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nono1973 24-12-2015 02:13 PM

Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by MovingTarget (Post 13974704)
Another massage house that tied up with tour agency during that time was Go Massage. Go Massage was cleaned, they changed bedsheet and pillow case and pull the bedsheet in tension like army style albeit you can see some stains that cannot be completely washed off but you know it was considered clean. The therapists were good with good massage technique.

Thank you for sharing. Go Massage,hehehe..."clean"? Hehehe...ok,ok...noted with thanks. :D

Their bedding seems overused.


Originally Posted by MovingTarget (Post 13974704)
It is only people who been to Batam and knows where and how to go will have better bargain.

It is Indonesia's culture to bargain for most of their business transaction. Batam is part of Indonesia. If one CHOOSE NOT TO bargain at all,then it is by the right course of their choice that they get chop carrot head. In Batam,you will be surprise 50k/hr – 60k/hr massage and 100k/hj still exist around 10 years later today (i read other Batam thread in this forum,it was around those price at those years). And i am simply lovin it! Becos i can use this pricing advantage to seek the "out of this world" good service.


Originally Posted by devilchan78 (Post 13974978)
Txs man really quick reply under 20 minutes.

I dont usually reply at this speed unless i feel there is an urgent need to,hehehe…and you sound urgent.

I have the tendency to reply in sequence in this thread becos i would like to read each post in detail and like to put myself in the situation as much possible, trying my best not to provide half-baked information (not perfect tho). And i normally dont reply to quarrel-intended post nor post that were full of negativity whether they are direct to me or not. I dont reply to all post too,hehehe...:D


Originally Posted by johnkhb (Post 13976103)
Allow me to enlighten you on what are tourist traps:

933 - 15% commission + 1 pk of ciggies + nasi goreng
Hawai - 10% commission
Wey Wey - 15% commission
Kelong - 20% commission + 1 pk of ciggies + nasi goreng

And the list goes on.... I hope your 'friend' not bringing u to such places to eat..

On a more serious note ,after i see your above graph ,did i realized how come ALL the taxi drivers i use likes to suggest to me to bring me to Kelong type of restaurant for Sea Food When i say ALL taxi drivers meaning to say i have not met any taxi drivers in Batam who didnt suggest or recommend me to any Kelong restaurant before. All of them did.

Hmm...becos of 20% commission + 1 packet of cigarette and Nasi Goreng? :mad:

JohnnyC 24-12-2015 03:05 PM

Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by tomcat007 (Post 13987454)
I had her for 2 nights during my last trip from 13/12 - 16/12. Only 2 nights as I didn't intend getting girls on the last night. She's a good worker. Although in my case, as I wasn't feeling well, she took care of me real well.

- Thanks for replying.... my buddy took her on 19/12; 1st round OK, no bj little action girl on top, dry must use KY... sent her back after 2nd round, maybe no chemistry...


Originally Posted by iicycold (Post 13986735)
Those who knws new bery joint will knw tat they rarely takes back gals who finish their contract. Unless she is reli good & can bring the joint a steady flow of customers. As for hw good,will depend on poison & meat of an individual bro's taste bud. :D

U r going to hav trouble booking her in future as most of these gals hav a strong steady flow of regulars + u jus mention her name here.

- Actually she worked for 2-months only... took time off, now back to finish her contract.
that's very true, it all depends on chemistry...

micmac888 24-12-2015 03:06 PM

Re: Batam Info Thread
Mini Private Zoo : Mata Kucing (near Sekupang)

Yesterday, we were at Kepri Mall and there was an event outside the mall. There was a stall exhibiting reptiles - iguanas, pythons, etc. I saw an "eagle" perched on a stand - it was beautiful. We inquired more about it and came to know it was actually a kite. The guy said eagles are truly truly endangered but that there is (only) one in a private zoo in batam !

Very eager to go seeing it. Drove there.

Took some photos.

The zoo is indeed small. It's privately owned. However, the visitors can be at close proximity to the animals. There were interesting exhibits.

Komodo Dragon

Gibbon ? Baboon ? I'm no monkey expert. LOL.

We saw a flock of kites - made the sound of a crying child. Almost eerie, yet enchanting. Didn't take photo - bcs what we were here for was just next to them in an adjacent cage.

The Rajawali ... majestic, regal, beautiful

We were told that this Rajawali was reared since hatchling. To catch a wild Rajawali was just too dangerous to both eagle and catcher. The best way was to catch the hatchlings and rear them - thereby "domesticating" as they grow.

I admired the bird. Seeing it in a photo or documentary channel just can't beat seeing it physically and just a few meters away.

