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Naka_Timo 30-11-2015 07:39 AM

Re: Batam Info Thread
Just got this news in Facebook. Hope none of bros affected.

MiG27 30-11-2015 09:23 AM

Re: Batam Info Thread
Oh dear!! Im worried of my return ferry later.
All along we took for granted it is very safe. I guess there will be significantly lesser ppl going to btm this sat?!

hawkeye007 30-11-2015 10:10 AM

Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by MiG27 (Post 13896958)
Oh dear!! Im worried of my return ferry later.
All along we took for granted it is very safe. I guess there will be significantly lesser ppl going to btm this sat?!

1 sunken ferry will not stop the hordes of horny bros from descending upon Batam for their weekly sexcapades... Lol...

cashprice 30-11-2015 10:46 AM

Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by MiG27 (Post 13896958)
All along we took for granted it is very safe. I guess there will be significantly lesser ppl going to btm this sat?!

It's from Nongsapura ferry terminal to SG & at 945pm.

Marine accident usually happens during night time & during low tides. Captain of the ferry probably inexperience with the coastal terrain.

You'll be safe.


SINGAPORE: Nearly 100 people were rescued after their ferry heading to Singapore from the Indonesian island of Batam hit a floating object on Sunday night (Nov 29).

The Maritime and Port Authority of Singapore (MPA) said it received a report at about 9.45pm that an Indonesia-registered ferry “Sea Prince” had hit a floating object after leaving the Nongsapura ferry terminal in Batam.


Originally Posted by johnkhb (Post 13897149)
1 sunken ferry will not stop the hordes of horny bros from descending upon Batam for their weekly sexcapades... Lol...


There has been abt 163 marine accident involving ferries over the last 15 yrs,killing more than 17000 people in south east asia & they are mainly from Philippines, China, and Indonesia. But people still travels there happily.

Naka_Timo 30-11-2015 01:29 PM

Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by Naka_Timo (Post 13896728)
Just got this news in Facebook. Hope none of bros affected.

All passengers was accounted for. No injury and the ferry was also in stable condition.

nono1973 30-11-2015 03:09 PM

Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by Naka_Timo (Post 13897868)
All passengers was accounted for. No injury and the ferry was also in stable condition.

It is interesting to know that :


Two inflatable rafts on the ferry were launched for the passengers, but both rafts sank due to the overload, she said.
Its a one in a thousand chance that such accident happens. Thats why i always emphasise that i will try to minimise even the once in a thousand chance. I am curious to know what will be the compensation like tho.

Date : 29th Nov 2015,Sunday.
Ferry Company : Batam Fast
Harbour Terminal involved : Nongsapura

Time of incident : around 7pm
Time passengers was informed : 8pm
Time Sillypore Authority receive report : about 945pm
Time CNA received the report : 8pm
Total passengers on board : 97
Time passenger reached destination : 1220am at Tanah Merah

Black Page 30-11-2015 05:07 PM

In KL, it is common to find the so-called "chicken fish". All barbecue stalls in Jalan Alor present it on ice (not always fresh, actually).
Conversely, I never saw it in seafood restaurants of Singapore and of course Batam. Why? What sea does it come from?

A second related question: what fish, among those many ones offered for barbecue in seafood restaurants of Batam, especially in street stalls, is really local? Where do they fish it? Very far from Nagoya?

Thank you!

nono1973 30-11-2015 05:37 PM

Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by Black Page (Post 13871197)
I cannot even imagine Batam without Formosa. For me, Batam IS Formosa. In my mind, I associated all my adventures I had in Batam to the smell of Formosa floors, to the smile of all Receptionists, to the large triple-size bed (yes, enough to keep 3 persons sleeping with ease).

Try Da Vienna Hotel the next time round,or just walk in there to have a look. You might just find a few familiar faces there.

I will have to re-establish myself in a new hotel, comfortable and convenient enough for me and I am still looking. I tends to look at the type of hotel room a hotel has to offer. Like I have said a long time before,ONLY Formosa has the kind of room I need and ONLY 5 of such room exist in the whole of Batam.


Originally Posted by Black Page (Post 13871197)
PS: I understand now that if a girl refuses to do BBBJ and wants condom, you take out from your purse the durian-flavoured ones. I guess this is effective to convince any reluctant girl to opt for bare skin.

Here's the problem,most girl brings their own condoms...and its suppose to be a good sign as more are doing that!


