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KohOnly21 04-12-2015 12:49 PM

Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by big wood (Post 13914715)
sorry didn't has time to read from start to end, anyway going to batam soon just check with any kind bro here is there any place for short time and what is the charges thanks a million

Take a taxi from Harbourbay Terminal, tell the driver Octopus Spa at Pacific Hotel.. This Spa have models for short time :D

Remember must to ask the driver to bring you up if you are shy or donno where's the spa.

Tell the receptionist you want Tier 1, Gold Package. Then you will be bought to view and choose girl. Upon choosing you girl, receptionist will ask which room would you like to take? You tell Executive Suite, more comfortable have bathtub.

Remember to order drinks if you are thirsty. There's not free water to drink or food to eat in the spa.

After everything, your bill should be around IDR 1,100,000 ~ 1,400,00

Will appreciate if you can post the detailed FR after your visit. ;)

tomcat007 04-12-2015 01:50 PM


Originally Posted by big wood (Post 13914715)
sorry didn't has time to read from start to end, anyway going to batam soon just check with any kind bro here is there any place for short time and what is the charges thanks a million

How convenient...

tomcat007 04-12-2015 01:52 PM


Originally Posted by iicycold (Post 13914795)
If u didn't have the time to read, i suggest u not visit Btm tis season,bcs u will need to pay $48 ferry + hotel fee + more than twice the norm carrot price & it will ultimately end up becming way more expensive.

Since u only looking for ST,y not just go to to look for indo girls? Cheaper,simpler & more convenient. Who knws mayb even better too.

U r welcomed a million! :rolleyes:


You very kind hearted to even suggest alternative for him...

tomcat007 04-12-2015 01:53 PM


Originally Posted by KohOnly21 (Post 13914895)
Take a taxi from Harbourbay Terminal, tell the driver Octopus Spa at Pacific Hotel.. This Spa have models for short time :D

Remember must to ask the driver to bring you up if you are shy or donno where's the spa.

Tell the receptionist you want Tier 1, Gold Package. Then you will be bought to view and choose girl. Upon choosing you girl, receptionist will ask which room would you like to take? You tell Executive Suite, more comfortable have bathtub.

Remember to order drinks if you are thirsty. There's not free water to drink or food to eat in the spa.

After everything, your bill should be around IDR 1,100,000 ~ 1,400,00

Will appreciate if you can post the detailed FR after your visit. ;)

Another kind hearted bro. Even suggest to ask the taxi driver to hold your hands up to the spa.

tomcat007 04-12-2015 01:55 PM

Re: Batam Info Thread
Look for this Nick - nono1973. Look for his post them look for the link in his sigfile. All you need is there. If still no time to read, then suggest you stay at home and remain Mr Handsome.

nono1973 04-12-2015 02:35 PM

Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by MiG27 (Post 13895519)
I am writing this fr on the bed of my 240k room in hotel 18. I dunno how to post pics since im using a tablet. So, a fuller FR will follow w pics when im back in sg tmr.

Very detailed and interesting FR. Your FR is now becoming more like a travelogue,hehehe...lots of information for me to pick up along your way.


Originally Posted by MiG27 (Post 13895519)
Things get worse upon reaching btm center customs. Long queue until outside.....luckily the indo customs are on the ball n I got thru in under 45 mins.

This is always the case,when there are lots of people queuing to get their passport chop, the Batam custom only have 2 counters opened up. Then when there was little people passing thru the custom,I will often see 4 to 5 custom counters opening.

45 mins to get thru the passport chopping custom counter is a long wait. Busy as like 1st day of CNY 2015,it took me no more than 30 mins in queue to get thru Harbour Bay terminal's custom.


Originally Posted by MiG27 (Post 13895519)
Quoted goodway 520k....ok looks like no more carrot chop tactics.
I delibrately do this as i was chop before n i wrote a letter of complaint to kaha.

You know what i wish to ask at this point,how did the Kaha compensation goes? Or they just talk talk only?


