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BtmMan 08-09-2009 09:40 AM

Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by victory1 (Post 4076208)

Already send email to your mail account.....take a look...

The gal will accompany you till the next morning, some will leave earlier at 7.00 while other will leave later, maybe 9.00 or 10.00 indo time. (this is the same system as most cewek from joints) my gal will leave together with me when I check out from the hotel...and accompany me to the departure hall to make sure I dont book other gal....

You can arrange with your gal during the night b4 she sleep....and if possible try to know b4 hand if there is any extra bonk in the morning....This one robert got no long as the gal give you 2 bonks.....the SOP at Batam (SOP with all WLs)....even gals from fish tank practice it, if the gal like you or you already book her the 2nd or 3rd time, then no problem, for me....1 bonk when reach hotel, 2 bonk before go dinner, 3 bonk after dinner b4 sleep, 4 bonk in the morning.....

That why some bros go massage centre for extra bonk.....

1000,000rp swee swee one depend on your luck, take note that robert gal are not prostitute then why say she's not a prostitute leh?), swee also no use if the gal dont like you, she can reject as there are no obligation that she must accompany you even you pay (same like those FLs from disco)....not like fish tank where the gal must obey the OKT even if the customer is indian, ang moh, very big size and fat and old and ulgy....another point is some of them are actually looking for long term partner or this question very complicated, more info can be found in Post 3535

Hello brother or should address you as abang cos you are older (50+) and me (40+). I have to first make it very clear that I came in peace and I have 101% nothing against you. But after reading so many of your postings I just felt that you maybe misleading some of your "followers" here.
You kept mentioning that Robert's girls are not Prostitute?

Prostitute Definition
1. a woman who engages in sexual intercourse for money; whore; harlot.
2. a man who engages in sexual acts for money.
3. a person who willingly uses his or her talent or ability in a base and unworthy way, usually for money.

I can see that your trips if not all, usually does not include going for nights out to the disco or night clubs. If you go to these night spots regularly, you could easily find many FLs who are also holding day/normal jobs but do some part time "work" there because "money not enough", so does Robert's girl. And some of the FLs there do it only like once or twice a month, or whenever they needed extra cash.

Like you've said, bro A bonk her this week, bro B bonk her next week, bro C the following week and so on....
So are they are also similar to those FLs in the disco or night clubs?
Maybe a different way in packaging a similar product?
Maybe you got over excited with all the kuays Robert brought and also got mislead by him?

Remember, I came in peace...!!! ;)

newyorker88 08-09-2009 12:21 PM

Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by victory1 (Post 4085755)
Bros who still cheong Batam....BETTER READ THIS>>>>>>>

Police raids on Batam hotels threat to tourism

Hotel operators in Batam have condemned the local police for the frequent raids on hotel guests during Ramadan, arguing they are threatening the tourism industry in the region.

The police are just wayanging. In acutal fact, they are looking for money. It has been a bad year here, with so many business doing badly, and the cops need "side line" for their new year mah.

Ramadan is just excuse. In fact, they want $$$$$, the bottom line. I personally seen quite a few "checks" on the streets, police asking ojeks to stop to "check", these few days. So buckle my seat belt too, not to let them have excuse. They will usually stop you if you make a traffic blunder, and that will be excuse to take some $$$ from you.

Usually, the higher class hotels are not subjected to such raids, unless there is a tip off. Also, the police have no rights to do a check without a warrant, like the report wrote.

fazer6s 08-09-2009 12:55 PM

Re: Batam Info Thread
Any gals doing anything in return for money is doing the worlds oldest trade irregardless of they are waitress,banking staff,beer girls and etc.
I too quite agree with BTM man that maybbe our NO1 batam man Victory 1
might have packaged the product in various me just F*** and pay
don care if fishtank fl,wl or watever.F??? for $ means ??????????.whether then in fsishtank,karoake,disco,houswife or clerks.all same objective $$$$$.
as for robert getting RP200 intro fee is somewhat like OKT only in different place and enviroment.its all abt $.we got $ want to bonk,they intro = $
girls need $ let us bonk so all merry go round.noting batam.
all others bros take note of my previous one cewwe is true to you unless they in our land.the time you bye-bye at ferry next abang come.i would put a high percentage of girls like that.we go only weekends hell wat she does weekdays we dun know the word is don be too trusting.
No puns intended to any1 just my personel views.

