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Alejandro88 28-05-2012 02:14 PM

Re: ViVi n Apple

Originally Posted by unfit (Post 7266519)
Always ask her before you proceed or check with Ah Yap at the counter...

Sometimes they feel bad eating infornt of customers...

Or Tabao for her then make sure she eat it before you fire off!

Wahh, Vivi's boss so sweet wor! :p

omnia 28-05-2012 02:36 PM

Ad Homenim Attacks & Shouting Cannot Help You!
Ad Homenim attacks...feeble smoke n mirrors...ranting n raving n foaming at the mouth...sadly n unfortunately cannot help u Alejandro88 aka Royal.Chimp aka Green fact on the contrary u appear to be digging yr own grave by further exposing mutual characteristics of u n yr clones, in particular Royal.Chimp...

My abv posts r v clear n simple...samsters sld by now be able to make an informed opinion n draw their own conclusions on yr character...n this is v relevant to this 1606 thread for obvious reasons...

Good day to u


Originally Posted by Alejandro88 (Post 7267243)
You are wasting everybody time and jamming up the 1606 thread by posting all sort of nonsensical posts that cannot prove that I am connected to RC or TGL. You cannot even answer me when I asked you to prove to all of us in what ways all the posts of mine illustrate that RC and TGL are my clones! Maybe I can answer on your behalf - This is bcos you have nothing solid to attack me, and hence, you have no choice but to make use of these two personas, RC and TGL to attack me and hoping that you can influence the rest of the samsters in the SBF community to attack and condemn me! This is only your perception and u have no solid evidence to prove that I am a clone master of RC & TGL! If RC and TGL are really my clones, Sammboyfor will come after me by now.

It is time for you to get loss from this thread unless you want to contribute FR, time to stop mounting this baseless allegation compaign and most importantly, pls do not be a nuisance to others by jamming up in this 1606 thread with your nonsensical posts! Be considerate!:rolleyes:

If you really wanna bring this debate to another level, I urge you to open a new thread!

Alejandro88 28-05-2012 02:54 PM

Another desperado act to redeem your almost fallen image here!
Wahahahaha!!! Another desperado act to try (but in vain) to redeem your almost fallen image! Wahahahah!!!

The more you write, the more you are making a mockery of yourself! I dun see you providing us with concrete and factual evidence to indicate that RL and TGL are my clones! Let me repeat once more, this is sheer perception on your part! I think you cannot differentiate the meaning between factual evidence and perception. This is sheer laughing stock! Wahahaha!!! You keep posting nonsensical & unsubstantiated stuff in order to cloud the audience, hoping that the audience will sway to your side to support you in your fruitless & baseless allegation campaign.

Try harder, keep on trying ya! Thats my encouragement for you! :D


Originally Posted by omnia (Post 7269373)
Ad Homenim attacks...feeble smoke n mirrors...ranting n raving n foaming at the mouth...sadly n unfortunately cannot help u Alejandro88 aka Royal.Chimp aka Green fact on the contrary u appear to be digging yr own grave by further exposing mutual characteristics of u n yr clones, in particular Royal.Chimp...

My abv posts r v clear n simple...samsters sld by now be able to make an informed opinion n draw their own conclusions on yr character...n this is v relevant to this 1606 thread for obvious reasons...

Good day to u

Ken88999 28-05-2012 03:02 PM

Re: L16h6-The Green Lantern
Haha!!!!!! Wat feeling nw is the word can't express out!
Just finish section wif an ni !!! Wah Lao!!! Only one word 奭!!!!!
Told everything an ni just nw also heard her story .....!
The truth is got one fucker ask an ni to do raw!!! But she not allow
Detail I dun say now . Now I hv proof n know everything is a big lie fr sucker a88!!!!
Are u the fucker? Miss sucker a88 ? She did nothing just reject u for raw
See wat u hv done to a girl.... I don't think u r human...!!!!!!!!!

At last just to let all the here to know wat kind of person sucker a88 are!!!!

Ken88999 28-05-2012 03:07 PM

Re: L16h6-The Green Lantern
Haha!!! Forgot to tell samster here. I'm so lucky !!!
Bcoz an ni told me I'm her first customer coz she hv just
Work to day for her code red!!!!! So u know wat I mean hor!!!
Haha!!!! Cheer bro!!!

omnia 28-05-2012 03:15 PM

The King of Hearsay Has Spoken!
Oh my oh my...pot calling the kettle black...Alejandro88 aka Royal.Chimp aka Green Lantern...