Originally Posted by Black Page (Post 13882603)
BTW, where did you buy it?? I want to buy a box as souvenir next time. Original gift for friends in my home country...

From inside Formosa hotel,enter Tea Story Restaurant (do not step out of hotel at this point yet),turn left and exit out from the restaurant's other entrance (back entrance that sells birthday cake) which will lead you out of the hotel.Turn left and walk about 15 steps. You will reach a provision shop,enter and search for what you are looking for.


Originally Posted by nyquist (Post 13883087)
By the way, is there a casino in Batam?

Used to have but closed down long time ago even before i 1st visit Batam.


Originally Posted by FreshJives (Post 13883392)
i am a far the girl i booked from new berry, all not bad, i mean service not look..i more favoured MILFtype, service 一级棒...only once got the 850k girl..hehe, quite service oriented also.and i do agree for 600k and 800k, price hardly bargain

When i see something out of the ordinary,what comes in mind 1st will be the booking joint's record book. When someone got chopped,usually the money dont go to the record book. Example if you pay 1 million rupiah for a 800k girl,whats recorded in the book is 800k,hence the girl/s you booked and the joint's boss get a cut from that 800k and not the 1 million rupiah.

The 200k extra usually goes into the OKT's pocket. :D

Every joint is run differently tho.


Originally Posted by FreshJives (Post 13883392)
..for happy 8, can bargain to 900k for 1 juta girl, booked once...

Hehehe...and if 2 or 3 person all booked from the same joint,can still cut another 50k to make it 850k too. This not only applies to Happy 8,it can apply to Bunga too (tested). ;)


Originally Posted by Seth El Nino (Post 13883641)
I once took a gal from Goldbird at 800k. 2 or 3 mths later during my next trip, the exact same gal was now sitting in Bunga priced at 1.2m. That is 400k increase from 800k, which is 50%. Luckily, one guy in our group trip managed to reduce the price to 1m or 1.1m. That shows the % markup in prices by Bunga.

Priced higher = if deal is closed,earn more = no need to work too hard or too many days in the same month.


Originally Posted by Seth El Nino (Post 13883641)
Having said tat, Bunga is one of biggest joints with most gals, good mix of SYTs & milfs. But be sure to always bargain down the price.

Pooling my limited knowledge and info collected in Batam, i did a draft count.

Gold Bird girls on the average gets booked out 22 times a month

New Berry about 18 times per month

Bunga and Happy 8 usually around 10 times a month

Permata Indah about 13 times per month but do note this place closes quite late and its also a KTV. So their girls has "other source" of income beside getting booked for overnight.

From the statistic above,one will be able to deduce which booking joint would likely have MORE girls towards the later afternoon/evening throughout a whole day.

I am taking the figures above base on average normal month and not during peak months (eg. Dec/Jan/Feb).

micmac888 30-11-2015 05:59 PM

Re: Ikan

Originally Posted by Black Page (Post 13898744)
what fish, among those many ones offered for barbecue in seafood restaurants of Batam, especially in street stalls, is really local?

Just about all. Per chance , if you get to go to a local wet market - you can check out the fish being sold.

And a trivia :

