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nono1973 24-11-2015 08:43 AM

Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by newyorker88 (Post 13861586)
That's one golden rule. Don't do that. You never know who she is. The so called friends may have drugs with them, and they need to find a target as they are in cahoots w the police. All they need to do is call the police n you are in big trouble.

Yes, Christmas and New Year is round the corner and all the way towards the upcoming CNY2016...those were high season to con the silly Sillyporean,hehehe...since they are often branded not-very-intelligent by many around the world. Every part of the world is polishing their blades,all ready to chop the living carrot off its head,hehehe...

Surprise to see you come online to post on weekends. :D


Originally Posted by newyorker88 (Post 13861586)
Another thing to add on is some of those partying from DISCO, they hook you, go to your room, they can get their friends to stay overnite as well. Bonking? You can rather sure that they wont, unless u pay a sum for all of them.

Thats why my 1st question is,will anyone allow their booking girl's friend to come to his room is it is a "he"? Today,if the girl ask me if her friend/s is allow to come to my room becos of certain reason/s,i will take it (w/o asking) as its a "male" friend.I will feel more easily to reject her that way. ;)

I have that sudden greed before becos the same incident happens to me (when i was still pretty new to Batam) that my girl asked if her friend is allow in,i always reject them. And i did share with my friends ,i am only born with 1 dick and i already have a girl in my room. So dont be greedy.

On top of it,i still have my plan B for any "in case all else fail" situation. Thats in case my girl decide to run becos i reject her request to have her friend/s in my room or that she wish to leave to meet her friends etc. I always leave the booking joint’s name cardSSS on the room table to let her know I do have options. :D


Originally Posted by newyorker88 (Post 13861586)
In short don't think that you gotten a good deal when they ask if their friends can come into the room w you. Chances are they are dead tired from partying, n sleep like a pig.

I have only send away 1 girl in all my Batam trips so far. One of the reason is she wears "clothes" when lying on my bed ,hehehe... my own golden rule in my hotel room bed,total nude. :p

nyquist 24-11-2015 10:20 AM

Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by DDAMn (Post 13870776)
Wat does owe stands for?

OWE also means One Way Entry..

iicycold 24-11-2015 10:26 AM

Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by nyquist (Post 13872252)
OWE also means One Way Entry..

It can means Old Woman's Essence too. :D

iicycold 24-11-2015 11:03 AM

Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by xXFreedomXx (Post 13866973)
Kings Massage happy ending 600k is high. can bargain lower. I got it at 450k on my 1st solo trip.

it can still go dwn further,easily 350k rp & below. No need much effort. For me,jus reject them twice on their quotation will do.


Originally Posted by nono1973 (Post 13868134)
I did share (or have hinted)a little before,Center Point beside Formosa will eventually become a hotel (its emptying itself now). Da Vienna Hotel is "likely" belongs to the Management of Formosa since i see staffs of Formosa at Da Vienna in my previous summaries. The surrounding land,lucky plaza to New Berlian (Nagoya 68 hotel) site has also been sold too. I was also looking for alternatives to Formosa since 5 – 6 months ago.

Indonesia do things very much slower than in Sillypore especially when it comes to tearing down and rebuilding something. It will still take a while before Formosa will eventually comes down. I am guessing,at least more than 1 year later. Its not too late to find an alternative now and i have been doing that my summaries over the last 6 months.

So bro Nono,where'd u suggest my next to stay hotel be? :D

Dn't recommend,cos i knw u wont..jus suggest sm? :rolleyes:


Originally Posted by nono1973 (Post 13862976)
Thats about everything for my 4D3N in Batam on 10th Nov to 13th Nov 2015, be exact its from Deepavali to Friday the 13th. My rating of on this group trip? Hehehe...not going to exaggerate ,i shall rate it a 8.5/10.

Looks like u got a very lucky trip tis time round with the right peeps


Originally Posted by nono1973 (Post 13862976)
* just learn that my summary only take up 4 posts,hehehe...looks like i really have lots of things to camouflage away.

