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micmac888 04-09-2015 01:29 AM

Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by DDAMn (Post 13525284)
Yup was me.

Then by any chance were u at Janssen last month ~1-2 weeks ago and with a female companion?

nono1973 04-09-2015 08:41 AM

Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by gab23 (Post 13519260)
for me, i am very lazy go around shop, and need luck in it, if heng ur whole nite will b good if not than too bad lor.
my past few trips, i always hunt around wif wechat, chat them up, n than book them when going for next trip.

"Hunters" and "shoppers" has different direction in Batam,hehehe...both has different risk factor. I guess i am better in "shopping" therefore i stick to what i do best.


Originally Posted by gab23 (Post 13519260)
tis trip consider ok la, except one call tika from wechat. chat wif her last trip, about 3 weeks ago, so last nite ass itchy wan book her, st 400, overnite 1.2m.

Most wechat girls are overly priced from a shopper's point of view. In case you didnt know,nowaday booking joint girls also market themselves in wechat/watsapp too. If i hunt,i will hunt late (after midnite) and i expect to halved their price. :p


Originally Posted by gab23 (Post 13519260)
from profile pic, looks good. after she arrived at 1030am, she ask wat i wan, so told her overnite, n she ask for payment first, but i not enough cash, so give her 100 sgd. as i usually build up chemistry from massage first, she i really dunno wat do, cos she dun do massage, or sucks at it. so we just lie on bed n face our hp n she fall asleep later. now comes the stunt liao, after 2 hours, she woke up go toilet, after tat say she lai ang, will ask her friend come take over her, so i let her go n pass her 100k take cab, after about half hour i wechat her, check her friend status, she block me.

Hmm...from a personal perspective,payment before service starts is quite "dangerous" when one gets a freelancer,bro. Anyway,i am sure you ever have a good time before with wechat girls,and as much there are good times,on and off bound to have some not-so-good ones. This applies to shopping on girls from booking joints too.

Just that as a shopper,i choose not to take "too much uncalculated risk" as i dont speak their language. Just a play safe strategy i used for myself,hehehe...


Originally Posted by gab23 (Post 13519260)
so whole nite lan lan sleep alone, n paid 100 for nothing

S$100 or 100k? Did you at least get 1 shot? :confused:


Originally Posted by Black Page (Post 13519522)
We "work" on different time shifts

Hunters and shoppers has different targets and objectives,hehehe...:p

iicycold 04-09-2015 10:29 AM

Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by nono1973 (Post 13524727)

If your timing can fit in and planned to join me,do read the Terms and Conditions link written inside the itinerary before you PM me. Hoping for you and everyone's understanding here.

Meantime,i am counting down my days to go Batam,hehehe...and am looking forward to it (its suppose to be a blessed trip,you know?hehehe...).

5 more days to go!!

Hav a gd trip,bro. It's a newbie trip,i wnt be joining u.

If got time will go yr hotel ka jiao u all. :D

iicycold 04-09-2015 10:37 AM

Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by Ozziej (Post 13523392)
What's the best naughty massage near Nagoya Hill Mall?

U can try Spa Secret,Sakura Massage & Spa or Majestic Spa.

All around Nagoya Hill Mall. They r all very very naughty,they tease me with their beauty & touch during massage sexxion but never pop GQ. Wen i ask for it,they also dnt gif me,even wen i offer to pay em.

U say they naughty or not? :D

charkueh 04-09-2015 10:55 AM

Re: Batam Info Thread
Just a quick summary to share.....

Have been a while since I last visited Batam 3-4 years ago.

Aside from the ridiculous cabby fee, I think it is one of the better experience I had so far in Batam. The hotel is nice, cosy and reasonably cheap with nice breakfast. Best of all, also managed to enjoy one of the best bonk so far with a reasonably cute lady.

As it was an impromptu trip that was decided last minute, nothing was really plan before hand. Managed to secure the La Vienna Hotel at some discounted price which is highly recommended in the booking website. After checking in the hotel, went straight for the hunting game with a bike cabby.

After viewing a couple of karaoke and massage joints, finally managed to secure my girl at New Berries and everything else is history.

Will be heading back to Sillipore soon and heading to some anonymous political rallies over the weekend. :)

gab23 04-09-2015 11:26 AM

Re: Batam Info Thread
100sgd, no shot

Balmung 04-09-2015 11:43 AM

Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by iicycold (Post 13526757)
U can try Spa Secret,Sakura Massage & Spa or Majestic Spa.

All around Nagoya Hill Mall. They r all very very naughty,they tease me with their beauty & touch during massage sexxion but never pop GQ. Wen i ask for it,they also dnt gif me,even wen i offer to pay em.