Originally Posted by MiG27 (Post 13895519)
I didnt book any rooms and i know im taking a risk when i reach nagoya. I wanted to stay at city central or hana this time. I was looking at hotel booking website n it seemed most hotels in batam are fully book.

You are very confident,hehehe...but i am not.

I usually will always plan in advance,making sure everything will running smoothly and if something unexpectedly cropped up,i will proceed to my pre-planned Plan B.


Originally Posted by MiG27 (Post 13895519)
Take taxi to formosa hotel.....the driver dunno city central hotel....n he took a longer route w crowded traffic. I didnt bargain very hard so it is 50k.

Seems like quite a norm to pay 50k from Batam Center ferry terminal to Nagoya nowaday. City Central has only start business about 3 to 4 months ago,hence not many people will know. By the way,more hotels around City Central coming up…hehehe…and soon.

It is still under construction for now.


Originally Posted by MiG27 (Post 13895519)
So alighted at formosa n i made sure the driver drove off before i continue.
The previous trip.....the driver rushed in to talk to me when i was signing in at formosa.
I felt very intruded....

Just curious why you drop at Formosa? I mean Lovinna Inn is nearer to City Central as compare to Formosa.


Originally Posted by MiG27 (Post 13895519)
I admit im too complacent and i lost my way trying to find city central when in fact it is so near to formosa. In the end, i found hana first.....


You never do homework beforehand,hehehe…


Originally Posted by MiG27 (Post 13895519)
Spent some 15 mins n finally located city central.
And at last, say only left a 388k room w twin bed. Alamak....

Just curious which price range of room do you originally plan to take?

There was 288k,338k 388k and another at 588k.


Originally Posted by MiG27 (Post 13895519)
Pardon me coz i tend to write very detail stuff so it can get pretty long winded.

But i feel that the details are important to newbies.

Details are very very important to me,hehehe...i think all FR,travelogue and summary details in this thread were more important for people like me than for newbies...well...i think,hehehe. It does helps me make my Batam trip better and more fruitful at most time.

Replying to part 1 of your FR :

nono1973 04-12-2015 02:39 PM

Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by MiG27 (Post 13900343)
I guess Batam are getting innovative with advertising nowadays.
I was on the taxi towards Nagoya and the traffic lights turn red.
There was this group of young chaps immediately unfold a long plastic banner and stand infront of the traffic.
Afterwards, they try to distribute flyers to the vehicles.
Tough job considering it is under the hot sun.....but they seemed to enjoy it.

Interesting and honestly,i have not seen such advertising ways before. Shall keep a lookout for it,hehehe...thanks for sharing,bro.


Originally Posted by MiG27 (Post 13900343)
Whats with the traffic in Batam nowadays??
It seemed taking longer traffic time between Batam center and Nagoya.....

Hehehe...Batam center go thru custom take 45mins,and another at least 30 mins with traffic jam to reach Nagoya. At Harbour Bay,if all else fail,i walk...but not possible if i am alighting from Batam Center.


Originally Posted by MiG27 (Post 13900343)
After settling down, it was almost 2pm Batam time.
I pop inside New Berry. About 7-8 gals.
Only the 2 at the right extreme end can pass....barely pass.
And the OKT told me they are 1 and 1.2 m.....:eek:
I wasnt a big fan of going to chicken farm after bad experience years ago.
I just want to get a feel of how the chicks looks and their various prices.
The OKT did point out to me sometimes looks are not everything.

It was clear I was very late so I presume the good stocks had been taken.

I agreed with the OKT,sometime looks are not everything. But if i were to pay a million and above,the "looks" department must be at least appealing,hehehe. Still, i prefer those 600k-800k girls (not from New Berry of course) with the same look-quality as those 1 million rupiah and above girls.


Originally Posted by MiG27 (Post 13900343)
Nonetheless....I hitched an ojek to Sedona....20k...stop at Lai Lai.
Again.....7-8 left....and only 1 caught my at the arms and looks slutty...but this kind most likely gives a lot of problems and she didnt even look at me.