I like the way u diversify the attention off a gd playground so tat no one will knw abt the best of the best among the best. Only those who reads carefully on yr summary gets to eat the fattest worm. :cool:

Shhh...i wn't LICK the pussy .
(leak the cat out of the bag)

xXFreedomXx 24-11-2015 01:33 PM

Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by micmac888 (Post 13870116)
It's really difficult to order for 2. At most charbeehoon + soup + fish. Hence why I boi tahan ~~~

Can ah. Me and gf also 2 person :D

fishingman 24-11-2015 10:12 PM

Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by nono1973 (Post 13870594)
But what i got from my booking girl with me so far is a hold-my-dick and hug me to bed after our bonking session. When i am suppose to meet my friends at lobby at 9am,some of my girl/s will wake me up with a bbbj in between 815am-830am like an alarm clock,hehehe...(that usually ends up with me being late for my Tcss with my girl after our session and watching TV...sometime will kena another leisure bbbj (after session) before i doze off to sleep.

That mainly applies for girls with OWE taught to me 1st by uncle fishingman a long long time ago,hehehe...:D

Have low expectation in Batam and be surprised later. Good or bad time,luck and attitude on how one handles the situation plays an important role. I think any country also the same.

Ha!Ha!Ha!..tis OWE is uncle signeture.

Wen i reach old man age,gfe no more so important. Wife hav,gf also can hav b4,but obedient wife in sg hard to find. :D


Originally Posted by newyorker88 (Post 13868378)

Some beg when you stop at traffic lights.

Tis veri danger to the driver can causing accident easy & the children begging $ also danger. I never ever give $ to any1 ask money at traffic road

fishingman 24-11-2015 10:28 PM

Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by nyquist (Post 13868126)
Delicious food at Marine.. Will revisit again in Dec.

up u for shareing fr.

Thk u.


Originally Posted by nono1973 (Post 13868134)

I like this beggar boss pic!

Look like u! Ha!Ha!Ha!


Originally Posted by Naka_Timo (Post 13869663)
Very nice review on the hotel, maybe this hotel can be kept in mind in my next trip.

Tis harmony suite hotel quite good! but price quite high.

xXFreedomXx 24-11-2015 10:43 PM

Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by fishingman (Post 13875005)

Tis harmony suite hotel quite good! but price quite high.

Just get the studio room, it is good enough with mini kitchen as shown in my post. different days have different rate. it will cost more than Formosa.
It is the next nearest hotel in the area as Formosa. From Harmoni Suites to Formosa only 5mins.
The next nearest will be Da Vienna Hotel which further down of Harmoni Suites. I will go try it on my next visit

fishingman 24-11-2015 11:13 PM

Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by xXFreedomXx (Post 13875080)
Just get the studio room, it is good enough with mini kitchen as shown in my post. different days have different rate. it will cost more than Formosa.

thk u,my friend stay harmoni suit b4 & i got go & see it.


Originally Posted by xXFreedomXx (Post 13875080)
The next nearest will be Da Vienna Hotel which further down of Harmoni Suites. I will go try it on my next visit

Yea,u shld try da vienna hotel. If no rmb wrong the $ u pay for yr studio in yr harmoni rm can book their junior suit rm & still will hav sm change left. Nice rm,i gullantee like 1 rm 1 hall kind.

Their norm rm only 440k rp w all tax inside including.

nono1973 25-11-2015 02:07 AM

Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by FreshJives (Post 13861812)
As bro nono golden advice, if newbies just plan 1 or 2 nites stay, without stress and having a good times, just put up at formosa and booking girls from new berry or goldbird, and maybe bunga...

Many often has step one done not-right. Once the foundation isn’t right,the whole building structure will topple if its built too high up.

Thats how i look at it,hehehe..


Originally Posted by FreshJives (Post 13861812)
But do take note, high chance these syt girls will runaway..2 shots and asking for money like got baby to feed, buy milk powdee (mostly 800k overnite)..bababh, my friend got fed up and sent the girl back after 2hrs. st is 400k for these syt..

