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Tony Stark 23-08-2009 11:29 PM

Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by victory1 (Post 4037631)
Wah...windsor foodcourt again....lanti my darling got jelous when i look at those mini shirt beer promoter, some more kana scold in front of you....paiseh....lose face mah.....what about makam malam at food city 72 beside dc mall. o.k la makam on you, i pay drink or beer and some more taxi....

if your timing and my timing not match, can alway contact my taxi abang... tell him you're Vick's friend and he know what to do.....
I mean the cewek damage and his taxi price...

Do worry, I can see you're are also lau bird, so for you no problem,,,,,

Haha makan at any food court is fine with me. Rezeki also can. Over there no beer promoters so your sayang won't get jealous. Hahaha. :D

My Bahasa is only one piece one piece but can get by I guess.

Will PM you to arrange a meet up when I've time to go to Batam. Keep up with the good posts. I seldom post in Riau Islands threads but do read them for old times sake. Cheers! :)

victory1 24-08-2009 12:14 AM

Re: Batam Info Thread
BTW, now batam scene is very quiet compare with 5 years ago. this is due to a number of reason; recession in s'pore, after US lehman bros collapse, lost of job for some bros, earning less and not enough $$$ to cheong,

the worse is those bros go BTM and hunt for cewek in KTV, message centre, disco, lounges, only 1 per cent of the lucky ones get gems there, for the rest, they come back and complaint, indo cewek suck big big time. zero service, cannot french, no kissing, cannot bath together, come out of bath room wrapped in towel & hide under the blanket....fuck also cannot too long, cepat....cepat...bang.

also some worst case, send the cewek back after 1st bonk....even can exchange and pay another 250,000rp to okt, SO WHAT.....the second cewek also cannot perform.

If let say I booked cewek from fish tank, whether from jungle, queen, indah2, gold bird, bourgenville etc, etc,,,the booking is 350,000rp (standard price) without driver. if the cewek is under contract with the okt she will take half i.e 175,000rp. so it is about S$25.00 base on today rate of S$1=6950rp

For this amount, The cewek will give me her hole for 2 shots and not expect to service me anything than that. If I'm lucky enough, I get good service, usually I tell the cewek if your service good, i give more tip, 150,000 also no problem. You come here because you want to earn money, i understand that you get little after okt cut your earning. Some of them listen also don't understand, had to some more explain I orange tua (old man) cannot stand, need fore-play, and fore-play is more important than fuck, now you melihat, so soft how to fuck.....

Sadly, due to this reason, many many bros divert their play ground to other place. Some more okt complaint no customer, I tell okt batam cewek service no good and cannot compare to Thai foo yin. kayu OKT listen already also want to ague..thai more expensive, and hatyai so far what.

except national day long week end, almost all the ferry to BTM is not full, I went on friday, ferry less than 20 people, come back sunday, ferry about 30 plus people. minus those aunty and family with children go BTM shopping and makam, fish tank where got bussiness ??????

taxi69 24-08-2009 12:40 PM

Re: Batam Info Thread
Bro,yr cewks recommendation beri good leh.


Originally Posted by victory1 (Post 4037361)
Ya confirm leow, my taxi abang got lobang for cewek working in bank and office beside factory gals, as for my sayang, she also got friend which need money and willing to recommend to my friend.
For those cewek working in decent 8-5 job, can look for Robert, I already email you guys robert hp no.

For my darling's friend, need to contact me, so that i can make arrangement.

Sounds good 2 me:p


Originally Posted by Tony Stark (Post 4037597)
Hope I can arrange one day to cheong in Batam with you. Dinner at Windsor Food Court on me. Cheers. :)

Got my share?:D

newyorker88 24-08-2009 01:05 PM

Re: Batam Info Thread
Happen to come across a new joint, called Princess Massage, At complex paradise( behind DC mall stretch).
It is a new joint, with massage prices at 50K for 1 1/2 hour.

Just open 1 month ago, as they claim. Place is ok, got to have some touch up though. Rooms are partitioned by walls with draw curtains.

There aren't many massage that are open nowdays. Some discreetly. There are actually customers! Maybe becos no where to release. Hahaha.

Gotten a gal, whom I suspect as freelance. Name : Amanda or arama, did not remember properly.

Looks: 7/10, slim, with a bit of fats at belly.
Age: Mid 20 the most.
Boobs, 34 C at least. But soft.
From Sarawark. Told me she married a indo fellow. Joined when it first open.
Speak english.
Malay, NOT javanese.

Started off with massage, and after 1 hour she stopped. Massage is soft, like panio. But overall ok lah. Half way thru, I can eve hear the opposite room guy and gal chating, and nego of FJ price. Guy asking for 150k for FJ. Hahaha. Then she lie down beside me, hug me like GF, and wanted to kiss me. Slowly we chit chat and ended up with HJ. Never nego price but I tipped for it.

Told me she lived in a rented room. Did not get her number, as I prefer MILF. Of cos, she is looking for contacts.

