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nono1973 13-11-2015 09:40 PM

Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by Black Page (Post 13827568)
She told me in all the day no more than 2-3 customers came to see and book girls. At evening, all girls were still sitting and waiting, bored and sad.
Nono, this is the time to pay a visit with your troops: buyer market.

Thank you for sharing this information,i just returned from Batam and yes,your "friend" shares the right information,but its Friday today in Batam so almost everywhere will be close to fully booked (unless its Happy 8 or Bunga). Will Friday the 13th be affecting their business? i doubt :D

Over the last 3 nights when we were there,most of our girls were from New Berry. :D

Happy 8 dont surprise me in this trip even if there are many many unbooked SYT girls (believe me,there must be some reason/s behind why the girls were constantly remain unbooked),there is a new Mami,an indian-looking lady who speaks very fluent hokkien and teo chew. I have a feeling that she's a good lady to bargain with.

Bunga was a little disappointment from my perspective tho they do have as many girls as in Happy 8 (many good service nice girls previous shared by friends/bros in this forum (and other forums) were still available) but Permata Indah surprised me with gem/s that cost 1 million rupiah to 1.2 million rupiah. My definition of a "gem" HERE define the girl/s base on SSYT looks 8/10 and/or above,hourglass slim figure,model-look-alike with superb good service,willing to give unlimited rounds and left the next day after 11am. This trip,i am TOTALLY impressed by Permata Indah booking joint. ;)

(more detail will be shared in my upcoming 22nd summary on how to spot these gems which i just learned)

If New Berry is a buyer's market,i believe other joints would have more leftovers. Only Gold Bird has very very limited choices over the last 4 days i was there. Near zero SYT (not becos they dont have,but most of them were advance booked off). Good service girls still there tho.

For newbie,stick to the 3 safe joints : Gold Bird,New Berry and Bunga.

2nd safe joint : Permata Indah

"Safe joint" here define as booking joints with the least runaway girls with lesser patterns/problems. Be reminded that least runaway girls with less patterns/problems here DO NOT MEAN no runaways or has girls that dont come out with patterns/problems. Its just lesser.

Sometime the problem lies with the customer/s. Some time the problem lies with the girl/s. Its a mind and attitude game on both side. I tends to look at the whole picture when one shares their FR. There is always a solution to everything. :rolleyes:

nono1973 13-11-2015 10:27 PM

Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by ttonytan (Post 13826699)
FJ at massage parlours mentioned on the list is a possibility yes?

In my perspective,depending which massage shops you visit,6.5 out of 10 massage places does FJ.


Originally Posted by ttonytan (Post 13826699)
Are the masseuses easy to bargain with? cause I'm not too good at bargaining ha ha ha

Bargaining requires a smiling face and some level of persistency.

Controlling the big head over small head is a matter of self-control. Try the smaller massage shops behind Utama hotel 1st if you wish to start to learn how to bargain. 150k HJ and 250k FJ can be more easily bargained there. 100k HJ and 200 FJ is also possible there but may pose a challenge.

If you can successfully make it 100k hj and 200k FJ in the Utama area of Massage shops,then you can move on to the next level. Massage places surrounding Formosa area (and it includes Hotel massage as well in this case). In Formosa area ,even 150k HJ and 250 FJ may pose a big challenge for non-Bahasa speaking bros. 100k HJ and 200k FJ will be near impossible but it can still be done.

Of course, i am saying all the above if you wish to learn what you didnt know or what you arent good at. Marking up the price high to be bargained down were part of Indonesia business culture.

nono1973 13-11-2015 10:58 PM

Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by FreshJives (Post 13828276)
Hope ur last night turn out great bro nono..enjoy..

Thank you bro.

Its great...i am sad becos i have to leave Batam. :(

Hated that kind of feeling.


Originally Posted by FreshJives (Post 13828276)
I changed my mind and book hana for my coming trip, wanna try something new, Biz is still my first choice but the price is abt more than my last few visits.

Its always good to book and stay in a more familiar place. More comfortable too.

Biz Hotel,price is more? Yes,try Kaha Travel next time :


Superior Room : 400k/night (do not mix this with the economy room,its cheaper)

Deluxe Room : 525k/night

Junior Suite : 670k/night

Originally Posted by FreshJives (Post 13828276)
Definitely will try explore more places and share here..anyway it will be a slow and relax trip for me..combinig both hunting and shopping mode..

Most importantly,you must enjoy yourself. ;)

And i am looking forward to that.
(its always good to see people enjoying themselves in Batam)

JOGK 14-11-2015 12:09 AM

Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by newyorker88 (Post 13821339)
For good cheap seafood, go rezeki. Although abit far, but it is worth, especially if are with a group.

