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Xyborg 27-08-2015 03:23 AM

Re: Batam Info Thread
Just finish reading ur trips up the 14th trip.
Make me very tempted to go :O But me newbie 1st timer hopefully can join those regular for some guides :P

Questions though,
basically overnight houses girls are like a "whole day" social escort? You can bring them out to walk , for lunch/dinner, for movies or massage, (but of course you have to pay for them)? so what if you don't want to bring them along for movies or so, they just gonna sit in their hotel and sleep? :O
the overnight houses girls all ok with unlimited shots one ah? or need special request and ask mami find for you? i do like the idea of having 5 shots in a night with a SYT, for the price of 1mill-1.5mill~ lol. so much cheaper compared to thais/local fls.

jellojeff 27-08-2015 05:39 AM

Re: Batam Info Thread

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1stClass 27-08-2015 08:31 AM

Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by Arilus (Post 13490931)
bro, u staying at da vienna too? anyway, where do you change your money at?

Nope. I'm staying at BIZ hotel. I changed my money at the row of shops across the road from Nagoya Hills..

1stClass 27-08-2015 08:54 AM

Re: Batam Info Thread
26 August 2015
Like I've mentioned earlier, I managed to know this lady (29) through some social networking site while in Singapore. She was kind enough to help me rent a car and be my supir. We exchange photos so we know what we are expecting from each other. But what suprised me is her 40C boobies. DAMN!! They are exceptionally firm for it's size. Oh yeah, that means I've scored!

Day started with her picking me up at the ferry terminal, go for lunch at ibu joko's then we had mani/pedi session. A lil pampering which seems to work for me. Then we proceed to check-in at the hotel. I requested to take a look at BIZ hotel's suite rooms because they are not available via online booking. For 800k, living room with a normal shower & bedroom with a jacuzzi. Pretty good I would say. Maybe for next time.
So we lie down on the bed and staring at her huge boobs with her clothes on, things start to get warm in the room. Yada yada yada, we end up being totally naked. I'm a sucker for BIG boobs and this is excellent for me. Kissed like no tomorrow and she starts to get extremely horny. Even worst than me but sadly no condom so we exercise self-control. But she made me promise that at night to buy condoms. Oh hell why not?!
We went out for a haircut at citywalk for myself only. Young small built chinese lady, but good enough skills to make me wanna sleep with the head massages. Only cost 80k. Worth every penny of it. Then we proceed to search for ANAH, wah jialat so hard to find. But yeah it's worth it. The stingray is succulent and soft. Their specialty is the sauce the use to marinate it. Ate with a generous bowl of mee soto ayam, total 120k for 3 stingrays 2 mee soto 3 drinks.
After, we went for sports massage & scrub. Clean & good massage no hanky panky at all so we actually requested for a couple room and we took the liberty to undress each other. Awwwwwwwwwesome! Them boobies OH MY GOD!! I can never get enough of them.
Back to hotel quickly stop by C.K and buy condom and once we reach the room, actions begins. I've got nothing else to say about her. But she keep waking me up for sex in the middle of the night. Before sleep 2 rounds, while sleeping another 2 rounds. I actually have to go to the hotel's 24hr minimart at 4.20am just to buy another box of condom. This woman is WILD!! And she's not stopping. I'm gonna expect another round after breakfast later..

Tata guys.

nono1973 27-08-2015 10:19 AM

Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by KohOnly21 (Post 13476600)
Juicy and nice Stingrays as promoted, best eat it with the chilli :)

No chance to try their ayam bakar as already sold out..

However, recommend to try their Redang Chicken, will be better if it's hot..

Bill for 4 persons = 157k Rupiah:

3 x Stingrays
1 x Ikan Bakar
1 x Spicy and Sour Veg Soup
2 x Redang Chicken Drumsticks
4 x Nasi
5 x Drinks (1 Canned)

Good information with the cost of food via number of mouths that eats them.