BtmMan 08-09-2009 02:04 PM

Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by newyorker88 (Post 4087068)
The police are just wayanging. In acutal fact, they are looking for money. It has been a bad year here, with so many business doing badly, and the cops need "side line" for their new year mah.

Ramadan is just excuse. In fact, they want $$$$$, the bottom line. I personally seen quite a few "checks" on the streets, police asking ojeks to stop to "check", these few days. So buckle my seat belt too, not to let them have excuse. They will usually stop you if you make a traffic blunder, and that will be excuse to take some $$$ from you.

Usually, the higher class hotels are not subjected to such raids, unless there is a tip off. Also, the police have no rights to do a check without a warrant, like the report wrote.

It's always the same story during this time of the year (Ramadan or fasting month), that not only the polisi, but all government departments will be looking for some extra $$$ for their new year.
During 1 of the Ramadan months previously, I got busted by the polisi few times for minor traffic offenses,
1. Not wearing seat belt - For this i kena Rp.400k
2. For turning into a small road which they've (suddenly) just put up an No Entry sign, this I kena Rp200k
3. This one is interesting. For making not really an illegal left turn from main road into smaller road. Anybody who drives in Batam will see a sign saying "belok kiri jalan trus" on most intersection with traffic lights, so even without the sign the normal rule or practice is like it's OK to make left turn even if traffic light is red. I was already so pissed off with the earlier 2 cases in less then 2 weeks then now this shit again. I argued with the polisi who stopped me asking him to stand there on the road for just 5 mins and look at those cars making the same left turn (after he stopped me), I told him that if he's going to fine me, he should fine everybody doing the same. So he actually got 1 more polisi down and together they stopped a few more cars doing the same turn, and those drivers were also agueing with them (big time). Then polisi end up talking to me like this, "boss, cin chai lah, udah mau lebaran kasih jiat kopi lah..." So i gave him Rp100k.

They also conducted road blocks at night checking on guess what??
Copy or non-original CDs in your car sound system (WTF?!?!!)

Then also once in Tg Pinang, when I arrived at the terminal, forgotten that it was the fasting month, so walking with a lighted cigi, got stopped by custom officer. Pulled me to the side after talking to me for 2 mins cos he knew I sure won't give in to him as I've committed no offences, so same shit, nicely saying to me that hari raya coming, give some kopi $ lah ect ect....
I gave him Rp.50k.

All these so called cases, nobody will pay any attention to during the rest of 11 months of the year.

victory1 08-09-2009 07:34 PM

Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by BtmMan (Post 4086563)
Hello brother or should address you as abang cos you are older (50+) and me (40+). I have to first make it very clear that I came in peace and I have 101% nothing against you. But after reading so many of your postings I just felt that you maybe misleading some of your "followers" here.
You kept mentioning that Robert's girls are not Prostitute?

Prostitute Definition
1. a woman who engages in sexual intercourse for money; whore; harlot.
2. a man who engages in sexual acts for money.
3. a person who willingly uses his or her talent or ability in a base and unworthy way, usually for money.

I can see that your trips if not all, usually does not include going for nights out to the disco or night clubs. If you go to these night spots regularly, you could easily find many FLs who are also holding day/normal jobs but do some part time "work" there because "money not enough", so does Robert's girl. And some of the FLs there do it only like once or twice a month, or whenever they needed extra cash.

Like you've said, bro A bonk her this week, bro B bonk her next week, bro C the following week and so on....
So are they are also similar to those FLs in the disco or night clubs?
Maybe a different way in packaging a similar product?
Maybe you got over excited with all the kuays Robert brought and also got mislead by him?

Remember, I came in peace...!!! ;)

Hey bros...I should call you abang...not because I 50+ or you 40+...
Cos you are in this forum much longer than I do...I enjoy reading your post since your posting appear in Page 1 post, no 4.
So there is no way I can compare or follow you up regarding batam, so long keep quiet and never post....Once you Post got power one....

You cheong batam last time, I still runnung around naked and kencing in "long kang"...I totally 101 agreed with you if you use the term "Prostitute Definition" in your post....

Let say....I went to "COW CAR WATER" i.e People's Park Complex and a China mei mei approach one dont know want consider full time Prostitute, part time Prostitute or not Prostitute. My Definition is not so complex....i.e. Prostitute = fish tank, :D

Your post...
1. a woman who engages in sexual intercourse for money; whore; harlot.
2. a man who engages in sexual acts for money.
3. a person who willingly uses his or her talent or ability in a base and unworthy way, usually for money.

