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Ember 12-12-2015 06:57 PM

Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by sibeitiko (Post 13949113)
Hi all. I wana ask if tues evening i go in batam, where can find girls ah. Any suggestions?

Go through the thread first (especially the first timer's guide) then ask any questions you might have. The others here more than willing to help out ;)

sbfczq 12-12-2015 07:08 PM

Re: Batam Info Thread

any trip next week? thanks.

aaaaa123 12-12-2015 08:15 PM

Re: Batam Info Thread
Okie gonna have a short holiday there to R&R. 15-16dec. going solo there. experienced malay dude. anyway wanna link up there for drinks or makan?

longlong135 12-12-2015 10:13 PM

Re: Batam Info Thread
Are all the girls from booking joints or some other places with overnight bookings conned from poor areas of Indonesia?


Paiseh, don't flame me hor...

MovingTarget 12-12-2015 11:00 PM

Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by nono1973 (Post 13915357)
A lot of massage shop's bed sheet may look old and dirty ,but its actually clean and they often change it after every customer go. I have yet to see any massage shop in Batam that dont change their bed sheet to date.

Yes, there was - 1st Choice behind Gideon Hotel. You can see crumpled bedsheet, the shape of a body and oil around the shape of the body and it was fresh oil stained. What surprised me was the customer service can tell me was cleaned one. I thought, yes "cleaned" one. Strange, she cannot differential from fresh oil stained. Since she can't win the argument, what she did subsequently was absolutely correct - to quickly change the bedsheet. But forgot to change pillow case with saliva stained on it. Then She came back to change the pillow case but giving you a used short with wet oil strain and again telling you was cleaned.

I told her, no need to put in effort to change - I am not doing massage anymore. Off, I went to other place for massage. Before I went off, I told her I am a walk-in customer, not from any tour group, and this is my first time going to First Choice Massage.

Anyway, that was 1.5 to 2 years ago and since this incident happened, I have blacklist this massage place for myself.

I guess the reason why they didn't change bedsheet & pillow case, which is basic hygiene, was because too much work as they have bus load of tourist coming in whole day non-stop. It is really non-stop because when 1 bus load assembled on grd floor lobby, presumably finished massage, the next bus load just arrived. These tourist, comprised mostly Singaporean & Malaysian, took up offers from groupon, and other on-line package that come with hotel, free tour and just add S$10/- for 1 hour massage.

To be fair to them, do they still practice the same old way now or more hygiene focus now, I don't know because I have never step in since the last time I received the first impression.

bardmad 13-12-2015 01:37 AM

Re: Batam Info Thread
Sos, any bro out there got any contact for massage in Nagoya area now? I can't find any and I am stuck in the hotel.

Black Page 13-12-2015 02:44 AM

Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by longlong135 (Post 13950818)
Are all the girls from booking joints or some other places with overnight bookings conned from poor areas of Indonesia?
Paiseh, don't flame me hor...

Some yes (word of my beloved oldest friend in Batam, who was sold by her auntie to a bar in Tanjung Uncang, before ending up in Batam), but, as far as I hear from girls, the majority come spontaneously (and do return after a first contract!) because they can make more money that way than at home.
By the way, when one reads this kind of articles learns that there are lots of underage and children on open sale for sex in Batam. I never saw ANY, whether in massage or disco! That is just to make noise and discredit the place, I believe.

PigletDiDi 13-12-2015 02:48 AM

Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by bardmad (Post 13951450)
Sos, any bro out there got any contact for massage in Nagoya area now? I can't find any and I am stuck in the hotel.

Hi i going on sun can meet up or need guidance

Anyway ur posting time was batam midnight all massage places had closed shop

nono1973 13-12-2015 08:28 AM

Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by fishingman (Post 13919697)
Oh,tis 1 is good info too. I tink all newbie must read b4 go btm.

Hehehe...i have my own definition of good information. I try not to treat everyone like they are "me",so my expectation for other readers are not as high as for myself. Recently has lots of good information noted but not updated becos i have been busy at work. I still keep tabs tho. ;)


Originally Posted by iicycold (Post 13921494)
Surprisingly not just Sg ,malaysia oso don't have these drinks.

