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fishingman 06-01-2016 11:29 AM

Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by kitaeshi (Post 14049743)
I do agree marine life seafood is not cheap but the part where u say ABT nono is not true. I went with his trip n he more interested to share to explorer more of Batam n making new friends n kakis.. his not selling or promoting any stuff..

agree with u. Nono guy is always like to exploraing & to bargain price dwn kind of ppl.

i comparaing price in btm other sea food shop,i tink ML sea food is considering not high price. But if i compare with bak chor mee store,definitely surely more high price ma. Not cheap,but definite no expensive. It may expensive to nono cause he no take sea food,sm more must bring newbies go try & pay his own share in sea food shp when he no take sea food.

Like tat i tink he lost money sm more.

nono1973 06-01-2016 12:12 PM

Re: Batam Info Thread
Upcoming January 2016 Trip

The date will be 14/01/2016 (thu to sat),my 1st trip to Batam for 2016. I am organizing another learning group trip to Batam for newbies who find themselves lacking confidence to travel there and for those who wish pick up the basics. Look closely at the title of this group trip,its a Learning Group Trip so do spend some time to read the Terms and Conditions before you PM me. My PM box will be open from now till 10th Jan 2016.

When you PM me,do state the following :

1. Your age group (20s,30s,40s,50s,60s,70s,80s) - No age limits
2. Your experience/s in Batam (if any)
3. What will you be expecting from Batam if you join me in this trip
4. Your race and spoken language
5. Etc etc if there is anything you wish to help me know you better.


1. Your HP number (unless i confirmed you got a slot and asked from you)
2. You passport/NRIC/Fin particulars (i dont need it)
3. You wechat/watapp or any mobile communication app number (i dont use them)
4. Any personal particulars from your birth cert,passport,NRIC,work permit number or bankbook

I am a little tired repeatedly having to write everything all over again before i start planning an itinerary ,so i will just use my last group trip itinerary plan on Nov 2015 for reference :

Do read them whats on the link above.

I also read your PM more than thrice before i reply them. And if i didnt reply you in more than 48 hours,it is likely you may have miss out something (read this post again) and/or you have not been selected.

Through the many experience i have organizing group trips to Batam,i believe there will often be lots of applicants and sad to say that not all of them will be able to fit into the number of slots i have. So if you are not chosen,it isnt becos you are not as good as others,it would be more becos i cannot take in too many. My apologize in advance.


Trip date : 14/01/2016
Duration : 3D2N
Amount of $ to bring : Read my signature link on Beginner's Guide for 1st Time Batam Visitor
Time of trip : to be advised

Expected Exchange Rate : 9700/SGD

Targetted exchange Rate : 9800/SGD (hopefully)

Simple learning group trip with :

1. Meeting up to go to Batam together

2. Book ferryticket

3. Book return ticket back to Sillypore upon reaching Batam

4. Change money in Batam

5. Head to Kaha to buy room voucher (thats why i gathered the pricing for Biz and Da Vienna Hotel from Kaha)

6. Grab a taxi,maybe 2 if needed

7. Brunch at one of Batam's top 5 noodle shop in my definition

8. Booking joint shopping

9. Massage place visit is optional

10. Back to room for OTOT until dinner time

11. YOU feed me with FR on the brunch/dinner/girl/massage (hehehe...)

12. After dinner will be OTOT till next morning for breakfast

13. Repeat same process for the next day,just a change of destination.

You should know how much to bring,how much you will need to spend. Other details will be shared with you once you got a confirm slot from me.

The Batam Group trip application starts now.
(closing date 10th Jan 2015)

Just remember,i am not asking for you to join me becos i need a head count for my trip. I am mainly here to assist. I am not a tour guide. You dont pay me and i am not on a job as a guide. Respect one another as most people in this trip would be where we met each other for the 1st time.

Side note :

My a little enhanced guide :

For your further reading on Batam :

1. To eat...

2. To sleep...

3. To fuck...

May heaven bless this coming group trip to be a good one.

And please drop your expectation by at least half.


john.valdric 06-01-2016 01:15 PM

Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by nono1973 (Post 14050064)
Upcoming January 2016 Trip

5. Head to Kaha to buy room voucher (thats why i gathered the pricing for Biz and Da Vienna Hotel from Kaha)

May heaven bless this coming group trip to be a good one.

And please drop your expectation by at least half.


Bro nono. i'm sorry if this has been explained before, regarding Kaha. Here's some of the things i would like to clarify.

1. Let's say i have booked a room via or which i have paid up front, can i still use KAHA voucher?

2. Correct me if i'm wrong, i assume this is how KAHA works. For example:

KAHA Voucher - RP 50K
Original Room Price - RP 850K
KAHA Room Price - RP 500K

So i save 300K. By purchasing the KAHA voucher for RP 50K at KAHA Counter. Then goto Hotel and give them my reservation. Then tell them i have KAHA Voucher. Then they will re-calculate again by including the KAHA discount in the my reservation.

