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Espada 11-10-2015 02:20 PM

Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by Black Page (Post 13689453)
As a pragmatic PhD engineer who trusts in Science, of course I think that ghosts and possessions are simply bulls**t. I am amazed to read all this. Come on! We are in 2015, not in the Middle Age! But certainly I do not expect I could convince anyone.
I just wish to reassure everyone (especially my friend above) about the source of those Bibles that we find in most hotels in ALL THE WORLD. It's not a group of fanatic exorcists who place them as evil seeds or as shields against ghosts.

Is this woman is possessed or crazy?

mrbondy2k 11-10-2015 03:35 PM

Re: Batam Info Thread
FR Report

Thursday I was in Batam. After the breakfast at Mcdonalds took a long walk. Came across the AVA vegetable market. After the market crossed two lanes. Saw this Madurani Remembered they offer HJ by MILF. But noticed another join Javana Massage. Walked inside saw reception 50+ years receptionist.She spoke very good english. Asked her how much for Massage. She said VIP room 120K. Went and saw room ok. no door but curtain.
Booked room told her that I need young girl with good attitude.She suggested Ayu.

Name: Ayu
Massage 6
Attitude 8
Autoroam (only top) Yes
HJ with auto roam Damage 150K
Look 7
Soft boobs.

I have not seen any report in Bro Nano or NewYorker list on Javana Massage. You may add it if relevant. Thanks

nono1973 11-10-2015 05:00 PM

Re: Batam Info Thread
Now this is one of the latest exorcism movie that is currently showing in Batam's Cinema 21 (a Horror movie) :

Storyline :

THE VATICAN TAPES follows the ultimate battle between good and evil - God versus Satan. Angela Holmes is an ordinary 27-year-old until she begins to have a devastating effect on anyone close, causing serious injury and death.

Holmes is examined and possession is suspected, but when the Vatican is called upon to exorcise the demon, the possession proves to be an ancient satanic force more powerful than ever imagined. It's all up to Father Lozano to wage war for more than just Angela's soul, but for the world as we know it.


Found the Emily Rose story relatively related while looking thru the movies in Batam (exorcism-related).

Below are some interesting stuffs on Emily Rose that i just read and i am using the forum Hide code to hide it from those who doesnt wish to read more :

( Click to show/hide )
Emily Rose: The Real Story of Anneliese Michel's Exorcism

From her birth on the 21st of September, 1952, Anneliese Michel enjoyed the life of a normal, religiously nurtured young girl. Without warning, her life changed on a day in 1968 when she began shaking and found she was unable to control her body. She could not call out for her parents, Josef and Anna, or any of her 3 sisters. A neurologist at the Psychiatric Clinic Wurzburg diagnosed her with “Grand Mal” epilepsy. Because of the strength of the epileptic fits, and the severity of the depression that followed, Anneliese was admitted for treatment at the hospital.

Soon after the attacks began, Anneliese started seeing devilish grimaces during her daily praying. It was the fall of 1970, and while the young people of the world were enjoying the liberal freedoms of the time, Anneliese was battling with the belief that she was possessed. It seemed there was no other explanation for the appearance of devilish visions during her prayers. Voices also began following her, saying Anneliese will “stew in hell”. She mentioned the “demons” to the doctors only once, explaining that they have started to give her orders. The doctors seem unable to help, and Anneliese lost hope that medicine was going to be able to cure her.

In the summer of 1973, her parents visited different pastors to request an exorcism. Their requests were rejected and they were given recommendations that the now 20 year old Anneliese should continue with medication and treatment. It was explained that the process by which the Church proves a possession (Infestatio) is strictly defined, and until all the criteria are met, a Bishop can not approve an exorcism. The requirements, to name a few, include an aversion to religious objects, speaking in a language the person has never learned, and supernatural powers.

In 1974, after supervising Anneliese for some time, Pastor Ernst Alt requested a permit to perform the exorcism from the Bishop of Wurzburg. The request was rejected, and a recommendation soon followed saying that Anneliese should live even more of a religious lifestyle in order to find peace. The attacks did not diminish, and her behavior become more erratic. At her parents’ house in Klingenberg, she insulted, beat, and began biting the other members of her family. She refused to eat because the demons would not allow it. Anneliese slept on the stone floor, ate spiders, flies, and coal, and even began drinking her own urine. She could be heard screaming throughout the house for hours while breaking crucifixes, destroying paintings of Jesus, and pulling apart rosaries. Anneliese began committing acts of self-mutilation at this time, and the act of tearing off her clothes and urinating on the floor became commonplace.