Oh,i didnt know Malaysia also dont have the Lasegar drink. Anyway,almost every trip i surely "da bao" a few cans back to Sillypore for myself. Its also good to give these can drinks away as gifts for friends too, and good.

Uniquely Batam!


Originally Posted by iicycold (Post 13921494)
Brother,i picked up tis trick from u,not the other way round. I simply shorten it,tat's all.

Reject the girl twice.

You read too much of my summaries liao,hehehe...i think you just happen to simplified my bargaining method. One thing for sure,NEVER agree to the 1st quoted price verbally in Batam from anyone (especially so when dealing with taxi drivers). And if possible,dont agree to the 2nd quoted price verbally too,hehehe...

The taxi drivers i use knows that almost everything in Batam is "expensive" to me,hehehe...


Originally Posted by iicycold (Post 13921494)
Nwaday i oso learn frm u to create my own link to reply to ppl asking repeated qns.

In case you havent realise it yet,your information link is like a challenge to me. Most of those places were centred around Nagoya Hill Mall happen to be a tourist hot spot and also known to be "clean", biggest challenge is to get 100k hj and 200k fj there (from a clean place),hehehe...

I happen to get it few times already,so i dont dare to say its not impossible,hehehe...


Originally Posted by iicycold (Post 13921494)
Can it be those who ask repeated qns has an intellect of less than a 10 yr old kid? Not too sure but it sure does look like it is.

Chill bro,like i say before dont let your negative emotion gets the better of you. Nothing wrong when a 10 year old ask questions becos the 10 year old after all only has an intelligent (some 10 year old are more intelligent than you and me add together) and experience of a 10 year old,if it affects you,just ignore it.


Originally Posted by iicycold (Post 13921494)
I like yr Ultra Man description.

The exchange rate looks good today,9870 rp for 1 SG$ in btm

Believe me,it takes an utraman to pit against another ultraman,if you are not one of them,you will surely lose. For me,i dont argue or debate with them becos its time wasting and the prize for winning most of the time will be nothing. ;)

I hope i can get a better than 9870/SGD in my next trip to Batam. :D

FreshJives 13-12-2015 12:25 PM

Re: Batam Info Thread
Just reach batam, Now brunch at indorasa rate there 9850rp.

micmac888 13-12-2015 01:34 PM

Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by hottip (Post 13944495)
I also like Ayam Bawang. Thanks for the recommendations. Will try when I go next week.

since you're gonna try, I went out today (noon time) to take photos of both places to help you locate easier :D

Angrek Sari stall

GPS : N 1°7'3.0972", E 104°2'36.0024"
Location : within Angrek Sari estate. Can't miss the row of food stalls and convenience stall.

The one in the middle. It's not open. Looks run-down, simple <-- the kind I LIKE ! The bawang is not only very nice - but so are their other dishes - sotong petai in dark sauce chili-whatever-drooling-like-a-dog. loooooooooool

Notice that they got a BBQ pit - they use that to BBQ chicken (wing/thigh/breast) and fish/sotong, or BBQ the fish/sotong , then cook with sauces as a zhichar dish ! SUPER SEDAP . Their horfun, beehoon, nasi goreng are very cina. So very acceptable to chinese. They do not sell or cook pork. I can go on and on~~~

Price ? slightly cheaper than Marine Live . Quality ? as GOOD as Marine Live.

This stall is a strong "backup" to me in case Denny of Marine Live is tired of cooking no more (yeah... hint).

Kepri Mall outer Ring Shophouse

First locate ESKA hotel which is on the outer ring of Kepri Mall (not inside of course). It's a new hotel @ ~ 6months old at date of this post.

Facing Eska - 50 meters to the LEFT, is the traditional bawang zhichar shop

Shop is not posh, not brightly lit, not inviting. But do oneself a favour and try its bawang ~~ Have tried other dishes and would say they're "ok". And is cheap. Get the boss to cook the bawang. His specialty is all things chicken (cough**Nono1973**cough) LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL

Hope it helps.


micmac888 13-12-2015 02:00 PM

Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by johnkhb (Post 13944598)
Best ayam goreng bawang putih for me is at Punggur, kelong-ish restaurant that is by the sea... Forgot the name of the restaurant liao.. Their steamed scallops also damn shiok...

