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nono1973 10-08-2015 08:28 PM

Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by Black Page (Post 13412962)
First time I went to Batam in my life, I simply grabbed an ojek and made a tour of all joints just to see how they looked like.

To be honest,i do not believe you. Becos i believe even the MOST senior person in this thread cannot do so when they were a newbie. And by far,i have not seen any newbie in this thread that does that yet.

I believe i need not stretch myself further that you did not cover all joints when you were 1st time in Batam. :D


Originally Posted by Black Page (Post 13412962)
The ojek driver knows where joints are located.

Again,i choose not to believe you. I have shown the most popular joint's name card,Gold Bird to at least half a dozen ojeks beside the block at Goodway hotel,NONE knows how to get there,hehehe...perhaps you got better luck and i have a bad one at that point of time. ;)

Batam is unpredictable.


Originally Posted by Black Page (Post 13412962)
I don't understand why a newbie would need seniors just to cover booking joints...

No,a newbie do not need seniors just to cover booking joints, read my paragraph you quote from my post again in full. I did that several time and a re-read would be appropriate to avoid further misunderstanding.

And if you still fail to understand what i am trying to say,i cannot help you.And any further explanation i believe isnt going to help in anyway either. We stand in different angle to look at things and i believe you are right in your own way. And the same applies to me too. ;)



Originally Posted by nono1973 (Post 13412657)
So now,most newbies going Batam will be unable to cover most booking joints,wont have much chance to choose unless they join seniors. Today i usually advise newbies to grab taxi to head to the closest respective hotels near to the joints they like to pick the girls if they stayed in Formosa hotel.Formosa is still a not bad choice as a hotel even after Dynasty,New Berlian and Queen has shut down.Not many newbies actually book girls from Dynasty,New Berlian and Queens over the year in case you havent notice.

nono1973 10-08-2015 08:54 PM

Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by osamalee (Post 13421425)
Hi NONO1973, thanks for the tip, can you advise me what to expect inside Delta and what is the price for extra services?

Sorry,bro...i believe you need to read the links provided when i reply to your post earlier to help yourself understand better. I now quote the particular part that will help me answer your question as below. They are mainly FRs from Delta Spa as well as FRs from various other Men's Spa. After reading,do let me know again if you have further questions. :D

(finding the answers yourself will help you understand better than i feed you with one and i am providing you that kind of help)


Originally Posted by nono1973 (Post 13245322)
Here's a tiny incomplete sample of some of my unfinished work in this thread and its going to take me quite a while to finish my whole project as i dont plan to rush (maybe finish in :

- Delta Spa Batam

1. Balthas on 23.12.2013
2. Burton on 10.01.2014
3. Lurpsexx on 23.02.2014
4. darkbat on 24.11.2014
5. matong36 on 11.01.2015
6. A+++ on 27.01.2015

- Ocean Massage

1. DreamerZZQ on 30.03.2012
2. Metalboy on 10.10.2013
3. Rizk on 21.10.2013
4. Jazzy69 on 21.03.2014 (bad review)
5. Metalboy on 30.09.2014
6. mopyboy on 21.11.2014
7. AppleJuiceX on 02.02.2015
8. sotteik on 25.05.2015

- Octopus spa

1. Blacklizt on 13.02.2014
2. Noaheaven on 08.10.2014
3. xbao on 25.01.2015


Originally Posted by osamalee (Post 13421425)
I saw from your guide that THE HILL also has extra services, are the rates around the same?

Baby step 1st,bro. Stay focus on one and once you tried Delta Spa,which is supposingly nearer base on your location you mentioned in your earlier post,then you go try The Hill. And do come back with an FR to share with everyone here so that all who read your FR stands a chance to learn like you have done so here.

Hoping for your understanding.


Hurhurrahrah 10-08-2015 09:58 PM

Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by osamalee (Post 13421434)
Bro can share your experience how is it like inside? I scared later walk in alone the people there machiam see a gold pig to slaughter LOL. I solo thailand joints and the mafias there are no joke in some places.

^ Well I'll try to keep it simple. Walk in, grab your magic bracelet from the receptionist and on to the locker room area. You can change to the provided shorts if you want to use the facilities (jacuzzi, sauna, steam room) or you can just tell them you want massage straight away and they'll lead you upstairs.