By the way, i'm getting around RP 500K for Biz Hotel. Do you know how much we can get cheaper via KAHA?

Hope that's not too much of hassle for your guidance. Thank you in advance.

Naka_Timo 06-01-2016 01:20 PM

Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by HelloWAH (Post 14048989)
Marine seafood is found to be in a tourist area and food is proven really not cheap by many people here. Everyone reading jnow already. But still got people won,t die heart.Trying very very hard to promote it. Really take my hat of you. No cure already. Last stage but still want to find a Scare restaurant die already no more chance to taste the most tasteful and cheapest

And when our Nono first join sammyboyforum. You all think he is like a newbie. First tine to batam and slowly slowly go book girl and get all the information to benefits all the bro here ah. If is true, I must say he is really very good person. But the answer is No. He maybe got relative frim Indonesia. And his booking trip he sure got sone hidden agenda that he know himself. Where in earth got peiple so good go batam many times book girl and get information to help share and help people here.Dont know what is under his underwear. So bro here better be careful. There is no free lunch in the world. Dont one day kena liao will have eye but no tears to cry. Regarding he win,t reply all ny attacking post is because if he reply back. He sure will slip mouth and say out something he do not want to say. So he really a smart asshole to keep quiet.

And do you all notice again. One sing song and the other very fast follow. All this thing I write is my own view. Freedom of speech. If you all agree with me. Can give me sone points by way of support Thanks.

Maybe you are jealous of him or everyone one here.

Many bros here have been wonderful, sharing details of their btm experience.

Ranging from bro newyorkers, kohonly21, johnhbk, nono and many others but u seem to have shoot everyone.

Well, right or wrong, hidden adgenda or not, people here can see.

HelloWAH 06-01-2016 03:33 PM

Re: Batam Info Thread
1. Fox haven,t show his tail yet.
2. Small money no out. Big money no come in.
3. Is true that Nono is not a newbie when he register an account in this forum. He maybe has batam scene under his palm early early. He want make more friend? He gay ah?
4 He waste time and lose money by bringing newbie go batam. You are thunj he very free ah.
5 Dont anyhow trust people here. You never know what is coming next. Dont be so childish that when a person pay for you eat and show you around and he sure a good man. Haha, one day kena liao than you really got eyes but no tears to cry.

Remember Agent Kums. Talk until can fry but at laat still run road. So how can you all so silly easy trusting. Dont regret one day when you kniw who is jealous of who.

TwinTowers 06-01-2016 03:36 PM

Re: Batam Info Thread
[QUOTE=Naka_Timo;14050348]Maybe you are jealous of him or everyone one here.

Kindly enlighten us readers here as to WHY must be jealous.. People can see that none of us are promoting a certain place constantly when contributing FRs from "others" have stated that MLS is not cheap.

but Many bros here have been wonderful, sharing details of their btm experience.

Yes they have but when MLS pricing is not favourable the same adamant gang of people are still supporting the "Promoter" of MLS
will come about to state otherwise. Who they are will be shown below.

Ranging from bro kohonly21, johnhbk, and many others but u seem to have shoot everyone.

You three have met more that once so what else can I say :rolleyes:
To be fair some of the "promoter's" fellow meet up friends have also stated MLS is not cheap but in a more diplomatic way

Even MLS "promoter" had suggested to a very senior nick here to go try MLS and you go see whats the senior nick's reply to him.

Well, right or wrong, hidden adgenda or not, people here can see.

And you speak about Agenda - look who's talking and are you high on MLS drunken prawns.
High pointers doesn't always mean creditability.


Originally Posted by StarCity (Post 14042237)
Having high reputation points don't equates to being reputable.

Feel free to read back say 50 pages back to see what's peoples reply to and fro abt MLS instead of you judging people
of being jealous and having agendas:rolleyes:

Since you are so well verse in Indon language I say this to you " Kaca diri dulu"

vaxvms 06-01-2016 03:37 PM

Re: Batam Info Thread
cannot. voucher is prepaid to secure room
u need cx online booking else u will have double booking

btw why u need voucher?
cos there is a local price and foreigner price system in indonesia
if u have eg KITAS u book direct with hotel u will get local price

but maybe bro nono got VIP discount card :D


Originally Posted by john.valdric (Post 14050324)
Bro nono. i'm sorry if this has been explained before, regarding Kaha. Here's some of the things i would like to clarify.

