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lextaxy 30-07-2009 05:45 AM

Re: Batam Info Thread
Cheongsters n food-lovers:
roadside food stalls are cheap n food served are authentic as can be as they cater to the locals.Most Asian countries have them and are part of our Asian cultures and roots.(india,china,taiwan,burma,thailand....)Gener al Hygiene's are normally neglected due to proper wash-up areas n other amenities constraints but they do offer value for money.Avoid them if sights of cockroaches,piles of unwashed utensils etc puts you off or you have a poor 'digestive system' etc.if you're gung-ho enough,they do bring a different type of gastronomic penyet+plain rice teh o beng +moonlight+exhaust co2+dust.and it shouldn't cost more than rp14k per pax.
the stretch along windsor/Hotel 89 do have a good mix of roadside stalls serving javanese,sulawesi,madura,batawi etc 'cuisines'.but some are re-locating due to the 'road improvements' done.yes yes,the local authorities are putting road pavements,road-lamps for most of batam's major road n streets...they do resemble Singapore at-nite especially the stretch skupang ferry terminal to sg harapan traffic light besides aesthetic the road lights do offer a degree of safety to pedestrians n motorist but most importently...
more projects = more chance to siphon some $

BtmMan 30-07-2009 11:01 AM

Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by Sexrider (Post 3962318)
i saw also, but haven't tried. i kinda scare to try newly open pujasera cause normally it is the bosses behind pulling the strings, no QC one.

Today exchange rate Rp6910. :(

Sad, I think Rp can pretend to be strong until after HUT day. :)

By right newly opened place should be better in both food quality and prices so as to attract people to eat there?

newyorker88 30-07-2009 11:27 AM

Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by BtmMan (Post 3963205)
By right newly opened place should be better in both food quality and prices so as to attract people to eat there?

HAvent try it out. Sticking to my old places for makan. The stretch opposite Hotel 89 also not bad, opens when sky turns dark. Only problem with these road stalls are the dust and smoke from vehicles.

Horison hotel stretch is clean, IMHO. All these places are cheap, compared to resturants, if you can stomach it.

BtmMan 30-07-2009 01:51 PM

Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by newyorker88 (Post 3963288)
HAvent try it out. Sticking to my old places for makan. The stretch opposite Hotel 89 also not bad, opens when sky turns dark. Only problem with these road stalls are the dust and smoke from vehicles.

Horison hotel stretch is clean, IMHO. All these places are cheap, compared to resturants, if you can stomach it.

Even after spending so many years in Indo, I'll always try to avoid the road side stalls. Because you'll never know what kind of water they are using and also the freshness of the food stuff as they do not have refrigeration.
Only in situations when I was traveling long distance by road and forced to eat at those then no chioce lor.... :(

Sexrider 31-07-2009 12:15 AM

Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by newyorker88 (Post 3963288)
HAvent try it out. Sticking to my old places for makan. The stretch opposite Hotel 89 also not bad, opens when sky turns dark. Only problem with these road stalls are the dust and smoke from vehicles.

Horison hotel stretch is clean, IMHO. All these places are cheap, compared to resturants, if you can stomach it.

Yeah, bro, but i think i miss out the one near astro, in front of Top 100, near BCS that one loh.


Originally Posted by BtmMan (Post 3963779)
Even after spending so many years in Indo, I'll always try to avoid the road side stalls. Because you'll never know what kind of water they are using and also the freshness of the food stuff as they do not have refrigeration.
Only in situations when I was traveling long distance by road and forced to eat at those then no chioce lor.... :(

Bro, I beg for differs, sorry.
First, IMHO, no differences visit decent shop, restaurant actually. I ever seen they wash dishes in toilet (well, used to be toilet, the condition very bad) in one of the most reputable Nasi Padang restaurant.
Secondly, it is their awareness that matter, not where the place is. E.g.: I still see fly "fried" together with ikan asam manis before. Quite nice huh?
However, to be extra careful is good.