It was busy when I was there so a lady staff asked me to wait at the lounge (pretty cozy place). Saw some other customers looking at the provided service menu list. When the lady staff came back to me, she straight away asked me if I have any request. Told her good strong massage and hopefully SYT :D She didn't offer me any pricing and just confirmed with me that I want 3 sessions, and I agreed. Tried to persuade me into getting VIP room but I said no. She then asked me if I want any extras such as hot stones, told her why not. Price then confirmed at 430k (3 sessions) + 85k (hot stone). Off she went and waited some more.

After a while she came back saying they're ready for me. Grabbed me by arm and led me to 3rd floor. Into the room (more like gorgeous cubicle really), the SYT was already waiting there. Cut story short, deed is done. The SYT did ask me how much I wanted to pay her for a HJ. Told her I never bring any money upstairs (and its true because I put everything in the locker) and mentioned to her it should be included. She relented and did it anyway.

Session done, you go back down, continue using the facilities or can just go back out to the receptionist. Pay up and off you go a (hopefully) happy man. :cool:

The place doesn't look intimidating at all, no scary bouncers or such. When I was there the customers were in groups and solos, you should be fine. Good luck and have fun!

nono1973 10-08-2015 10:20 PM

Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by Hurhurrahrah (Post 13415051)
Anyway, day 2 started at 11am where I crossed the street to check New Berry. Like yesterday, nothing caught my eye so I went back outside. As I wait for my ride, I sat outside Hana Hotel and got a nice view of people walking in and out and in and out of New Berry, which is quite interesting

Yes,its a good view. I used to stay inside the various joints to observe how people pick their girls,which age group of men pick what kind of girls,guess who will bound to be disappointed,talk to some of the guys,how OKT interact with their walk-in customers and how much was being charge and what kind of men will kena carrot chop etc etc,hehehe... and i learned a lot over my nearly 1 year sitting in those places.


Originally Posted by Hurhurrahrah (Post 13415051)
1120am my taxi arrived and I asked driver to bring me around yet again. We ended up in Bunga Massage. There were lots of girls inside, more than 15. There were a few eye-catching ones, so I enquired to mami about them. One is new from Medan and the other one is apparently a DJ, and BOTH are prized at 1.8m :eek:
She later dropped in down to 1.6m but still, what the heck. (later on the day I saw bro Nono's post about this place being carrot chop place, I agree hurhur)

Hehehehe....Bunga Massage's 30+ year old girl priced at a million rupiah. If they want business ,they need to drop their price. But i believe their target customers are those that turn up late to Batam. They are the only joints with the most leftovers among most of Batam's overnight booking joint.


Originally Posted by Hurhurrahrah (Post 13415051)
She came at 530pm. We TCSS for about one hour before she pleaded me to bring her to DC Mall. I was going to go get dinner anyway so why not. While I was showering she played with my phone and took like tons of selfie (kids these days....) Driver picked us up and off to DC Mall. Accompanied her shop for a while (about 200k spent) and then grabbed my dinner before heading back to hotel yet again.

I kena shopping bill as high as 700k before. I learned my lesson,no more shopping for girls. :D

When i pick a girl from booking joint,i also look at their type of phones too, you know why....


Originally Posted by Hurhurrahrah (Post 13415051)
Finish then TCSS again, she told me her boyfriend in Jakarta sick and on and on.
I wanted go somemore but girl claimed she tired from not sleeping the day before and then just hugged me to sleep. Morning comes and I wanted to play somemore, but she rejected reasons being she still young so cannot do much... I am disappointed already at this point... :mad:

Once you mention about your girl's BF,i know it wont turn out too good (it usually dont). Sorry... :(

1stClass 10-08-2015 11:07 PM

Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by MiG27 (Post 13420460)
I dun wish to get drag into senseless drinking beer parties and subjecting my ears to deafening disco music.
I like to walk around to explore and look see here n there.
Absorb in the local culture and atmosphere.

Likewise, I'm with you. Unnecessarily wasting money on such stuffs is not recommended. I rather spend mine on girls, food & massage.


Originally Posted by miumiu6464 (Post 13420513)
Nope, not me. That will be bro micmac888. But only you, it made me drool as well. But, alas.. as most of my trips so far are Solo trips, so maybe not so worth it to go far place fur meals.

How far is this "Anah" actually?


Originally Posted by MiG27 (Post 13420540)
Humsup a bit....those gals in green uniform is from where?