Sedona aka Gold Bird girls rarely give problem. One thing i notice you did right was the eye contact part and to observe if the girl shows interest.

Thumbs up on that!


Originally Posted by MiG27 (Post 13900343)
Well, that ends my chicken farm recce....A good start.....I was thinking whether to make another visit the next day...but dunno what the OKTs will say since they will remember me.
I leave Bunga for the next day because Im moving over to Utama area the 2nd day.
(Thinking back, I should have continue on to Bunga......)

Nothing wrong with going back the next day cos the joint's girls werent in full force. I constantly pick the right timing so as to see the full force (or almost full force) of girls in a joint.

I will ask those with me to bookmark at least one girl in each joint and then proceed to the next destination. After making all the rounds,they will have to decide which girl they REALLY want and we revisit that particular joint again.If that particular girl has been booked off,then we proceed to the next following in order and so on.


Originally Posted by MiG27 (Post 13900343)
Proceed to Plan B....massage.
Went on the change money oppo Formosa....9750.....saw the Linda massage.
I read before all MILFs.....went in....looks empty....suddenly a fat dino appears.....Oh no....but looks ok.
1 jam- 60k.....ok lah...just for massage.
Fat dino strength was some good skills.
Can see she breathe heavily and keeps on wiping sweat off forehead.
She told me later she got a cough...
I didnt opt for 3rd leg massage....I didnt even ask for price...just flat reject.
She asked a few time but I reject.
That makes her pissed off....and her face black.
Give her 20k as tip end of session and she glare at avoid getting body slam by her....give her another 10k.

Nice try,bro...

Thats part 2 of your FR :


Originally Posted by MiG27 (Post 13900343)
Walk over to Lucky Plaza to enquire about Simpati card.
I must have misread a Bro's FR here about 10k Simpati card with 2 GB.
Then as I walk around and enquire...prices range from 70 - 100k.
Think I made a should have been 100k then. LOL.
(The next day I made the same enquiries at DC mall...and I think it is better to buy at Lucky plaza.)
The collective feedbacks I get from the sellers are Simpati is the best line in Batam, thus the higher price. The 2nd choice is Indosat. 50k.
Another area to check out is the Penuin area...but I skip.

Apparently,you traveled many point to point. If you are not in Batam monthly,dont think its worth that effort to look too hard. Then again from another angle of view,it is also good to know and understand better.


Originally Posted by MiG27 (Post 13900421)
Saw a moving cart offering a 3D laser cutting inside a glass block.
Quite can give them a pic...then they will put it inside the glass block....3D. I enquire and basically they need 2 hours.
About 240k.
Something like this.

Good stuffs,bro but to me it is a little expensive. I remember doing one in Sillypore at the Sillypore Flyer before,after a while it tends to crack. I may go there to make the key chain size one instead,hehehe...hopefully not too expensive.


Originally Posted by MiG27 (Post 13900421)
In the end, I pop inside Indo Rasa to escape him.

So , this is my 2nd massage.
1 jam - 70k. Think I got back the same massage lady as my last trip.
Good skills and very friendly.
Settle 100k HJ with her pulling up her shirt to expose her big boobs.
She seemed to enjoy it as I was fondling and sucking her nips.
She pester for further tips and I give her 20k more.

Interesting escape, do a lot of right thing in this trip,and Indo Rasa being one of them. Hmm...used to be 50k/ increase to 70k/hr...*sob*...and good job in bargaining the price down to 100k/hj. Goes to show you are "wiser" than most and were well-equipped with common sense,hehehe...

Thank you for doing it right (and good). And may your goodness reaps you a blessed good harvest in your future Batam trips.


Originally Posted by MiG27 (Post 13900421)
Feeling tired....I went back to my hotel and rest.
A bit not so satisfied as they wasn't any EPL match channel.
Here ended my 1st day report.

Yep,thats one of the no good part about City Central Hotel...

