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victory1 25-08-2009 12:10 AM

Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by love_CIM (Post 4040242)
Planning go to batam after puasa but never go before, so can any bro kindly give some info about....

1.About how much money i need to bring.
2.Anyone know familiar taxi driver who has good lobang.
3.Got wat type of girl can i find ? (like cewek,fish tank girl or beer poster girl)
4.About the price for taxi driver and the girl

Many thanks

Additional info that u may find usefulllllllll....

$$$ Ferry=48, Hotel=300000rp (S$43), Booking cewek=(S$72), Taxi=from terminal all the back to terminal including find cewek, makan, shopping, esp 6 trips=180000rp (S$26), Makan & shopping depend on what U eat and buy=350000rp (S$50)

so bring S$239, to play safe bring slighly more, but not many many, wait kana rob, the most give all your $$$ loh....when check in hotel, leave your passport, immgration white card and boarding pass with the hotel counter, they lock it in the safe.....every thing lost including coo coo bird lost also nevermind, BUT don't lose passport.....sure kana struck there...and you need to call someone to bring money to batam...cos need to go to the nearest s'pore mission to get replacement plus police report need $$$$

Taxi driver SOFYAN, HP no. 812 778 8414, in s'pore add 65 in front. this guy only got lobang at Massage 82. And this massage is Behind DC Mall (directly Opposite) Next to Romance Hotel, got young girls....service wise, sofyan told me he gurantee, if not call him up...take note this guy take commission one, I don't use him cos I find him quite greedy...

If you no one taxi driver earn your hard earn money, then jalan jalan to:-

1) Jungle Minda, Look for OKT Ah Kau or Ah Long, HP no. 8502720178885
Cewek ACI service not bad, but mouth got bad smell. if you can tahan let her french you, and i mean very hard, and can suck your tongue out..damage 350000rp

2) Queen 8933, look for OKT Rizal, don't talk bad in front of him in hokkien, he know hokkien, HP 813 72276209, Cewek no.16 Riri and cewek No. 33 Wiwi, I see about 20 of them this 2 look OK, but not swee swee one, Swee swee one pao by s'pore lau uncle...No. 16 quiet type and she don't ask you to buy this buy that when u makan at Nagoya. No. 33 can perform but so so only cos she timid type scare U complaint to okt, then kana pay cut & extra duty washing toliet, sweep & clean the gold tank....damage 350000rp for both cewek

3)Bourgenville, Look for OKT korek, phone no. 778424378, look for cewek yanti this one body quite ok and of course ang koo kuay is Oor koo kuay, If you wear cap then no problem lor....

4) Gold Bird, look for Eddie, phone no. 77842822 (in s'pore call +62 follow by the phone no. look for wulan, this one small size, but neh neh very big and is papaya shape...the best is cowgirl position then no need to bent your head like hell in order to suck her nipple.....very relex position mah, she do the pumping, you enjoy under her....some more her pumping very hard and very very fast cos want you to cum in less than 1 mins, damage 350000rp

5) For other bros looking at this post......don't get mix up with the picture of wulan.....the little girls that dare to show me her middle finger....wah lan I malu and wah lan indo so many wulan, wolan, at least million and counting.....

From this 5 famous regular joint, sure to get one that suit your eyes.
If cannot find, then go pacific disco, Warning here....AWAS....go at your own rise.

tuaki83 25-08-2009 01:33 AM

Re: Batam Info Thread
bro Victory1
can intro the taxi abang to me.. i'm currently in btm until wed..
btw any chance of having the amalia hp no or the wulan you said..
thanks bro.. appreciate for your kind help..
looking forward to your earliest reply anxiously

taxi69 25-08-2009 03:13 AM

Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by Tony Stark (Post 4039233)
Sure do. You also have Batam kangtao.

My kangtao where got Bro Victory1 gd!:o


Originally Posted by victory1 (Post 4039956)
I see no harm to bring bros to meet my sayang, then proceed to meet her friend.....whether 2 of you get along or and the agreed damage is not is not my problem.....take note her friend also can decline or reject....


