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KohOnly21 11-01-2016 09:15 PM

Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by longlong135 (Post 14072146)
So far I have read the monkey god and this current one... Any others that I missed? :)

The green bean soup story by bro nono..

To cook green bean soup to the right taste,the soup itself needs to be boiled with hot burning charcoal on low slow fire for a certain period of time. So a good tasting bowl of green bean soup will take quite a bit of time.

The story goes like this,a super rich man often visit a high class exclusive brothel in ancient China,and he likes to flash his money so as to show off i am richer and more powerful than anyone in town. There was an auction in the brothel that are held once a week to bid for the virginity of their new girl and this super rich man is always the winner. But in a particular night of that special week,he finally met his match,which is another ultra rich man from another town except that he is possessed by the spirit of a girl that this super rich man accidentally killed in one of the past auction after taking her virginity.

The bidding starts but was not able to come to an end as both men are really super ultra rich and this ultra rich man from another town suggest why not they cook green bean soup using 银票 (pronounce as yin piao aka cash notes of much bigger denomination) which are consider very very big cash denomination in ancient China days. End of the green bean soup competition,the super rich man manage to finish cooking the green bean soup 1st and the ultra rich man from another town lost.

The ironic part of this story is that the female ghost wants revenge and later possess the virgin girl and took the life of that super rich man who won the prize. The super rich man tho is the winner did not get his prize,the young girl's virginity but instead died of a heart attack,hehehe...the girl who didnt lost the virginity was later married to the ultra rich man from the other town.

Leoric 11-01-2016 09:17 PM

Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by longlong135 (Post 14072146)
Gun-doo A: Spent on Man-Han Imperial Feast where he could have spent it on a normal meal in the same restaurant and keeping a street full of beggars, free from hunger that night...

Answer u from Gun-doo A's mindset :

"why,i got $$$ wat! Beggars no money ah??! Go & earn more $ to buy their own food lah! Don't come here criticize people!"

(I remember reading something like that in this thread before)


Originally Posted by longlong135 (Post 14072146)
Gun-doo B: Even worse, spent more on a plate of proteins with most of the cost directing at those poor chefs in kitchen swearing upon his kuku order as they carved out 8 immortals tofu...

Answer u from Gun-doo B's mindset :

"why,i got $$$ wat! If i & gun-doo A don't ask the chef cook,he probably won't even have a job to keep himself & his family alive"

(Another familiar words i read in this thread)

Lol,I'm just playing along the story,no offence intended to u or anyone. :p


Originally Posted by longlong135 (Post 14072146)
So far I have read the monkey god and this current one... Any others that I missed? :)

I like the way he writes those stories too. All of them has some life reflecting lesson,not out of topic as Batam Info & yet appropriate to the behavior of human nature in this forum & in the sex scene.

U missed the green bean soup story as below by nono1973


Originally Posted by nono1973 (Post 13290862)
Its a Cultural Ghost Story in China converted into a RA comic book from Hong Kong, originally written by a famous ghost story writer from long ago but the idea of Green Bean Soup Cooking Challenge using real cash money are the irony,not the story itself.

To cook green bean soup to the right taste,the soup itself needs to be boiled with hot burning charcoal on low slow fire for a certain period of time. So a good tasting bowl of green bean soup will take quite a bit of time.

The story goes like this,a super rich man often visit a high class exclusive brothel in ancient China,and he likes to flash his money so as to show off i am richer and more powerful than anyone in town. There was an auction in the brothel that are held once a week to bid for the virginity of their new girl and this super rich man is always the winner. But in a particular night of that special week,he finally met his match,which is another ultra rich man from another town except that he is possessed by the spirit of a girl that this super rich man accidentally killed in one of the past auction after taking her virginity.

The bidding starts but was not able to come to an end as both men are really super ultra rich and this ultra rich man from another town suggest why not they cook green bean soup using 银票 (pronounce as yin piao aka cash notes of much bigger denomination) which are consider very very big cash denomination in ancient China days. End of the green bean soup competition,the super rich man manage to finish cooking the green bean soup 1st and the ultra rich man from another town lost.

The ironic part of this story is that the female ghost wants revenge and later possess the virgin girl and took the life of that super rich man who won the prize. The super rich man tho is the winner did not get his prize,the young girl's virginity but instead died of a heart attack,hehehe...the girl who didnt lost the virginity was later married to the ultra rich man from the other town.