Those same girls are there when I went last month. They seem to be stewardess cos they always come with pilots. Maybe local flights. Naturally all of them look GOOD. I prefer the one on the right. I can recognise her from her body figure. LOL too bad you can't see her face. Very innocent white looks.


Originally Posted by Hurhurrahrah (Post 13421905)
When the lady staff came back to me, she straight away asked me if I have any request. Told her good strong massage and hopefully SYT :D She didn't offer me any pricing and just confirmed with me that I want 3 sessions, and I agreed. Tried to persuade me into getting VIP room but I said no. She then asked me if I want any extras such as hot stones, told her why not. Price then confirmed at 430k (3 sessions) + 85k (hot stone). Off she went and waited some more.

Can you define what you mean by "3 sessions"?

miumiu6464 10-08-2015 11:10 PM

Re: Batam Info Thread

The last girl that I took from Indah2, and rtf last Wednesday, uses a 2g Samsung clam shell phone. But, on the second day, out comes her Samsung Grand Duo when she came back for the second day booking. But, no, she didn't use her phone extensively. And even asked my permission when she wanted to call her family back in kampung. Perhaps she just want me to keep quiet, but I appreciate the asking of permission. Other time, her attention is almost on me... really a gem to keep .

miumiu6464 10-08-2015 11:16 PM

[QUOTE=1stClass;13422187]Likewise, I'm with you. Unnecessarily wasting money on such stuffs is not recommended. I rather spend mine on girls, food & massage.

How far is this "Anah" actually?


Originally Posted by MiG27 (Post 13420540)
Humsup a bit....those gals in green uniform is from where?
Those same girls are there when I went last month. They seem to be stewardess cos they always come with pilots. Maybe local flights. Naturally all of them look GOOD. I prefer the one on the right. I can recognise her from her body figure. LOL too bad you can't see her face. Very innocent white looks.

Can you define what you mean by "3 sessions"?

I've not been to this Anah place yet. But, mm888 did mention that it's quite out of the way. And more worth it if going in a group, as can order more stuff.

"3 session" - the 3rd session is their unofficial way of charging you for the hj. Nothing else. The gro expressly mention that 2 sessions only gives you massage on the back whereas the 3rd session is massage for the front, i.e. hj. Well, she didn't expressly mention hj, but you get the drift.. Nono's tip is actually quite useful. Just get 2 session and nego with the girl separately for the hj. In this way,she get the full fee. I didn't think of it before, anyway, always spend much more for the 3 sessions.

1stClass 10-08-2015 11:30 PM

Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by miumiu6464 (Post 13422216)
"3 session" - the 3rd session is their unofficial way of charging you for the hj. Nothing else. The gro expressly mention that 2 sessions only gives you massage on the back whereas the 3rd session is massage for the front, i.e. hj. Well, she didn't expressly mention hj, but you get the drift.. Nono's tip is actually quite useful. Just get 2 session and nego with the girl separately for the hj. In this way,she get the full fee. I didn't think of it before, anyway, always spend much more for the 3 sessions.

Thanks for the tips. I'm planning to go these "ATAS" MP in my next trip.

nono1973 10-08-2015 11:46 PM

Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by KohOnly21 (Post 13414050)
The reason that one should not depends on driver too much is because they tend to bring you to those joints that offered them highest commission than the lower ones. .

I raise 2 hand and 2 legs to agree on this one. When i 1st begin Batam,i walk and i walk a lot (starting from Harbour Bay). And this has help me understand my surrounding and all the places i go to better. Today,i wont be held ransom by most,especially taxi drivers and ojeks becos i know how to get from place to place by foot. It also helps me understand the Batam map better too.


Originally Posted by KohOnly21 (Post 13414050)
Example, newbie will never be sure of how many KFC are there in batam...

I always have the impression that there is ONLY ONE Mcdonald in Batam,but i was wrong,very


Originally Posted by KatoeyLover69 (Post 13414359)
( I would like to thank Bro nono1973 for his advice and guidance to me with his very useful tips )

You are welcome.