After making an exact verification of the possession in September 1975, the Bishop of Wurzburg, Josef Stangl, assigned Father Arnold Renz and Pastor Ernst Alt with the order to perform “The Great Exorcism” on Anneliese Michel. The basis for this ritual was the “Rituale Romanum”, which was still, at the time, a valid Cannon Law from the 17th century. It was determined that Anneliese must be saved from the possession by several demons, including Lucifer, Judas Iscariot, Nero, Cain, Hitler, and Fleischmann, a disgraced Frankish Priest from the 16th century, and some other damned souls which had manifested through her. From September ’75 until July ’76, one or two exorcism sessions were held each week. Anneliese’s attacks were sometimes so strong that she would have to be held down by 3 men, or even chained up. During this time, Anneliese found her life somewhat return to normal as she could again go to school, take final examinations at the Pedagogic Academy in Wurzburg, and go to church.

The attacks, however, did not stop. In fact, she would more often find herself paralyzed and falling unconscious than before. The exorcism continued over many months, always with the same prayers and incantations. Sometimes family members and visitors, like one married couple that claims to have “discovered” Anneliese, would be present during the rituals. For several weeks, Anneliese denied all food. Her knees ruptured due to the 600 genuflections she performed obsessively during the daily exorcism. Over 40 audio tapes record the process, in order to preserve the details.

The last day of the Exorcism Rite was on June 30th, 1976, and Anneliese was suffering at this point from Pneumonia. She was also totally emaciated, and running a high fever. Exhausted and unable to physically perform the genuflections herself, her parents stood in and helped carry her through the motions. “Beg for Absolution” is the last statement Anneliese made to the exorcists. To her mother, she said, “Mother, I’m afraid.” Anna Michel recorded the death of her daughter on the following day, July 1st, 1976, and at noon, Pastor Ernst Alt informed the authorities in Aschaffenburg. The senior prosecutor began investigating immediately.

A short time before these final events unfolded, William Friedkin’s “The Exorcist” (1974) came to the cinemas in Germany, bringing with it a wave of paranormal hysteria that flooded the nation. Psychiatrists all over Europe reported an increase of obsessive ideas among their patients. Prosecutors took more than 2 years to to take Annaliese’s case to court, using that time to sort through the bizarre facts. Anneliese’s parents and the two exorcists were accused of negligent homocide. The “Klingenberg Case” would be decided upon two questions: What caused the death of Anneliese Michel, and who was responsible?

According the forensic evidence, “Anneliese starved to death”. Specialists claimed that if the accused would have begun with forced feeding one week before her death, Anneliese’s life would have been saved. One sister told the court that Anneliese did not want to go to a mental home where she would be sedated and forced to eat. The exorcists tried to prove the presence of the demons, playing taped recordings of strange dialogues like that of two demons arguing about which one of them would have to leave Anneliese’s body first. One of the demons called himself Hitler, and spoke with a Frankish accent (Hitler was born in Austria). Not one of those present during the exorcism ever had a doubt about the authenticity of the presence of these demons.

The psychiatrists, who had been ordered to testify by the court, spoke about the “Doctrinaire Induction”. They said that the priests had provided Anneliese with the contents of her psychotic behavior. Consequentially, they claimed, she later accepted her behavior as a form of demonic possession. They also offered that Anneliese’s unsettled sexual development, along with her diagnosed Temporal Lobe Epilepsy, had influenced the psychosis.

The verdict was considered by many as not as harsh as they expected. Anneliese’s parents, as well as the exorcists, were found guilty of manslaughter resulting from negligence and omitting first aid. They were sentenced to 6 months in jail and probation. The verdict included the opinion of the court that the accused should have helped by taking care of the medical treatment that the girl needed, but instead, their use of naive practices aggravated Anneliese’s already poor constitution.

A commission of the German Bishop-Conference later declared that Anneliese Michel was not possessed, however, this did not keep believers from supporting her struggles, and it was because so many believed in her that Anneliese’s body did not find peace with death. Her corpse was exhumed eleven and a half years after her burial, only to confirm that it had decayed as would have been expected under normal circumstances. Today, her grave remains a place of pilgrimage for rosary-praying and for those who believe that Anneliese Michel bravely fought the devil.