U say they naughty or not? :D

That was funny.

newyorker88 04-09-2015 12:09 PM

Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by gab23 (Post 13526919)
100sgd, no shot

where? what? massage?

nono1973 04-09-2015 12:19 PM

Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by newyorker88 (Post 13527065)
where? what? massage?

I tink it should be wechat massage + overnight deal that got called off :

Leoric 04-09-2015 02:37 PM

Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by nono1973 (Post 13513935)
According to the unreliable driver,most time when the girls were unwell,they will prescribe their own medication base on their own knowledge and at best,they visit some sort of unlicensed doctor/s who will prescribe some kind of medication or even give some sort of injection which were charge way cheaper than the bill you see on my 19th Batam Trip and the Doctor Gigi i brought them to was considered as expensive from their perspective (i notice more than half of the clinic patients were Indo Chinese). I have seen no less than 3 girls who suffer from injection wound infections later after seeing an unlicensed doctor and even heard of one that passes on after an illegal abortion done by those unlicensed doctors.

After the dental ordeal,i can see from the girls eyes that they were appreciative and that is enough for me.


Originally Posted by nono1973 (Post 13513935)
Nothing to applaud about,likely you or most others would have done the same, if not better.

1st night - 600k per girl = 1200k
2nd night - 500k per girl = 1000k (i learned something from both girls)
3rd night - 600k per girl = 1200k (last min decision so cannot use the method the girls taught me)

1st night tip - 100k/each (usually i tip 150k/each)
2nd night tip - 100k/each (usually i tip 150k/each)
3rd night tip - 100k/each (usually i tip 150k/each)

Total saving : 200k on booking fee + 300k on tipping = 500k
Dental bill : 420k

Looking at my own calculation above,i dont see myself losing money.

By paying the dental bill,the whole booking joint where they work knows me as a "nice guy". (1st day of the trip,my friend and i didnt go joint shopping ,we only do so on the 2nd day and i stayed in Batam for 3 nights) Every girls from old to young,SYT to MILF hope to be book by me,hence i kind of earned a good reputation,hehehe...what kind of service do you think i might get if i book any girls from that joint again? Not very sure,but i am kind of sure they definitely wont runaway. Not forgetting there are new girls in the joint that just arrived whom i can impress (hehehe...) and every girl in this trade also hope they will be book by a "nice guy" rather than a not-so-nice one,hehehe...

Did i lose anything? I dont think i lose a dime there.I learned "their way/s" to bring their 600k girl/s to 500k (not sharing for now), i earned a good reputation which spread in their joints and i got a much more enhanced O.W.E (obedient wife element) from both girls.1 stone kill a few birds,hehehe...and if guys who book girls from booking joints are not so thought-impulsive,think further and stay focus on their objective/s,i am almost sure nearly all of them will do what i did.

Help those in need within my strength,i will (even if unrelated to me).Splurging on girls just for them to give some promised good service or allowing them a chance to take me as a carrot head (Eg,go shopping spree,eating meals at tourist spot etc) would be a big NO NO. I am after all a stingy man. :D

I am looking forward to be a "penis wise" and hopefully another pound wiser in my future Batam cheonging plans,hehehehe...:D

I was surprise by hw u reacted when i read yr reply above. Apparently,u just turned another situation into an opportunity for yr coming btm trips,perhaps even further into future ones.

I'd still believe not many btm cheongsters will be willing to send their booking girls to any clinic if they were unwell (as so many r faking it as an excuse to leave). Most would just send them back to joint,it's the next best thg to do anyway. Then again,u probably already knew those girls u helped well,tat's y u have such confident to earn an opportunity out of wat most would think is bad luck.

Good job there!

nono1973 04-09-2015 08:30 PM

Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by KohOnly21 (Post 13519597)
1) They don't always give competitive rate
2) They sometimes ask how much you are changing before providing you the rate based on the amount of money you are changing.
3) Their rate in the morning and during night sucks
4) They do judge their customer first (Newbie face or regular face)

Very much often,the 2 money changers with prettier girls will wave at me and signal me to go to them,bro M was one of them in my previous previous group trip who got called over,hehehe..too bad the girls arent my type,hehehe...色字头上一把刀 ,translate to " there is a knife above the character for lust".

For me,late morning is often the best rate (10am-11.30am, i notice),early noon still ok,maybe becos more customers and they are competing but i was advise against changing at night by quite a few money changers who knows me. They told me they were unable to access to some sort of real time exchange rate connection (with banks) and any small mistake would result in lost hence rates are usually not very good after 8pm.


