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nono1973 29-08-2015 09:05 AM

Re: Batam Info Thread
After lunch (or brunch),we head to buy some groceries and try to check in my "junior suite". Nope,still not ready and its already we head off to Altalanta. I was looking forward to it...hehehe...

We dwell ourselves in the the spa for about 1.5 hr before heading for our massage. Tcss at the bar,surf a bit of net,grab a drink...before heading back to City Central Hotel to "check in" my room.

Before heading back to hotel for check in,we went over to top 100 super market which is about 2 mins walk away from our hotel to buy some groceries...and my groceries bill? Hehehe...

Look at the one on the left 1st..hehehe...

Yes,yes,over the 4D3N,i actually spend more than 1 juta just on groceries and the above are just half of the total grocery bill becos i thrown away most of the other smaller receipts,hehehe...yes,i am on a supermarket shopping spree. Mineral water and CDs was bought at another supermarket near Gold Bird. And i also visit Formosa provision shop on my last 2D1N too. We went to K Mart too.

Ok,finally back to hotel to check in my 1st hour in my room were like...very EXCITING? Hehehe... (notice the lizard among the pictures below?)

End of the day,the room service guy from the hotel manage to help me catch it (with my help,of course),hehehe...and we caught it w/o killing it. Anyway,the room did give me a not-so-good impression at 1st sight,not forgetting that the peep hole of the door got stuck by a very very dried up chewing gum which even the maintenance guy from the hotel couldnt get it off. And if someone knocks on my room door,i wont be able to see who's behind it.
Believe me,that maintenance guy bring no tools and try to be as helpful as possible,but well...i understand its my "cursed trip",i know things will surely go wrong in every way possible for me in this trip and i do not wish to deepen the curse,so i ask that guy to stop doing what he has in mind becos i understand it is entire impossible to pull a completely dried up chewing gum from a small tiny peep hole with just 2 fingers,hehehe....

nono1973 29-08-2015 09:11 AM

Re: Batam Info Thread
The girls arrived while we were trying to get rid of the lizard,and after all the commotion about the lizard and peep hole issue,everyone were back to our original room,be with our OTOT. This is the time where i had a good look at my room....

The hall of fame where everyone will be "fall in"

The other side of the hall

My personal combat ration

My standby room combat ration,hehehe...

The bed room no need to see liao,just a queen size bed with small window,toilet w/o bath tub with all the necessaries like toothbrush,toot paste,shower cap etc (no shaver tho). The only thing is,if i switch off the air-con in the room,ventilation will be exceptionally bad. And if toilet lights outside the toilet are turn off as well,the room will have totally zero ventilation. So imagine if someone is using the toilet with the air con turned off. The room will become hazy...very very hazy. Lucky there is a door connected to the hall where there is yet another ventilator. Again,that air ventilator is connected to yet another lighting at the hall.

Well,588k for a 1 room 1 hall kind of room,what can i ask for,hehehe...its a potential kind of room for my makeover hotel stay tho,but one major problem...that is,there too may problems,hehehe...and the most major one is they only have 1 such room in this hotel.

And their other problems includes :

1. No hair dryer
2. No door bell
3. No in house massage that is a call away,like formosa
4. Room service food only from the restaurant beside the hotel which closes at 10pm

And this is now expose in the punlic forum,i will nned to look for more alternatives becos i see in the near future,i wont be able to book this room easily. No big deal tho (i mean it)...there will always be better newer hotel rooms in Batam for my special room makeover stay,hehehe...

nono1973 29-08-2015 09:13 AM

Re: Batam Info Thread
We had dinner at Marine Live becos i was planning to go Anah BBQ stingray on the next evening dinner when my another 2 friends arrived. Since bro T hasnt been to both,and we were so we just give it a go.

Total bill turn out to be 720k,i think its quite the same as the last time i was there (760k +) and this time we have 6 person,hehehe...i have 2 girls. See,the smaller the group,i would be able to bring my own girls out for dinner,hehehe...which i rarely do if i am in a bigger group with only one taxi, as i often need to consider the impact of my every decision to others.

