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micmac888 12-08-2015 12:29 AM

Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by DDAMn (Post 13426782)
is the food serve halal?

good question. Will find out and PM you tomorrow rather than "troll" a post.


Originally Posted by DDAMn (Post 13426782)
.. how far is the place from XXXXX

What you can do is this. Use mobile google map : do a search for Sekolah Yehonala. It's the closest (very close) landmark Googlemaps has, to the place. And then use google maps mobile to auto-establish route and navigate your drive to the destination (Yehonala). It is quite accurate and tells you ETA from get-go.
Red pin = "Anah". Closest google-map landmark to it is the Yehonala school


Originally Posted by KohOnly21 (Post 13426854)
shall start puasa from tomorrow onward until the fruitful night liao... :D

LOOOOL! Fruitful night, Insha-allah - very *very* soon.

KohOnly21 12-08-2015 12:30 AM

Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by nono1973 (Post 13426477)
i push all my friends to go beside the shop,name Keyza...:p

I doubt you are a BJ guy right? I remembered you saif before you wasn't really interested in bj or preferred condom bj over bare bj ..

If one doesn't fussy over bj, they should being able to enjoy them self easily at these massage joints as there are many syt around..

Unfortunately, for me either i had to be their regular to receive bj or handsome enough to get it from massage joints. 1 girl ever quoted me 1 juta just for bbbj + cim, i skipped. Most of them keep their bj to their sugar daddy, bf, lover, husband only. They do had a mindset that opening their legs for us are all that required of them to earn for a living..

siam66 12-08-2015 12:31 AM

Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by KohOnly21 (Post 13426854)
Wah.. Ok then i shall start puasa from tomorrow onward until the fruitful night liao... :D

Lol ... you not scare wait siao chiong nao meh ??? :eek: ... kekeke .... :D

nono1973 12-08-2015 01:32 AM

Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by Hurhurrahrah (Post 13422666)
The final part of my Batam trip report. I'm putting it in quote because I'm afraid it's a bit longer.

Mine was 9 posts long,hehehe...


Originally Posted by Hurhurrahrah (Post 13422666)
Started the day by walking towards the Instar Hotel area to find the wanton mee stall that was mentioned in the thread before. Order a bowl of mee and a basket of dimsum from the neighbouring stall. It tasted alright for me, greasy like what some bros have commented before, but I can live with it. But for the price, yes it's worth trying. Total bill came to 17k (mee) + 15k (dimsum) + 5k (teh o beng) = 52k, about SGD5~ for a VERY hearty breakfast

Expensive breakfast, this point,i am just curious if the hotel you stay actually provide breakfast?


Originally Posted by Hurhurrahrah (Post 13422666)
SMS-ed my taxi driver to pick me up at 11am. Went back and watched FOX Movies Premium until stated time. Down to the hotel receptionist to extend my stay by one night and rode the taxi to Harbour Bay ferry terminal to exchange my booking pass for the day after. I did call up before I came so my ticket was secured and got it in less than 5 mins. One more night stay secured, time to get myself a brand new companion.

Hmm...since you already got a driver,i guess its safer to go collect your boarding pass 1st. Alternatively,you already secure your reservation via phone with your passport number,you can actually collect your boarding pass the next day,around 30 mins to an hour before boarding ferry.


Originally Posted by Hurhurrahrah (Post 13422666)
First stop for Day 3 is Blue Moon. Went in and receptionist lady/mami asked if I wanted massage or what. Told her is for booking and she went behind asking her girls who already got booking. Called me in and told me only 2 are available at that time. 2 others were outside grabbing their laundry while another 2 who were there are off-limits. I wasn't interested, so left right away. Here is my one mistake, forgot to grab their name cards...


Originally Posted by Hurhurrahrah (Post 13422666)
From then on taxi driver brought me to Gold Bird. The place looks creepy if I have to say so haha. A handful of bros were there talking to the papi. There were less than 10 girls and again nothing stood out. Chat with the papi a bit, again he said at this timing, some are still not ready (this would be 1130am-ish). Here I remember wanting to get a name card, but papi mentioned to another bro that he ran out. So yet I leave without a girl and no name card to add into my collection.


