change of 9820/SGD was too quick and impulsive,I SHOULD HAVE ASK FOR 9830/SGD instead. My bad here. (i lost a few k rupiah due to my impulsiveness) |
Re: Batam Info Thread
Later I learned that bro MM was trying to look for a particular Saloon that was mentioned in this thread since the day before but realise he was actually heading at the wrong direction. So i decide to pay a visit to Nagoya City Walk in search for "that saloon". Bro S choose to "play" in his "new room",hehehe...while we went for our search for "Ella the scissors-hand" (i use the name ella instead of Edward becos ella is a girl and Edward is a guy,hehehe...). We found the place after some walk through at City Walk mall........
And we found the place,bro MM got in to have his hair cut...told bro MM to grab a name card of the place on his way out : http://www.picturevip.com/x/clean/im...08/03/qG0w.jpg Ella's real name,her hp number and shop tel number has been censored While bro MM gets his hair cut,me,bro JF and bro LA were outside loitering and eating some desserts,hehehe...before long,bro MM hair cut was done...1st impression,hehehe...his hair got cut like never cut...hehehe...i am wondering if he go to that saloon for hair cut or for "other things",hehehe... At this point,i think we were all running late,we need to get back to hotel to pack up as i need to help the 3 bros check out and be in Harbour Bay on time. They havent take lunch,so i need to help them get there a little earlier so they have at least some spare time to eat something before they go back sillypore too. Checking out of hotel was a breeze,and getting them off to the harbour was smooth sailing. Afterwhich,i met up with bro S for some "girl shopping at various booking joints" before heading for lunch at Momo...hehehe...i just want to let bro S had a taste of how Momo noodle taste like. I want to be as fair as possible on the Momo wan tan mee taste,and i have plans to test them out. Partly becos bro S and myself rarely have a chance to try something so far away from where we stayed. We arrived at : ....and we sat at the kopitiam. We each ordered 1 share of the Momo noodles...1st...hehehe... http://www.picturevip.com/x/clean/im...08/03/FZDb.jpg Photo from bro Micmac's post |
Re: Batam Info Thread
...and i am still hungry,so is my friend. Bro S ordered another of the same noodle from Momo and me? Hehehe...i was having other stuffs in mind...chicken rice for starter :
My review? I think it lose out the best chicken rice i tried in Batam. The chicken is still quite alright,but the rice...it appears to have some mix of salt fish. And that i didnt like. 16k per plate of this hainan chicken rice. My best chicken rice goes to Budi Siang Malam at Penuin Wet market : http://www.picturevip.com/x/clean/im...8/04/6TIsD.jpg To me,its Batam's BEST,cos so far couldnt find anything that comes close to it : http://www.picturevip.com/x/clean/im...08/04/86Cb.jpg I still prefer chicken rice with pineapple favor,hehehe... Anyway,tho i didnt quite like the chicken rice in Mitra Kopitiam,i still finish up the food (its not exactly awfully bad afterall,just not suitable to my taste bud)...now i beginning to feel greedy,i want to try more....more and more...and i found... Bro S went to help me order one plate of this Carrot Cake to test out... Review? Honestly,it wont be fair becos i was already 70% full after Momo noodles and the Chicken rice. The carrot cake at the 1st 3 bites was not bad,but it gradually turns sweeter and sweeter wth every bite and i need to consume lots of water later to dilute its sweetness. Perhaps i should have just ordered the carrot in white if i still have chance to come to Mitra Kopitiam next time. I only manage to finish 70% of the carrot cake. The bill excluding the 2 bowls of Momo noodles,just carrot cake,chicken rice drinks for 3 pax and a packet of cigarette is about 60k. Bro S pays for the 2 bowls of Momo noodles,hehehe... (thank you). The carrot cake bill with Mitra Kopitiam address : After lunch,we head back to our own respective Hotels and rooms,the driver went to pick up bro S's girl at an earlier than usual timing. My girl? She has practically never left my room over the last 2 nights,hehehe....i stayed for a total of 3 nights in Batam. Me and bro S arranged a good time for our dinner meet up before having our own OTOT. It was about 330pm indo time then,still early when i am back to room. Was thinking to take a short nap but after logging into SBF,i see 3 PMs. 3 PMs by 3 different bros and with 2 who show their wishes to want to link up. Of the 3 bros,only one stays in Formosa. One was at Biz and another at Da Vienna. Its fate that i can only link up with one as i was really very tired during that point of time (thats after having 2 previous nights of very "strenuous exercise"...lol). |
Re: Batam Info Thread
Met up with bro I via hotel lobby,he arrived from Sillypore not very long ago,so i instruct the driver to go bring us to Nagoya Hill Mall to buy some of the things i need to help my friends buy. The whole shopping takes barely 30mins cos i already know what i need to buy (and how to get there at the shortest possible time) and after that i brought bro I to "shop" for girls. Within a super speed timing ,he found his "Miss Right" for the night who is not exactly from the cheong list,hehehe...sorry bro I,i am using you as guinea pig to test out something hence i brought you to those places for girls. Hope you wouldnt mind.