In 1999, Cardinal Medina Estevez presented journalists in Vatican-City the new version of the “Rituale Romanum” that has been used by the Catholic Church since 1614. The updates came after more than 10 years of editing and is called “De exorcismis et supplicationibus quibusdam” otherwise known as “The exorcism for the upcoming millennium”. The Pope approbated the new Exorcism Rite, which is now allowed for worldwide use. This new form of exorcism came after the German Bishop-Conference demanded to ultimately abolish the “Rituale Romanum”. It also came more than 20 years after Anneliese Michel had died.

The video below is purportedly a recording from part of the actual exorcism of Emily Rose and features some really brutal imagery and terrifying sounds.

HelloWAH 11-10-2015 05:38 PM

Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by mrbondy2k (Post 13691236)
FR Report

Name: Ayu
Massage 6
Attitude 8
Autoroam (only top) Yes
HJ with auto roam Damage 150K
Look 7
Soft boobs.

I have not seen any report in Bro Nano or NewYorker list on Javana Massage. You may add it if relevant. Thanks

My friend. Don,t waste your time giving information here. When you are in red now. I no need to explain much and you know what i mean. Better masturbate than wasting time writing here. Here got many idiots like to give red to other sometime without using their idiot fucking rotten brain. PUIIII.:p

iicycold 11-10-2015 06:55 PM

Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by nono1973 (Post 13691520)
Now this is one of the latest exorcism movie that is currently showing in Batam's Cinema 21 (a Horror movie) :

U forgot Pan? Oso shwing in Batam cinema 21. :D

iicycold 11-10-2015 07:13 PM

Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by nono1973 (Post 13686505)

U are 4ever reminding yrself :D

any updates on yr Oct btm trip?


Originally Posted by mrbondy2k (Post 13691236)
I have not seen any report in Bro Nano or NewYorker list on Javana Massage. You may add it if relevant. Thanks

hav a look at the list again if u read,info's there

extract frm above link -

- Javana( infront of furama hotel): mix of milf & syt, however, more towards milf

thx for sharing

hawkeye007 11-10-2015 10:21 PM

Re: Couple massage with specials

Originally Posted by Black Page (Post 13689480)
I know this is a strange request, but I try anyway. :rolleyes:

Does anyone know if in any massage place (I mean a real massage place, not a booking joint) it is possible to have couple massage, that is me and my girlfriend are treated by two girls in the same room? With "treated", I mean good professional massage, relaxing, bath, etc.

AND (this is more tricky) is there any place where such couple massage may include also a special of any kind?
If anyone knows, I will be grateful to receive any insight, even by PM. Thanks a lot!

I was wondering what happens if I show up with one of my girlfriends at Octopus, Atalanta, or some other "high end" spa...

Plenty of spas around in batam that offers couple massage...

Examples are Spa Secret, Relax Spa, etc.. I like the couples' therapy room that comes with a twin jacuzzi bathtub... Good for some raba-raba activities after the massage & body scrub... :D

saxophone 11-10-2015 10:29 PM

Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by iicycold (Post 13673784)
Hi bro,i can up u only 3 pts,the rest of the other 26 pts could've been up by other bros who appreciated yr effort on yr earlier FR. U r new to the forum & u now have 1 power & can up others 1 pt.

Okie,i did sm read up. I just tried up u 1 pt for testing. :D


nono1973 12-10-2015 08:25 AM

Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by PigletDiDi (Post 13656339)
A late review from the recent trip sep 28 2d1n with another sammyboyforum bro.

Thank you for sharing an FR.


Originally Posted by PigletDiDi (Post 13656339)
Then process to my favorite moonlight massage, is near avana fresh market. 80k for about 1 hr normal room massage top up 200k for a hj. But i prefer rubba so requested just massage around the groin area.

Looks like you like piano massage,hehehe...:D

But can see you are clever not to take the room massage with showering facilities cos the bath tub tap do not produce hot water the last time i was there. The girl did try to keep me warm DURING the cold bath tho,hehehe...


Originally Posted by PigletDiDi (Post 13656339)
So my coming trip will be in Dec, any bro interest to bring me explore can pm me. Will recuit more bros together to Alisan ktv better quality.

Dec is a hot month (lots of people on holiday in Batam). Better quality girls yes, and more crazy ones too,hehehe...and you will need to compete against the much higher demands.