In Batam today,i have seen illustrated situation of the "cooking of the green bean soup using money" by men of the same interest,hehehe...and do you happen to be one of them? Remember i said this before,there are no poor sillyporean in Batam and almost everyone wants to win in the Green Bean Soup Cooking Challenge over one

Just a short story with a lesson to learn,please dont take it too seriously. :D

tabamo 11-01-2016 09:34 PM

Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by lee_man_sg (Post 14069305)

I found a method to save some money on hotels, thing is you need to use an app from the hotel booking site and you get USD 25 discount if the booking amount is over USD 100, i just booked Jan 30 - Feb 2 Biz hotel for USD 83.
For 3 nights for a Std Room comes to 385K/Night all inclusive. i used expedia app. you can use travelocity, orbitz and hotwire apps too. Priceline shows without any promotion USD 83.50 for the same room in Biz.

thks for recommendation, $38 is quite a standard price for biz hotel

vaxvms 11-01-2016 11:14 PM

Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by S.B.Y.1 (Post 14071770)
Mas vaxvms

APA Khabar now enjoying Batam scene.;)

should pay this free trade zone a re-visit see what are the changes mah:cool:

massager 12-01-2016 01:23 AM

Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by nono1973 (Post 14068950)
My official group trip to Batam this Jan 2016 is now officially closed.

Do not PM me anymore. I wont reply to any further application after this post onward regarding my group trip. Respective bros who applied already has a slot number. If you didnt,then i am sorry. You may wish to read the link on the quoted post above to understand the reason/s.

Be online and watch your PM box in the next 1 to 2 days if you have received a slot number.


Bro, any trips in March?

ValentinoV 12-01-2016 01:33 AM

Re: Batam Info Thread
hello everyone, where do u guys book the ferry ticket from?

Black Page 12-01-2016 06:07 AM

Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by ValentinoV (Post 14073433)
hello everyone, where do u guys book the ferry ticket from?

Always Prima Ferries (Horizon Fast):
1) I buy the ticket for the first available ferry directly at the booth at Harbour Front and, immediately on my arrival, I book the return at their booth at Harbour Bay; do your checkin upon booking there, so you save time the day of departure (you go straight to gate 30 mins before);
2) in special busy days, I book online or by phone

Kaboon 12-01-2016 10:59 AM

Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by akabula (Post 14071181)
Need some advice. I'm planning a trip to Batam but staying at Turi Beach resort at Nongsa. Can anyone recommend what I can do for some fun ? Is town too far away ? Where to go when in town ? Thanks !

Inside Turi Beach resort got a T-spa,but it dn't come cheap. Their normal massage can cost up to 60$ for an hr. Happy ending wld be like Sinkapore price but u will lucky if they even prompt u,otherwise it might be higher than 50$ if u prompt them for GQ.

For me,i'll take a 10$ taxi down to Nagoya city area,had a 15$ 90 min massage & a 15$ happy ending. Then go back to resort with another 10$. Nongsa to Nagoya city area abt 40mins ride jus to go. There's also a nite club at Turi Beach itself,but dn't knw got WL or not.

newyorker88 12-01-2016 01:36 PM

Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by longlong135 (Post 14059985)

Do you still remember where is K8 massage palor and if they provide special service?

Can you guide me on the location as well as the time that MP closed?

Tried before, gotten nothing from K8.

iicycold 12-01-2016 02:41 PM

Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by massager (Post 14073421)
Bro, any trips in March?

i believe he has trips to btm every mth.

U'll need to watch out for his itinerary in this thread

iicycold 12-01-2016 02:51 PM

Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by nono1973 (Post 14071065)
*3 more days to go to Batam,hehehe...:D

Have a good trip,bro. ;)


Originally Posted by nono1973 (Post 14071065)
I'm still waiting for your Batam trip FR via PM,hehehe...why? Dont tell me you never book girls,hehehe...

save sm good girls for me in permata hor.

i just send u my FRs on my last trip.


Originally Posted by Naka_Timo (Post 14067766)
I usually use bcos can easily make changes and also just need a card to secure booking. No confirm payment.

Bro,i used to book frm agoda & i'm allow to switch to paying cash upon check out,can i do the same if i book frm ?

For agoda,i need to add 10% & later 11% for the taxes.


Originally Posted by Trenz (Post 14068574)
try but price higher

another good choice,thx bro.

nono1973 12-01-2016 03:29 PM

Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by micmac888 (Post 14052816)
I came across a few times, unprocessed Raw Honey - the peddlar carrying a very small bucket of it (and empty milk bottles) walking into MOMO's stall to sell. Will ask MOMO when get the chance next week (and if he doesn't know, will ask someone who for sure knows (when he returns from his kampung since the Christmas holiday-week))

Now,this is interesting. How much does he buys it for?


Originally Posted by vaxvms (Post 14052824)
guarantee a room book online
sometime hotel room voucher sold u need to standby few hotel in case 1st choice is OOS

Alternatively what i will do is :

1. Reserve a room via email telling them (the hotel and not kaha) i will buy voucher from Kaha (if the hotel allows it) upon my arrival on a certain date.