To be honest,i am actually more keen on Singalor Lau's pork stuffs than Anah after bro MicMac posted about that place :

I mean how often does one see BBQ pork in a Muslim country? Very rare, i think...most of the time will be BBQ fish,chicken or maybe even lamb,but PORK!! Phew!

Now,this is the kind of food that will bring about a good appetite (for me).


Originally Posted by ciwilover (Post 13478326)
hello guys, i notice formosa hotel check in time is 2pm so if i reach earlier i cant check in? and if so i have to check in @ 2pm won't i be missing out to book charbo?

You can still leave your luggage at the reception and go shop around 1st,even if you reach Batam at 7am in the morning. And come back later to check in. There will be a number tag or you wil be given some sort of number so that you can claim back you stuffs later when you are free to check in. And if your trip is on a weekday,most likely they will have rooms. Dont forget to check the tap water,shower tap,toilet flush,lights and wifi when you check in.

I think my reply to your question is quite similar to what i have replied to bro Celestial as below :

...under number 2.Hope it helps.


Soi6 27-08-2015 11:28 AM

Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by Naka_Timo (Post 13490668)
ACE is quite nice too, price is reasonable. Room is very nice. Around there, at night no need scare no food to eat.

But the bad points is i think the TV no football match.

When you will be there?

Yes agreed..years ago I used to stay Seruni and Sphinx was rocking.
I could be there a few days before Election or go just after Election..or both. Now just waiting some kakis to firm up some JB across border raid party..hehe
I will be alone for this Batam trip.:)
And bro..thanks for the hefty up..I almost thought sbf rosak..


Originally Posted by nono1973 (Post 13490947)
City Central also has limited TV channels,about 20 plus and no football channel too.

Just to add.

Football is a plus for sure but even Nine Days no have football. Anyway I prefer watch footbal in one of the NED bars.

Watch alone less a bar can wager a drink..:D

nono1973 27-08-2015 11:54 AM

Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by localbest (Post 13478555)
Bro nono, there are joints quoted 1.2juta but willing to lower their price but there are some like permata indah mami lely who was very reluctant to even reduce 100k when there is no supir, during low season weekday and request late delivery of cewek at 5pm.

Yes,you are right in your observation. Thats why very much often,i try to understand every joint's situation and their characteristic,like why arent they willing to lower their pricing,why even at low season there's no discount and more importantly,the late delivery (some even ask customer to pay for delivery,i heard). What i could share here is only,different joint operates by different bosses of the different joints has a different criteria for the OKTs (papi and mami) to follow. Once one is able to understand all these,they will be able to strike a better deal or i say it my way,"hit the right button" to get the best for least.

A little sneak observation just on Permata Indah as a karaoke.At the time when bro Inltuk went to this place with his sifu,it was about sunset and at that evening time,there are still so many girls ,understandable that its on a weekday,hehehe...Mami needs the girls to serve the customers at night and they (the girls) are also making money from the evening karaoke crowd too. Permata Indah Karaoke pricing isnt any cheaper than Alishan KTV as recorded. Imagine going to a Karaoke to drink w/o girls ,it wont look very nice,right?

My conclusion is,permata indah do not need to totally rely on booking girls to survive unlike most other booking joints.
(i read all FRs and keep tabs on little details and i also dwell in the respective joints to help myself understand them)

Bargaining is an Art and to win in a bargain requires the understanding of the person i bargain with.That, I am still learning and it cannot be taught.


Originally Posted by localbest (Post 13478555)
Till date, I was still figuring out how they grade their cewek in terms of pricing?
Refer to my post 27020 whether do they differentia or distinguish the quality of the cewek this way?

As mention above,different booking joints price their girls differently. It is going to take me another 4 to 5 posts (each post can only have 10k words) for me to finish writing out all my observation on each respective joint's characteristic, i am not going into that.

Base on your attached link (actually i did save a copy of it when you 1st wrote it in 2014,to learn and testify) post 27020 :

The 2 joints i find that went more off your written criteria were Bunga and Happy 8.