Originally Posted by Hurhurrahrah (Post 13422666)
Driver suggested to check out Indah 2 and MM Massage again. Since I didn't step into Indah 2 on my 1st day I told him to go ahead and bring me there. At Indah 2 there were only 3 on display. Nothing caught my eye so I started walking out. Turned back to ask papi for name card but alas he ran out as well. A very busy weekend indeed.

These name cards were as good as the Batam Cheonging List,mainly just for shop name reference. There are more than 10+ overnight booking joints now in Batam,estimate a totaling of around 350+ girls but most would see about 150 of them at best if they visit them at the wrong day,wrong timing,hehehe...i always believe there are more of them that i wasnt aware of.


Originally Posted by Hurhurrahrah (Post 13422666)
I was walking over to MM Massage when I spotted a lady also walking to MM. Right before entering the door she looked at my direction and gave me a smile. That's a nice sign I thought to myself, she ain't look bad too. Went inside MM Massage to see there were about 2 group of bros looking at the display. Found my girl inside among about 10 girls available. Decided to pull the trigger and ask for the price. Papi quoted 1.5m, managed to bring down to 1.3m. Done deal and off she went up to be secured. Off me go and wait for my delivery later.

I guess your luck is with MM in this trip. You already hit the right button on your 1st day of the trip there,i think Robert loves (that is if you dont mind having the limitation)


Originally Posted by Hurhurrahrah (Post 13422666)
At around 1230pm I walked over to Delta to give it a try (post #31741)


Originally Posted by Hurhurrahrah (Post 13422666)
Called up the driver, back to hotel, paid my driver 200k as per normal and wait for my final companion. Fast forward, she arrived and I can confirmed she's a looker. Best looking out of the 3 that I picked this trip. 22yo from Central Java. She went inside the room and didn't speak much for 1.5 hours. I really thought then that I hit the zonk jackpot... Tried my best to slowly talk to her, but nothing much. Did 1 round at night, but I didn't really feel anything, so stopped halfway and just fell asleep, trying to accept my fate.

Just wish to share this again,my best girl and my worst girl in Batam were both from MM, best girl,she came to my room,straight away head to bed to sleep from 5pm onward. I let her be until 11pm+ when she woke up.Thereafter i practically became the "victim of rape" the whole night through till next morning where i have to keep asking her what time she wish to so tempted to stay another night that time but i didnt (i was very new to Batam back then). I regretted my decision everytime i think about 700k/night,a 22 year old girl if i dont remember wrong. My lesson learned,NEVER judge a Batam girl by her cover until the next morning,hehehe... :D

And as for my worst girl,i have more good experience than bad ones in Batam,so i can barely remember her. She is the ONLY girl that i have to send her off and get Robert to send me a replacement in the middle of the night and i remember its was a Friday night,hehehe...


Originally Posted by Hurhurrahrah (Post 13422666)
After my girl left I went to Instar yet again and had the same wanton mee, dimsum breakfast. Went back to hotel to catch some more sleep after I sms-ed my driver to pick me up at 12. seems to like Instar Wan Tan and good.


Originally Posted by Hurhurrahrah (Post 13422666)
Hope to be back again soon

Now my golden question,on a scale of 10,how well would you rate your trip?


authenticanie 12-08-2015 08:25 AM

Re: Batam Info Thread

Hurhurrahrah 12-08-2015 10:18 AM

Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by nono1973 (Post 13427142)
Expensive breakfast, this point,i am just curious if the hotel you stay actually provide breakfast?

^ Yes, Hana Hotel does provide breakfast. The spread that I saw was fried rice, mee goreng, fried bee hoon, porridge, white bread, coffee and tea. Think there were some other guests asking for hard boiled egg as well, so maybe you can order up some egg dishes.

Also, since I don't mind spending on food during my travel, guess I don't really find it expensive enough to be a bother.


Originally Posted by nono1973 (Post 13427142)
Hmm...since you already got a driver,i guess its safer to go collect your boarding pass 1st. Alternatively,you already secure your reservation via phone with your passport number,you can actually collect your boarding pass the next day,around 30 mins to an hour before boarding ferry.

^ I realized later on that the booking pass collection is very lenient. Like what you've said securing your reservation is the important step.


Originally Posted by nono1973 (Post 13427142)
I guess your luck is with MM in this trip. You already hit the right button on your 1st day of the trip there,i think Robert loves (that is if you dont mind having the limitation)

^ I watched my words when bargaining (in bahasa) and didn't really mention a price. Most of the times I was just like "sure the price that high ah?" kind of comments.