Originally Posted by KohOnly21 (Post 13519597)
Currently, those money changers that i frequently visited has the following pluspoint:

1) They will only give their best rate at all time
2) No matter i change $20, $40, $400 or $1000 are the same rate (Maybe more than $1000 can request for the boss to provide slightly better rate)
3) Welcome anybody

What you say on the 1st 2 applies to me opposite Formosa hotel too. :D

I check online before i go to money changer,if rate is 9820/SGD,i know i will get...hehehe...yes,even if i change S$50.


Originally Posted by KohOnly21 (Post 13519597)
Those money changers in the malls often offer rp 50/100 to 200 lower for every SGD 1.00 changed, comparing to the average rate offered outside the malls.

If comparing getting the best rate vs shopping malls rate, some times the differences can be as much as 200-300 rp for every SGD 1.00 changed.

Every $100 changed = loss 20,000-30,000 rp
Every $500 changed = loss 100,000-150,000 rp

True,especially those around the entrance area of most mall. They have some of the WORST rate. Wait,the Batam center and Harbour bay were the worst,mall entrance area holds the 2nd worst position (at times the same).


Originally Posted by KohOnly21 (Post 13519597)
It's really amusing to see many tourists taking taxi from Nagoya Hill to Formosa/ Formosa to Nagoya Hill for 50,000/60,000 rp per trip.

Agree and more amusingly,they still say very cheap.

I met a bro (not in this forum) in Formosa Hotel who is about to take a taxi to Nagoya hill mall. I bring him to the small road dividing between Lucky Plaza and Formosa Hotel which takes 5 sec walk and point to him Nagoya Hill Mall which is within sight. He looked a bit surprised tho, but man being a man,has some level of pride.He thanked me, bid me farewell and continue to take his taxi to Nagoya Hill mall,hehehe... (for 50k)

It happens. ;) (and will continue to)


Originally Posted by KohOnly21 (Post 13519597)
Usually for nearby places, the lowest the taxi driver will ask are 30,000 rp. In this case, i would recommend calling Silver Cab/Blue Bird (Metered Taxi). If the fare turn up to be less than 25,000 rp, you just pay the minimum charges of 25,000 rp will do. The call operator of Silver Cab/Bluebird can speak pretty decent English.

For those who didnt know Blue Bird's contact number :


Originally Posted by KohOnly21 (Post 13519597)
1 more thing i realized, these metered taxi can be considered worst than the normal taxi as so far in my experience, none of the metered taxi has returned changes to me as told by them that they do not have any small changes. However, i do encountered plenty of the normal taxi giving me back my changes after the ride.

I am curious,how much will it cost to take Silver cab to Sekupang (around KTM resort)?

I am even more curious if anyone would ever take silver cab to Galang Island's ex viet Camp ? :D

Just asking out of curiosity if it will exceed 100k.

ciwilover 04-09-2015 10:02 PM

Re: Batam Info Thread
hi bros,
i am planning a trip on 21 to 23 sep is it advisable? will it be deserted town with no cewek?

Arilus 04-09-2015 10:21 PM

Re: Batam Info Thread
Currently at Cock&Bull Restaurant in NED...the food is affordable but a bit high for the local side.

CelestialBeing 04-09-2015 10:57 PM

Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by nono1973 (Post 13522555)

You know what i am keen to do? If given the right time with a heaven-arranged-fate,i would like to bring bro CelestialBeing on a taxi to Gold Bird and get him to book the same girl (or perhaps its equivalent) at a 100k discount. (even if i have mention before that Gold Bird is my least confident place i can get a good bargain)

I'm sure there will be a chance for us to have a trip together in the future.. i was looking forward to the release of ur Sept itinerary since its gonna be a newbie trip, im a newbie, but sadly couldn't free up my schedule during the time period. Looking forward to learning more abt Batam from u when the time comes haha.

CelestialBeing 04-09-2015 11:00 PM

Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by fishingman (Post 13523126)
Better learning his how to reduce 1.5 juta girl to 1.2 juta or lower better. Like tat u conform surely get SSYT 18-19 yo at the lowest price.

During my first solo trip, i saw a SYT i like at Happy8, she wasn't gathered by the Mami like the rest of the girls, only when i shown no interest in the ceweks she gathered did she bring me to the back to show her. Quoted me 1.5 Juta, once i said too expensive, and turn around to walk away, she straight away down her offer to 1.2 Juta. Well its my first trip, i wanted to test water and get a girl at aroound 1 Juta so i still let up the offer.

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