Originally Posted by victory1 (Post 4040593)
Yes robert can understand english...but bear with his half past 6 english....
For girls, if from factory know abit of english, if from service industry, like beer promoter, sales asst and bank, of course know english.....

Sounds interesting;):)
Can try?

Naka_Timo 25-08-2009 09:41 AM

Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by victory1 (Post 4040486)
Any thing....bros.....actually A1 quite crowed during weekend,,,,order food some more must wait....The most I sit taxi go pao one....

Sure, np,u gt so many gd lobang, must chiong with u lor.

newyorker88 25-08-2009 10:28 AM

Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by victory1 (Post 4040113)
Ai ya...bros you never read my earlier sayang bar me from going windsor leh.....she know i aiming at 1 of the beer promoter, those wearing tight sexy clothing and mini skirt....again...I say...wait she scold me in front of you, I see bay peisah and malu.....

Hehehe, bro Vick, you sure lau chiao also. Beer promotor ladies can be bonk also, if they want to. Which one, the heniken promotor or tiger ones? They are slimmer and younger. Those guiness beer all MILF and fat. My type.

jedycity 25-08-2009 02:55 PM

Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by victory1 (Post 4041069)
From this 5 famous regular joint, sure to get one that suit your eyes.
If cannot find, then go pacific disco, Warning here....AWAS....go at your own rise.

Dear Bro victory1,
I am regular in Batam for work, mean i need to travel to Batam 2 to 3 times per month for working (weekday only). I usually stay at Pacific Hotel. But i work till 5.30pm then can go for explore.

I have read all your post and find it very useful. Thank you very much. I usually hunt in Pacific Disco and massage centre. Found a few gal service quite good. Maybe my luck is good. But not as good looking and fair like yours. I can speak very well in Bahasa. Maybe next time if you happen to go weekday, we can meet up. Would like to your recomendation on your "daring" 's friend.

I have also PM you. If you happen to go weekeday, call me in advance. Maybe i am going too.... :p


Originally Posted by victory1 (Post 4041069)
Originally Posted by skyfree
[email protected]

Read your mail.....all the info you want are there....

And remember to buy condom, ah yong... .

As for your Robert friend, would like to request your kind help to provide me the contact, please? My email is [email protected]

victory1 25-08-2009 06:13 PM

Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by tuaki83 (Post 4041274)
bro Victory1
can intro the taxi abang to me.. i'm currently in btm until wed..
btw any chance of having the amalia hp no or the wulan you said..
thanks bro.. appreciate for your kind help..
looking forward to your earliest reply anxiously

Wah bros, you are smart to cut of robert....cannot like that what.....wait you kana the wrong girls then kana hantam by her BF....
I mean since you're in batam....go recee around and you'll batam got how many bank....even you walk into the bank, you can't know for sure which one need $$$ and can accompany u....for $$$
but you can contact the gal directly after u know her & she give u her HP no...this is one of the way to play safe.....

And if you are thinking of aiming amalia, you no chance my earlier post....

Post your email address quick quick so that I can reply you robert HP no. quick quick.....then call him quick quick, hope you're able to get a swee swee one quick quick & bring her to your room quick quick & bonk her quick quick until she say you No Horse Run.....

Actually u should make contact 1st B4 you go batam, in this way, you sure to get girl....since you are there NOW and some more weekday, not all the char boh is available, people got work what...

victory1 25-08-2009 06:22 PM

Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by newyorker88 (Post 4041954)
Hehehe, bro Vick, you sure lau chiao also. Beer promotor ladies can be bonk also, if they want to. Which one, the heniken promotor or tiger ones? They are slimmer and younger. Those guiness beer all MILF and fat. My type.

Wah lau, you also know......tiger ones chiok bu, heniken one even better....
but must cf 100%, if not kana f@#^...if i not sure i ask my abang....
1st talk with her.....2nd joke with her and look for signal and body language...
the most important is she like u, then ho seh leow....