All hail the King of Hearsay who apparently thinks he can turn hearsay into fact:rolleyes::D

Btw u r once again exposing mutual characteristics of yrself n yr clone Royal.Chimp;)

Good day to u


Originally Posted by Alejandro88 (Post 7269444)
I think you cannot differentiate the meaning between factual evidence and perception.

Alejandro88 28-05-2012 03:21 PM

Very Very weak attack from Mr Hypocrite!!
OMFG! Looks like you not only do not know whats the meaning of factual evidence and perception but also the word hearsay!

Nevertheless I still encourage you to try harder to dig factual evidence that I have connection with RC & TGL.

In the following posts I will show the rest of the samsters what kind of samsters you - u are a samster with warp & hypocritical character!


Originally Posted by omnia (Post 7269533)
Oh my oh my...pot calling the kettle black...Alejandro88 aka Royal.Chimp aka Green Lantern...

All hail the King of Hearsay who apparently thinks he can turn hearsay into fact

Btw u r once again exposing mutual characteristics of yrself n yr clone Royal.Chimp;)

Good day to u

Ken88999 28-05-2012 03:22 PM

Re: The King of Hearsay Has Spoken!
Here to thk bro up my point!!!! Huat la!!!!!

Ken88999 28-05-2012 03:25 PM

Re: Very Very weak attack from Mr Hypocrite!!

Originally Posted by Alejandro88 (Post 7269571)
OMFG! Looks like you not only do not know whats the meaning of factual evidence and perception but also the word hearsay!

Nevertheless I still encourage you to try harder to dig factual evidence that I have connection with RC & TGL.

In the following posts I will show the rest of the samsters what kind of samsters you - u are a samster with warp & hypocritical character!

Look who talking?????? Oh !!!! Is miss a88 !!!!

Alejandro88 28-05-2012 03:31 PM

Excerpt of Mr Hypocrite (Omnia) creating a nuisance in other thread!!!
The following are the extractions of Mr Hypocrite a.k.a. Mr Virtual Whore Hero wannabe aka Omnia's posts in Cuntking King Party Girl Thread sometime ago. This is purely to illustrates what kind of samster he is in SBF. And now, it is very typical of this Mr Hypocrite (Omnia) who displays similar low-level and warp character wherever he is in a desperado to try to win in a war of words in 1606 thread. Unfortunately for him this time his opponent is not Mr Nice Guy, bruddar Cuntking who did not bother to whack him! sad for him that he has no solid factual evidence to attack me! But I have plenty to whack him!


Originally Posted by omnia (Post 6003264)
hahahaha...1 whole bloody decade has abt passed...n Tommy/his partner(s) n their pal Cuntking still up to their tired old bo liao tricks to try n promote 1612 to earn $$$...:rolleyes::D

earlier it was the lame coded nickname trick...n now it is abt naming the mms wifout hse nos...note Cuntking's reply to Glstunner wif regards Hong Hong, which abt says it all??!!...since Cuntking appears to suggest that there is now only 1 GL150 Hong Hong it beggars belief that he does not know this mm's hse no...anyways he just has to look up Tommy's hse record bk n then reply to GLstunner...why the need for such charades ah??...n dont get me started on Cuntking's apparent recent spam promo for Tommy/1612 in SBF!!

perhaps this is becoz Tommy/his partner(s) r feeling the heat in GL...thus once again Cuntking apparently has to cum to 1612's 'rescue' to promote it n lure in unsuspecting newbie clientele...

aiyah Cuntking dont be so naive lah...u think seasoned cheongsters n even newbie regular cheongsters dont know what u hv n r still up to??!! is clear as daylight what u hv n continue to be up to in SBF...lamely trying to pose as goody two shoes lao jiao cheongster who is trying to be 'helpful' in this forum...when in fact yr apparent underlying agenda is to promote Tommy/1612 to help his/its biz/$$$...

donch be so lame lah Cuntking...want to promote Tommy/1612 just cum out up front n promote him/it can r need to malu one since lots of forumers already know what u r up to by now... u wld think 1 decade of nonsense wld be enuff no??!!...

look Cuntking, if yr total clean clear info is objectively helpful regardless of yr association wif Tommy/1612...the forumers wld probably appreciate yr efforts to share even more...since it wld cum across as sincere n genuine...for eg. in the FL threads cheongsters appear quite happy n open to FL 'promoters' so long as the info is genuine n reasonably no need to be shy lah Cuntking...apparent pimp promoter notwithstanding!!

let me now once again start the ball rolling like what i did previously viz Cuntking's bo liao coded nicknames stunt for the mms...perhaps Cuntking can finally c the light n fill in the other blanks n in future stop his nonsense...failing which i wld not be surprised if some other sincere genuine cheongsters wld cum in sometime n fill in the remaining blanks...

finally...although this royal monkey appears irritating at times...probably due to intentional persona creation??!!...he definitely deserves my support this time upz u lah...yr royal chimpyness:D

Alejandro88 28-05-2012 03:34 PM

Omnia who is Mr Hypocrite is a big time nuisance!!!
The posts of Mr Hypocritical (omnia) in the Cuntking Party Girl thread continues ...... Omnia is a big time nuisance in that thread. So I am not surprised that he is creating another nuisance scene here in 1606 thread!