...and thats part 3 of your FR :

nono1973 04-12-2015 02:46 PM

Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by MiG27 (Post 13901539)
Settle down and time to check out Bunga..1pm Batam time on Sunday. almost 20 gals...and most are good lookers. Quality better.
Got one white hair granny type asked to me to sit...there is already 2 cheongsters. Good business.
Ask her about prices and she asked which one I want. Short time or overnight. ST 400k.
"Tell me which one you want then we talk price"
Was carefully scrutinizing...then my precious moment was broken...suddenly a group of cheongsters came in....I mean really a big group...7-8...!!!
The mummy immediately focus her attention to them. And a cute specky SYT suddenly appear from somewhere. Wanted to ask but the specky SYT seemd like knows one of the cheongsters which arrived.
Bad time I I told the mummy I'll be back later (which I have no intention to). The mummy noted and pat my butt hard as farewell...haha.
If I had come time I know.

The big group must have had booked some or one of the girls in advance,hence one of the guys was well approached. The guy or guys who booked in advance needs to come in to make payment 1st to reserve the girl/s so she will not be taken later. Thats why they have to be early.

Bunga and Happy 8 were usually for the later comers. You should go later instead of earlier to avoid the crowd. Right timing and right approach gets you the best girl in Bunga.

Reminds me,the last time i saw a big group in a booking joint and when i mixed in with them ,i intro myself as nono,the whole group seems to know me when they start asking me if i am that same "Nono1973" in the Batam Info thread (hehehehe...). That could means "they" (or some of them) are likely to be in this forum reading this thread too,hehehe...:D


Originally Posted by MiG27 (Post 13901539)
I saw King's Massage (not the one at Formosa Hotel)....seeing the door pretty new, I went in.
Recep is a friendly young chap. Took the 1.5 jam at 180k.
I ask for the pic album....and choose a nice sexy looking one.
Was brought up to few floors above. There is a bath tub (looks like jacuzzi type, small one) and a mattress on the floor.
The chick arrive and voila..face look almost 20 years older than the one shown in album! Jitao sian.
She looks friendly enough. Ask me to remove clothes and settle on the mattress. I immediately see many mosquitoes!!!
This is crazy...I wanted to cancel the appt.....but dunno how to say.
The chick knew what Im pointing to and she just smile n say ok ok.
Ok lah....since come already..just endure ba.
She was quite chatty and proceed to do the mosha stuff after a very short massage.
I was feeling very crappy as there were a number of mosquitoes flying around. The mattress sheet doesnt look clean too.
Soon, she ask the GQ. I rejected. She asked me why and I point to her mosquitoes and I later say no money..
After she cant convince me, her mood changed and show black face.
She just continue to rub the mosha on my body while mumbling indo.
She knows I cant understand and I think she is cursing me.
Finally she motion me to go to bathtub. She pour some milk powder in.
Mandi susu. As previous experience at Keyzha told me, no special means I end up bathing alone.
Fully expected so I just take my time washing myself and make sure the mosha stuffs are off. All the while she just sat on the mattress glaring at me.
Finally done....she pass me a clean one.
I saw her start changing the mattress sheets and things. So they do change the sheets.
After wearing back my clothes, she ask for tips....gave her 20k....buay song....add in 10k..still buay song...told her flat I no money. She went off with black face. On the way out, I saw her telling her mates about me...most likely say I very stingy and
Paid 180k at counter even though I think it is about 1 jam.
The chap was friendly n ask me to silahkan datang....come back again....
told him tidak....and this is where Im helpless coz he dunno what is mosquitoes (nyamuk). And i dunno how to say mosquitoes in indo..I have to make many hand action and then he understood.

Thank you for this information. So King Massage near DC mall around Utama area is another mosquito infested area like Hallo Kitty Massage beside Keyza,hehehe..

Here is a small solution to help you keep the mosquitoes away :

Usually Batam's mosquitoes dont like Sillyporean blood,but if they do,here is what you can do. Get your massage girl to turn on the room's air cold COLDER. It will force those mosquitoes into hiding.