Read the links on my signature if you have the time,bro. I have stayed in Formosa Hotel about 90% of the time throughout my 18 declared trips to Batam. It has help many newbies and i am sure it will somehow help you in one way or another. Batam's pace is much slower than in Sillypore,so dont rush,dont be demanding,dont hold too high hope,be nice and dont show off your money,be should be alright. (actually quite common sense here)

Once you reach Formosa Hotel,all should be well and the rest (eg. girls) will just be luck ,hehehe...from now to your coming trip still very very long,go kill some time by doing some reading. :D


nono1973 10-08-2015 11:48 PM

Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by KatoeyLover69 (Post 13415067)
BTW, didn't know that Batam got LBs .... where do they hangout so that I can avoid them .... if not, wrongly think that they are "ladies"and choose them .... like what hapoen to a lot of tourists in Bangkok .... they pick up "ladies"from Sukhumvit Road who later turn up to be LBs

If you happen to chance upon Newton Hotel,Newton Disco or Newton Spa which happen to be all in the same building,directly from their entrance opposite building,you will see this booking joint below that was shut down by the authority (this booking joint has an about as long history as Gold Bird) :

On the left side of the photo above (which i did not capture the place) was a hair saloon and inside the salon has some ladyboys. I also notice most ladyboys loitering around that area are mostly in various hair salons too.


Originally Posted by KohOnly21 (Post 13415842)
Overall satisfied experience, girl were friendly and DFK was allowed. Clean room with shiny bathtub. Bad point NO BJ OR BBBJ

Mind i ask,whats DFK?


Originally Posted by KohOnly21 (Post 13415842)
Total damage with 2 drinks 397k. Exclude 50k tips.

You try the free buffet food? was as "good" as my meals 20+ years ago during NS time. :D


Originally Posted by KohOnly21 (Post 13415842)
Checkin hello kitty massage, chosen a girl and waited in the room.

Mind can share about what time did you enter Hallo Kitty?

Thank you.


Originally Posted by Hurhurrahrah (Post 13419821)
Preparing to check out from Hana Hotel
Been a great eye-opening trip
I'll admit it was worried, but I'm glad I went over and I'm REALLY GLAD I extended another night :D
Hopefully report can follow tonight

Good to know that your overall trip is alright.

Camping here for the final part of your FR,hehehe...your 3rd night.


Originally Posted by Hurhurrahrah (Post 13419821)
^ Yes haha, I do speak fluent indonesian

Hehehe....reading your FR,i would have guess as much. ;)

KohOnly21 11-08-2015 12:46 AM

Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by nono1973 (Post 13422354)
Mind i ask,whats DFK?

You try the free buffet food? was as "good" as my meals 20+ years ago during NS time. :D

Mind can share about what time did you enter Hallo kitty?

Deep French Kiss

Nope, I skip the second I opened the first tray which is the sayo (veg). By the way, the drinks at Atalanta are not that expensive. . About 15k for a can of red bull.

Between 4.00-4.30 pm I believe ..

By the way batam has more than 1 macdonald ?!?!

I'm too thought that batam only has one which is at harmoni there.

Unless you are referring to the mini 1 selling icecream at level 1 bcs just beside the entrance opposite zhenbao

Hurhurrahrah 11-08-2015 01:01 AM

Re: Batam Info Thread
The final part of my Batam trip report. I'm putting it in quote because I'm afraid it's a bit longer.
Day 3

( Click to show/hide )
Started the day by walking towards the Instar Hotel area to find the wanton mee stall that was mentioned in the thread before. Order a bowl of mee and a basket of dimsum from the neighbouring stall. It tasted alright for me, greasy like what some bros have commented before, but I can live with it. But for the price, yes it's worth trying. Total bill came to 17k (mee) + 15k (dimsum) + 5k (teh o beng) = 52k, about SGD5~ for a VERY hearty breakfast

SMS-ed my taxi driver to pick me up at 11am. Went back and watched FOX Movies Premium until stated time. Down to the hotel receptionist to extend my stay by one night and rode the taxi to Harbour Bay ferry terminal to exchange my booking pass for the day after. I did call up before I came so my ticket was secured and got it in less than 5 mins. One more night stay secured, time to get myself a brand new companion.

Told the taxi driver I want to see some more new places and so he brought me around yet again. I'm actually quite happy my driver never really complained in any way. A few times in my whole trip he even phoned his friends to help find new places (like Hawaii Karaoke).

First stop for Day 3 is Blue Moon. Went in and receptionist lady/mami asked if I wanted massage or what. Told her is for booking and she went behind asking her girls who already got booking. Called me in and told me only 2 are available at that time. 2 others were outside grabbing their laundry while another 2 who were there are off-limits. I wasn't interested, so left right away. Here is my one mistake, forgot to grab their name cards...