So you see
sentense No.1 got mensioned money
sentense No.2 also got mensioned money
sentense No.3 lagi got mensioned money

You are right in saying that the gals whether WL, FL, FT, PT engages in sexual intercourse for money, here you see, money again...:rolleyes:

Last example.....I married my OC wife, anytime want to bonk also can and some more no time limit, but KNN my OC wife also ask me for this way...can I classified my OC wife as Prostitute. Some more example....I am Bros A...I lost all my money in no money to give my OC wife this month...then KNN my OC wife go and look for Bros B for bonk or no bonk I dont know....because I no follow....

Bros BtmMan, I also came in peace, that is different people got different thinking, ONE RICE feed 100 types of people....Anyway thank for highlighting about kuay Robert brought....

Ada terlalu banyak orang aneh di dunia...

Cerberus 08-09-2009 07:49 PM

Re: Batam Info Thread
I think Bro Vic is just offering another alternative to Bros who want to try something different other than those chicken farm types.
He had been upfront about the prices and service charge getting gals thru Robert.
It's really up to Bros to choose whether to contact Robert.

We all go to BTM to have fun.....PEACE PEACE.....:p

BtmMan 08-09-2009 08:32 PM

Re: Batam Info Thread
I know that Vic is a friendly guy and trying to help provide info for readers here. I was only trying to point out that those cewek he mentioned are all not much different from any other FLs you would find in the nightclubs, that's all....
Yes, different people have different thinking, and that's the way I see them and how I think about them, a prostitute, just maybe a part timer?

And with all the stories with cow car water mei mei and wife asking for money ect = can't convinced, confused....
iya memang ada banyak orang yang aneh....

victory1 08-09-2009 09:10 PM

Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by Cerberus (Post 4088344)
I think Bro Vic is just offering another alternative to Bros who want to try something different other than those chicken farm types.
He had been upfront about the prices and service charge getting gals thru Robert.
It's really up to Bros to choose whether to contact Robert.

We all go to BTM to have fun.....PEACE PEACE.....:p

I been to batam for the last 10 years...and visited ceweks from ktv, massage centre, lounges, karaoke, disco etc...etc...of course all the ceweks from those place are consider as prostitute whether they are WL or FL.
Swee or no swee, blah dada big and small, service ok or not ok, I can tell you I frankly that actually I am quite sick of it...i mean go until very sian...

After I met this guy robert....the gals he introduce to me is quite different from those that I mensioned above....or maybe I,m lucky to hook one that match my personality...and the list go on....I did mensioned in my older post that some of them are in fact looking for BF and thus not consider as pros..

I also mensioned that the gals will choose whether or not to accept the guy that robert introduce....If they are pros...die die have to accept like those in the fish tank....but this robert is not okt and take 200000rp as commission...I think the bros ruan ruan read and ruan ruan post....the 200000rp is the taxi fare that i reply to 1 of the bros that....1 pax 100000rp x 2 pax = 200000rp for his service and pay him at the departure hall when pulang s'pore....

He dont take commission, it depend on the gals he introduce whether to give him money and if much...and I already say...not my problem.

this bros Cerberus is right in saying that I am offering another alternative to other than those chicken farm types. Some time I myself still go back to the fish tank and take a look to see got any syt to book or not...

Pros or not pros...not important to I see thing in different view...
If my sayang is pros....i think long long time ago...I kana AID already...and mati already....cos I never practice safe sex and got komdom also neber use....still can type type and post so many posting here...

Another thing....1 of my relative marry a bundung gal and until now still happyly married....staying in Bedok, have 2 kids alreday grown up......
no offence to bros here....Can take the gal out of the pros, but cannot take the gal to pros.... see what I mean...agree or not....

fazer6s 08-09-2009 11:18 PM

Re: Batam Info Thread
alrite now hold yr horses! egos are flying ever ywhere all readers newbie,veterans n others pls read all posts with any open mind n just enjoy other bros great for opinion wise- different strokes for different folks .no two bros expectations or experience are the same.likewise the cewes be it fl,wl f/tank n etc different cewes hv different expectations too.some prefer gd looks some ATM guys some jus bonk n forget so some bros mighhjsajs might not get the same as other do set aside some dun lose focus which is to hv great bonks if possible.