Alternatively,you can be like me,i sometime bring insecticide to massage shop and some tissue paper,hehehe..:p


Originally Posted by MiG27 (Post 13901539)
I guess I really need google translate and a sim card.
Makes things easier.

Some massage places has free wifi,you can ask for their password. Not too sure about that King massage tho.

The 4th part of your FR :


Originally Posted by MiG27 (Post 13901737)
Recce time and I remember about Hans google based on instinct..somewhere near Biz hotel.
After 20 minutes, found it.....I arrived at the back...saw Hans Cafe....
went to the front door and went in the lobby...nice.
Superior room - 380k weekday , 420k weekend.
Is Sunday consider weekday?
Because H18 charge me 240k for the room which is Weekday rate.

Han's Inn is the same stretch as Prima Asia (colorful purple pink combo sure cannot miss). Right at the end.

Before i head to Batam,i always plan my route,where i wish to go etc etc. If i plan to go to Hans Inn in my next trip,i will get its map like below :

...and i will have it saved on my HP as jpeg. I doubt i will go very lost with the map with me even if i am constantly w/o internet connection and it also has all the area of interest where i wish to go. From Formosa all the way to DC mall and back to Hans Inn. Even leads me to Hana Hotel too.

A lot of massage shop's bed sheet may look old and dirty ,but its actually clean and they often change it after every customer go. I have yet to see any massage shop in Batam that dont change their bed sheet to date. Afteall,laundry service in Batam isnt expensive. I am sure when you will understand how inexpensive it is when the word "inexpensive" comes out from a stingy man's mouth. :D

Depend on your luck,usually Sundays were taken as weekday for most hotels but some hotels will take Sunday as a weekend tho.


Originally Posted by MiG27 (Post 13901737)
In the end, took the FJ 300k. For a SYT like her, worth it.

Hehehe...I have told all my friends with me before,in Batam SYT short time can be as low as 250k to 300k. 200k may require some effort and depends on places. I have heard of (not me in person) as low as 50k fj before,hehehe..and i am talking about SYT. Then again it happens in 2014 (require some "bluffs" and the right target) and its 2015 today.

Just take this part of my reply as i am talking nonsense cos nobody is going to believe what i say until they truly see it themselves. Its not something consistent anyway.


Originally Posted by MiG27 (Post 13901737)
Great experience...and I cant wait to try it appears the pics are real.
Walk back to hotel n it started to drizzle..
End my 2nd night..

I always remind my friends,one girl good do not equate all girls are good in a particular place. Vice versa,one girl not-good do not equate to all girls are not-good too.

Just a gentle reminder.


Originally Posted by MiG27 (Post 13901794)
After Makan....and decided to try spa...but i think only free for Utama customers....went up.....looks like Im early at 10am batam time. Only me!
Only one MILF.....1 jam 60k. Standard massage.....

60k per hour,thats interesting. May i ask did you notice a Hair Salon shop when you are inside Utama Hotel? Wondering if it is still opened.

Thanks bro.


Originally Posted by MiG27 (Post 13901794)
I made a turn to the hotel lobby after the massage to see expensive.
And I saw this chio recep.....think looks chinese.....

Price for massage or price for hotel stay?

If its price for hotel stay,io think its still cheaper than staying in Formosa. If i dont remember wrong it should be about 400k/night stay for a basic room from Kaha.


Originally Posted by MiG27 (Post 13901794)
Even though Monday still got traffic jam and I basically took about the same time as when I arrived.
Crowd at ferry waiting area not as pack as I thought...good.
Ferry move off and back in SG.....

Thats the difference between going via Batam Center versus going by Harbour Bay. Reaching from Sillypore to Batam Center is usually S$10 cheaper in ferry ticket price as compare to reaching at Harbour Bay. I prefer to pay S$10 more to reach Harbour Bay.


Originally Posted by MiG27 (Post 13901794)
Here ended my FR and apologies for being long winded.....
Overall, a very fruitful trip again.

Looks like a recce trip to me with lots of information.