2. Walk in to Kaha Travel,buy the room voucher by showing them the confirmation email from the hotel.

This is what i often do now.

Another way i do before i got to learn the above method is i email or sms the staff/s of Kaha Travel (once i become regular),ask them to help me reserve a room. But one will need to calculate the cost of 2-3 oversea sms charges + the hotel room price per night in order not to become "penny wise and a pound stupid".


Originally Posted by micmac888 (Post 14052833)
Yes it is. The photos were taken by Sis K that evening, and are still in her camera phone.

Oh,then i must have hacked into her phone and stole those photos,hehehe.... *joking*


Originally Posted by BlickBassy (Post 14053067)
Never buy the honey from the honey guy who ply his trade with a pail and empty bottles. First the honey is adulterated. The tool of his trade is some bits of honey comb with a few bees. The viscosity of the liquid suggest a mix of 30% pure madu ( easily bought from a local supermarket ) and 70% sugar syrup. To the uninitiated, it looks like the real thing. At $10 to 15 a bottle, I rather give it to a worthy cause.

1st,i apologize that i need to quote your whole post cos it is a complete information to me and becomes incomplete if i were to minus any content out of it.

What got me interested was an old lady outside formosa hotel was selling it to the locals. I asked one of the buyer who was testing the honey and he tells me she sells raw honey etc etc...i didnt buy it. Price was about 150k or 160k rupiah. I may buy some back to Sillypore to run some lab test at a later time since i am working in an industry where proper equipment is readily accessible.

Thank you for the heads up on the pricing and advise.


Originally Posted by micmac888 (Post 14053115)
@ Nono - the guy whatsapp-ed me back. 100% Raw wild unprocessed honey (verified not adulterated, 30% / 70% mix as BlickBassy mentioned to be wary of). Gave me the contact number of the seller/farmer. You got PM.

PM duly received with thanks.

Adulterated or not,i can only tell after the lab test has been run to get a report. Since Momo has it,i may likely get from Momo 1st (for convenient reason),but it wont be so soon as i still have quite a stockpile of honey at home stored in glass jar,hehehehe... :p



Originally Posted by jellojeff (Post 14053416)
How much to fix a broken glass screen ipad in batam? Anyone? Thanks.

Like a bro say,no one can give you a fix price. Try asking in DC mall if you are staying anywhere near it. Dont ask pricing from just one shop,check with at least 3 shops or more for a better price. (there are Chinese shop tenants)


Originally Posted by MovingTarget (Post 14054109)
Does anyone know of any good and reliable dentist in Batam? My sis went to a Dentist behind iBaloi Hotel to do a filing on the molar costing Rp 215k. After 2 days, the filing came out.

My only experience with Dentist in Batam,hehehe...just sharing. Queue can be pretty scary tho,took me nearly 2 hour of waiting. Most patrons were Indo Chinese. Dentist also Chinese man. Has quite a few female dentist there too.

Naka_Timo 12-01-2016 04:52 PM

Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by iicycold (Post 14075553)
Have a good trip,bro. ;)
Bro,i used to book frm agoda & i'm allow to switch to paying cash upon check out,can i do the same if i book frm ?

For agoda,i need to add 10% & later 11% for the taxes.

Can, no payment is involve. U just used your credit card to book and confirm booking.

Payment made on the day when u arrive. If u book, no show also no problem, but make sure don't alway use same card. Later tio ban :p

Bigbird00 12-01-2016 05:00 PM

Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by longlong135 (Post 14059985)
Do you still remember where is K8 massage palor and if they provide special service?

In my view almost every parlor has quite a few surprises. These massage joints are like Xmas present, u don't know what u will get, its also a place to train your nego skills too. Interestingly, I can't find much info about this place though. If i'm not wrong this K8 is located a short walk from City Central towards Instar & i believe K8 provides outcall/booking svc too. Since u have asked, will share my adventure in K8.

During one of my Solo trips, i walked by after checking into the hotel and since its was a hot afternoon and i have not tried K8, i thought i check it out. I usually do 2-3 massage sessions per day in different parlors or with different masseuse. Usually during off peak hours. Yes i hate crowds and peak periods.

I entered and ask for a traditional massage for 1hr. I told the MILF at the counter i will extend the time if i enjoyed the massage. So i was asked to proceed to the semi-open massage room & a masseuse will be assigned to me shortly. The Standard massage area is designed such that, there are wooden partition (~2M) between cubicles & the opening to each cubicles are covered by curtains. Mattress kind of musky.