I was about to tell you about the risk factor when you posted those places but i guess you already knew by now.


Originally Posted by FreshJives (Post 13861812)
And always be careful when receive greeting from wechat, dun kena the lady boys who posted other girls photo and always very desperate to ask u which hotel and room u stay...hehe

Hehehe...i dont have a wechat/watsapp or BBM,hehehe...noted with thanks bro. This is definitely a good advice well noted. I amin Batam to relax and have fun,not to look for headache...;)


Originally Posted by FreshJives (Post 13861812)
Come across this new hotel near utama, the hotel name is hotel 18, the basic room is 200k for weekday and 220k for is new and clean..

I shall look into this hotel tho it cannot be found online. Thank you for the information.

It does look like you reap quite a lot load of information in this trip,hehehe...there are many booking places i knew about but didnt put it inside the Batam Cheong List becos they werent exactly the SAFE kind. Those were mainly non-licensed joint afterall and most girls there werent bounded by any OKT or joint boss.Likelihood of runaway and bad service tends to be higher. If they decide to play punk,I’ll be a goner.

Moreover i know where to find these girls priced in non-licensed joint or wechat FLs at 800k to 1mil at around 30% to 50% lesser,so no point to pay that higher price yet be taking higher risk for me.


Originally Posted by FreshJives (Post 13861812)
I still prefer milf from the safer joints..for my age, i just want a sound sleep after bonking..hehe..ssyt is occasional, imagine u r touching the fatless and hourglass body..but they normally dun sleep at night high chance of runaway, like to go party or disco..taking oba.and many each his own, gems and higher risk..

Well advised,bro!

Yes,i sense you already seen most of it all and how their culture works there by now. ;)

May you have a better next trip,bro.

nono1973 25-11-2015 10:49 AM

Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by sing2012 (Post 13862117)
i bought one chevas small bottle for $11, same bottle cost bit higher, sry forget the exact amt.

Hehehe...i thought we were talking about cigarette in Batam on the other post? And not liquor. I know,DFS on liquor wise is cheaper at the air port in sillypore than in both Harbour Bay or Harbour Front. Small difference tho.


Originally Posted by sing2012 (Post 13862117)
Since i taken ojek from Harbour bay, ask him to go opp Formosa thn later to Hana for the same price only, also want to know the Formosa place.. After that went few other times to same changer, its walkable distance for me. one time changed near morena, given same rate as formosa one. one time tried near hana, got 150rp less.

Good to know you moved around to check price on various places. For me,i stayed in Formosa,cross opposite Formosa to change money,eats around that area,walk over to some booking joints and all these saves me time and energy.

Feel free to move around by foot to experience Batam,over time you will learn how to save on energy and timing.


Originally Posted by sing2012 (Post 13862117)
same thing happened, okt reaction, gals reaction. expectation bit higher and bit drunk at that time..heehe . also can say some language problem between me and ojek. i also i didn't stop him becoz of curiousness, okt's look, gals laughing all makes me bit overreact.

For this,you may have left others with a not-so-good impression and especially when you are new to a place. They tends to mark up an even higher price. I am sure you know what to do the next time round.

Be steady,bro!


Originally Posted by sing2012 (Post 13862117)
took gal in my 3rd visit to permata,somemore mami's attitude was like same as you said above. want to markup even for lusy galsd. most i visited was new berry.

Hehehe...honestly speaking,i have guessed as much before you replied and i can feel for you becos i have the exact same experience when i visit Permata Indah with a few friends few trips ago too.

3rd visit to the same joint are usually destined to be chopped and/or get a not-so-good service EVEN from girls who usually gives very good service. Standing in their position to look at things, I will think you are a hard-to-please customer and i am destined to suffer in your hands if you pick me.So better you leave than you pick me.


Originally Posted by sing2012 (Post 13862117)
ya the 850k gal service great, but look wise is drawback..