After dinner,head back to room to continue OTOT. Bro T and me also went downstairs later at the hotel's coffee shop for some TCSS with his girl. From our conversation,i learn that bro T wasnt very happy with his girl. Anyway,we didnt stay long becos the coffee shop closes at 10pm.

So,that end of our day 1.

Day 2 morning,time to go fetch my 2 friends. Well,they took the same ferry timing,so fetching them from harbour is easy. Brought them to the hotel i stayed,house them in before heading to money changer to make them a

We went over to Indo Rasa Food Court for brunch.

After lunch(or brunch) ,its time for the REAL SHOPPING!!

We visited practically all joints in the Basic Cheonging List except Memory. We also found the joint Hawaii Karaoke which was 1st intro in this thread by bro Hurhurrahrah :

I was pretty happy thinking there is a new joint until i found it was in fact Shellina 519, it is afterall not a new joint but an illegal booking joint turned legal. No,wait...its not Shellina 519,its actually Dolly...meaning Shellina shuts its shop,took over the place where Dolly once reside

Take a closer look at the name card's address,they are the same. But...but...the OKTs were from Shellina 519, which is which now...nevermind.

About 20 girls in there,no one in this group pick any girls from there becos it was dark due to the black out but all of them...look SYTsss. And knowing this fact,i will know this group of girls and their OKT's characteristic,most likely will cost 1 mil and above. A group of commandos has already been dispatch there while I was typing this summary...with a warning to "constantly take care of their personal belonging".

This place if run by Shellina management will have a reputation where customer/s will need to pay more in their next trip if their girls all of a sudden become more popular. Be forewarn in advance. Need to seriously bargain down the price in this joint like in Bunga.

Every booking joints price their girls differently base on the characteristic of how each of their boss wish to run their business ,every OKT has a different characteristic,therefore bargaining method with each should all be differently executed. Press the right button,and you get the BEST (and at times,the hidden gems). Something i learned from part of my experiment which I often talk about in this thread,hehehe...

Bargaining is part of Indonesia business culture in every of its country's major cities, is not invented by nono1973 hor.

nono1973 29-08-2015 09:17 AM

Re: Batam Info Thread
After settling our girlssss, we continue our journey to Nagoya Spa and Massage. Only 3 of us wish to give it a try,the other guy went back to his room for his OTOT,hehehe...Nagoya Massage and Spa was a pretty nice place even tho their shop appearnace on 1st look didnt look as impressive like those of Secret Spa,Eksa or even Majesty Spa but inside of it is completely different :

For pricing of this place,do take some time to look into my 18th trip Summary. One of my friend in another group trip rated their massage level as "almost 10/10", his exact word. 1st thing i hear from one of my friend who's in my this group trip when he step out of his massage room, excitedly come over to tell me he would rate the massage in this shop 10/

Well,to each his own. For me to compare,they are comparable with ,Spa Villa and Indo Thai kind of massage but cheaper. My yet another friend who tried Spa Secret says Spa Secret is better. So ,we are talking about quality massage with good ambience done by quality massage therapist (notice i dont use the word masseur here) with a technically higher pricing.

After all the massages,we head to top 100 to buy our provisions. Thats the receipt i didnt keep. The boys need to buy whatever they need to buy,me too. I am a supermarket shopping WE head back to hotel thereafter and everything else is OTOT until dinner time. And thats when my big problem starts (read on)...i didnt forget this is my "cursed trip" yet , so i took every bad luck that comes my way with a pinch of salt. :o

nono1973 29-08-2015 09:30 AM

Re: Batam Info Thread
Just before dinner,i already had an appointment with a bro who stays in Batam and we initially decide on Anah BBQ stingray,but there seems to be something crop up on Anah,so we decide our final destination for dinner that night to be back to Marine Live. Since bro T and myself finds the food are good,we decide that we should go again and as for the other 2 bros who came today,they havent been to Marine Live before,then all the more they should at least try. Its not lousy food,its not expensive comparing with any other 3rd World countries (i dont compare with Sillypore at all becos its totally a different level altogether and believe me,everything will be cheap if one compare with Sillypore). So our appointment was set to eat there and meeting up for dinner would be 745pm at the hotel lobby.