From then on taxi driver brought me to Gold Bird. The place looks creepy if I have to say so haha. A handful of bros were there talking to the papi. There were less than 10 girls and again nothing stood out. Chat with the papi a bit, again he said at this timing, some are still not ready (this would be 1130am-ish). Here I remember wanting to get a name card, but papi mentioned to another bro that he ran out. So yet I leave without a girl and no name card to add into my collection.

Driver suggested to check out Indah 2 and MM Massage again. Since I didn't step into Indah 2 on my 1st day I told him to go ahead and bring me there. At Indah 2 there were only 3 on display. Nothing caught my eye so I started walking out. Turned back to ask papi for name card but alas he ran out as well. A very busy weekend indeed.

I was walking over to MM Massage when I spotted a lady also walking to MM. Right before entering the door she looked at my direction and gave me a smile. That's a nice sign I thought to myself, she ain't look bad too. Went inside MM Massage to see there were about 2 group of bros looking at the display. Found my girl inside among about 10 girls available. Decided to pull the trigger and ask for the price. Papi quoted 1.5m, managed to bring down to 1.3m. Done deal and off she went up to be secured. Off me go and wait for my delivery later.

Asked my taxi driver to drop me off at Nagoya Hill Mall. Here I will actually mention that everytime after I got my girl I will give my driver 50k when he drop me at my next stop. Reason being I like to give him something first just to make him happy. I then ate lunch at a bak kut teh shop in the Nagoya Hill Food Street. It was the herbal tea kind and has a lot of meat. Personally, I prefer the SG peppery soup more than that, still a nice experience trying different food.

At around 1230pm I walked over to Delta to give it a try (post #31741)

Called up the driver, back to hotel, paid my driver 200k as per normal and wait for my final companion. Fast forward, she arrived and I can confirmed she's a looker. Best looking out of the 3 that I picked this trip. 22yo from Central Java. She went inside the room and didn't speak much for 1.5 hours. I really thought then that I hit the zonk jackpot... Tried my best to slowly talk to her, but nothing much. Did 1 round at night, but I didn't really feel anything, so stopped halfway and just fell asleep, trying to accept my fate.

Woke up at 4am because the room was cold and I heck care hugged her from behind. I'll be right to the point and try not to mess this part up. SHE'S LIKE A DIFFERENT PERSON IN THE MORNING. Rd 2 and whatever happened after that was the best part of my trip. Felt as if I found a gem and so glad I didn't gave up to send her back last night. Girl stayed until about 830am before she asked to go back. She didn't ask for tip, I gave her 100k for her return cab fare.

Day 4

( Click to show/hide )
After my girl left I went to Instar yet again and had the same wanton mee, dimsum breakfast. Went back to hotel to catch some more sleep after I sms-ed my driver to pick me up at 12.

Checked out and asked my driver to bring me to Harbour Bay Mall so I can waste time. Paid him 100k for this final trip becoz he's been very helpful. He told me to call him again if I return to Batam and I assure him I will.

Harbour Bay Mall has absolutely nothing besides a J.Co and Blitz cinema upstairs. So I grabbed donuts and coffee and made my way to Ocean Massage as the final act of my trip.

It was 1230pm and business looked slow since most visitors had gone back on Sunday. Grabbed Package O which consist of Body massage, vitalitas, ear candle and milk bath (394k) and head upstairs to a rundown looking room on Lv3. I got a D-cup 20yo SYT with some crazy tattoos to give me my first B2B massage. Quite an experience I have to say. During the GQ she asked for 250k for HJ and 500k for ST. I said I would only consider HJ for 100k. She brought it down to 200k, begging me to take because business is low and I'm her first customer for the day. I stick to 100k and passed on the offer. However she did a good job with the massage and mandi susu part. So I still tipped her 100k at the end. (while she was talking to me she also mentioned that she does LT for 1-1.5m :rolleyes: )

Once the massage finished I tried my best to killed time before boarding the ferry back to SG. Very boring stuff.

And that's all I have to say. Huge thanks to ALL bros who have posted very valuable information regarding the Batam scene. Hope to be back again soon :D

Hurhurrahrah 11-08-2015 01:04 AM

Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by nono1973 (Post 13422354)
Camping here for the final part of your FR,hehehe...your 3rd night.