Shortly a fair looking MILF (26-30yo), some would call her OWE, came & was smiling (good sign). ;)

She asked me to position myself in prone position and she began with her urut. She seems to spend a lot of time massaging my legs, tights & butt. While she was massaging my leg, she would at times position herself at the bottom of my feet and she would rub upwards to the upper tight. Now the interesting part is when she rub my leg upwards, she would rub her groin on my heel/sole of my feet as she move upwards. I could feel the warm/moist contact on the sole of my feet and i was like hmmmm.... :rolleyes: Or i'm thinking to much.

So i just let her enjoy what she's doing. Next she would proceed to massage my back. She pull my shorts (provided my K8) all the way down to below my butt line. In my mind i went like "Wah!! so aggressive one ah!!" Kekeke. Everytime she rub downwards to my buttocks she would pull my shorts lower. I like what the #*^@! so i told her if she feel like my shorts in the way she can remove it. She immediately took my shorts off in my pull. Just like magic!! she cover my buttocks, sparingly with a towel after i told her my butt is cold due to the A/C.

During the session, there were the usual "fact-finding" small talks going on. She just came back from 3mths home visit so now need to earn money again. She has worked in other massage/booking joints previously too. Blar blar...

She asked me to turn around and hinted that i should extend the time so that she can give me a "proper" massage to the rest of my body w/o rushing. I said ok extend to 1.5hrs.

So this time i am facing upward on my back and she massage my arms, then to my chest. She boosted that she knows how to massage the chest "muscles" which not many others knows. In my mind, i was like " OK" loh.

After above 1hr of massage, she ask if there's anywhere i like to massage. I was like "i was expecting this GQ to be coming". I asked hers what are her specialty. She replied "what i want"? I told i need to know what she good at to decide. She then went straight to the point & without inhibition, rubbed my dick and she listed the service (HJ & FJ). I asked how much for her service she quoted rp300k & rp500k. I said no. I remembered a master here taught us always quote "rp150k & rp250k", so i replied her rp150k & rp250k. She then started her sales pitch again with others paying....... I told her i'm not those others.

Continue in part 2

Part 2 in Spoiler

( Click to show/hide )

While we are nego, she continue to massage my dick to make me "cave in". I also asked her to show me her "goods" and she took off the tops and lowed her jeans + shorts + panties (3x protection). haha..

She was already "on the high" at that point, because when she lowered her panties, there's a wet patch on it & she’s cleanly shaved. ; ) Since she semi-massage/HJ my dick, i return favour by rubbing her clitoris. At this point, this is now a matter of who gonna loose control first. In no time. she began to twitch and moan. At her age, she is very tight and wet. I inserted my finger and she went into a 'trance" liao, macham like some big worm wriggling on the mattress. Haha..

I know i have an upper hand now in the "nego" and there's really no need to talk anymore since she have my dick in her mouth. Next i realized i don't have a condom as i left it in my bag in the hotel room. WTF!!!

This is a point of no return, because i know i can only be happy with a BJ and i can see she i loving my fingering work and in between she keep "breast-feeding" me too. She was flowing like the river musi. My fingers, arms & mattress were wet & the squishing sound the fingering makes was like those JAV movie. Hahaha... I think if there are others in the other cubicles, they would all be hearing the action too.

She came a few times and wanted me to stop but i didn't think its fair since i haven't come yet, so i kept fingering her. She has wiggled over a few positions just with my fingering & she maintaining her BJ.

After some time, i came and we were spent. We just lie down on the mattress to recover. The bottom half of the mattress was wet and all her clothes and bedsheet was all over the cubicle. Haha…

Got up & changed. Paid at the counter. Bought 2 100+ drinks (1 for her & me) & left.

Cleanliness: 4/10
Urut : 5/10
Fun Factor/Chemistry: 7.5/10 (higher if not because we are in open area, must suppress moaning and lack of space to have more patterns) lol : )

Hope this was entertaining enough for you all here. Sorry for the lengthy "blow-by-blow" account.

PigletDiDi 12-01-2016 05:59 PM

Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by Bigbird00 (Post 14076031)

After above 1hr of massage, she ask if there's anywhere i like to massage. I was like "i was expecting this GQ to be coming". I asked hers what are her specialty. She replied "what i want"? I told i need to know what she good at to decide. She then went straight to the point & without inhibition, rubbed my dick and she listed the service (HJ & FJ). I asked how much for her service she quoted rp300k & rp500k. I said no. I remembered a master here taught us always quote "rp150k & rp250k", so i replied her rp150k & rp250k. She then started her sales pitch again with others paying....... I told her i'm not those others.

Continue in part 2

Very interesting story! I would like to know more on K8. Will they provides album for reference and can explain more info on overnight procedure or prices.

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