Anyway before dinner starts and during MY own OTOT,one of my girl had an toothache. I know both girls well enough,they are not those that would came out with patterns that pretends to act sick. Seeing her kneeling in pain on the bed breaks my heart. On the 1st night nothing was wrong,but 2nd day suddenly toothache until so bad,could it be due to too much bbbj? LOLOL. *just joking*

Anyway,i got the driver to bring us to Doctor Gigi,hehehe... (Doctor Gigi means name sound so nice huh?)

Now,there's a problem,it appears that there is a long queue,the whole waiting time cost me an hour,so 1 man and 2 girls were waiting for the Doctor Gigi to see my girl. One thing surprise me tho,the dentist actually allows 3 person to enter the dental room where me and my other girl can look at what he is doing to his patient.

Needless to say,i took a photo of Doctor Gigi's back view. I should have request for a female Doctor Gigi,hehehe...there are actually quite a few female doctors there. Forget the nurse,the prettier ones are the docs. Anyone notice here that there is actually a TV for the patient to watch while the Doctor Gigi operates on their tooth?

Anyway,1 hour of waiting,and another 45 mins of looking at how Doctor Gigi operate on my girl's tooth.Total time burnt inside the clinic is 1 hour 45mins. And the cost of the Doctor Gigi operation :

I calculated the timing and i know i am going to be late for the dinner meet up at the lobby,so i sms 2 bros telling them to inform the rest that i will be late. I didnt inform them where i was tho. Wait later they come join me,then sure crowd up the Even tho i took a driver out to the clinic,i still have another driver on standby in case of emergency,hehehe...and the bro who suppose to join us at the lobby for dinner at Marine Live also drives and he drove a bigger car and his partner drives a smaller one. So we actually have 4 vehicles (1 on standby).

After the Doctor Gigi thingy and on my way back,i dao bao aka buy some porridge back for the 2 girls as one of them just finished her tooth operation.Upon reaching the hotel lobby, I saw all of them were already waiting and most likely very hungry too (hopefully not angry). I was late for about 30 mins. Sorry to all who joined me and linked up with me in this trip.

Obviously,my 2 girls couldnt join me for dinner and off we set off to Marine Live. We have a total of 9 to 10 person in 3 different vehicles. Marine Live sea food how good and how good no need me to say anymore especially from someone who dont even take their seafood at all. The highlight of the meal to me is MAINLY..........
(Picture is from bro Micmac's post)

During dinner we had lots of tcss,we had like 12 to 14 dishes in that dinner.In fact no one really counted but it is approximately 13 dishes. The food was so much but we still finished 95% of it and those we didnt finish were mainly the fruits which was serve as desserts. i regretted not da bao-ing (pack back to eat) Some planned to watch a movie after dinner but due to the bad timing,they eventually call it off.

After dinner,we bid good bye to our friends who send us to Marine Live seafood and yet still send us back to our hotel.There we were suppose to returned to our respective room but we have to clear our respective dinner debts,so we all "fall in" in my room hall 30 mins later. Little did we know that we would end up with even more TCSS until close to midnight before heading back for our OTOT 4 guys all sharing some close enough Batam cheonging frequency gets together,shares our respective experience and fun on our girls. What else can be more carefree than (moreover i have enough drinks aka combat ration to go around for all w/o the need to run to the provision shop again)

At this point,i was actually at war with myself,if I should extend another night. Becos I know it's a cursed trip,everything else that comes even for a 3rd night WILL NEVER be good.