May your next trip to Batam be better than this one.

Cheers! :D


Originally Posted by SuperFAT (Post 13656563)
This is a late FR from my first ever batam virgin trip earlier this month.

Nice sharing,bro ..and with all the proper details i need.

Thank you.


Originally Posted by SuperFAT (Post 13656563)
10.30am Head down directly to harbourfront and bought a 2 way ferry ticket to batam center. - $48 bucks

For S$48? How come dont take Horizon ferry to Harbour Bay instead? Simpler,faster and save a bit on taxi fare too. More importantly,you save what money cannot buy...time.


Originally Posted by SuperFAT (Post 13656563)
Took a taxi to hotel. 70k (felt abit tio chop but bo bian. too tired.Previous night working OT till 9am)

Batam Center is normally in this type of taxi fare. 60k to 70k,unless you walk further out of the terminal.


Originally Posted by SuperFAT (Post 13656563)
Checked into DaVienna Hotel. booked online the very morning @ $42 SGD per room. Quick and fast check-in. Room is very clean as hotel is very new i think. Heard from taxi driver its around 3 months old. Bed very cosy and soft.

Definitely a good and new hotel.i notice,this hotel 1 month drop S$ July was S$44, Aug came down to S$43...Sept become S$42. Oct dont know will be S$41 or not,hehehe... :D


Originally Posted by SuperFAT (Post 13656563)
Driver drove us to Indah2/MM(side by side) walked into MM, around 15 girls sitting on the sofa, quoted 800k - 1.2mil. My friend took a girl from MM. While i went next door to Indah2.

Once step in, saw a slim cewek, wa tio gongtao already. Asked papi how much, he quote 2mil. I went omg. I think that driver told him we first time. I firmly ask for 1mil i walked out. He requote 1.5mil, i asked 1.2mil, he say cannot reduce anymore. bo bian took up 1.5mil

Your friend got a girl from MM and you got one from Indah2,hehehe...

The girl is not new but definitely a SYT. A weekday you went and being quoted at 2 mill and then drop to 1.5 mil from Indah2,hmm....thats not good.

You reminded me,a bro who joined me in one of group trips pays 1.2 mil for a girl,but when he went with another friend w/o me,he was charged 1.5 mil rupiah from the same joint for the same girl. He is clever and walk off w/o taking the deal.

My conclusion is if it was the same day,same joint when i was there,i would likely be charge the same price too. But most OKTs know i am the type who will walk off if price is unreasonable. Its always good for me to know the Cost Price,Retail Price and the Mark Up price of what i hope to purchase.


Originally Posted by SuperFAT (Post 13656563)
Return back to room at 7pm, washed up and lie on bed ready to recieve the girls.

8pm reached, but the girls haven show up. start to panic. i posted on this thread asking the bros here what to do if the girls are late. thankfully to bro muimui quick respond, i called the papi and then i know the taxi driver stood up on me. he didnt go and pick them up. the papi asked another driver drive them to our hotel. lucky no extra charge.

The girls reached around 8.30pm.

Dont know how much the driver charge you guys to bring you all to the booking joints,but NEVER pay them in full or pay them at all until your stocks are in your "hand" (or in your room in this case).

I learned something today too. And thanks for sharing.


Originally Posted by SuperFAT (Post 13656563)
Next morning, went down to have breakfast at the hotel. Breakfast spread was good, with wide choices. Then my friend and his girl came down and joined me. His girl told me that, my girl texted her, say that she went go disco after she left my room.

Thats the problem of being too nice and naive. Guess that i will have to learn my lesson. lol

So after breakfast, went for another round of massage and back to SG!

Total Spending:
Transport - $48 + $20
Hotel - $42
Girl - $150
Food - $20
Massage - $60

Total damage - $310 for 2D1N + 2x Massage Trip

Sorry, did mention you had 4 shots from your previous post? Just curious...

Was it from the booking girl from Indah2 or was it for the whole entire trip?

Thats where most of MM and Indah2 girls goes if no one booked them during the day from the joints. Or you can find most of the runaway girls there. Yes,at discotheques of Batam.


Originally Posted by SuperFAT (Post 13656563)
I feel the cost can be cut down more. and kind bros can give me advice where i did wrong? or i should improve? Hahhaa

The cost can definitely be cut down by a lot more. But everyone has a different level of enjoyment. Like my boss,he loves to pay a lot and have everyone within his sight worshiping him kind of character,tipping S$100 for each overnight girl regardless of service,excluding their another S$100 of KTV sitting fee.

