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newyorker88 28-10-2015 12:02 PM

Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by Black Page (Post 13756678)
MAybe some SYT is new in Batam still in need of training?

Always have new ones after hai raya....

saxophone 28-10-2015 12:18 PM

Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by nono1973 (Post 13756126)
Gold Bird - quite a number of new girls. Just be careful of the 800k SYTs.

New Berry - Have some new girls too but most were taken up around 2pm+ indo time.

Happy 8 - More girls than usual and new ones too,but they dont come cheaper than the other joints.

wow! reli truth,many new gals in the joints u said. :D

I see Golden Bird got 2 new indo man okt. :p

nono1973 28-10-2015 12:54 PM

Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by kingkong74 (Post 13758139)
Hi bro, any cheap massage near holiday inn? Hotel inside very X.. Thanks bro..

All i wish to say is :

...and if you wish to change your "reason" to go Batam,below is the solution i offered :

Hope it helps and may you enjoy your time in Batam.


Originally Posted by pornbunny (Post 13758794)
I mean those that will not do anything bad to you in terms of safety

The reason why you are not getting a direct answer is becos :

And i believe one should not always rely on 1 single taxi driver or attempt to spoilt him. There is no such as a reliable driver in Batam. An average taxi driver's monthly income is on the average a S$2k or more per month base on my understanding of at least 20 taxi drivers i met so far. Highest taxi driver earner i knew fetch an average S$4k+/month.

My solution to your problem :

Dial for Blue Bird or Silver Cab taxi service (on the link above),or just get any taxi from any harbour terminal you alight..get to your hotel 1st,ask for a full day driver from receptionist. Repeat the above in your next trip if you dont wish to get the same driver again. Whole idea is you dont get some "monkey" taxi driver that you didnt know where they are being stationed. Allow yourself a chance for more options too.

From hotel,it is always a tiny bit safer where you at least know how to find them if they offer you trouble. Most hotel taxi driver speaks some understandable broken english. My stand is still, there is no such thing as a reliable taxi driver in Batam and avoid spoiling them.

I always indirectly let my taxi driver/s knows HE can easily be Replaced,just like "my" Money Changer. Just to keep them on their toes so as to maintain a more consistent service standard. ;)

Hope it helps and may you have a good time in your upcoming trip.

pornbunny 28-10-2015 02:25 PM


Originally Posted by nono1973 (Post 13759642)
All i wish to say is :

...and if you wish to change your "reason" to go Batam,below is the solution i offered :

Hope it helps and may you enjoy your time in Batam.

The reason why you are not getting a direct answer is becos :

And i believe one should not always rely on 1 single taxi driver or attempt to spoilt him. There is no such as a reliable driver in Batam. An average taxi driver's monthly income is on the average a S$2k or more per month base on my understanding of at least 20 taxi drivers i met so far. Highest taxi driver earner i knew fetch an average S$4k+/month.

My solution to your problem :

Dial for Blue Bird or Silver Cab taxi service (on the link above),or just get any taxi from any harbour terminal you alight..get to your hotel 1st,ask for a full day driver from receptionist. Repeat the above in your next trip if you dont wish to get the same driver again. Whole idea is you dont get some "monkey" taxi driver that you didnt know where they are being stationed. Allow yourself a chance for more options too.

From hotel,it is always a tiny bit safer where you at least know how to find them if they offer you trouble. Most hotel taxi driver speaks some understandable broken english. My stand is still, there is no such thing as a reliable taxi driver in Batam and avoid spoiling them.

I always indirectly let my taxi driver/s knows HE can easily be Replaced,just like "my" Money Changer. Just to keep them on their toes so as to maintain a more consistent service standard. ;)

Hope it helps and may you have a good time in your upcoming trip.

Thanks bro Nono you are really king of batam haha

nono1973 28-10-2015 03:40 PM

Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by saxophone (Post 13759531)
wow! reli truth,many new gals in the joints u said. :D

Enjoy yourself,bro. :D


Originally Posted by pornbunny (Post 13759947)
Thanks bro Nono you are really king of batam haha

Hi bro,if you see this post online...go to the bottom of your post above,on the bottom right side of your post there is an Edit Button,like this :,click on it to edit your post. Reason,becos you just quoted my whole entire post and replied with a 2 liner. i think this is against the forum rule/s. Just shorten the post you Quote by "editing" will do. Thank you for your understanding,bro.

I am no king of Batam. i aim mainly to provide solution/s on your post base on my limited knowledge.

Have a good upcoming trip.


Small question,anyone can help with the translation below? :

Found it in one of the Batam massage shop behind Utama Hotel last week. I roughly guessed what it could mean,but just wanted to be sure.

Thank you.

lanceage 28-10-2015 03:52 PM

Re: Batam Info Thread
Rates not so good day. 9740 only. Just had a incall massage from kings and now waiting for my girl to come. Was at goldbird at 1pm and only saw 2 girls. Okt say the rest still getting ready. Did not want to wait so just call my regular girl. Saw one of the new okt very young guy

Lieutenant_Thai 28-10-2015 06:46 PM

Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by maddog_mlvn (Post 13757973)
Reliable Driver in Btm, r u joking ??????
Basically there is none to be found.

Hi bro, that's not true. I actually knew a reliable taxi driver but he doesn't speak english, little bit of broken english. Before I go to batam I will text him, he will wait for me at the taxi stand for my arrival. He might charge a little bit higher than the market price (or the same) but he don't accept any kind of tips from me. One more important thing is that whenever I visit any ktv to find cewek, I always put my bags in the car, not a problem at all. He's a very nice and honest taxi driver I have met. Knew him for like 4-5years back and I still have his contact number.