Originally Posted by nono1973 (Post 13427142) seems to like Instar Wan Tan and good.

^ For the amount that you get it's pretty decent. And that coffeeshop has other options as well. Staying in Hana Hotel, it's a close-by walking distance and safe dining option.


Originally Posted by nono1973 (Post 13427142)
Now my golden question,on a scale of 10,how well would you rate your trip?

^ 7.5/10 around there. It's a good trip all-in-all for my first experience. Had fun cheonging and going around. But yeah, I didn't go to KTV or Atalanta, nor I stay in 4-5 star hotels, maybe in the future there will be better ones, finger crossed hoping.

KohOnly21 12-08-2015 10:38 AM

Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by micmac888 (Post 13426921)
Red pin = "Anah". Closest google-map landmark to it is the Yehonala school

OHHH i know near where already. It's at the route from Nagoya to batam center, few hundred meter just before turning left to batam center facing palm spring kfc outlet infront.

KatoeyLover69 12-08-2015 11:21 AM

Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by Lao Er Ge (Post 13420935)
You prefer to cheong alone?

But how come you inviting people to join you? haha. No offence please but i still have my doubts.

Yes, I prefer to travel alone but I don't mind meeting other Samsters for lunch/dinner/yum cha , chit chat and exchange notes ... I like to socialise ... I am not a hermit :)

newyorker88 12-08-2015 11:28 AM

Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by KatoeyLover69 (Post 13428392)
Yes, I prefer to travel alone but I don't mind meeting other Samsters for lunch/dinner/yum cha , chit chat and exchange notes ... I like to socialise ... I am not a hermit

It is best not to let others know who u are, in the internet. Sam boss is right on this matter. What you do, you post here, n people can gossip or use it to harm you.

meeting with other people? there is nothing wrong, but don't let them know how u fuck a girl or what you did that you don't want others to know.

KatoeyLover69 12-08-2015 11:47 AM

Travelling ALONE ........

Originally Posted by newyorker88 (Post 13428418)
It is best not to let others know who u are, in the internet. Sam boss is right on this matter. What you do, you post here, n people can gossip or use it to harm you.

meeting with other people? there is nothing wrong, but don't let them know how u fuck a girl or what you did that you don't want others to know.

Tai Kor,

Thank you for your concern and advice ! I appreciate that very much .... hope to meet up with you one day for lunch / dinner in JB :) :D

Hurhurrahrah 12-08-2015 12:26 PM

Re: Batam Info Thread
Actually I'm left wondering after my trip.
Is there any other places nearby SG besides Batam and Balai, where you basically go to the farms/houses/shops to pick up a girl for LT?

AFAIK, places like JKT and BKK you usually do ST on the spot and most LT are done by FLs.

nono1973 12-08-2015 01:05 PM

Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by MiG27 (Post 13420460)
A lot of ppl ask me why I always go trips alone....this is one of the reasons.
I dun wish to get drag into senseless drinking beer parties and subjecting my ears to deafening disco music.
I like to walk around to explore and look see here n there.
Absorb in the local culture and atmosphere.

Cannot agree more. Most importantly in every trip for me is to explore and look out for new things and ways to make things run in my favor. Walking is still the best way to move around to help myself understand my surrounding better,taking taxi for me is to hit the right place at the correct timing. Or i can simply just call it, using money to "buy time" when i needed to.

I like to experiment things in Batam, each booking joint works in their different ways,which one suits me best,hit the right massage places at the right timing, to help the girls earn more and i pay less,how to bring down 1 million rupiah SYT girl to 500k, how to allow taxi drivers to earn my commission,keeps them happy (steal their intel) and yet i am paying less for my girls etc etc etc,hehehe...attaining a win-win situation so that i am happy,those with me are also happy,hehehe...;)


Originally Posted by MiG27 (Post 13420460)
Many ppl say I siao one. Go trip why torture myself?
Go trip is to enjoy relax spend money.

Hard to explain to them. To each his own, I just enjoy doing things my own way.

I dont understand why people will say you are torturing yourself. You already enjoying yourself in your own way. The environment and the people and how you do thing with all situation that suits you,that is not in anyway a torment. At least not how i see it.