And don't talk only talk when reach hotel, b4 proceed bed exercise.....

victory1 25-08-2009 06:25 PM

Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by jedycity (Post 4042803)
Dear Bro victory1,
I am regular in Batam for work, mean i need to travel to Batam 2 to 3 times per month for working (weekday only). I usually stay at Pacific Hotel. But i work till 5.30pm then can go for explore.

I have read all your post and find it very useful. Thank you very much. I usually hunt in Pacific Disco and massage centre. Found a few gal service quite good. Maybe my luck is good. But not as good looking and fair like yours. I can speak very well in Bahasa. Maybe next time if you happen to go weekday, we can meet up. Would like to your recomendation on your "daring" 's friend.

I have also PM you. If you happen to go weekeday, call me in advance. Maybe i am going too.... :p

As for your Robert friend, would like to request your kind help to provide me the contact, please? My email is [email protected]

For robert HP No, I will email you. I seldom cheong batam during weekday cos got work in spore. unless i cock itches want to avoid my sayang and try another gal...

tuaki83 25-08-2009 07:28 PM

Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by victory1 (Post 4043351)
Wah bros, you are smart to cut of robert....cannot like that what.....wait you kana the wrong girls then kana hantam by her BF....
I mean since you're in batam....go recee around and you'll batam got how many bank....even you walk into the bank, you can't know for sure which one need $$$ and can accompany u....for $$$
but you can contact the gal directly after u know her & she give u her HP no...this is one of the way to play safe.....

And if you are thinking of aiming amalia, you no chance my earlier post....

Post your email address quick quick so that I can reply you robert HP no. quick quick.....then call him quick quick, hope you're able to get a swee swee one quick quick & bring her to your room quick quick & bonk her quick quick until she say you No Horse Run.....

Actually u should make contact 1st B4 you go batam, in this way, you sure to get girl....since you are there NOW and some more weekday, not all the char boh is available, people got work what...

bro victory1
my email is [email protected]
thanks many many

victory1 25-08-2009 07:35 PM

Re: Batam Info Thread
today open my pc so many mail from bros....seow leow...:mad:
some ask for the question totally out of tune leh....and for those die die want Amalia, I already say no chance leow, already commit to my friend....
(see my earlier post) lanti my friend say I do thing ber swee, then how....

After all, those not swee than Amalia, but still swee swee also can what....
still got neh neh that and press & suck....still got nice nice ang koo kuay and some more can lick if you dare....sure not smelly one, cos got wash b4 let you lick..... then after lick already....ang koo kuay wet....putih ish water come out....then got smell....if you lucky.....smell like pineapple.....if you unlucky....smell like dead fish or sotong.....

Different guy can adapt to different smell......sotong I like.....:D
If guy here tak boleh tahan the dead fish mix with pineapple smell, don't come back to sammy and cao peh cao bu.....i never ask you to dive what....and some more dive at your own risk....don't kana hit rock.....ok

for those bros who dont know the whole story....i repeat again....

for robert, no need to pay him comission, the 100000rp is not comission, it is the taxi fare, tell him you will pay him at the ferry terminal when u pulang.
or if u can neg another set of price with is between u & him...

another way is to pay him every trip when u reach your destination...maybe some bros willing to spend abit more and want to get into this good book, so that next time he treat u better, i.e swee swee one, with tua neh neh, with nice nice ang koo kuay & some more little little public hair, not those bushes...

As for the gals, robert will tell you the price b4 proceed....I did mensioned b4 it is between 500000 - 1000000rp, but not more than 1 million....
how much you want to tip the gal, up to you....I not with you in the room, so how i know....

And as for the gals, how much she want to give robert, i also dont know, cos i left time ask the gals and she will tell you....

victory1 25-08-2009 07:59 PM

Re: Batam Info Thread
bro victory1
my email is [email protected]
thanks many many

My reply.....
sorry bros least i block the last part of your email address, cannot let you lose face what.....;)

Anyway I will send robert number to your mail.....

1 important thing i forget to mension is that those girls are NOT prostitutes and they don't like indian.....if you're indian....sorry abang....can try your luck....

some of the girls are ignorance and they heard from their friends that orang india while having sex like to lam very hard until the girl cannot breath...of course this is not truth....but the girl dont like....what to do....cannot force what....