KohOnly21 28-10-2015 06:59 PM

Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by Lieutenant_Thai (Post 13760876)
Hi bro, that's not true. I actually knew a reliable taxi driver but he doesn't speak english, little bit of broken english.

Reliable anot I have a few requirements that he need to meet:

1) Don't ever try to carrot chop me at any point of time.
2) Don't ask me to help buy 4d or request any firm of loan.
3) Never be more than 5 mins late especially when I'm taking first derry back SG.
4) Anything he hears or I told him should not be mentioned to any 3rd party.
5) Finds me a driver as reliable as him when he's too busy for me.

Lieutenant_Thai 28-10-2015 07:19 PM

Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by KohOnly21 (Post 13760926)
Reliable anot I have a few requirements that he need to meet:

1) Don't ever try to carrot chop me at any point of time.
2) Don't ask me to help buy 4d or request any firm of loan.
3) Never be more than 5 mins late especially when I'm taking first derry back SG.
4) Anything he hears or I told him should not be mentioned to any 3rd party.
5) Finds me a driver as reliable as him when he's too busy for me.

Hello Bro Koh. Well I could say he's a reliable driver, may not be the best driver in Batam, but using his service makes me feel comfortable, safe and with no harassment. (I do use other taxis as well)

1) Whenever I uses his services, he will bring me from point A to point B no question asked. (Sometimes because I have taken his taxi a few times I always find cewek before checking in, in a rare case that I go directly to the hotel, he would briefly ask "no find cewek?" than end of convo)

2) Never happened to me.

3) Never late, I would say always 5mins early.

4) Can't answer this question because I'm not sure off

5) Never happened to me. So can't comment

Anyway I'm not advertising to use his services, but I believe there are good taxi drivers around making honest living in Batam. :p:p

Black Page 28-10-2015 08:02 PM

Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by nono1973 (Post 13760223)
Small question,anyone can help with the translation below? :

Found it in one of the Batam massage shop behind Utama Hotel last week. I roughly guessed what it could mean,but just wanted to be sure.

Google is your friend. If the sentence is too long and typing it in Google Translate feels annoying, there is also the function which allows to recognize text in a photo: tap on the photocamera icon bottom left in your Google Translate window, take a snapshot of the text, identify text with your finger, and you see it translated.:cool:

Google is not only our friend, but it looks also to have supernatural powers.
There is a new function, which I just tried, for instantaneous translation of text in photos. :eek: Believe it or not: frame the text in your photocamera, then Google Translate will show you the same image but with text translated in real time and in the moving image. Amazing...

PS: Google translator says:

Nabeh 28-10-2015 09:07 PM

Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by nono1973 (Post 13760223)
Small question,anyone can help with the translation below? :

Found it in one of the Batam massage shop behind Utama Hotel last week. I roughly guessed what it could mean,but just wanted to be sure.

Thank you.

That one means Strictly No Sex and Drug.. is the same meaning as bro black page

MovingTarget 28-10-2015 10:48 PM

Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by Lieutenant_Thai (Post 13760976)
Hello Bro Koh. Well I could say he's a reliable driver, may not be the best driver in Batam, but using his service makes me feel comfortable, safe and with no harassment. (I do use other taxis as well)

.......3) Never late, I would say always 5mins early.......

Anyway I'm not advertising to use his services, but I believe there are good taxi drivers around making honest living in Batam. :p:p

To me, I think your driver is considered good and reliable. You have used him for 4 to 5 years, he is always punctual and even 5 minutes earlier than scheduled and did not ask you for loan.

You have a better driver than mine. For the 1st driver that I have, first time he came early and subsequently late or didn't turn up. I stop calling him. For the 2nd driver, also the first time he is early and waiting for me. From 2nd time onwards I have to wait for him and sometimes he has forgotten. But he made up by speeding all the way from Nagoya (empty cab) to Batam Centre Ferry Terminal. How do I know he speeds, because I timed him and at times I have to tell him to slow down to avoid accident. Anyway, for hotel taxis, his rate is cheaper than those taxis driver stationed in Batam Center Ferry Terminal and whenever I called him from Nagoya, he will come and send me to the ferry terminal. So, for give and take, I am still using him.

Having said that, it does not mean I will rely on him all the time. I am constantly looking out for other good/reliable driver for contingency plan. Care to share your driver contact and the rate he charged with me?

MovingTarget 28-10-2015 11:11 PM

Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by Black Page (Post 13761153)

Google is not only our friend, but it looks also to have supernatural powers.
There is a new function, which I just tried, for instantaneous translation of text in photos. :eek: Believe it or not: frame the text in your photocamera, then Google Translate will show you the same image but with text translated in real time and in the moving image. Amazing...

PS: Google translator says:

Thanks for the tip, I just learned something. But have to set to the language first, Indo to English before using the camera. This will be very useful especially in Italy, France, Japan & etc. to understand those signage meaning.

KohOnly21 29-10-2015 06:58 AM

Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by MovingTarget (Post 13761864)
This will be very useful especially in Italy, France, Japan & etc. to understand those signage meaning.

How about going outside Japan soapy land and take a picture of the promotion to find out what they are offering? :D

nono1973 29-10-2015 08:30 AM

Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by Black Page (Post 13761153)
Google is your friend. If the sentence is too long and typing it in Google Translate feels annoying, there is also the function which allows to recognize text in a photo: tap on the photocamera icon bottom left in your Google Translate window, take a snapshot of the text, identify text with your finger, and you see it translated.:cool:

Thank you,thank you..i didnt know thats what the camera is for. Interesting... :D Going to play with it later...hehehe...


Originally Posted by Nabeh (Post 13761376)
That one means Strictly No Sex and Drug.. is the same meaning as bro black page

Thank you for translating. :p sex in the massage shop is understandable,but no drugs? Wondering who would want to take drugs in a massage shop. :confused:

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