Then it did something : it flew down from the branch to the ground and about 1 meter from me. I dunno... me and bird both looking at each other. me and partner didn't make any noise - didn't want to scare it away unintentionally. I felt honored, touched, sad, blessed as we continue looking at each other. We were so close in distance - and it was big and tall (to my upper thigh height).

It was maybe 50 secs ? I dunno - but it felt very long. no words - just looking and admiring the majestic bird. Then it flew back to the branch - gosh when it spread its wings and flew off - the air-pressure hit us hard. lol.

That magical moment - both man and Rajawali stood so close.

For sharing.

PigletDiDi 24-12-2015 03:53 PM

Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by FreshJives (Post 13997750)
the room is abit cramp overall is still clean and new..girl did not hiam anything and in fact she quite ok with the room as i can tell ...we order some satay and fruit rojak (smash type) thru her delivery man..i just pass her abt 100k for the satay and rojak (actual cost abt 60 to 70k) and rest tip for delivery..first time try the rojak, nice but spicy..hehe..i will still stay there during coming trips if on budget due to many massage shops in close vicinity, and my new fav- Nice massage shop..hehe

Is a good budget hotel with massage shops nearby. I will also stay there for my coming trip should be during March.

nono1973 24-12-2015 03:56 PM

Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by micmac888 (Post 13998288)
Mini Private Zoo : Mata Kucing (near Sekupang)

Yesterday, we were at Kepri Mall and there was an event outside the mall. There was a stall exhibiting reptiles - iguanas, pythons, etc. I saw an "eagle" perched on a stand - it was beautiful. We inquired more about it and came to know it was actually a kite. The guy said eagles are truly truly endangered but that there is (only) one in a private zoo in batam !

Nice!! The 2nd post in this thread about this place,hehehe...1st one was below :

*1st was by me,hehehe... (showing

I look forward to go there. :D

Definitely not a place one can easily find it online or easily locate it by most tourists. Weekend will be super crowded by locals tho. Looks like the owner of that place got some new Pets,hehehe...:D

Really thank you for sharing your trip to Mata Kucing here.

*sorry,i got so excited just seeing this place

micmac888 24-12-2015 04:04 PM

Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by nono1973 (Post 13998491)

Gosh! is that a copperhead or arowana ?? It's magnificent~~~

flyingarrow 24-12-2015 04:30 PM

Re: Batam Info Thread
The Moderate room on the 2nd floor has no window. if there are rain then there is no way to know if the rain had stopped. Then had to go out of the room and go to the lift area to peek at the window then can see.

FYI for those who totally hate room w/o windows.

also no hari dryer, in room, whether moderate or superior room.


Originally Posted by FreshJives (Post 13997788)
BIZ is my fav hotel too if price is not so steep during certain peak period..i will stil online book if price around 31 to 34$...breakfast spread not bad and neAR TO UTAMA MASSAGE house massage never try, price abit on the high side..

tomcat007 24-12-2015 05:55 PM


Originally Posted by JohnnyC (Post 13998281)
- Thanks for replying.... my buddy took her on 19/12; 1st round OK, no bj little action girl on top, dry must use KY... sent her back after 2nd round, maybe no chemistry...

- Actually she worked for 2-months only... took time off, now back to finish her contract.
that's very true, it all depends on chemistry...

Yup, probably the chemistry is not there. Before action, we talked a lot. Maybe that helps...

JohnnyC 24-12-2015 06:04 PM

Re: Batam Info Thread
if may I ask bro tomcat007, how many rounds she allowed ??? I was thinking maybe I get better luck than my buddy... hehe.

micmac888 24-12-2015 06:13 PM

Re: Batam Info Thread
Botak Cun Khas Medan

Location : Batam Center, opposite main entrance of Royal Grande estate. Google map : Search for "Dhillon Sport" or "Rumah Makan Makassar" . They are along the short row of shophouses together with Botak Cun.

Operating hours : 0730-2100. Closed on Mondays

Speciality : Authentic Medan food

Food : 4.2/5 (using duck egg) , 3.9/5 (using chicken egg)
Value : 4.2/5 for such quality, taste, cleanliness

Conclusion : At time of this post - the *BEST* (chop,stamp,100% saliva) noodle Medan cuisine, in Batam. All their noodles and rice are flown from Medan. Satay and ifun mie binjai are **awesome**. Their beehoon - bouncy "Q" ! Their Bakmie noodle can fight with MOMO! There's really an aroma & texture difference between using duck egg and chicken egg in their dishes - as on Day1 - using duck egg, Day 2 - using chicken egg.