Food court seafood? not to my standard, if I want to eat seafood. ahhahaha. Other than ACIA, Yong Kee.

I might go there and stay for a day or two coming CNY :D

JOGK 14-11-2015 12:11 AM

Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by newyorker88 (Post 13817148)
REZEKI, batu Besar... Can recognise it from the parking lot.

whenever I go there
I cant bring ceweks there
because I don't want to let my relatives see

haha :D

JOGK 14-11-2015 12:17 AM

Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by newyorker88 (Post 13817148)
REZEKI, batu Besar... Can recognise it from the parking lot.

boss house ...

every Chinese new year he will organise party ... with live band

invite kampong neighbours ... serve them food

even let them takeaway ...:D

ttonytan 14-11-2015 05:05 AM

Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by nono1973 (Post 13828624)
In my perspective,depending which massage shops you visit,6.5 out of 10 massage places does FJ.

Bargaining requires a smiling face and some level of persistency.

Controlling the big head over small head is a matter of self-control. Try the smaller massage shops behind Utama hotel 1st if you wish to start to learn how to bargain. 150k HJ and 250k FJ can be more easily bargained there. 100k HJ and 200 FJ is also possible there but may pose a challenge.

If you can successfully make it 100k hj and 200k FJ in the Utama area of Massage shops,then you can move on to the next level. Massage places surrounding Formosa area (and it includes Hotel massage as well in this case). In Formosa area ,even 150k HJ and 250 FJ may pose a big challenge for non-Bahasa speaking bros. 100k HJ and 200k FJ will be near impossible but it can still be done.

Of course, i am saying all the above if you wish to learn what you didnt know or what you arent good at. Marking up the price high to be bargained down were part of Indonesia business culture.

Thanks for the help, Lord Nono. :cool:

nono1973 14-11-2015 08:41 AM

Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by Naka_Timo (Post 13826807)
Glad that most of us share the common interest so to make the trip a nice one.

Always good if everyone shares similar frequency during cheonging.

Most importantly in any trips to Batam,everyone must enjoy themselves.

And that is my priority.

Best for least,at the lowest price.

Sorry,i am a stingy man,hehehe...:D


Originally Posted by nyquist (Post 13826610)
Looking forward to the next trip. Maybe before mid decmeber 2015
Need to gather my thoughts before i post any FR..

It is time for me to rest a bit 1st. I believe i kept my words in the forum that anyone who joined me in my trips that they are going to very very tired,hehehe...just like an in-camp training. :p


Originally Posted by fishingman (Post 13826281)
aiya too late to apply go with u

Hehehe...u not the only one too late to apply,hehehe...:D

During the trip,i still receive many applications,but i really really cannot take in anymore people becos it is likely to compromise the trip for those who applied on time.

Sincerely very sorry about it.

KuroKirito 14-11-2015 10:32 AM

Re: Batam Info Thread
Going during 23 to 26! Anyone going during that time!:D:D:D

nono1973 14-11-2015 12:17 PM

Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by ftheworld (Post 13806681)
bro Nono, I regret not looking at your post close enough.

It is never too late to look at them now.


Originally Posted by ftheworld (Post 13806681)
Call the mama complained service Super bad but mama like tell me fuck off not her problem because girl is new want ask her go then go.

Was it a Papi or Mami that serves you when you were there?

Thank you.


Originally Posted by ftheworld (Post 13806681)
Money cheated damn. Please blacklist this joint man

1 lousy girl do not equates to the whole joint is bad. According to the data i collected,there are very much more consistent bad service girls (or even OKTs) from Morena than from MM itself. In terms of quantity of bad service booking joint,if i were to black list MM,i will also need to black list Happy 8 and Indah2 too. Since this 3 joints has almost the same number of problematic issues over the last 5-6 months.

My humble advise,next time be humble,be nice (but firm),talk to the OKT of the joint for a while (15 to 20mins) about your requirement on the level of service rendered and share with him your requirement of the girl you wish to have Eg,SYT,must bbbj for long time,must be working hard kind,no runaway etc. Do not pick the girls base on looks alone,observe their behaviour and watch out for their reaction towards you (remember as much as they are stranger to you,you are also a complete stranger to them too). If you consider yourself newbie to Batam,try to take girls from New Berry,Gold Bird or Bunga for starter.

Below are example/s of how I would pick my girls from booking joints :

Hope it can help you a little in your future trips to Batam. Like I always say,if this trip to Batam is not so good,next trip should be better cos you are going to make lesser mistakes (provided you know which part go wrong). And may your next trip to Batam be better than this time.


nono1973 14-11-2015 02:14 PM

Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by micmac888 (Post 13826015)
Hope ur trip was good Nono

Thank you bro.

The sleep part was good at Formosa.