Just a little note here,those who visited New Berry before will know,there is no 850k category girls there. Only 600k,800k,1mil,1.2 mil,1.5mil girls and so on if there is higher cat girls. Which means you either get chopped or got a discount. Small matter tho since its 50k (still pains my heart ;)


Originally Posted by sing2012 (Post 13862117)
ya i relate geylangs story, whenever police raid, they hide & came out. i still asked her y can't she go back to new berry. my gal told me okt not allow. i think obat is the reason. many times she told me she was very dizzy dizzy. i want to sleep. after finished dinner she want to take shower somemore. when came back hotel, security guy gave hard look also. i didn't relate obat here..bit blurrr

ya lucky police didn't come and knock, otheriwse i will be in deeep trouble.

Next time if same thing happen,just tell the girl that hotel dont allow extra guest lor. Your room is for 2 guests,not 3. I know 3 star hotel most time will help their customer,not too sure about 2 stars tho. Just tell your girl 3 guests hotel will charge extra.

If your girl suggest to you she wants to leave your room for a while,do take down her phone number if you soft hearted and choose to ALLOW her to leave your room for an hour or so as to meet her friend/s at the hotel lobby or something (since i suggest you dont allow her friend to come to your room). And if she doesnt come back by an hour,call her via hotel reception,if still dont come back by 30mins,call her again and tell her you are going to call papi or Mami.10 mins she should appear,if not call OKTs. (if she dont return on time after your1st call,high chance are she wont return at all and you are screwed)

Most time the reason why they cannot go back to joint is becos the police is in the joint or somewhere around that area and the OKTs were also worried the girls take drugs and will be subject to urine test. If they are caught there with or w/o going thru the urine test (or even possession of drugs),surely will bring big trouble to the booking joint hence the OKT refuse them in once they have been booked out. All the trouble that OKT is trying to avoid,you went to take them all in. Sorry,bro...thats at least how i feel about your whole situation about her friend/s who went to your room.

Oh...and the fat plumb girl could likely be another runaway,hehehe...meaning runaway from her booking customer who bring her to disco. Just my guess.

That’s also why I asked for their names.


Originally Posted by sing2012 (Post 13862117)
one more reason made me uncomfortable is, this is first time i'm trying overnite booking. may i used to more short times. will take it as learning experince

I didnt know you like short time,if you like short time,another option for you next time is Utama hotel. Behind Utama a whole stretch of 10+ massage parlour closely linked together,90% of it offers either a hj or fj. HJ can be as low as 100k and fj can be as low as 200k. SYT just add another 50k but then you STILL need to bargain down cos the 1st quoted price by the girl is definitely higher.At that area,even if you get chop also wont be very pathetic there. Entrance for the per hour massage were between 60k to 100k for an hour to 1.5 hr so its cheaper than the 400k per short time even when added up together (60k/hr massage + 200k FJ or 100k/hr + 250k FJ). Thats why I often recommend newbie to go there to polish their bargaining skill,hehehe…

If one shop's girl refuse to lower their special service price,there is always another shop less than 10 steps away,hehehe...your damage only 60k or 100k at worst if you hop to another shop,not too damaging right? I mean S$6 to S$10 to polish your bargaining skill? Still cheaper than you get chop big time later in other higher tier massage place,isnt it?

Few of my friends actually try 3 to 4 massage shops in that area in ONE single day,hehehe...after that he got no problem with any other massage shop in Batam for his future Batam (there are some my friends like,some they you just have to find one that suits you)

Just suggesting another option here.

micmac888 25-11-2015 11:09 AM

Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by fishingman (Post 13875168)
da vienna hotel.

Agree too. DVienna suites nice. The decor is nice and there is partioning that "separates" living room and bedroom. Suites got Jacuzzi and mini fridge for sure. Have stayed there to know. The junior suite easier to book. The executive ones tend to be overbooked (several times overseas friends come and always can't get the executive during the weekends even when try booking a week in advance too).