Strongly Recommended Dishes : Satay, I Fun Mie BinJai, Beehoon Goreng, Nasi Goreng, Bakmie. Best use duck egg in the goreng dishes.

Dinner Disadvantage : By 1930pm - no tables. Full. So it's either arrive before 1900hrs, or after 2030hrs - but expect ingredients to run out like longtong, kangkong, petai, etc. Otherwise, as observed - join the standing queue to dabao instead of having dinner there.


19th Dec (sat). Went Momo for brunch. As I frequent Momo - regular familiar faces showed up as its a weekend - one of them - a 60s couple - batak from Medan. So we chat about food and we all come to conclusion that Medan is the food capital of Indonesia. We then talked about dinner together - and I mentioned Rony, Amei.

The outspoken Ibu said : "XXXX ???". Started talking about this "Botak Cun" best , best and best. Her husband - who owns a milling factory - doesn't talk much but kept nodding his head at me whenever I gazed at him (for validation). I swear on my toes, the more she described about the dishes, the textures, tastes and his ingredients, the more my mind was going food-crazy. That's really not a good thing - bcz she indirectly set a high expectation of this place in me - due to the fact she's from the food-capital and has been in Batam for 30+ years. In other words, my mind is skewed to "it's the best (Medan cuisine in Batam)".

Day 1 - 2000hrs.

5 of us managed to grab the last free table (on the road). Botak's niece started taking our order. Ibu ordered close to 7 dishes for sharing. She said "telor bebek", and the niece explained to me that using duck egg - the food would taste and smell more delicious. Ok.

Whilst waiting for the food, I took photos

Boss - Ah Cun (He's bald, hence Botak Cun)

Open "Kitchen" - clean, sanitary

Dishes queuing up for cooking. No houseflies due to that candle

My anticipation was *bursting*. We waited 40mins. I do not know what to expect - but my bar was high thanks to Ibu's "sales-talk" lol. The dishes came :


Side profile of the satay~~~

This *is* the BEST satay I have ever eaten in Batam & SG (days of the satay club at shenton way, and at newton circus , 18 years ago). The satay is chunky/meaty/juicy and downright chewy. The peanut + dunnowhat gravy - was aromatic and non-spicy. (for those who like spicy gravy - add green chili puree). Unfortunately - there was no more longtong. But it didn't dent my thoughts about the satay at all. This is the satay winner ! (gawd , I'm drooling as I write and thinking about it in my mouth).... At RP5K/stick - can't say it is cheap compared to roadside stalls of dubious ingredient quality, but for the delightful texture/tastes Live-2-Eat viewpoint - it is definitely not expensive. Strongly Recommended.

I Fun Mie BinJai **DISTINCTION** & KweTiau Goreng (Good)

THAT I Fun Mie (pronounced ee-foon-mee) Binjai...... Deep fried crispy I-Fun noodles.... coupled with that thick ultra-sick gravy (I dun call it sauce/soup!) with duck egg .... it is pharrrrrrking WICKED..... ppppphhhaaarrrkkk.. I tell you how I reacted ... I was exactly like that silly female judge when she tasted Stephen Chow's char siew rice in God of Crockery movie ... "why .. Why ! WHYYYYyyyyy !!!!" PHAAAAaaaaarrkkkkkkkk~~~!!!

The aroma from the duck egg , with the texture of the some part crispy & some part soft of the noodle (since it is absorbing the gravy), and that gravy...... AIYOOOOOO - KILL me LAAAA ... KNN Laaaaaa!! My partner didn't make any comment - she, for the first time, finished her portion faster than any of us and scooped 2nd helpings. A MUST TRY.

The Kwetiau Goreng, was nice. Truly it was . But I need to say my mind was blown away by the I Fun Mie Binjai - and the Kwetiau Goreng just pales in-comparison. My rating of this dish has become bias. I'm sorry I am not able to make proper judgement. I'll take Ibu's word for it - that it is delicious.

CheeCheongFun (CCF) Goreng & I Fun Mie (IFM) Goreng (Good)

The CCF Goreng wasn't too flavorful. I told the niece is because CCF is essentially rice - so seasoning, condiments need to add more (just like eating strong flavor food with nasih putih).

IFM Goreng was good. It's primarily because the noodle texture and taste was good to begin with (airflown from medan).

BakMie **MANTAP**

Anyone who likes Momo's noodles, solid quality noodles, and Bakchor mee type of food , GO FOR IT. Dun think 2x liao. Period. The noodles are "Q" and bouncy. I was already very full. Yet, I finished that bowl of Bakmie (partner took afew mouthfuls to give me her opinions as well). Recommended.