Originally Posted by omnia (Post 6004775)
hahahaha...wif yr 'large' presence at 1637 previously n now at 1612(in more ways than one i sld add!)...any regular in GL who also follows SBF would probably know who u r too yr pals in r more who may well be 'partners' in 1612...

anyways the biggest laugh i got out of yr recent posts in SBF apart fm the v recent the one where u claimed u were at another house(apparently not 1612)...n who were u trying to call??!!...Tommy's v own BoBo...n u apparently complained that u had to wait long long...i mean puhleaze lah...want to be pimp promoter must at least hv abit more more style n class lah...:rolleyes:

as for checking out on any WL's svc std n even looks if u hv never seen the mm...perhaps it wld be better to get the view of cheongster friends whom u trust rather than any OKT...why?...simply becoz OKTs in general...even the more nicer trustworthy ones...r generally biased n not objective...simply becoz this is their biz/$$$ many variables cum into play whenever u ask abt any specific WL/MM...hence it wld perhaps be better to be abit cautious when it cums to OKTs advice on WL/MMs...


Originally Posted by omnia (Post 6007905)
u r under a misconception bro...suggest u go scroll up n read my post again...then c below...

my posts on Cuntking hv nothing whatsoever to do wif his frs n his supposed is to highlight Cuntking's pr stunts lamely n shamelessly promoting Tommy/1612 while trying to pose as mr goody two shoes in SBF:rolleyes:

================================================== =====
15-02-2011, 04:18 PM

Samster (eP) Join Date: Dec 2001
Location: used to be at GL SAF HQ at 1612
Posts: 6,237
My Reputation:Points: 2447 / Power: 10

Re: (cunt) King's Latest Party Gals


Bo Bo maybe my new queen then share your experience .... btw they are all working, heard that Bo Bo worked non stop today and it is hard to get her out of HQ, was with 2 bros at another joint and we waiting for more than 3 hours and she never cum


Originally Posted by omnia (Post 6012366)
does it really matter??!! any event tot u were going to ignore the so called "threats"??!!

hahahahaha...if that is really the case than u r probably doing a real lousy job of it wif yr pathetic shamelessly pimp promoting tactics in here:rolleyes:

Alejandro88 28-05-2012 03:42 PM

Omnia is a person with doubtful character & a hypocrite!
The above are pure, factual evidences of Mr Hypocrite aka Mr Virtual Whore Hero wannabe aka Omnia being a big time nuisance, a person of warp character and the worse is, he is mentally obsessed when he failed to successfully retaliate someone who have offended him.:rolleyes:

He try to act like a hero regarding An Ni's issue but he is a hypocrite at large in reality!

He created a big time nuisance at CuntKing Party Girl thread just to attack the respectable and very snr Cuntking's reputation in the GL & SBF communities.

Now, you guys can judge for yourself what kind of samster this Omnia is!:rolleyes:

Ken88999 28-05-2012 03:45 PM

Re: Omnia who is Mr Hypocrite is a big time nuisance!!!

Originally Posted by Alejandro88 (Post 7269619)
The posts of Mr Hypocritical (omnia) in the Cuntking Party Girl thread continues ...... Omnia is a big time nuisance in that thread. So I am not surprised that he is creating another nuisance scene here in 1606 thread!

Wat now u trying to proof at???? All your story is true huh!!!!
Pls la !! All samster now know about u Liao!!!! Y dun u just
F@@k off your own !!!! Shame on u miss a88!!!!

Alejandro88 28-05-2012 03:51 PM

This joker, ken88999 sounds like Omnia's clone!
Now this joker, ken88999 sounds like a clone of Mr Hypocrite aka Omnia! Mind you, this is a perception on my part as I have yet to unravel any solid evidence to support me. Unlike someone, I dun act stupidly! :rolleyes::p

Ken88999 28-05-2012 03:52 PM

Re: Omnia is a person with doubtful character & a hypocrite!
Forgot to say thank to miss a88!!!! Bcoz of yr big time nuisance!!!
N false info!!!!! I hv a good section enjoy wif an ni !!!!

Thk miss a88 hahaha!!!!

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