Btw, bro, do you know that some coffee shop, use tap water to make drinks? Think about those ice. :D

Naka_Timo 31-07-2009 10:36 AM

Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by newyorker88 (Post 3963288)
HAvent try it out. Sticking to my old places for makan. The stretch opposite Hotel 89 also not bad, opens when sky turns dark.o resturants, if you can stomach it.

Talk abt tis hotel 89, u knw near where and is it veri new? Classified into how many stars? How the rate like?

Naka_Timo 31-07-2009 10:39 AM

Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by Sexrider (Post 3962329)
talk about roadside one, the one in front of Harisona hotel and hotel 89 stretch no bad loh. :D

if they have roadside girls also not bad.

nowadays disco (near car park) also got girls liao. but quality so-so, some up to standard. :p

hope one day can like GL and Jakarta, got roadside chicks! :D

Road side i think near hotel nagoya got a whole row of satay, not bad especially the last one neat to the hotel and also mutabak.

There is also TOP 100 opposite there is a road side stall the bak ku teh not bad also. Next to Queen8933, the bak ku teh also not bad.

BtmMan 31-07-2009 11:02 AM

Re: Batam Info Thread
So anyone ever try the pujesera next to Pacific disco/hotel?

BtmMan 31-07-2009 11:05 AM

Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by Sexrider (Post 3965481)

Bro, I beg for differs, sorry.
First, IMHO, no differences visit decent shop, restaurant actually. I ever seen they wash dishes in toilet (well, used to be toilet, the condition very bad) in one of the most reputable Nasi Padang restaurant.
Secondly, it is their awareness that matter, not where the place is. E.g.: I still see fly "fried" together with ikan asam manis before. Quite nice huh?
However, to be extra careful is good.

Btw, bro, do you know that some coffee shop, use tap water to make drinks? Think about those ice. :D

I fully agree with you, but for me and many people is like this, what you don't see you won't worry?
Actually if we really go think too much about all that, then can only eat at home liao, that also will be very busy keeping watch on how the maid prepare/cook the food and washes the dishes hahaha.....

newyorker88 31-07-2009 01:34 PM

Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by BtmMan (Post 3963779)
Even after spending so many years in Indo, I'll always try to avoid the road side stalls. Because you'll never know what kind of water they are using and also the freshness of the food stuff as they do not have refrigeration.
Only in situations when I was traveling long distance by road and forced to eat at those then no chioce lor....

Me ok liao. No problem with it. But the food they serve taste good.

newyorker88 31-07-2009 01:37 PM

Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by Naka_Timo (Post 3966349)
Talk abt tis hotel 89, u knw near where and is it veri new? Classified into how many stars? How the rate like?

Hotel 89 is near to TOP100 Penuin. A little further down from Penuin towards Nagoya Hill.

I think is 4 star. Got massage, but clean join, and Spa. Quite a tall hotel. Rates I am not sure. But Night KTV is near to this place.

Not a new place, I think about 3 to 4 years liao. but consider a good place, middle range hotel.

newyorker88 31-07-2009 01:41 PM

Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by BtmMan (Post 3966418)
I fully agree with you, but for me and many people is like this, what you don't see you won't worry?
Actually if we really go think too much about all that, then can only eat at home liao, that also will be very busy keeping watch on how the maid prepare/cook the food and washes the dishes hahaha.....

Hahahaha, I agree, you think those chemicals in your soft drinks are safe? And those sugar free stuff are know to be cancer causing.

At least, I know these people prepare the food properly in front of my eyes, not in resturants. You havent heard more guresome ones.

Also, in these places, you can bring ceweks to eat with you, like many other ah peks as well. They know who she is and they know what you do. You try to bring them into resturants, and you get alot of people staring at you. :D

fazer6s 31-07-2009 11:28 PM

Re: Batam Info Thread
for all Indo Pussy lovers

tante anyaaa neh mo nongkrong disini - Indonesia Communication Forums

fazer6s 31-07-2009 11:49 PM

Re: Batam Info Thread
silahkan disantap atpi agak bau - Indonesia Communication Forums

Indonesia Communication Forums

bahman 02-08-2009 01:58 AM

Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by fazer6s (Post 3968376)

nice find there bro.

but too bad can only see pic, don't understand what they say.

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