1. Let's say i have booked a room via or which i have paid up front, can i still use KAHA voucher?

2. Correct me if i'm wrong, i assume this is how KAHA works. For example:

KAHA Voucher - RP 50K
Original Room Price - RP 850K
KAHA Room Price - RP 500K

So i save 300K. By purchasing the KAHA voucher for RP 50K at KAHA Counter. Then goto Hotel and give them my reservation. Then tell them i have KAHA Voucher. Then they will re-calculate again by including the KAHA discount in the my reservation.

By the way, i'm getting around RP 500K for Biz Hotel. Do you know how much we can get cheaper via KAHA?

Hope that's not too much of hassle for your guidance. Thank you in advance.

Black Page 06-01-2016 04:33 PM

Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by iicycold (Post 14049779)
U don't need to,bcs u are travelling solo.
Whoever reading yr post needs to have tat in mind bcs u weren't clear from the start.

You are 100% right. I should have specified that. Sorry. However, some are travelling in group, some others are travelling solo.
For a group, taking ojek is not economic.


Originally Posted by TempterYee (Post 14049384)
Very obviously,bird of a feather truly flocked together with hellowah & Black Page. :D
Tag team buddy for trouble-making as i read in this thread,both always misleading,always just wan to win...poor guys. 1 will attack,the other fuel.
Just my own view,since freedom of speech is free even when i disrupt into other's freedom.

I respect you view, but I do not understand. I made a joke about his laughable statement "Dont know what is under his underwear. So bro here better be careful." This is not give fuel to an attack. Makinng joke of it is exactly the contrary.

And misleading... You might not agree, but why you say I am misleading? :confused: In total good faith, I share my experience. To the best of my knowledge, always accurate. (yet everyone makes mistakes at times)
I read this forum because there is often something interesting to learn for next visits. Sharing what I learned from field is a way to reciprocate and make mutual the information sharing. It should be always like that. I do not expect that everyone must agree with me at all times, but I wish everyone trusts me that I do that in good faith.

KohOnly21 06-01-2016 04:53 PM

Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by john.valdric (Post 14050324)
Here's some of the things i would like to clarify.

1. Let's say i have booked a room via or which i have paid up front, can i still use KAHA voucher? NO

2. Correct me if i'm wrong, i assume this is how KAHA works. For example:

Wrong, Kaha Voucher = 1 time use cashcard (you pay the price of the hotel at Kaha, bring that voucher to the hotel and check in)

By the way, i'm getting around RP 500K for Biz Hotel. Do you know how much we can get cheaper via KAHA? Biz Hotel cheapest way is to book via agoda/, else email them. Do not book from website or walk in, much more expensive.. Biz hotel management provides group booking discount/free upgrades. Check with them.

Hope it helps.


Originally Posted by vaxvms (Post 14050849)
btw why u need voucher?
cos there is a local price and foreigner price system in indonesia
if u have eg KITAS u book direct with hotel u will get local price

So far never heard of any hotel in batam that has local/foreigner pricing.. Please share if you know which hotel.. Can get the locals to book instead :D

Anyway, until now the most commonly seen local/foreigner pricing are on transportation. Ranging from Ferries tickets to local transportation such as taxi, ojek and mini van..


Sindo Ferry Ticket (Only for Sekupang/Batam Centre)

Local = 250k inclusive of seaport tax
Foreigner = 270k inclusive of seaport tax (cheapest that i can find in batam)

Horizon Ferry Ticket

Local 380k (only applicable in batam counter if i remember correctly)
Foreigner 480k


Local as low as 15k/20k for a short trip
Foreigner minimum i find cost 25k for a shor trip


Local ranging from 5k, 6k, 7k
Foreigner 10k, 15k, 20k

Mini Van

Local 2/2.5k for a short trip
Foreigner 3/4k for a short trip

KohOnly21 06-01-2016 04:58 PM

Re: Batam Info Thread
Anybody have experience (pricing etc..) at flower shop in Batam?

Or have any florist contact to share for arranging delivery?

StarCity 06-01-2016 04:58 PM

Re: Batam Info Thread
First he says... (below)

* he's been in red since the below post made


Originally Posted by HelloWAH (Post 13691660)
My friend. Don,t waste your time giving information here. When you are in red now. I no need to explain much and you know what i mean. Better masturbate than wasting time writing here. Here got many idiots like to give red to other sometime without using their idiot fucking rotten brain. PUIIII.

and then he says...(below)

* he contributed & shared,looks good huh?


Originally Posted by HelloWAH (Post 13739317)
Have something nice to contribute here. Help you save more than 60% of your ferry ticket from harboutfront singapore to harbourbay batam. Ticket $20 dollars including taxes.

Cannot post here on how to get the tickets. But you can PM and i will tell you how to get the $20 two ways ticket. Remember not to post here on how to get the ticket after you have got the ticket yourself.