After the "shopping",we went to : http://www.picturevip.com/x/clean/im...8/04/5P0Mk.jpg http://www.picturevip.com/x/clean/im...8/04/h8JM1.jpg The place was relatively quite quiet since its weekdays,we have some foot reflexology and a cup of the ginger tea before walking back to our hotel. Check with bro I if he wish to join us for dinner,but he politely decline saying he want to "test drive" his girl and will seek his own meal. Back to room,rest a little,had a shower before meeting up bro S at the lobby getting ready for dinner. It was my last night in Batam,so i thought since my girl has been "confined" inside my room for so long,i think its about time i bring her out for some fresh air,hehehe.... Bro S's girl not joining us for dinner,so we now have unreliable driver + 2 men and a lady heading to Nagoya City Walk area at this Kroepoek Food mall to grab some food. Not the 1st time we were there except this time,its a bad move. 70% of the food store were closed due to shop store owner havent come back from their Hari Raya holiday...nonetheless,the candlelight ambience is good. There are still food to eat. Bill on the food for 4 pax is about 180k and we also da bao (aka buy back) for bro S girl,so that makes 5 pax for 180k. On our way to Kroepoek Food mall,we also pass by the Duck King restaurant that open about a month or 2 ago which i later read is a Chinese Restaurant. The place does look Majestic,but then the grander it looks,the less suitable it is for me. After our dinner,we all head back to bro S room just to check out how his new room in a new hotel looks like. Have a short TCSS session in his room before heading back to my own room. Bro S pays 338k for his room,the 388k one has a window but both has no fridge. Generally quite a good room for now since its new,hehehe...nice new hotel at a budget price : http://www.picturevip.com/x/clean/im...8/04/zAahB.jpg Photo provided by a senior bro via PM There are only 60 available rooms tho,hehehe...and no booking from agoda or booking online available currently. |
Re: Batam Info Thread
Back in my room,couldn’t get enough of the earlier day massage,so i decide to call in-room massage from Kings for both my girl and myself,hehehe…its my last night in Batam,and my night is still young. Or simply said i try to make every min of my time in Batam counts. It was bonking all the way for me till next morning after the massage.
Next morning,i didnt had breakfast,had to wake my girl to send her back to joint around 930am becos i need some alone time for some wash up,some work on my laptop and i know,my appointment with bro S is almost up too. Breakfast was at Meximo Pub wan tan mee,well again...i dont mind cos i am used to eating the same thing day after day,hehehe...i eat to live. This time,it was the man (main chef) who cooked the noodles,so i need bro S's comments on both Momo and Meximo's noodle. Now we will have a fairer judgement. Meximo Wan Tan Mee http://www.picturevip.com/x/clean/im...8/05/5peGZ.jpg (photo taken from bro Micmac's post) Momo Noodles http://www.picturevip.com/x/clean/im...08/05/WVZu.jpg (photo taken from bro Micmac's post) Those who tried both food stores (i think got around 6 bros) in my 18th Batam group trip,all said Momo's noodle taste better,even tho Meximo Pub's wan tan mee is also good tasting. Winner for this Test goes to Momo's Medan Mee Pangsit. http://www.picturevip.com/x/clean/im...8/05/v0kDm.jpg (photo taken from bro Micmac's post) After breakfast,head back to our respective hotels,pack up and prepare to leave for "near Hell". Good bye heaven,untill next month (Aug 2015),i will be back,hehehe....Aug 2015 is actually only few days away by the time i left,so i left Batam in a happy mood without having the usual "i miss Batam" kind of feeling like most of my other trips,hehehe.... ~~~~~End of Summary~~~~~ |
Re: Batam Info Thread
Aftermath of my 18th Batam Trip :