Another kind plays humble,only allowing the girl he's with knows he can spend but will only spend for the "right" stuffs. I find that a lot of girls were attracted to this kind of guy. The girls knew these are the regulars. I shant go into details on this one.

I am the poor man type,who is very stingy and relatively unwilling to spend more on girls than on myself unless there is a good offer,hehehe...with 1.5 million rupiah...i can book 2 girls (below 25 years old with 7/10 looks) and yet inclusive of their tips leh,hehehe....see,as i say earlier,everyone have different level of enjoyment. Well,i think i spend more on groceries which i doubt most will, groceries bill usually enough to book more than 2 girls ,hehehe...

Suggested solution : You have been to Indah2 and MM,next time skip this 2 places. There is still 8 more known booking joints in Batam to explore. Give yourself more options. Do not be afraid to walk off if you think things arent right.


Originally Posted by SuperFAT (Post 13656563)
Thanks all the bros for the kind advice here and at least my newbie trip wasnt so bad i feel.

Hope to have more of such trips, looking at at least once every 2months. At the same time, PLS DO HOPE more bros can show some more guidance for me as i am new to this choing scene!!

You shared a good FR,bro. With all the timing,the date and some details like the joint's name and some of the place with their pricing. At this point if you dont mind me asking you some small questions,is your girl from Indah2 considered good or was she considered "not-good". If its "not-good",and if you can still remember her name,do you mind sharing her name here so that other bros will not go to the same place to have their head banged on the wall. I am sure many newbies and perhaps some oldbies will be thankful for it in time to come.

Sincerely thank you,bro.

And may your next trip to Batam be better than your current one.


PS : You probably read the below links before,but i post it here again in hope it may help you on your next trip.

newyorker88 12-10-2015 10:54 AM

Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by iicycold (Post 13688947)
Whenever there is a public holiday in indo,there'll be more beggars & pickpockets.

They are more prominent during Hari Raya. Literally to do anything to get some money for holidays.

So are the police before the holidays. Don't do drugs :D

Kaboon 12-10-2015 11:42 AM

Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by nono1973 (Post 13686505)
Definitely i did. I got to know more superb good girls than i can bonk now,hehehe...enough till just before CNY month. So have to take them out one at a time in my subsequent trip to see who are the BEST. I imagine myself as like a newbie,i follow my own newbie guide just to check if what i wrote a year plus ago is still relevant and am glad to know it still is and i think i broke my curse too…lol. (i am always trying to learning to enjoy Batam with minimum reliance on luck)

Looks like solo appears to be more beneficial to u than in grp trip.


Originally Posted by nono1973 (Post 13686505)
I planned my route for CNY 2016,got my NEW room,has a number of girls to make my final choice from now till CNY and now whats left is my ferry ticket to Batam on that day,hehehe...

Wondering when the ferry tix to btm during cny starts to sell?


Originally Posted by nono1973 (Post 13686505)
No hotel staffs in any hotel would be stupid enough to open up the bible in the room,but i believe a "possessed" hotel staff or something supernatural will do that tho. Not all man/woman are strong-willed.

Apparently ur use of the word "stupid" has been misread by one who chose to read out of context. Talk abt reading btw the lines without the understanding of the conversation implied whom u have replied to.

An interesting read for ur ref on hotel room superstition practised in most Asia countries regardless of religion. I practised most of it,including the bible part.


Originally Posted by nono1973 (Post 13693572)
My conclusion is if it was the same day,same joint when i was there,i would likely be charge the same price too. But most OKTs know i am the type who will walk off if price is unreasonable. Its always good for me to know the Cost Price,Retail Price and the Mark Up price of what i hope to purchase.

Bro,yr definition of cost price,retail price & mark up price? It'll be interesting to knw the cost,retail price. Tat'll help me knw hw much i'm over paying or if i getting a gd deal. :D

xXFreedomXx 12-10-2015 11:43 AM

Re: Batam Info Thread
I will be going this coming 14th and 15th with a friend. We will be staying at Formosa Hotel.
Below is a map of my planned trip to visit.