This $20 dollars ticket i believe won,t last long but still hope it will last long. Can save $28 dollars per two way trips. Remember not to anyhow let people know got this $20 ticket. More people know maybe will make the $20 ticket promotion last shorter. So just share with your friends only. Don,t dog or pig also share.

and then later he scam this poor chap...(below)

*poor guy got scammed & were too worried to reply him at that point of time


Originally Posted by HelloWAH (Post 13751472)
Was about to thank you for your review about the cheap ferry tickets. But was shocked to see some idiot zap you 6 points. Sorry to let you kenna zap. And very curious to know why you edited the post and say post wrongly?

So is it a good stuff or bad stuff Now can follow or cannot follow many people also don,t know.:D

For those that i reply back, enjoy your holiday. Don,t be shy to ask me if you want to save money. Although i say don,t anyhow give ah pig and ah dog. Who ever PM me i mostly will give. Can save $28 not bad.

...end up it turn out like this...(below)

*from saving 60% to becm paying normal price yet be taking an inferior-ed quality ferry


Originally Posted by HelloWAH (Post 13756026)
Like to apologize to those that got the link to buy ticket. Total 3 company sell tickets and only 2 state their real total price. The fucking company just get fuck by me real hard. I ask them to faster state their real price in the link as soon as possible.

Heard from the operator got one guy call them and fuck them also. He bought from the link and must pay $28 more at the terminal. Also got one guy here ask me is the tax included. This make me to double confirm and i call them.

To my disappointment, she told me this company just join ,tax not included and must pay $28 taxes. The other 2 company tax included. I bought on dec trip and paid $20. So i really thought is $20.

For those that up my points, you can deduct back. Is alright, i won,t mind.:)
But i get to see one funny guy here. He edited his post and say sorry he post wrongly because he is afraid that people will busybody and zap him. So in order not to get zap, he chose to edit and say he post wrongly. Real joke of the century for sammyboyforum.

That's for all readers to see clearly a Proven Track Record above. How do u deduct given rep points? Maybe can enlighten me or the rest.

Remember,today he scammed for reputation points openly (i don't knw if any $$$ is being scammed by him from those who pm-ed him for the deal,maybe they got too worried to speak out) in public forum,tomorrow he will scam for smthg else.

Using his fav words,open yr eye big big to see,otherwise one day u will really "got eyes but no tears to cry".

* i need to quote his whole post to bring out his complete words in full instead of partially so as to allow readers to read his complete posting

I'm not gonna argue further & as for who has the credibility. It'd be yr choice to read wisely.

I rest my case here with my eyes wide open. :eek: :rolleyes:

john.valdric 06-01-2016 05:30 PM

Re: Batam Info Thread
Thank you so much vaxvms & KohOnly21. I guess i'll just book via online just to be safe. Will be spending CNY 2016 at batam with friends.

StarCity 06-01-2016 05:40 PM

Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by TwinTowers (Post 14050846)
Kindly enlighten us readers here as to WHY must be jealous.. People can see that none of us are promoting a certain place constantly when contributing FRs from "others" have stated that MLS is not cheap.

Jealousy can come in many form,lacking self esteem,too much pride to lose,others not looking up at him as a credible person to begin with & many others.

I need to say this,MLS is not a cheap meal to begin with,i mean which sea food is cheap in local btm term? Perhap u may wish to enlighten me with a cheap sea food meal in Btm for starter? It's only fair that i ask bcs there are so much talk on this MLS from u not being cheap in local term. If u have a good suggested alternative (or 2),it can help other readers who visit btm to make comparison between yr version of cheap vs MLS. This is wat a forum is all abt,isnt it? U suggest,ppl go try,i suggest,others try & then make comparison.

You say "no good",i keep saying "good" or u keep saying "good" & i say "not good". The bickering won't end & it's ultimately not being fruitful to any readers. Come up with a better suggestion so i can make compare. The very least it can help towards this thread is to make it more constructive thru comparison btw 2 or 3 sea food places suggested by 2 or more person? Not fair to ask this little favor from you? Please help me or us.

Will be looking fwd to yr recommendation,bro. Otherwise it'd just be another all talk & bickering with nothg really concrete known to the general public which spells more trouble in its making by the one or few who starts them all.

Thk u. :)

TwinTowers 06-01-2016 05:52 PM

Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by StarCity (Post 14051341)
It's only fair that i ask bcs there are so much talk on this MLS from u not being cheap in local term.

Do state which post did I ever state in this thread about the pricing of MLS being cheap? :confused:

Do not put words in my mouth. :rolleyes:

Kaboon 06-01-2016 07:06 PM

Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by TwinTowers (Post 14051424)
Do state which post did I ever state in this thread about the pricing of MLS being cheap? :confused:

Brother,u got read wrongly or not? He didn;t say u say MLS being cheap wor...:confused:

Wat u bold was not being cheap.

No matter how i read oso u read wrong lei

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