nono1973 29-08-2015 09:47 AM

Re: Batam Info Thread
Morning came,knowing all my friends are heading back to Sillypore,i finally decide that i should go solo in my 3rd night and told my friends about it. So we headed out to Momo for breakfast and when we reach,only to be disappointed by its closure at 12pm. I knew about the opening and closing timing of Momo but i simply have too many things in mind during then,like budgetting for a 3rd night stay,getting another hotel to stay etc etc. Nevermind,we head to Meximo Pub Wan Tan Mee for becomes brunch by the time we

After brunch,we head back to hotel to pack our things up getting ready for check out. 1 of the bro decide to extend another night too,so that means for the 3rd night in Batam,we have 2 men left. About 1pm,we checked out..

Move to Kaha,grab 2 rooms from Formosa Hotel and moved there to check in. And becos we have extend our stay with extra room,the other 2 bros were able to delay their ferry ride back to Sillypore. Since those who wish to extend another night wish to extend their girls,there was no joint shopping this time.We just head to the respective joints,grab our girls and back to hotel again for some TCSS before sending the 2 bros to Harbour Bay to return to "near hell",hehehe...

After sending the boys back to "near hell",we decide to revitalize ourselves...thats where we go for our "chocolate" drink mixed with some honey (Jamu is what its called,I think) :

And the thought about revitalization brings about an idea to bring my friend who extend another night stay to a massage place not shown in the cheong list before. The name of the shop? Nope,i was advise against sharing it in the public. Its on my personal private list and yes,the rating as according to my friend/s who was a seasoned Batam traveller,was GOOD! Above average,etc etc. The best for least w/o the pollutants.

Nothing much after the massage,we had our girls when we returned and meet up for dinner later at the Formosa Hotel Lobby. With only 2 men and 3 girls left for the trip,we were all able to bring our girls for dinner that night at a more quiet and cosy place :

The bill for 5 pax for normal indo food cost around 230k. Remember,there was this store value card that everytime we wish to buy from any of the food stores in this food mall,we will need to to top up? Almost every Batam trip,i will drop in here to eat as the food is not expensive,place is cosy and gives an open air romantic ambience.

Anyway,after dinner,we all head back to our rooms to continue the OTOT,hehehe...

Back to my room,after an hour or so of rest and relax,i order a special massage service,a 2 + 2 massage...hehehe...a super tiny sneak preview for what i am planning to do in my future Batam trips (and believe me,this is really ONLY a very tiny part,hehehe...) :

My plan is at experiment stage so there's no concrete information as what i will be doing yet.

Anyway,the bro who joined me in this extension need to get back to Sillypore early next morning,i got the unreliable driver to pick him up to head to Harbour while i stayed till noon time. Everything else was quite SOP,had the free breakfast after my girls left,went over to have a massage at yet another private massage place,had come back preparing myself to check out and there,i am back to "hell" with a heart which is looking forward to my 20th Batam trip on Sept 2015. It will be a good 20th Batam trip on Sept 2015,i am almost sure about it.

Basically this trip summary as anyone could see it, is pretty brief and contains more information than the actual experience. Other than the part of the TCSS,getting together with friends who share similar frequency which is good,the rest didnt really get up to my expectation. The massage in this trip was just average,my 2 favorite girls who can easily hit up to 8/10 during a 1 on 1 now score barely a 6/10 when being paired.