The location are based on bro nono cheonging list. I will personally go visit all 6 to make sure of the exact location.
MM and Indah2 are abit far from Formosa Hotel so I decide not to visit them. I remember someone said about Dynasty.
Maybe I will go check it out too. Where is this dynasty?
I will go meximo pub area to try the wantan noodles there.
Momo at Penguin Wet Market, near which hotel?
Marine Live i suppose is near Bunga Massage

KohOnly21 12-10-2015 01:15 PM

Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by xXFreedomXx (Post 13694153)
Below is a map of my planned trip to visit..

I suppose Place No. 4 (Happy Massage 8) you had pinpointed it to the wrong location.

Anyway the location is as follow:

1) walk out of formosa
2) turn left you should see central point
3) walk opposite central point where there's a k mart along the shop house
4) at the end of the road before you cross a + junction to Sigma/Citywalk, turn right
5) within 10 sec you should be outside Happy8 Massage already.

nono1973 12-10-2015 01:19 PM

Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by xXFreedomXx (Post 13694153)
The location are based on bro nono cheonging list. I will personally go visit all 6 to make sure of the exact location.

Location of Happy 8 is wrong. Its behind Center Point and walk further down,the map stated by you shows its in front of Center Point.

From the map above,it shows the old location of Happy 8,new location is just directly opposite the old one.

Reference read of the Oct 2015 Batam Cheong List for your mapping :

Your Permata Indah location could be wrong (not very clear on your map). Refer to below map (note:map is in full size and at 1.6 mb) :

I use Lai Lai 2 hotel to locate Permata Indah which is almost directly opposite.

Harmoni Hotel on your map,behind it is Blue Moon...well,since you are heading to Gold Bird. :D


Originally Posted by xXFreedomXx (Post 13694153)
MM and Indah2 are abit far from Formosa Hotel so I decide not to visit them.

They may look far,but it isnt exactly far when you plan to go until Bunga Massage (which is actually further from Formosa Hotel). Locate Hotel Bali on the map,opposite Hotel Bali is MM and Indah2 but its not stated on the map tho.

Map reference (its actually the same 1.6mb size map posted above) below :

Memory location is on the map too. (at Memory Hotel itself)


Originally Posted by xXFreedomXx (Post 13694153)
Maybe I will go check it out too. Where is this dynasty?

Cant exactly spell it out here cos i have yet to bookmark down this place. My apologise. Perhaps bro Kohonly21 may have a better description.

I remember places by bookmarking it against nearby hotels.


Originally Posted by xXFreedomXx (Post 13694153)
I will go meximo pub area to try the wantan noodles there.

Once you reach Meximo pub,imagine yourself walking into the pub and come out again. Turn RIGHT and walk straight about 35+ steps,you should reach or at least see the wan tan mee store.


Originally Posted by xXFreedomXx (Post 13694153)
Momo at Penguin Wet Market, near which hotel?

Momo is not within walking distance from Formosa. It is very very far away,may take you at least 2-3 hour to walk there,hehehe...Momo location,since you asked,hehehe.... :

The Wan Tan mee store at penuin is called Bai Long,not Momo. The one at A2 Food court is called Bei Long. Bai Long is inside the Penuin Wet market and best to reach there before 11am (close around same time as Momo).


Originally Posted by xXFreedomXx (Post 13694153)
Marine Live i suppose is near Bunga Massage

Marine Live sea food is directly behind Pagoda Hotel.Less than 20 steps away. Check or for Pagoda Hotel map. Yes,its near DC mall and near Bunga Massage too. It should be diagonally behind Bunga Massage if i dont remember wrong (i may be wrong cos i dont use Bunga Massage to bookmark,i use Pagoda Hotel)


Originally Posted by xXFreedomXx (Post 13694153)
I will be going this coming 14th and 15th with a friend. We will be staying at Formosa Hotel.

Enjoy yourself,bro...but do avoid clamping too much schedule in one single day/evening.


siam66 12-10-2015 01:30 PM

Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by KohOnly21 (Post 13694407)
I suppose Place No. 4 (Happy Massage 8) you had pinpointed it to the wrong location.

Anyway the location is as follow:

1) walk out of formosa
2) turn left you should see central point
3) walk opposite central point where there's a k mart along the shop house
4) at the end of the road before you cross a + junction to Sigma/Citywalk, turn right
5) within 10 sec you should be outside Happy8 Massage already.

:eek: ... you machiam Batam location guide sia :p .... lol .....:D

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