Ikan Kue/Kwe/Kuwe: Pompano
Ikan Bandeng: Milkfish
Ikan Kokatau: Parrot fish
Ikan Gurame: Variety of Carp
Ikan Mas: Variety of Carp
Ikan Tawes: Variety of Carp
Ikan Kerapu: Grouper
Ikan Dori: John Dory
Ikan Lele/Sembilang: Catfish
Ikan kakap: Snapper
Ikan Kembung: Mackerel
Ikan Kakap Merah: Red Snapper
Ikan Cakalang: Shipjack Tuna
Ikan Tongkol: Mackerel Tuna
Ikan Tuna Sirip Kuning: Yellowfin Tuna
Ikan Tuna Sirip Biru: Bluefin Tuna
Ikan Tembang/Sarden/Ikan Lemuru: Sardines
Ikan Tenggiri: Spanish Mackerel
Ikan Kakap Putih: Baramundi
Ikan Teri: White bait
Ikan Todak: Marlin/Swordfish
Ikan Selar Kuning: Trevally/Yellowstripe Scad
Ikan Lemadang: Dolphinfish/Mahi-Mahi
Ikan Barakuda/Barakuta: Barracuda
Ikan Belanak: Mullet
Ikan Sembilang: Catfish
Ikan Kacang-Kacang: Garfish
Ikan Bawal Putih : White Pomfret. Chong Yee [Chinese].
Ikan Bawal Hitam : Black Pomfret, also called Pompano. Hak Chong Yee [Chinese].
Ikan Bawal Selatan : Silver Pomfret. Pak Chong Yee [Chinese].
Ikan Bayan / Ikan Ketarap : Parrotfish, also called Tuskfish or Wrasse.
Ikan Duri : Catfish. Tong Sat [Chinese], Mulluvalai [Tamil].
Ikan Haruan : Snakehead fish.
Ikan Jenahak : Golden Snapper.
Ikan Kakap : Sea Bream, also called Porgy or Porgies.
Ikan Kakap Merah : Red Sea Bream.
Ikan Kayu : Tuna. Kam Cheong Yee [Chinese].
Ikan Tongkol : Albacore Tuna. Kam Cheong Yee [Chinese].
Ikan Kelah : Malaysian Mahseer, also called Greater Brook Carp.
Ikan Kembong : Mackerel, also called Chubb Mackerel or Indian Mackerel.
Ikan Kerapu : Grouper. Sek Pan [Chinese].
Ikan Kerapu Pisang : Yellowfin Grouper.
Ikan Kunyit : Yellowtail Snapper.
Ikan Kurau : Treadfin. Tai Mah Yau Yee [Chinese], Koduva Meen [Tamil].
Ikan Merah : Red Snapper. Hoong Yee [Chinese], Sikappu Meen [Tamil].
Ikan Parang : Wolf Herring. Sai Toh Yee [Chinese].
Ikan Pari : Stingray, Skate, Skate Wings. Po Yee [Chinese].
Ikan Pari Hantu : Manta Ray.
Ikan Patin : Silver Catfish.
Ikan Selar : Scad.
Ikan Selayang / Ikan Tamban : Sardine. Sa Ting Yee [Chinese], Siru Meen [Tamil].
Ikan Siakap : Barramundi, also called Asian Seabass or Giant Perch.
Ikan Susu : Milkfish.
Ikan Tenggiri : Spanish Mackerel. Kau Yee [Chinese].
Ikan Terubok : Shad, also called River Herring.
Ikan Yu : Shark. Sar Yee [Chinese].

cheers! LOL!

Black Page 30-11-2015 06:43 PM

Re: Ikan

Originally Posted by micmac888 (Post 13898939)
Just about all. Per chance , if you get to go to a local wet market - you can check out the fish being sold.

And a trivia :

I am going to keep your post as reference. Useful vocabulary.

Black Page 30-11-2015 07:14 PM

I've not seen this in Batam. Where??:confused:

Boyvoy 30-11-2015 07:59 PM

Re: Batam Info Thread
Reporting live from Batam, keyza is on 40% discount right now. Package O (the most expensive) is 310k instead 515k. This is my first time in keyza, so I didn't know what to expect.

The B2B was awesome, it depends on the girl though. I got a boob job but my friend didn't. At the ending she popped the GQ, Hj for 300k I bargained to 150k but she refused. So I just say thank you and left.

Boyvoy 30-11-2015 08:11 PM

Re: Batam Info Thread
Reporting live from Batam. Keyza is on 40% discount right now (not sure until when). The most expensive package 'O' is 310k from 515k.

It is my first time here so I didn't know what to expect. The B2B was awesome. It depends on the girl though. I got a boob job but my friend didn't.

Almost 15mins from the end of my session she popped the GQ, Hj for 300k but I bargained for 150k but she refused. So I just say no thanks and left.

Overall, the girl was 6/10 though. She had the body for a satisfying B2B but not that pretty in my opinion.

micmac888 30-11-2015 10:51 PM

Re: Awas!

Originally Posted by Black Page (Post 13899253)

It's fake. LOL!

MiG27 30-11-2015 11:52 PM

Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by nono1973 (Post 13886882)
Somewhere beginning of this year,a senior bro did warn me about the Keyza's boss taking the 40% off if the place becomes too popular hence from thereon i start building another List. Today,it has really comes in handy for me. Currently, i am not prepared to make the same mistake i made for Indo Rasa as well as Keyza.

Thanks for pics....
Actually it was wrong for me to say increase in price.
It is just that 40% promo period over liao.


Originally Posted by Boyvoy (Post 13899441)
Reporting live from Batam. Keyza is on 40% discount right now (not sure until when). The most expensive package 'O' is 310k from 515k.

opps....I guess I miss that....I didn't went in this time round.

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