Brothers who are interested can try it out.
Remember, to use the CD, as you never know who she slept with!!!!!

etct88 24-08-2009 01:06 PM

Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by taxi69 (Post 4038949)
Got my share?:D

ya, I also say so.......... :p:p

Tony Stark 24-08-2009 02:05 PM

Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by victory1 (Post 4037786)
BTW, now batam scene is very quiet compare with 5 years ago. this is due to a number of reason; recession in s'pore, after US lehman bros collapse, lost of job for some bros, earning less and not enough $$$ to cheong,

the worse is those bros go BTM and hunt for cewek in KTV, message centre, disco, lounges, only 1 per cent of the lucky ones get gems there, for the rest, they come back and complaint, indo cewek suck big big time. zero service, cannot french, no kissing, cannot bath together, come out of bath room wrapped in towel & hide under the blanket....fuck also cannot too long, cepat....cepat...bang.

also some worst case, send the cewek back after 1st bonk....even can exchange and pay another 250,000rp to okt, SO WHAT.....the second cewek also cannot perform.

If let say I booked cewek from fish tank, whether from jungle, queen, indah2, gold bird, bourgenville etc, etc,,,the booking is 350,000rp (standard price) without driver. if the cewek is under contract with the okt she will take half i.e 175,000rp. so it is about S$25.00 base on today rate of S$1=6950rp

For this amount, The cewek will give me her hole for 2 shots and not expect to service me anything than that. If I'm lucky enough, I get good service, usually I tell the cewek if your service good, i give more tip, 150,000 also no problem. You come here because you want to earn money, i understand that you get little after okt cut your earning. Some of them listen also don't understand, had to some more explain I orange tua (old man) cannot stand, need fore-play, and fore-play is more important than fuck, now you melihat, so soft how to fuck.....

Sadly, due to this reason, many many bros divert their play ground to other place. Some more okt complaint no customer, I tell okt batam cewek service no good and cannot compare to Thai foo yin. kayu OKT listen already also want to ague..thai more expensive, and hatyai so far what.

except national day long week end, almost all the ferry to BTM is not full, I went on friday, ferry less than 20 people, come back sunday, ferry about 30 plus people. minus those aunty and family with children go BTM shopping and makam, fish tank where got bussiness ??????

I believe many bros are willing to pay a bit more as long as the quality and service is good. Those KTV ceweks really cannot make it. I rather PCC. Seems like those KTV boss still very complacent. Nevermind lah let them go kaput. The forces of economics will make them wake up their idea.


Originally Posted by taxi69 (Post 4038949)
Got my share?:D

Sure do. You also have Batam kangtao. :D


Originally Posted by etct88 (Post 4039039)
ya, I also say so.......... :p

KNN you these days also never bonk one. You go Batam shine sun hor? :rolleyes:

victory1 24-08-2009 04:37 PM

Re: Batam Info Thread
last sunday, don't what happen to BTM, see afew mata-chia doing rounding,
I been to BTM so many time until lost count, never see mata chia before.

If checking for obat, then not my problem, if wanna check unaged girls with abang also not my problem. If want to check WL girl, then I ??????:confused:

My darling not consider WL and FL...any bros expenience B4:confused:


victory1 24-08-2009 05:00 PM

Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by taxi69 (Post 4038949)
Bro,yr cewks recommendation beri good leh.

Sounds good 2 me:p

Got my share?:D

Ya lo....that's why I post in sammy for all interest bros to no chance already cos cannot touch my darling 's friend, want to tao jak must also siam here siam darling everyday check on me one.....
If I in Batam the no start with 62 instead of 65 S'pore....

Those bros intend to find gals for long term fuck partner, must take note of this....

Friday went there, tell her that I saturday pulang, excort me to ferry terminal, secretly take out my batt, and tell her today cannot call me, my HP spoilt. she try try to ON my HP but dak bisa ON, I said...isteri....hp rusak mana boleh ON...Wah cold sweat....but luckly never wait for me to enter immgration. Must make sure she disappear then IPPT (run) to hotel Amir and call abang.

Wah if she wait 4 me to clear immgration, the most waste $48 plus 40min, reach Harbour Front, then belakang boseng kembali Harbourbay lo....

victory1 24-08-2009 05:12 PM

Re: Batam Info Thread
Look at today news...

KUANTAN: Model Kartika Sari Dewi Shukarno, who was scheduled to be caned this week for drinking beer, has been released temporarily as it is not advisable for the sentence to be meted out during the fasting month.

Wah lau....Islamic law sooooo strict.....what my sayang drink beer at food court:confused:

Naka_Timo 24-08-2009 05:40 PM

Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by victory1 (Post 4039765)
Look at today news...

KUANTAN: Model Kartika Sari Dewi Shukarno, who was scheduled to be caned this week for drinking beer, has been released temporarily as it is not advisable for the sentence to be meted out during the fasting month.