Originally Posted by micmac888 (Post 13420484)
LOOOOL~~ I showed the pic to friends and partner last night over dinner. They remember seeing it at ACE HARDWARE and EDUKIDS before.,and thank you. Coming trip i am going to Edukits to look see look see. To see if i can find that cute signage,hehehe... Hopefully it wont cost much.


Originally Posted by MiG27 (Post 13420723)
Thanks for the reminder.
I actually did mark down those Indo hot days on my local calender.
Im aware of the 31 Aug holiday.
Im planning to go 22 Aug in fact. Take one day leave on 24 Aug.

Hehehe...for me,Kaha gave me their Kaha brand of 2015 flipping calender at the beginning of this year,so i use that to plan my Batam trip (i dont like to join the Green Bean Soup Competition with others). Its easy for me to watch out for Malaysia public holiday becos i worked in a Malaysia linked company run by Chinese,hehehe...Sillypore no need for me to say much liao,hehehe...

As for my next trip to Batam,its a personal my trip date will only be shown in this thread when i already reach Batam. My leaves already approved, yourself,my is 3D2N too,but i told my boss in case of "emergency",i may not be back in office the next day to work but i will tell him i will be working from my Hotel room, i may end up with 4D3N


Originally Posted by MiG27 (Post 13420723)
At this moment of writing, still haven't receive any further replies from KAHA.
Maybe they back off from the offer. Lol.
Either way, I already identify a number of hotels, apart from Formosa.
Im getting excited.

I doubt Kaha will back off tho. Hmm....

My coming Aug trip,will be the same platform of itinerary like always (almost always,hehehe..) :

(its a personal trip,so i arent sharing the dates here)

Day 1 :

1. Arrive Harbour Bay,head to Hotel.

2. Check in,change money and then to booking joint.

3. Lunch at :

4. Then to Altalanta to enjoy some serenity at its Hot Pool and Sauna :

5. OTOT until dinner time.

6. Dinner at Marine Live Sea Food or SMS bro Micmac beforehand to ka jiao him to see about his arrangement at Anah.

7. Shopping around Hotel area.

8. OTOT and then Foot Reflexology at Kings.

9. Sweet Dreams / Overnight live firing

Day 2 :

1. Breakfast at Mickey Mouse Bat Kut Teh/Instar Coffeeshop/Meximo Pub Wan Tan Mee or if time allows,Penuin Market Bai Long

2. Change Hotel,change Money and then to Booking Joint.

3. Lunch,hmm...i dont know yet but likely will be at Indo Rasa Food Court or A2 Food court

4. Massage/Spa will be at :

(thinking of Secret Spa as i type this...lololol)

5. OTOT until dinner time.

6. Dinner at Marine Live Sea Food or SMS bro Micmac beforehand to ka jiao him to see about his arrangement at Anah. (vice-versa on Day 1)

7. I actually have 2 options here (personal game) :

a. watching 4 girls on my queen size bed


b. 5 girls with me on my queen size bed

8. Sweet dreams / Overnight live firing

Day 3 :

1. I am suppose to be broke,i need the FREE breakfast.

2. Zero-ing "firearm" from 2 nights of intense live firing.

3. Fighting if i should continue live-firing for another night or go back to Hell.

4. Check out Hotel and Home "bitter" Home.

Its going to be my 19th trip to Batam,i know it wont be as good as my 18th,and if i were to extend,i may pay a visit to Temple. ;)

Trenz 12-08-2015 03:09 PM

Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by nono1973 (Post 13428826)
4. Massage/Spa will be at :

(thinking of Secret Spa as i type this...lololol)


Originally Posted by nono1973 (Post 13428826)
7. I actually have 2 options here (personal game) :

a. watching 4 girls on my queen size bed


b. 5 girls with me on my queen size bed

8. Sweet dreams / Overnight live firing

These 2 looks like it is going to be the essence of your trip. :D

A+++ 12-08-2015 03:14 PM

Re: Batam Info Thread
Boss can give some comparison between Atlanta & Delta Spa? I've been to Delta & it's pretty awesome to me. Heard from the taxi driver there Atlanta is high class place :p

mighty_mouse 12-08-2015 08:38 PM

Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by nono1973 (Post 13428826)

Its going to be my 19th trip to Batam,i know it wont be as good as my 18th,and if i were to extend,i may pay a visit to Temple. ;)

Too bad I miss the 18th trip... Hope that I can tag along on your 19th trip..

Cheers !!

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