If you keep everything all to yourself,ABSOLUTELY nobody will get to know more things or would have known one (or more) less thing. There will also be some lack of information exchange. Many may have travel your route before,but what many doesnt know that the girls in Batam and their consistency of service keeps changing all the time.

Maybe they may find such info unimportant and with that,you will constantly hear others says,Batam has nothing to do except eat,fuck,sleep...hehehe... my Batam trips is ALWAYS interesting,with constant new things to uncover EVERYTIME.

With your new knowledge and "findings",may you have an even better next trip in Batam.

That ends my reply to your final 2 parts of your FR :


nono1973 04-12-2015 04:11 PM

Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by nhp69 (Post 13908385)
Yo bros...will be staying at hotel 89..any recommend nearby there? 6dec to 8dec...any bro there

A picture is better than a thousand words.

The map above shows you where is Utama Hotel and Formosa Hotel. It also shows where is Hotel 89 too.


Originally Posted by nhp69 (Post 13908746)
...first time there with my kakis, they book one... then i should go where nearby? i reach sunday evening

When you planned to reach Sunday evening,you will be playing a different game altogether.

In case you forget,I have replied your similar question/s before :

For a more detailed one,combined the map above with the 3 links below.You almost cannot fail. But if you do,you will need to bathe yourself with flower water. :D

1. To eat...

2. To sleep...

3. To fuck...

With the map posted above,kindly take note of bro Newyorker's reply to you below :


Originally Posted by newyorker88 (Post 13910128)
Other than that, you got to hop into a taxi to UTAMA hotel area, which is next closest. There are plenty of massage shops to choose from.

Good luck and enjoy Batam.

Johnny85 04-12-2015 04:14 PM

Re: Batam Info Thread
I am at batam in formosa hotel. Sounds dangerous


Originally Posted by 18DragonPalm (Post 13914633)
I have read online news that 4-6 Dec will have rolling blackouts lasting 3hrs each.
Rolling blackouts in Batam means it will affect whole of Batam.
Moreover, 9 Dec is their election date. Best not be there this weekend as alot of things riots can happen.

Johnny85 04-12-2015 04:20 PM

Re: Batam Info Thread
Whatever the case is, since here, just try to make the best of it

Splitter100 04-12-2015 04:56 PM

Re: Batam Info Thread

i decided to venture the area around utama hotel

two questions :confused:

which ferry to take?
which bay to alight?

i know one thing, after the ferry, take taxi to utama hotel



Splitter100 04-12-2015 05:03 PM

Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by 18DragonPalm (Post 13914633)
I have read online news that 4-6 Dec will have rolling blackouts lasting 3hrs each.
Rolling blackouts in Batam means it will affect whole of Batam.
Moreover, 9 Dec is their election date. Best not be there this weekend as alot of things riots can happen.

can anyone verify on this matter? :eek:


iicycold 04-12-2015 05:23 PM

Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by Splitter100 (Post 13915906)
two questions :confused:

which ferry to take?
which bay to alight?

U already ans yr own questions.

There r 5 main harbour terminal servicing Sg to Btm. They r Waterfront City,Sekupang,Batam Center,Harbour Bay and Nongsa.

There r only 2 ferries frm Sg to XXXXXX Bay,one is Batam Fast Ferries,the other is Horizon Fast Ferries. Batam Fast 1 jus almost sink its own ferry at nongsa harbour last Sun,so i bet u wn't like to risk it. U will be left w only 1 choice & tat's Horizon Fast ferries.

U r not welcome bcs i didnt reply yr qns. It's u yrself jus replied to yr own qns.


Originally Posted by Splitter100 (Post 13915928)
can anyone verify on this matter? :eek:

Wat kind of verify u need? The blackout? The riot or the election?

Black out & riot no one can verify bcs need to reach that day to knw.

Indo election confirmed on 9th Dec 2015 & it's a public holiday.

Happy cheonging! :D

batamslow 04-12-2015 05:37 PM

Re: Batam Info Thread
Sem like nobody knows where can find GILF :(

NVm will explore myself.

Tks anyway!

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