Wah lau....Islamic law sooooo strict.....what my sayang drink beer at food court:confused:

Bro, all your pics and cerwek so power, must learn form u next time.Hahaha

victory1 24-08-2009 06:13 PM

Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by Naka_Timo (Post 4039840)
Bro, all your pics and cerwek so power, must learn form u next time.Hahaha

Actually depend on luck, i try soooo long & burn hole in pocket then come across this cewek, I mean my present least she is more open minded and willing to help her friends who need $$$. some don't share one, but cannot blame them cos who want to let friends know they 're broke and must let orang singkee fuck fuck fuck for S$100.00. malu what some more lose face....that's why don't mensioned the word PROSTITUTE in front of them.....cos they are not....and will not amit.

I say luck because I also willing to post in sammy. only a little effort on my part.. since i go BTM almost every week, I see no harm to bring bros to meet my sayang, then proceed to meet her friend.....whether 2 of you get along or and the agreed damage is not is not my problem.....take note her friend also can decline or reject....My sayang & me only do the introduce part, of course her friends all know that singkee come to BTM to enjoy & fuck fuck fuck...

Singkee also know they must pay $$$ in order to fuck fuck fuck. the rest is up to you whether to continue or pao her or not...

Take note me and my sarang not OKT, cos we don't take $$$ from the girls you take...don't belived next time you happen the take the same girls, ask her lo...

And I say again.....My sayang only recommend, service wise, can perform in bed or not, I no gurantee....
1) the girl I cannot try, how I know
2) I don't put scret Cam in your room
3) recommend you wife NO gurantee the wife can born baby....

Naka_Timo 24-08-2009 06:35 PM

Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by victory1 (Post 4039956)
Actually depend on luck, i try soooo long & burn

1) the girl I cannot try, how I know
2) I don't put scret Cam in your room
3) recommend you wife NO gurantee the wife can born baby....

hahaha!!! interesting u, c when free meet u for kopi or makan at A1 or windsor when i m there. Btw, check your PM.

ch_chua 24-08-2009 06:43 PM

Re: Batam Info Thread
Bro victory1,u really a good joker leh!May b one of the day can meet up at batam,usually i stay formosa hotel and only know how to go a1 for makan.:)

skyfree 24-08-2009 06:54 PM

Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by victory1 (Post 4039956)
Actually depend on luck, i try soooo long & burn hole in pocket then come across this cewek, I mean my present least she is more open minded and willing to help her friends who need $$$. some don't share one, but cannot blame them cos who want to let friends know they 're broke and must let orang singkee fuck fuck fuck for S$100.00. malu what some more lose face....that's why don't mensioned the word PROSTITUTE in front of them.....cos they are not....and will not amit.

I say luck because I also willing to post in sammy. only a little effort on my part.. since i go BTM almost every week, I see no harm to bring bros to meet my sayang, then proceed to meet her friend.....whether 2 of you get along or and the agreed damage is not is not my problem.....take note her friend also can decline or reject....My sayang & me only do the introduce part, of course her friends all know that singkee come to BTM to enjoy & fuck fuck fuck...

Singkee also know they must pay $$$ in order to fuck fuck fuck. the rest is up to you whether to continue or pao her or not...

Take note me and my sarang not OKT, cos we don't take $$$ from the girls you take...don't belived next time you happen the take the same girls, ask her lo...

And I say again.....My sayang only recommend, service wise, can perform in bed or not, I no gurantee....
1) the girl I cannot try, how I know
2) I don't put scret Cam in your room
3) recommend you wife NO gurantee the wife can born baby....

bro victory1,

got any indocina to recommend from your sayang?

my bahasa indo damn lousy even though i still learning....

victory1 24-08-2009 06:54 PM

Re: Batam Info Thread
This coming saturday go BTM must buy those SEXY, EROTIC, TRANSPARENT, CROTHLESS G-STRING for my sarang to wear.....

Wah lau go sex shop and ask, they say no have, all in matching set consists of sexy night gown, matching transparent bra & undies. some more S$100 plus and the cheapest one cost S$75. Some more see already bey sexy...

I want only panties, so come across a lingerie shop at Blk 462 North Bridge Road that sell all sort of undies, thong, g-string for 3 pcs = S$10.
1st got 1 and 2nd fl also got one shop. Better quality one cost S$10, still cheap.

My sayang wear those cotton panty see alreay bey steam. I told her this type of panty wait you 80 - 90 yrs old then wear....Sayang blur blur ???:confused:

You bey steam, then i no wear, both naked inside the service...quickly wrap towel & open the door..
I cannot no wear, my ball shake here & there how to walk, lanti pisang get cold how to fuck. and some more you like to bike my pangtuck....

I say next week I datang, I buy you sexy ones, fuck no need to take out panty....where got....see picture lohhhhh

Wah wah wah, the merah muda (pink) one I like
Wah wah wah, aku ho seh leow....
minggu depan sayang melihat...o.k.

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