fazer6s 08-09-2009 11:30 PM

Re: Batam Info Thread
so differnt bros might not get what other bros got.hard luck but then again look forward to next weeks bonk n hope that diffrent cewe can deliver the "goods" hell man tats why laochios valuable tips might be helpful but not 100percent bulletproof.its all down to luck at the minimal dollar.never blame any bros gene rous contributions as they too had many downside before countless i would say mean ing money spent.laochios hv been since 10yrs experience then got a good girl so newbies pls dun expect to hv 1 in few months.rare but mere imposssible. Bros focus on our own objective THE BONK

victory1 09-09-2009 12:44 AM

Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by fazer6s (Post 4089009)
so differnt bros might not get what other bros got.hard luck but then again look forward to next weeks bonk n hope that diffrent cewe can deliver the "goods" hell man tats why laochios valuable tips might be helpful but not 100percent bulletproof.its all down to luck at the minimal dollar.never blame any bros gene rous contributions as they too had many downside before countless i would say mean ing money spent.laochios hv been since 10yrs experience then got a good girl so newbies pls dun expect to hv 1 in few months.rare but mere imposssible. Bros focus on our own objective THE BONK

Ya bros fazer6s, you are right to say that...different bros go BTM to get cewek at different place. last time I remember every weedend I book cewek at different joint, If cewek at Jungle cant perform, then look for cewek at is bougeivilla and the list goes on.

I ever book cewek at Queen 8933 in the morning and had to ask her to leave before bonking her cos she very song bonk, waste 250000rp and book another cewek at Permata Indah and again she cannot deliver...again waste another 250000rp...So what to do....went to the right place at the wrong time...bad day...just take the next available ferry back and try again next week....

If last time, I got kang need to cow head know dog head and some more waste time and money....and get conned by taxi drivers...some more last time dont know there is a sammy forum which exchange information regarding about Batam red light area....

After spending ton of $$$, then can find a few gals that I suka, can deliver, can perform and the best is everything also can...So that is why I say in my post....LUCK is very very important in finding the right gal....but of course the majority of the bros here practice the "3F" and dont want to eat the same kuay everyweek and week after week....

There is also minority of bros who intend to stick to the same gal and dont mind eating the same kuay...this one is call long term partner, or girlfriend, sayang, darling or 2nd wife....

So there is all the batam cater for different bros...

newyorker88 09-09-2009 11:15 AM

Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by BtmMan (Post 4087383)
2. For turning into a small road which they've (suddenly) just put up an No Entry sign, this I kena Rp200k
, so same shit, nicely saying to me that hari raya coming, give some kopi $ lah ect ect....
I gave him Rp.50k.

All these so called cases, nobody will pay any attention to during the rest of 11 months of the year.

I kena the above before too. KNN, nego with them to avoid trouble. Told them the name of their boss, they balls strink. Then they say Hari raya coming, give them the money, they bow like you are an emperor.

BtmMan 09-09-2009 11:50 AM

Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by newyorker88 (Post 4090229)
I kena the above before too. KNN, nego with them to avoid trouble. Told them the name of their boss, they balls strink. Then they say Hari raya coming, give them the money, they bow like you are an emperor.

I never like to use or sell somebody's name unless I'm being forced to (so maybe because of that they did not bow to me like emperor haha).
With them I just talk with confident and they'll know who they are dealing with. Well, not to say that I'm some big shot, I just know this country enough to be able to get my ways around :p

newyorker88 09-09-2009 11:55 AM

Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by BtmMan (Post 4090321)
I never like to use or sell somebody's name unless I'm being forced to. With them I just talk with confident and they'll know who they are dealing with. Well, not to say that I'm some big shot, I just know this country enough to be able to get my ways around

We do business here, need some backing just in case. You know what I mean. Usually, some time traffic police, just pay them and tell them to fuck off. But if some fuckers want to find trouble. Be it black or white, you need to know someone who can handle it.

BTW, the politics of this country is changing. If you are doing business especially import/export, you know what I am talking about.

BtmMan 09-09-2009 12:07 PM

Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by newyorker88 (Post 4090339)
We do business here, need some backing just in case. You know what I mean. Usually, some time traffic police, just pay them and tell them to fuck off. But if some fuckers want to find trouble. Be it black or white, you need to know someone who can handle it.

BTW, the politics of this country is changing. If you are doing business especially import/export, you know what I am talking about.

Well, I'm out of Batam most of the time for the past 2 years or so, but still having some small things running. And I hope those changes is to our advantages?
I've been asking you for a meet up for some talking talking with Bintangs, and maybe can also invite Vic to join in?
I'll buy all the Bintangs we can drink. Talking about that, I really missessssssssss my Bintang Bir :D

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