This Sunday I jio u there for lunch, how about that...? :D:D

YAAGH AMMPUUUUUN ! I checked sammyboy only this morning since your post above. As its 1:45pm here, you shoulda be there now LOL!
Enjoy LA~~~~


Originally Posted by KohOnly21 (Post 13945210)
Tanjong Piayu or something like that.. You know where?


Originally Posted by johnkhb (Post 13945975)
Tg Piayu from Micmac lor, but never been there before.. Actually to Micmac, it's super good value and super fresh seafood, but very far away..


Originally Posted by tigershark123 (Post 13947849)
I remember driving there once. There is no proper tarred road nearing the place. They are actually seafood restaurants on stilts like kelong.Very far though.

The Holy Grail....... yeah... it's FRESH, yeah ... it's CHEAP, and yeah... its %$!@&%@^! FAR.

How fresh and cheap ? No need believe me, just ask Denny of Marine Live - he has and will conclude even he can't beat it in terms of both price and freshness.

How @&#@&%!! far ? at least an 1hr+ drive (at high speed even), order/eat food, chillout a little/enjoy the scenic sea-horizon views, drive 1hr+ back again.. and then *feel hungry* .... eat like no eat LOL!

And yes, the road .... is not tarred. sharp rocks and whathaveyous. Each time I drive there I drive very very very carefully... 1 punctured tire and I'm stuck in no man's land (another 10-15 mins slow drive to destination). It's worse if that day rains ... I almost couldn't get the car wheel out of the mud.

all this effort ..... just for 2 people meal ..... that was why I thought to myself - gotta hunt for a cheap and good seafood resto closer to downtown and that's when John recommended Marine Live - and since that day I never gone to Piayu liao , and why I am so very grateful for Marine Live. thanks so much Johnny boy !!!! :o

But if in a big group and not having any schedule for that day - yeah ... go to Piayu and feel the laid-back life there whilst enjoying seafood and seabreeze and smell the ocean-sea water just underneath your feet , whilst looking over the sea horizon and ponder about the meaning of life.

Be wary though : when picking crabs - count the number of claws and legs before and after being served. And before they bring into the kitchen , tell the lady boss how many legs and claws there are . (hint hint) LOL!!!!


tigershark123 13-12-2015 03:31 PM

Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by micmac888 (Post 13952864)
since you're gonna try, I went out today (noon time) to take photos of both places to help you locate easier :D

Angrek Sari stall

GPS : N 1°7'3.0972", E 104°2'36.0024"
Location : within Angrek Sari estate. Can't miss the row of food stalls and convenience stall.

The one in the middle. It's not open. Looks run-down, simple <-- the kind I LIKE ! The bawang is not only very nice - but so are their other dishes - sotong petai in dark sauce chili-whatever-drooling-like-a-dog. looooooooooo


I think they only open in the evening. If you are there, try the nice ketoprak beside. :)

micmac888 13-12-2015 06:02 PM

Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by tigershark123 (Post 13953283)
I think they only open in the evening. If you are there, try the nice ketoprak beside. :)

Opens at around 3pm. The ketoprak looks too sweet for me though. The last part where the guy was dumping glorious amounts of sweet sauce. Looool

hawkeye007 13-12-2015 10:50 PM

Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by micmac888 (Post 13952991)
YAAGH AMMPUUUUUN ! I checked sammyboy only this morning since your post above. As its 1:45pm here, you shoulda be there now LOL!
Enjoy LA~~~~

Didn't make it down in the end.. Haha... Woke up early and went for breakfast at Mitra Raya instead... Scrumptious breakfast of lak-sa, bak ku teh and nasi ayam... Hehehe..


Originally Posted by micmac888 (Post 13952991)
all this effort ..... just for 2 people meal ..... that was why I thought to myself - gotta hunt for a cheap and good seafood resto closer to downtown and that's when John recommended Marine Live - and since that day I never gone to Piayu liao , and why I am so very grateful for Marine Live. thanks so much Johnny boy !!!! :o

Once again, U're most welcome... Happy to share good stuffs, and eventually, that means Denny's business will keep going on and I'll keep getting to enjoy great food at great prices... :D:D

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