Tony Stark 25-08-2009 08:52 PM

Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by victory1 (Post 4043575)
today open my pc so many mail from bros....seow leow...:mad:
some ask for the question totally out of tune leh....and for those die die want Amalia, I already say no chance leow, already commit to my friend....
(see my earlier post) lanti my friend say I do thing ber swee, then how....

From the rate you're receiving requests for Robert Boy's contact.
This year's Hari Raya Puasa will be a fat one for him! Hahaha. :D

Just a gentle reminder. There're many jokers and sabo kings on this forum.
Some ask favours from you as if you owe them! :mad:

I only give my contacts out to those who are actively posting and have a history of sharing info.
Give your contacts out at your own discretion. Cheers. :)

victory1 25-08-2009 09:05 PM

Re: Batam Info Thread
something to share....:o

batam abang call me 1 hrs ago....:mad:
KNN why your friend like that.......I ????:confused:

he claim that last sunday (23/8/09) 1 guy wearing jean, white short sleeve T shirt with horizontal blue strip & white sport shoes call him and say friend from s;pore recommend him.....

abang tell him this girls cost 600000rp & bring him to view girl....he say why soooooo expensive and singer cost less than that and willing to pay only 500000rp, abang call the gal and the gal say ok.....

when reach the gal dormitory, call the gal to come down....this guy see the gal say not nice to abang some more in front of the gal....the gal get very hurt....

then this guy pay abang 20,000rp and walk off....abang flaming mad.....and lan lan cannot do anything to him cos he though my friend....

I ask him....did you ask the guy who recommend want....he say he never ask cos he though my friend....he say s'pore what....I tell him WHAT THE FUCK, s;pore 5 million people and must be my bros meh, (those bros i email know my name is very rare (name from candy)

I tell him KNN, it is your fault what, never ask properly and some more die die want to earn his $$$$.....I tell him to treat this as a lesson loh....
NEXT TIME got people say friend from s;pore recommend, make sure you ask for name.....if no name, then you can drive him to AH qua head-quarter what....KNN, some more want me to teach you.....

Even if my bros mensioned my name.....if he is good, then you treat him even better....if he no good, and you want to treat him good, up to you...

I tell him, We the majority of bros here know what is manner and how to act as a gentleman.....if any bros here don't like the gal for whatever reason....
Act abit la...and do some least....went up to the gal and shake hand and say some nice thing....e.g...nice to meet you, etc. need $$$ to say something nice what... at least the girl don't feel hurt, and this also show that the taxi driver who recommend guy is not some sort of gangster blah blah blah...

Last, I tell abang to call me, if encounter difficult people and say I recommend one....ask him for the 1st part of his email address, then I can check whether that guy is the same guy that I email him your contact no....
Because if let say....I mail this guy your HP no....and this guy forward your HP no to his friend or boardcast your HP no...then I know for sure cos the email address is not in my contact list.....

Abang.....apa....apa....can't very complicate one......
KNN...bang...I come this week to explain to you lah.....
I tell him if people no respect you and treat you as a driver, order you here and no need to treat them nice....I say you Christian so what...Christian good to bully meh....some more your territory....TAXI driver also human what....and you are trying very hard to earn a honest living.....:mad:

victory1 25-08-2009 09:11 PM

Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by Tony Stark (Post 4043812)
From the rate you're receiving requests for Robert Boy's contact.
This year's Hari Raya Puasa will be a fat one for him! Hahaha. :D

Just a gentle reminder. There're many jokers and sabo kings on this forum.
Some ask favours from you as if you owe them! :mad:

I only give my contacts out to those who are actively posting and have a history of sharing info.
Give your contacts out at your own discretion. Cheers. :)

Reply....I hope so...he fat fat this new year...and pray for him.....
Never mind joker & sabo king lah....robert know what to do.....see my latest post and u will know why.....

Actually it is robert the one who ask for favour.....i also hope he pocket fat fat and dont cajok me buy computer for his daughter....and bros dont tell him....wait i go batam.....he say woh everything I tell you and you go and tell your bros....malu

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