1. I had 3 days of diarrhea when i returned to Sillypore. Not a serious one that would send me to a doctor or those uncontrollable kind either. Thanks to the FRESH orange juice i ordered wrongly during my last night's dinner as it came with ice in it. I cannot possibly drink it w/o ice. (i usually take my drinks w/o ice) 2. This group trip has basically all the best bargainers i seen so far. So imagine this situation,2 to 4 bros rotatingly combined together to bargain with the Papi and Mami,i dont expect OKT to win under such "bargaining attack",hehehe... and it saves EACH of us between 100k to 300k of booking fee becos WE ALL BARGAINED (and we didnt need to even bargain hard). I did a count,our total saving would have allow us to book another million rupiah SYT in a booking joint. 3. I think this trip,we also chop the OKT's carrot head (except Gold Bird),hehehe...Bunga Massage and Happy 8 is selling their girls at CNY pricing (20% to 30% higher) on a daily basis,Gold Bird only doubles their price during CNY,which joint is more evil? Hehehe...i leave it for you to think. 4. I had a chance to test out practically all major booking joints as we all book each girl from each different joint (we have total 8 men who booked girls) and i was able to understand how each of these joint works under different management. Will share details in future (may be in private or group trips only). I found their "buttons" too (if you read my previous posting). 5. My girl has her menses on my last night which both she and i didnt know,so the white T-shirt that i wear to sleep becomes... : http://www.picturevip.com/x/clean/im...8/06/SC4WO.jpg (i already wash and scrub the above T Shirt twice) There was no blood stain on the bed sheet (maybe becos she got very little chance to lie back down on the bed most part of my last night). 6. One of the days in this trip,I left 100k on the table for the girl to eat lunch but when room service cleans my room,he took the 100k when i left my room (my girl went out to buy something). I caught up with the room service guy in my room and he returned my 100k. Hotel is Formosa. Honestly,i dont blame him at all cos i left the money in the open,he might think it is for him as most of them knows i tip EVERY room service guy who cleans my room (thats why my room is always at tip-top conditions,hehehe...). My fail : 1. I couldnt remember all the bro's nick as well as real name,there are just too many of them and not forgetting i have to remember who stays in which room number too...lol. I am no good with names,thats why i rarely ask my girl for her name cos i know i will not remember it...lol 2. I wasnt able to plan my trip in a way that all of us remain contactable in more than 1 way,hence i lost contact with 1 or 2 bros at times in some situation during the trip resulting them having to go to money changer alone to change their money at a higher rate. 9700/SGD vs 9820/SGD,i would have save some bros about 48k rupiah.48k leh…I can eat one meal with drinks and cigarette and still got change left. (48k is a lot of money to me when i am in Batam,hehehe...) 3. i wasnt able to link up with all bros who PMed me becos their timing and the place they stayed in isnt right.I am in a group and I did try to accommodate everyone's timing but failed becos not everyone shares the same frequency as me/us. I do hope for their understanding. All in all,i just wish to take this chance to thank everyone who specially took time to be in my Batam learning group trip. As i have said before,every Batam trip is different. This group with bro MM,bro JF,bro K,bro M,bro S,bro LA, and with link up of bro MM2 + partner,bro N and bro I were totally "INCREDIBLE"!! We cover many places of "interest",hehehe...and i have learned what i wish to learn,i hope those who were in the trip have as much fun learning as me too. Until next time,if fate allows...we will all meet again,hehehe...:D PS : I have use "initials" for all bro's name when writing the summary base on either their real name or nick so as to keep their ID private. To reveal themselves or not is entirely up to them. But i am sure you guys know who you are in this summary,hehehe... Found this cute sign inside Altalanta Spa room,hehehe... http://www.picturevip.com/x/clean/im...8/06/CZlod.jpg _______________________________________ |
Re: Batam Info Thread
Im going Batam Today to find my chick again ^_^ Anyone out there ?:D
Re: Batam Info Thread
Basically trying to tell u not to have sexual activities. But no one bothers. |
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