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Re: ViVi n Apple
Re: This joker, ken88999 sounds like Omnia's clone!
Pls la!!!! Later all the samster here attact u !!! R u gg to said all r clone By him huh!!!! Hahaha!!!! Wat a looser!!!!! |
U R Still Alejandro88 aka Royal.Chimp aka Green Lantern
Oh my oh my...is tat all u can dig up Alejandro88 aka Royal.Chimp aka Green Lantern??...
My consistent position on Cuntking/Tommy/1612(formerly1637) has been out in the open since the early noughties...open to scrutiny n criticism...n my record speaks for itself...other than tat i c no need to drag other innocent parties into this present matter which is specifically related to 1606.... Look in the mirror Aejandro88 aka Royal.Chimp aka Green Lantern...becuz it appears tat the true nuisance, hypocrite, mentally obessed perhaps even deranged? n worse still nasty malicious mm rice bowl breaker is sadly n unfortunately you... as always i shall leave it to all the other samsters to draw their own conclusions... Good evening to u Quote:
Re: L16h6
OMFG! Omnia the real hypocrite image surface once again!!
Your hypocrite front finally surface due to unforce error! :rolleyes::D You can go on to accuse me having RC and TGL as my clones, but the true is, you have no concrete and factual evidence to show to everyone after so many nonsensical posts of yours! Time and again, you have made a mockery of yourself! You are only capable of trying to confuse others by posting irrelevant posts and desperately hoping all the audience would accept your baseless allegation and to support you! C'mon, you thought everybody is so naive and gullible??! |
You can eat your word - Ad Hominem
Wahahahaha!! What a fucking joke! Now you can eat your words, Hypocrite - Ad Hominen!!
Re: L16h6
clone? wat cyrone?
i thot issue is wo an ni std bo? who rite who wrong who tok coc? , case settle liao ma, why tot about clone to distract from main issue...aiya, su lu su lor...mai buay kum huan la.. sheng bai pin jia chang shi, tioh bo. |
Re: L16h6
the one zap me leave ur name ma, mai paisei leh, :o
then i can upp yours!!:p |
Au Contraire!
Au Contraire my dear Alejandro88 aka Royal.Chimp aka Green Lantern...
"hypocrite, mentally obessed perhaps even deranged" u r clearly a hypocrite wif a capital H just based on the Bao Bao(2047) clone episode which i pasted abv...u attacked the supposed clones for attacking Bao Bao, however unfortunately n sadly for u, u forget tat u had earlier attacked Bao Bao herself wif yr usual nasty malicious hearsay!... mentally obsessed perhaps even deranged - the totality of yr posts just in this thread speaks for themselves n in fact mirrors yr clone Royal.Chimp... good nite to u for now Quote:
Any more evidence, #1 Hypocrite of SBF?? If not pls get loss!!
Enuff said Hypocrite aka the well known virtual whore hero wannabe (but a coward whilst cheonging in GL), dun try to move away from the main topic of discussion, show me the concrete and factual evidence that RC and TGL are my clones? Since you started to tell everyone that RC & TGL are my clones even w/o factual evidence. If not, please get loss and dun disturb L1606 Thread!
Please Do Not Drag In Innocent Parties
ironically all u r doing, Alejandro88 aka Royal.Chimp aka Green Lantern, is hurting Cuntking/Tommy/1612(formerly 1637) who r innocent parties in this present matter which has nothing whatsoever do wif them...
u r in fact using their names in vain...any samster who truly wishes to derive an informed balanced view on my position viz Cuntking/Tommy/1612(formerly 1637) sld go to Cuntking's Party Thread...it is all there on record but the history goes bk many yrs...all the older samsters who hv followed GL matters sld r ought to be aware of my position...now i am not saying i am right r wrong...i say if u r interested just go to tat thread and find out for yrself...try n make an informed balanced opinion... as for Alejandro88 aka Royal.Chimp aka Green Lantern, pls try n remember tat this thread is abt matters pertaining to 1606... good nite to u [QUOTE=Alejandro88;7270772]OMFG!!! OMFG!!! Omnia the real obsessed & hypocrite image suface again finally! When Omnia The Hypocrite needs to cover his embarassing face and to desperately uphold his ugly image here, he tell us not to bring in "innocent" parties (i.e. OKT Tommy, Cuntking, pals, etc.) into this debate but when he degraded and defamed L1612 OKT and friends in the past, he totally and conveniently forgotten the word, Innocent.I shall re-post what & how he defamed and degraded OKT Tommy and Cuntking again here to show what kind of person Omnia the Hypocrite is and note those bolded words of that blardy hypocrite - This is show the whole SBF community what kind of samster you are! You have NOT ONLY discredited, degraded and defamed a snr & respectable bruddar, Cuntking's reputation but also OKT Tommy's reputation!! Your hypocrite front finally surface due to unforce error! You can go on to accuse me having RC and TGL as my clones, but the true is, you have no concrete and factual evidence to show to everyone after so many nonsensical posts of yours! Time and again, you have made a mockery of yourself! You are only capable of trying to confuse others by posting irrelevant posts and desperately hoping all the audience would accept your baseless allegation and to support you! C'mon, you thought everybody is so naive and gullible?? |
Who is the One who is actually Mentally Obsessed?!
as always i shall leave it to all the other smasters to draw their own conclusions as to who is the one who is actually mentally obsessed, Alejandro88 aka Royal.Chimp aka Green Lantern;)
good nite to u Quote:
You wouldn't be able to redeem yourself! Forget it!
Mr Hypocrite aka Virtual Whore Hero wanabe (but a coward in real life whilst cheonging in GL) aka Omnia!
Trying to redeem yourself and trying to make yourself feel better after your defamation attacks on Snr bruddar Cuntking & OKT Tommy? Too bad, what was done cannot be undone! Of course the past posts of yours in L1612 thread are very very relevant! I have to illustrate your past defamation and degrading posts against these 2 above-mentioned gentlemen to show to the SBF community what kind of person you are and to prove that I did not make baseless accusation that you are a hypocrite and an obsessed person per se! :rolleyes: Quote:
Quaint Insightful Post!
nice one bro...upz u:cool:
cheerios Quote:
Re: U are the One who is actually Mentally Obsessed?!
Tsk Tsk Tsk!! U should jolly well ask yourself who started the clone warfare here first! I asked you many times to open another thread to mount your warefare against me so as not to disturb others but to no avail! So who is obsessed here?? Who is mentally sick here? Look at the way you attacked Bruddar Cuntking & OKT Tommy goes to show you are mentally sick and obsessed! OMFG!!! :rolleyes:
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