Now as i end this summary,i will be looking to plan my itinerary for Sept 2015,a trip that i am already looking forward to. Will my 20th trip on Sept be better than my 19th one during Aug? Hehehehe....we'll see....we'll see...

~~~~~~End of Summary~~~~~~

* after this summary,i can now focus on planning my next trip to Batam,hehehe...

1stClass 29-08-2015 10:30 AM

Re: Batam Info Thread
28 August 2015

So she did come back, not surprising though given how much she kept waking me up the night before. But when she came after work, I already dozed off so she called on my phone and keep ringing the bell. Haha!

We had 2 rounds till the next morning but I personally think I had the best doggie experience of my life. 15-20mins of continuous hair pulling, hips tugging, shoulder pulling & boobs grabbing doggie style. All the way she was moaning. As I took the deluxe room, my room is at the end of the building, near the lift & housekeeping room but away from all other guest rooms, so I am pretty sure whoever's at the lift or the housekeeping would have heard those noises. It was loud that it kinda scares me. Haha.

And something about me scares her. She ask me to give her a baby. I'm like errr.. NO?! I come up with alot of lame excuses to avoid her request. Luckily she stopped.

For all the bros who ask me for her number, i'm sorry but I can't do that. She is not your typical booking girls, she is just someone I made friends with then it turned into this. She will definitely reject you cos it is not what she do for a living. In fact, I didn't "pay" her for her company.. I'm just lucky to be able to create the intimacy and connection with her. There might be a round 2 somewhere before the end of the year..

mighty_mouse 29-08-2015 10:40 AM

Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by nono1973 (Post 13500569)

Now as i end this summary,i will be looking to plan my itinerary for Sept 2015,a trip that i am already looking forward to. Will my 20th trip on Sept be better than my 19th one during Aug? Hehehehe....we'll see....we'll see...

~~~~~~End of Summary~~~~~~

* after this summary,i can now focus on planning my next trip to Batam,hehehe...

Camping here for 20th trip date!!!

Cheers !

Control9191 29-08-2015 02:43 PM

Re: Batam Info Thread
Will be going batam soon , first time. Any bro got girls to intro or teach me how to have fun and hook up first . Pm me please thank you

Control9191 29-08-2015 02:53 PM

Re: Batam Info Thread
I will be going to batam next week and it will be my first time . Any bro here can guide me where to find girls or find girls through social media while I'm in Singapore and also where to party and eat . Thnk you

ciwilover 29-08-2015 03:23 PM

Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by Control9191 (Post 13501684)
I will be going to batam next week and it will be my first time . Any bro here can guide me where to find girls or find girls through social media while I'm in Singapore and also where to party and eat . Thnk you

bro u should read nono guide.

Black Page 29-08-2015 05:03 PM

Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by nono1973 (Post 13500529)
Anyway before dinner starts and during MY own OTOT,one of my girl had an toothache.
Anyway,i got the driver to bring us to Doctor Gigi,hehehe... (Doctor Gigi means name sound so nice huh?)
And the cost of the Doctor Gigi operation :

I apologize in advance if I missed something, but if I well understand you took care of the tooth of the girl you booked in joint and you paid the dentist bill?
My friend, I knew already you are a serious solid person, but let me applaude. THUMBS UP!
You did the right thing. I don't know how many of those who usually book girls there would have done that.

Axia 29-08-2015 05:09 PM

Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by mighty_mouse (Post 13500767)
Camping here for 20th trip date!!!

Cheers !

HAHA that wat I m thinking too... camping n wait for bro nono sepr trip... to me would be a newbie trip though.. :D

Hurhurrahrah 29-08-2015 08:33 PM

Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by nono1973 (Post 13500487)
I was pretty happy thinking there is a new joint until i found it was in fact Shellina 519, it is afterall not a new joint but an illegal booking joint turned legal. No,wait...its not Shellina 519,its actually Dolly...meaning Shellina shuts its shop,took over the place where Dolly once reside

^Oopsie, sorry to let you down bro :(

manicals 30-08-2015 01:15 AM

Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by nono1973 (Post 13495462)
You have proven your point to me that once another person which in this case is a taxi driver knowing that you are in a lowerhand (since you miss the shuttle bus),they will "slaughter" you. Thats why i try to ALWAYS have a plan B,or at least build one to prevent myself getting into such situation. So that i will not be held ransom by anyone.

Taxi service alternative if all else fail (for me) :

Tis is good info,nono.

Thx for sharing

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