Nasi Goreng (No photo)

Using hey-bee-hiam (prawn paste) + hey-bee + other spices, this dish is popular (as I can tell all tables have nasi goreng). Maybe I was just too full. I took one mouthful and noted the strong spicy seasoning and the prawn paste. Was it good ? For me, not so bcs I am not able to taste anything else in the nasi goreng (the egg aroma, the pork, the salt, the condiments, etc) - as the spiciness killed my (sensitive) tastebuds. I can't rate this dish - but it is popular.

After dinner, we chatted and discussed more about food. Because the niece said that cooked with duck egg is more aromatic and tasty then using chicken egg, and I wanted to confirm what she said as well as try other dishes - we book a table at 7pm the next day.

Continue to Day 2

Naka_Timo 25-12-2015 09:55 AM

Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by micmac888 (Post 13998999)
Botak Cun Khas Medan

To be Continued.

Waiting for more, drooling liao...

iicycold 25-12-2015 10:28 AM

Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by nono1973 (Post 13994279)

Its drizzling,the ground was muddy...and my shoes were soaked with red soil due to the exploration of this temple,hehehe...but i am starting to feel the peaceful ambience of this place. A totally different aura from last few times i was there. Well,maybe becos i was there on a different weather...different time of the year.

Beside the temple has a zhi char store and a pastry shop. Pastry shop name is called Old Place as of the above photo. They sells some Malay/Peranakan pastries and fire crackers too.And they sell it cheaper than most other places (maybe becos its not CNY thats why cheaper). So coming CNY i may drop by here to play fire cracker cos i remember CNY 2015's firecracker nearly bankrupt me,hehehe...cannot forget that i spend nearly a million rupiah just on firecracker alone,grrr....firecracker is 4-5 times more expensive than in China.

The extreme open space area around the temple is also a good place for fire crackers too,hehehe...

...continue to next page...

Nice temple,nxt time mus bring me there,ok?

Bring me go eat at the Old Place claypot zhi char too.

i hear the food there oso not bad.


Originally Posted by Naka_Timo (Post 14001150)
Waiting for more, drooling liao...

This place look like another good place to eat too.

Btw,Merry Christmas to all in this Btm thread.

iicycold 25-12-2015 12:15 PM

Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by Ember (Post 13995966)
Thanks for the reply, my reason for asking is because some 2 star hotels like City Central which I stayed in some months back states online that they offer room service but I realise there isn't really any food menu in the room. Guess I'll learn from you and tip the staff to help me dabao food back

Bro,give u another alternative,old place frog porridge :

Call em to send to yr rm. It's 24h delivery. No indo hp? Talk to recep. in yr watever hotel u stay in.

Edit : jus learn tat nono censor off their tel in his post,here i add back :

U still have Mc & KFC which operates 24h :

Indo Mc's menu web :

Dn't let yrself be limited by rm service in any hotel u stay in.

Tat way u shld've no problem fucking in yr rm w yr girl happily ever after. :D

Got many other resto in btm provide food delv but not all is 24h,fyi.

Oh,wat i say applies to call massage as well! :rolleyes:

My regret in CC hotel is they dn't hav a fridge.

MiG27 25-12-2015 12:34 PM

Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by newyorker88 (Post 13997298)

Goddess told him that to shift the statue, she has no objection, but cannot chop to shift. Must do it in 1 piece. The minister still refuse to believe as doing so will incur a lot of cost for machinery. So the incidents continued when they wanted to chop.

In the end, no choice, shift as a piece.

Interesting....reminds me of the ancient god ficus tree at Toa Payoh.

"Retiree Foo Ah Cheng, 78, remembered seeing bulldozers try in vain to fell the ficus as the new town was being built.

He said monks even offered prayers calling for the tree to give way.

''They wanted to get rid of it, but it wouldn't go,'' he said in Mandarin.

Residents believe the Government wanted to build a long row of shophouses, but split the development in two to accommodate the ficus.

From its precarious past grew longevity. Over the past decades, a steady stream of devotees have offered prayers for goodwill each time they passed the shrine. Some believe it was responsible for 4-D lottery windfalls."

MiG27 25-12-2015 12:47 PM

Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by FreshJives (Post 13997750)
the room is abit cramp overall is still clean and new..girl did not hiam anything and in fact she quite ok with the room as i can tell ...we order some satay and fruit rojak (smash type) thru her delivery man..i just pass her abt 100k for the satay and rojak (actual cost abt 60 to 70k) and rest tip for delivery..first time try the rojak, nice but spicy..hehe..i will still stay there during coming trips if on budget due to many massage shops in close vicinity, and my new fav- Nice massage shop..hehe

I see...nice to know that.

Glad you enjoy the room....:)

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