^ It's up! Enjoy :)


Originally Posted by nono1973 (Post 13422354)
Hehehe....reading your FR,i would have guess as much. ;)

^ Made it a lot easier getting information from many local info sources :D

newyorker88 11-08-2015 10:50 AM

Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by nono1973 (Post 13420616)
17th Aug (Monday) is also Indonesia Independence Day aka National Day


Yes, the few days before that, police also looking for money :D... be alert, don't do drugs

nono1973 11-08-2015 01:35 PM

Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by Bigbird00 (Post 13420113)
Ahhhhh... My bad! Thought i'm such a blur fcuk went to the wrong Warong.

Dont worry about it.


Originally Posted by Bigbird00 (Post 13420113)
BTW. Good Trip summary. Glad u had a great trip.

Yea,my last trip was good. Its not just the girls we "grab" were good when i actually use the word "good",hehehe...the people who join the group,the place we went to,the chemistry and coordination between the whole group and the bros and friends i met along the way too. We also struck a good bargain for girls too.

If you havent already notice,i spoke very little on the part of OUR GIRLS and the booking joints we visited in my 18th Batam trip summary,hehehe...becos i am at observation stage now and preparing for CNY 2016 in Batam.

Planning for my next trip soon...


Originally Posted by Bigbird00 (Post 13420113)
Guess next my food target is Danny's Marine seafood.

For both sea food and non-sea food taker,i believe this Marine Live Sea Food place is a MUST VISIT. I always like a good varieties when it come to meals. And this place also have those basic down-to-earth good tasting food. I wouldnt say its my best choice,but it definitely wont be a bad one.


Originally Posted by KatoeyLover69 (Post 13420349)
Where can I find "manhood massage" / "jua gen" in Batam ?

I dont think Batam has anything called Jua Gen or anything that even come close to it. I am saying this becos i tried the "real thing" before. What Batam masseurs does is something like Massage of the Dick aka Vitalitas. Some places of masseurs just do it better than the others.

If you stay in Formosa,walk OUT of the hotel front glass door,look opposite and you wont miss a massage shop called RELAX Massage shop front. Directly behind RELAX is Indo Rasa Massage.

Walk up the stairs,you reach the reception of Indo Rasa Hotel. Tell the reception you want a 1.5 hr massage by pointing at their signage which is right in front of the reception :

You will be brought to a very run down room,hehehe....dont worry,its only 1.5 hour and only about S$8.25 ,so go test it out. The bedsheet and pillows are changed after every customer even tho it looks "not-so-clean", will be prompt the golden question 20-30 mins before your massage time is up. She will quote you a price for whatever HJ or dick massage,you bargain down the price and there,you can request for dick massage. (i paid between 100k to 150k after bargaining)

After your 1st try,you think you wont go RTM again due to its room condition? You may also choose to request the lady to go to your hotel room,but they will charge you :

120k/1 hr
130k/1.5 hr

All you need to do is approach the receptionist again,ask for in-hotel room massage at Formosa Hotel. Better still you can get a paper and pen/pencil,write your room number and hotel name down. You will be told on the in-room massage charges as above. Then you quickly go back your hotel room and WAIT,hehehe...

(of course you can skip the in-massage-room massage part and head straight for the in-hotel-room massage,but that would mean you learn less,hehehe...)

Formosa Hotel 4th floor also has a massage place call King Massage. Some girls there do dick massage too,but prices will be quite stiff there.

90k/hr for in-massage-room massage
(there is a price menu at their shop)
100k/hr for in-Hotel-room massage
(i think its 130k or something for 1.5hr)

If you are into dick massage,the better masseur who knows better on dick massage are NOT from the photo album (which you can see if you go to King Massage 4th Floor of formosa hotel). Better ones are usually those who does Foot Reflexology which they call Reflexi or something like that. They will usually quote as high as 400k for a HJ or a dick massage. You will have to bargain down the price. It can be bargain down to between 150k to 200k tho (depending on bargaining skill,i still pay between 100k to 150k). Foot massage and Body massage are same pricing in King Massage Parlour.

King Massage massage room are way better than Indo rasa's massage room. But when it comes to dick massage,the overall better skilled ones are still mainly at Indo Rasa Massage (not that King doesnt have good ones,but they have lesser).There are of course other places for dick massage,but always,baby step a time. Survive this 2 places above 1st before venturing further,hehehe... ;)

Surviving a place do not means that a person go to just one place ONLY ONCE and he is considered himself a survivor. There are often a lot of masseurs in one Massage Parlour,one masseur no good do not equates the whole shop no good. Cheonging in Batam requires some luck,especially on weekends where more luck are needed,hehehe...


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