The bonk part was also good from the 3 + 1 safe joints.

The eat part i would have given myself a 5/10 rating (on organizing) for all 3 dinners for the 3 nights.

a. Acia Ikan Bakar food court behind Siga building (behind Center point) - Many shops has moved.

b. Marine Live Sea Food - Its a challenge to order food for 13 people. Either we order too much or we ordered too little in any case.This trip,we end up with about 30% leftovers.

c. Sinar Bulan Food Court directly Opposite Formosa - For the point to allow the new boys to understand what Sinar Bulan has to offer.

I forgot,i didnt dare to go Anah BBQ stingray becos of the need to call 1st to book the stingrays in case we all go there and then no more stock. The fact is,i rarely go for early dinner.

Breakfast/Lunch/Brunch however was alright,i guess...hehehe...

a. Meximo Pub Noodles - the usual

b. Budi Siang Malam - the usual

c. Momo noodles - a view of what the local eats

d. A2 Food Court - an eye opener for those who hasnt been there

e. Bai Long Noodles - another eye opener for those who hasnt been there

f. Tea Story - just to kill time

g. Kopi Toast inside Nagoya Hill Mall - a kill time place with low price basic food

h. Mickey Mouse Bak Kut Teh - we all waited for more than half an hour to spy on them to see if they still pour their soup back to the soup pot after their customers left. We even had a full bowl of the Bak Kut Teh soup to test them and then ask them to clear our table for us. All's good there,except the part their price has increased.Cost a little more than i had expected.

i . Formosa's Vienna Restaurant - Free breakfast :D

I think Kraopoek Food Court in Nagoya City Walk has closed down (i am glad it did). I believe its not easy to maintain good food business in Batam if a place does not produce good food and has too many rules and regulations that binds one from eating conveniently (and comfortably). Kraopoek Food Court is a good example.

iicycold 14-11-2015 02:35 PM

Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by nono1973 (Post 13828483)
Happy 8 dont surprise me in this trip even if there are many many unbooked SYT girls (believe me,there must be some reason/s behind why the girls were constantly remain unbooked),there is a new Mami,an indian-looking lady who speaks very fluent hokkien and teo chew. I have a feeling that she's a good lady to bargain with.

Ya,the indian looking mummy always claim her joint has the most no. of girls in Btm. Wat she didn't knw is hw cm her joint always got so many leftovers. When many peeps got bad experience there,words do spread around. :mad:

In numbers,i tink Happy 8 is comparable with Hawaii & Bunga.


Originally Posted by nono1973 (Post 13828483)
Only Gold Bird has very very limited choices over the last 4 days i was there. Near zero SYT (not becos they dont have,but most of them were advance booked off). Good service girls still there tho.

The foundation of GB is quite strong,i oso ever advance booking my girls from em b4. :p


Originally Posted by nono1973 (Post 13804102)

I see yr Eat,Fuck,Sleep & then repeat theory went on pretty smoothly in tis trip huh? :p

Be waiting 4 yr coming summary. :D

cashprice 14-11-2015 11:38 PM

Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by nono1973 (Post 13831281)
h. Mickey Mouse Bak Kut Teh - we all waited for more than half an hour to spy on them to see if they still pour their soup back to the soup pot after their customers left. We even had a full bowl of the Bak Kut Teh soup to test them and then ask them to clear our table for us. All's good there,except the part their price has increased.Cost a little more than i had expected.

Finally somebody bother to debunk the rumor that Mickey Mouse BKT pours the leftover soup back to be recycled for the next customer.

Kudos to u bro nono.

I believe yr words are worthy

nyquist 15-11-2015 12:04 AM

Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by cashprice (Post 13833098)
Finally somebody bother to debunk the rumor that Mickey Mouse BKT pours the leftover soup back to be recycled for the next customer.

Kudos to u bro nono.

I believe yr words are worthy

Maybe next time we leave behind 2 half filled bowl of soup instead.

somebody99 15-11-2015 01:27 AM

Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by nono1973 (Post 13831281)
Thank you bro.

The sleep part was good at Formosa.

The bonk part was also good from the 3 + 1 safe joints.

The eat part i would have given myself a 5/10 rating (on organizing) for all 3 dinners for the 3 nights.

I think Kraopoek Food Court in Nagoya City Walk has closed down (i am glad it did). I believe its not easy to maintain good food business in Batam if a place does not produce good food and has too many rules and regulations that binds one from eating conveniently (and comfortably). Kraopoek Food Court is a good example.

bro NONO, i think i must follow one trip with you on one of these days, only scared got addicted only...
when u want to bring me to batam, nono?
do they have pHRAMACY selling zzz--lng pills? thanks!

plan for mE leh, bro!

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