Originally Posted by localbest (Post 13478555)
Probably your assumption is true. Monday blues apply to all types of work including the "oldest profession in the world":D

Only the so-called big, fat, ugly, old ones not affected...:D

Hehehe...yea,before 2pm in most joints,i often see the "leftovers" from Sunday. Big,fat,old,ugly has lots of plus points too. 80% time,their service were tip top. I usually try to strike a balance between SYT and Big ,fat,Old, Ugly.

When heaven takes away something,something else will be opened,hehehe...

newyorker88 27-08-2015 12:28 PM

Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by nono1973 (Post 13492467)

Hehehe...yea,before 2pm in most joints,i often see the "leftovers" from Sunday. Big,fat,old,ugly has lots of plus points too. 80% time,their service were tip top. I usually try to strike a balance between SYT and Big ,fat,Old, Ugly.

When heaven takes away something,something else will be opened,hehehe...

hahahaha, agree.

ZachT 27-08-2015 12:36 PM

Re: Batam Info Thread
Where can I buy magic pill that actually works ? Yes Viagra or similar. Sorry if this question was already answered in the past.
Thanks 😝

miumiu6464 27-08-2015 01:46 PM


Originally Posted by jellojeff (Post 13491552)

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Yup, cheap idd calls with Simpati by adding this 5 digits.

miumiu6464 27-08-2015 01:56 PM


Originally Posted by ZachT (Post 13492573)
Where can I buy magic pill that actually works ? Yes Viagra or similar. Sorry if this question was already answered in the past.
Thanks 😝

Not magic pills, but this works. At ground floor of Hotel Sari Jaya at Nagoya, there is a pharmacy near the corner of the block. Just tell the female shopkeeper you want to drink Jamu. Tell them you just want 1 egg (for normal) or 2 eggs (for stronger version).

The normal version is good enough for most. Cost about 30k plus/minus as I always buy other stuff.

Arilus 27-08-2015 02:19 PM

Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by 1stClass (Post 13491821)
Nope. I'm staying at BIZ hotel. I changed my money at the row of shops across the road from Nagoya Hills..

Thanks bro, maybe tomoro ill go change mine at the same place too..

Soi6 27-08-2015 02:44 PM

Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by miumiu6464 (Post 13492878)
Not magic pills, but this works. At ground floor of Hotel Sari Jaya at Nagoya, there is a pharmacy near the corner of the block. Just tell the female shopkeeper you want to drink Jamu. Tell them you just want 1 egg (for normal) or 2 eggs (for stronger version).

The normal version is good enough for most. Cost about 30k plus/minus as I always buy other stuff.

In past trips, upon arrival I go to a jamu shop. Raja Mesir with 2 duck eggs and honey. Its damn potent.

In 2013 I read an indonesian article listing the types of packet jamu that are banned due to harmful chemicals. Raja Mesir is one of them. The jamu market seems poorly regulated so even though its banned they are still sold openly in jamu shops.

So buyer beware. Drink at your own risk. At my age I wont risk it anymore.:)

miumiu6464 27-08-2015 03:12 PM

Re: Batam Info Thread
Agreed. These Jamu drinks, my friend experience increased boots pressure after several occasion of taking it.

Not only Jamu, other pills are also poorly regulated too. I remember there is this pull, "urat madu" in purple packaging, that is harmful especially to those with high bp our with heart condition. It's also sold openly in pharmacy.

So, consume at your own risk. Unless you really need it, don't take it.

1stClass 27-08-2015 03:48 PM

Re: Batam Info Thread
27th August 2015
Now slacking at DC Mall alone. My "supir" has gone back cos she has to work. Therefore I will be all alone today. I did tell her if she wants, she can come back to my room after she ends work. So that has to wait and see if she'll come knock knocking on my door. Till then just gonna relax and eat till night. Haha.

I just realise that Marine Live Seafood is walking distance to BIZ hotel.. But ANAH's ikan pari (stingray) still lingering in my head. DAMN!!

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