For me my favorite hotels are : dvienna (suites) and Gideon (has to be corner suites). Furniture, upkeep, layout, spaciousness, promote romantic/wild ***k-ambience LOL.

resorts my fav: montigo (east side) and ktm (west side)

dargonfly75 25-11-2015 12:18 PM

Re: Batam Info Thread
Dear Batam seniors, I will be going to Batam next month and thanks to everyone esp bro Nono's beginner guide, think I'll be ready. Have already drawn up my 2D1N itenary and will try to stick to it as much as possible.

I still have some question though.
Q1. I've booked Formosa directly at their site. It says 580k inclusive of breakfast for a deluxe room. Do I still go to Kaha to get their coupon? Doesn't matter for this round but good to know. Just need to know when you say book through their site, is it send them an email to book or go through their booking system.

2. I see that most including bro Nono buy their groceries including caps from the shops here. Any issue if you bring your own battle gears. I mean bring your own condoms from SG.

3. Anyone experienced the immigration officer ask you for cigarette money? How to avoid if possible?

Thanks in advance.

nono1973 25-11-2015 02:35 PM

Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by nyquist (Post 13862337)
FYI .. KFC is Cewek for me.

Next time try BFC ok…also very famous in Indonesia,hehehe...:D


Originally Posted by nyquist (Post 13862337)
Horniness level : Like a switch.. 4 rounds per night. Most times she initiates..

I believe thats not counting the "massage rounds",hehehe...


Originally Posted by nyquist (Post 13862337)
AJ: Yet to try

Coming soon,coming soon...with a steady pace,AJ is only a matter of time,hehehe…

Will be buying lube (aka KY) in Batam in my next trip,hehehe...


Originally Posted by nyquist (Post 13862337)
Handphone model : Not smartphone

That’s an open trade secret...hehehe...:p

Going to a booking joint to look for girls with or w/o a smart phone is like going into the MRT train in Sillypore. 1 min of observation, you can tell upon entering. Some girls has a few phones by their side bench while they waited for customers to step into the joint,hehehe...if you book those girls with a few phones by their side...well...good luck!

*too many "smart" phones radiates too much radiation,often causing the girl's to become unwell around midnight and at times need to go to a discotheque to get some prescription of drugs and have it cured.


Originally Posted by nyquist (Post 13862337)
Overall rating: 8/10 - A gem for 600..

Lastly.. Thanks to Nono for guiding me.

You are welcome.

We all learn from one another,new tricks,new methods. And move on with time and their culture.

From your description,it is definitely a gem. There are always gems all over Batam,i guess you got the luck when you find one that suits you.

One man's meat can be another man's poison,learned that when i read in this thread when a few bros a few years ago who share a few good gems (i read this whole thread few times),end up he got penalized by those who tried base on his recommendation and he left this thread not sharing anymore. Lucky i have bad memory and cant often remember any of my girl's name (most time i cant be bothered to even ask since i have bad memory). And i cant recommend any particular place/s or girl/s to anyone.

Those who asked me often gets the same answer. I dont recommend. But i try my best to remember lousy service girl's name tho.Most time, I still need to write them down to remember tho.


Originally Posted by nyquist (Post 13863063)
I heard someone is planning his dec trip in 8 days.

Hehehe...5 more days to start planning for my next trip and counting down.


Originally Posted by nyquist (Post 13863063)
We might link up for some KFC.

We'll see,bro. If fate allows,we shall link up. Heaven decides. :D

Coming trip is unlikely to be a newbie group trip tho,it will be more of a private one. And private trips wont have a date in the public forum. Like what i always do,1 learning group trip for the newbie/s ,another for myself. 1 with the intention to help others,the other is to explore (or re-explore) plots of ground in Batam as well as meet up and rekindle friendship with the people i know so as to exchange ideas,news,information etc etc.

Batam is like a RPG game to me and i am like playing RPG in heaven. ;)

Black Page 25-11-2015 05:27 PM

Why we should avoid paying obat for girls
Nobody really wants this happening to one of our girls, right?

I was used to not refuse to pay some obat for girls who asked me in disco (at least those who were staying with me, not anyone asking me), but I strictly stopped doing it since more than one year. I don't want to help someone to burn her brain.
Think about that.

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